jasmine 发音
英:[ˈdʒæzmɪn] 美:['dʒæzmɪn]
英: 美:
jasmine 中文意思翻译
jasmine 网络释义
n. 茉莉;淡黄色n. (Jasmine)人名;(英)贾丝明
jasmine 短语词组
1、Chilean jasmine ─── [网络] 智利茉莉;智利素馨;飘香藤
2、primrose jasmine ─── 云南黄素馨
3、Madagascar jasmine ─── [网络] 马达加斯加茉莉;非洲茉莉;马达加斯加茉莉花
4、crepe jasmine ─── [网络] 狗牙花;皱织茉莉
5、night jasmine ─── 夜香树
6、blue jasmine ─── [电影]蓝色茉莉
7、common jasmine ─── [网络] 普通茉莉花
8、Carolina jasmine ─── [网络] 卡罗莱纳黄素馨
9、crape jasmine ─── [网络] 重瓣马茶花;狗牙花
10、jasmine aldehyde ─── [化] 素馨醛
11、jasmine flower ─── 茉莉花
12、Arabian jasmine n. ─── 茉莉(花名)
13、true jasmine ─── [网络] 真正的茉莉花
14、cayenne jasmine ─── [网络] 卡宴茉莉花
15、Jasmine tobacco ─── [网络] 茉莉花烟草
16、confederate jasmine ─── [有时作 C-] ─── [美国英语]=star jasmine
17、jasmine oil ─── [化] 茉莉油; 素馨油 ─── [医] 茉莉油
18、cape jasmine ─── 栀子
19、star jasmine un. ─── 络石 [网 ─── 络] 星芒茉莉;茉莉花;毛茉莉
jasmine 词性/词形变化,jasmine变形
异体字: jessamine |
jasmine 相似词语短语
1、Jasmina ─── n.(Jasmina)人名;(塞)亚斯米娜
2、-amine ─── n.[有化]胺(等于amin);n.(Amine)人名;(阿拉伯)阿明;(俄)阿米涅
3、amine ─── n.[有化]胺(等于amin);n.(Amine)人名;(阿拉伯)阿明;(俄)阿米涅
4、Jasmine ─── n.茉莉;淡黄色;n.(Jasmine)人名;(英)贾丝明
5、jasmined ─── 和
6、Yasmin ─── n.优思明(避孕药名)
7、jasmines ─── n.茉莉;淡黄色;n.(Jasmine)人名;(英)贾丝明
8、jasmin ─── n.茉莉属,茉莉属的植物;茉莉花;n.(Jasmin)人名;(塞)亚斯明;(英)贾斯明,贾丝明(女名);(法)雅斯曼
9、jasmins ─── n.茉莉属,茉莉属的植物;茉莉花;n.(Jasmin)人名;(塞)亚斯明;(英)贾斯明,贾丝明(女名);(法)雅斯曼
jasmine 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、You can smell the perfume of jasmine. ─── 你可以闻到茉莉花的香味。
2、Jasmine, an angry consumer, is arguing with Raymond, a representative from a fast food chain. ─── 一位愤怒的消费者贾斯敏正和一家快餐连锁店的代表雷蒙德争论。
3、Layer the Neroli Jasmin fragrance by using other products within the range. ─── 动人橙花茉莉清香系列,呵护你的肌肤之余,更能绽放清新气息。
4、The name Leting Jasmine is quite feminine. ─── 一个很女性化的名字。
5、Hey Jasmine, you are so smart, all right, I pay you air-ticket from Dalian to An Bo. Deal? ─── 就属你最热心了,咱俩换吧。我给你雪票,你给我飞机票啊?
6、The jasmine wreath that you wove me thrills to my heart like praise. ─── 你给我编的茉莉花环使我心震颤,像是受了赞扬。
7、Do you mean the tea made from jasmine flower? ─── 你是说用茉莉花制成的茶吗?
8、I'd like to get some green tea and some jasmine tea. And I'd also like to get a Chi-nese teapot. ─── 我想买一些绿茶.还有一些茉莉花茶.我还想买一只中国茶壶.查看全文来源分类:中国介绍
9、Lily fairies using white jasmine and lily beauty of flowers movements, to be produced by Bud needle tea. ─── “百合仙子”是用洁白的茉莉和靓丽的百合为花芯,加以茶叶针芽制作而成。
10、A fat and kindly old man, he liked to grow flowers such as chloranthus and jasmine. ─── 他是一个胖胖的和蔼的老人,爱种一点珠兰、茉莉之类的花木。
11、Good choice. I'll use real jasmine tea leaves to make your cup of tea. ─── 好选择。我会用茉莉花茶叶来为你泡茶。
12、Rose, Carrot Seeds, Frankincense, Palmarosa, Jasmine, Bergamot, Neroli, Peppermint, Eucalyptus , Sweet Almond Oil. ─── 成份:玫瑰、胡萝卜籽、乳香、玫瑰草、茉莉、佛手柑、橙花、薄荷、尤加利、甜杏仁。
13、The Chinese like to drink green tea and Jasmine tea. ─── 中国人喜欢喝绿茶和花茶。
14、We serve Wu Long tea,green tea,black tea,jasmine tea and Chrysanthemum tea. Which one do you prefer? ─── 我们提供乌龙茶、绿茶、红茶、茉莉花茶和菊花茶。您喜欢哪一种?
15、Jasmine : I know! We'll play a game. ─── 我知道了,要不然我们玩个游戏吧。。。
16、FRONT-ROW SEATS: Scarlett, left, and Jasmine Neil, both 4, of Montrose. ─── 所有饰物:六岁的装饰了他的踏板车。
17、I am particularly interested in your Oolong Tea of Fujian province and jasmine Tea of Jiangsu province. ─── 我对你们的福建乌龙茶和江苏的茉莉花茶尤感兴趣。
18、From the left: Justin, Audrey and Jasmine's daughter (Jung-Jung)! ─── 从左起:大贝贝、小贝贝、茉莉家的容容!
19、I would find one white Jasmine flower on the stone step. ─── 我都会在门口的石阶上发现一朵白色的茉莉花,
20、Jasmine: Leave it to me. What about Daniel? ─── 嘉思明:行,交给我吧!那么丹尼尔呢?
21、More than the summer of jasmine tea, green tea, green tea Shaandan polydipsia winter. ─── 夏天多茉莉花茶、绿茶、冬天多饮陕青茶。
22、In Hungary and Portugal, Jasmine and I went to the local market, she bought anything fresh. ─── 到匈牙利和葡萄牙,文西和我到当地市场,看有什么新鲜的就买什么。
23、Small Box :Ginger, Oasis,Flora ,Jasmine Black,Eral Grey,Citrus Mint,Chamomile Tisane. ─── 小听包含7种茶:姜茶,绿怡茶,芙蓉茶,茉莉红茶,伯爵茶,薄荷茶,甜菊茶。
24、To enjoy jasmine tea is to enjoy its fragrance. ─── 品饮花茶,主要是欣赏香味。
25、Therefore I strongly agree with what jasmine said that you are a girly and of course jejune boy. ─── 劝小弟弟还是收拾心情回去看书吧。网络很危险的,还是回自习室老老实实地看书吧。这样更适合你。
26、It is the Plumeria and Jasmine Tree Kingdom that speaks to you today. ─── 今天是鸡蛋花树和茉莉花树跟你们说话。
27、Usually, small gatherings and a press conference will take place at Leting Jasmine. ─── 也常有小型聚会、新闻发布会在茉莉香举办。
28、Chinese tea falls into the following basic types: green, black, white, yellow, jasmine and oolong. ─── 中国是茶的故乡,名品荟萃,主要品种有绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、花茶、白茶、黄茶。
29、A faint perfume of jasmine came through the window. ─── 从窗户外飘进一阵淡淡的茉莉花香。
30、A One coffee, please. Filtered coffee. And Jasmine tea as well. Thanks. ─── A请来一杯咖啡。过滤咖啡。还有茉莉花茶,谢谢。
31、Jasmine hung up the phone right away when she realized that it was a crank call. ─── 一发现是通骚扰电话时,她立刻就把电话挂上了。
32、I am particularly interested in your Oolong Tea of Fujian origin and jasmine Tea of Jiangsu origin. ─── 史: 我对你们的福建乌龙茶和江苏的茉莉花茶尤感兴趣。
33、I love to smell the fragrance of jasmine flowers. ─── 我最喜欢闻茉莉花的香味儿。
34、Very few civilians turned up, but police were out in droves and censors banned the word "jasmine" from China's micro blogs. ─── 集会很少市民参加,但警察已成群结队出动,“茉莉花”这个词也在微博中被禁用。
35、A I'd like to get some green tea and some jasmine tea. And I'd also like to get a Chinese teapot. ─── A 我想买一些绿茶,还有一些茉莉花茶。我还想买一只中国茶壶。
36、The Chinese like drinking jasmine tea very much, and jasmine is the flower of Jiangsu Province. ─── 中国人很喜欢喝茉莉花茶,这也是我们江苏的省花。
37、A sensuous and lingering floral bouquet of gardenia, tuberose, jasmine and rose. ─── 像是一束栀子花,晚香玉,茉莉花,和玫瑰,带给您美丽悠远的花香
38、Ok, and anything to drink? Maybe some jasmine tea? ─── 好呀,那喝什么呢?茉莉花茶怎么样?
39、You can also ask to try something by saying: Can I try jasmine tea? ─── 你还可以这样请求尝试某事
40、Sandalwood or rose-bay or lotus or jasmine--- among these perfumes, the perfume of virtue is unsurpassed. ─── 栴檀多香,青莲芳华,虽曰是真,不如戒香
41、Jasmine Fiore's nude body was found stuffed in a suitcase in a trash bin over the weekend. ─── 佳斯敏菲奥雷的裸体尸体上周末被发现塞在一个丢弃于垃圾箱的一个手提箱内。
42、They think jasmine tea more fragrant and pleasant. ─── 他们认为花茶气味更芬香。
43、Shop front with sell the jasmine tea, oolong tea, tea of longjing, the bluish green. ─── 店面以销售北方老百姓习惯喝的茉莉花茶、乌龙茶、龙井茶、碧螺春等大众化名茶为主、同时销售茶具、茶食品。
44、The odor of beer cut through the jasmine, and a black figure loomed over them. ─── 一股啤酒的气味冲散了茉莉花香,一个黑影逼近了他们。
45、Would you care to try the jasmine tea? ─── 你想试试茉莉花茶吗?
46、Jasmine: What about you, Matthew? ─── 嘉思明:那么你呢,马修?
47、There were flowers everywhere, the wild ones and the cultivated, the jasmine, the rose and the marigold. ─── 到处有花儿,野花和家花,茉莉、玫瑰以及金盏草。
48、Ingredients: Sunflower oil, Jasmine oil, and Vitamin-E. ─── 成分:向日葵油、莉油和维他命E。
49、Leting Jasmine's shot is that it guarantees guests authentic food in the Continental environment. ─── 在欧式环境中享受中式美食,这是茉莉香的特色。
50、Jasmine, Saving Face and Sunflower will be released in2005. ─── 《茉莉花开》、面子》以及《向日葵》将于2005年发行放映。
51、Little cute Jasmine was four months old. ─── 可爱的小番茄满四个月啰!
52、Jasmin, Pink berries, Lychee, Citron. ─── (这个可能有人要哦!
53、Top notes are jasmine, bergamot and orange. ─── 主调:含薄荷,柑桔及麝香。
54、A You can choose lots of different kinds of tea. There's jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavours. ─── A 有很多种类供你选择。有茉莉花茶,菊花茶,很多不同的口味。
56、But whenever this point, the heart of winter jasmine another smile, it makes me grow. ─── 但每当此时,心里的迎春花又一次微笑,它使我成长。
57、I always associate the smell of jasmine with Uruguay. ─── 我一闻到茉莉花就联想到乌拉圭。
58、Yet, they didn't seem to feel awkward at all about not being able to utter the word "jasmine. " ─── 然而,他们似乎因为尴尬而未能说出“茉莉”这个词语。
59、Teacher Jasmin hopes you can enjoy singing and learning English! ─── 希望每位小朋友都能在这首经典的英文歌曲中,学的开心又愉快!
60、The coffee plant first produces delicate clusters of white blossoms, resembling jasmine in shape and scent. ─── 咖啡树开白色小花,呈簇状,外形和气味与茶树相似。
61、Ah! I found! Open space in the desert, the long with a jasmine Cong-Ju, however, as the land of the purple bloom Yejuhua ah! ─── 啊!我发现了!在荒芜的空地上,长着一丛茉莉菊,多么像大地上盛开的紫色野菊花啊!
62、I want to buy some jasmine tea of high quality to bring back home. ─── 我要买点高级的茉莉花茶带回家。
63、We have chamomile, peppermint, jasmine, and orange. ─── 我们有甘菊、薄荷、茉莉和柳橙茶。
64、"You drink Jasmine Tea again. Irritability ,I have disregarded you again". ─── "你再喝茉莉花茶。再过敏,我就唔理你了."
65、When the summer, Entwined with sprawling vines, Slowly drifted away, Accompanied by the fallen Cape Jasmine petals. ─── 当长长藤蔓的夏季呵,随栀子花瓣,慢慢,飘远。
66、I'd like to get some green tea and some jasmine tea. ─── 我想买一些绿茶,还有一些茉莉花茶。
67、We are specialized in high mountain tea, jasmine tea, and milk tea shake raw materials. ─── 我们是专门贩卖高山茶、茶、莉香茶及泡沫红茶原料等各种不同的茶叶商行。
68、You should take something light, such as a jade tiepin, jasmine tea. ─── 你只能带些轻的东西,比如说绿玉色领带针、茉莉花茶。
69、Will you have another cup of jasmin tea ? ─── 你还想再喝一杯茉莉花茶吗?
70、Heart Notes: May Rose, Jasmine and Muguet. ─── 中调:五月玫瑰,茉莉和铃兰。
71、I like jasmine tea best of all. ─── 我最喜欢茉莉花茶。
72、The Heart notes of Miss Dior Cherie is violette, pink jasmine, carmelized popcorn, and strawberry sorbet. ─── 充满温柔的牡丹花束香气,佐以恬淡清新果香,恰如亚洲女性温婉甜美的气质。
73、They're all delicious, but I'll have the jasmine tea this time. ─── 它们都是可口的好茶,但是这回我选香片好了。
74、Jasmine, Saving Face and Sunflower will be released in 2005. ─── 《茉莉花开》、《面子》以及《向日葵》将于2005年发行放映。
75、The doctor came out from the emergency room &handed out an apple juice &a letter to Jasmine. ─── 女的看着医生从紧急室出来,女的从医生手中接过来了一个果汁和一封信。
76、Table cloths with jasmine patterns are very popular in the market. ─── 印有茉莉花图案的桌布在市面上很抢手。
77、Were we on the jasmine cusp of something. ─── 我们可曾站在某物茉莉花般的尖顶。
78、Oh, it's a kind of green tea with the smell of jasmine. ─── 嗯,这是一种带有茉莉花香的绿茶。
79、Daniel and Jasmine are sitting alone in the park one night. ─── 一天晚上,丹尼尔和贾斯敏单独坐在公园。
80、Jasmine are you sitting on a chair? ─── 你坐在椅子上吗?
81、that were it a girl she should be known as Jasmine, but all she hoped for was to be delivered of a healthy baby. ─── 怀了孕的妈妈说更偏爱一个宝贝,就是那个名字是茉莉的女孩,但她的所有的希望是能生下一个健健康康的宝贝。
82、By the time the Devil got home, Lucia had put her jasmine back in her hair, and acted as though nothing had happened that day. ─── 魔鬼回来的时候,露琪亚早已把那朵茉莉花又插到了头上,装作没事的样子。
83、Leting Jasmine, as a Jasmine-brand restaurant with new fashion of white Continental is truly refreshing. ─── 乐庭的茉莉香品牌餐厅,欧式纯白的新风尚一定会令您耳目一新。
84、Do you prefer black tea, jasmine tea, or coffee? ─── 你喜欢红茶,茉莉花茶还是咖啡?
85、False binary branch more common in angiosperms Oleaceae, Caryophyllaceae, such as lilac, jasmine, carnation, and so on. ─── 假二叉分枝多见于被子植物木犀科、石竹科,如丁香、茉莉、石竹等。
86、In tune: cedar, violet, jasmine, nutmeg. ─── 中调:柏木、紫萝兰、茉莉、肉豆蔻。
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