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08-23 投稿


foreignism 发音

英:[ˈfɔːrɪnˌɪzəm; ˈfɑːrɪnˌɪzəm]  美:[ˈfɒrɪnɪzəm]

英:  美:

foreignism 中文意思翻译



foreignism 短语词组

1、foreignism synonym ─── 异化同义词

foreignism 相似词语短语

1、antiforeignism ─── 排外主义

2、coreigning ─── 共点火

3、foreigners ─── n.外国人;外地人(foreigner的复数)

4、foreignly ─── 外国的

5、foreignness ─── n.外国(人)的特性

6、foreign ─── adj.外国的;外交的;异质的;不相关的

7、foreignisms ─── n.外国习俗;外来语

8、foreigner ─── n.外地人,外国人

9、foresignify ─── 预示

foreignism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From one's own front door to home or foreign hills or sands and back again, everything is to hand. ─── 从自家的前门到国内国外的山区或沙滩旅游并再返回来,一切都垂手可得。

2、The mass of public opinion is in favor of the new foreign policy. ─── 大部分的舆论赞成新的外交政策。

3、He denied having any money squirrelled away in foreign banks. ─── 他否认在外国银行里有存款。

4、His chief joy centred in studying foreign language. ─── 他的主要乐趣集中在学习外语上。

5、I hope my foreign exchange allowance will cover it. ─── 但愿我的外汇限额够用。

6、How does their product stack up against those imported from foreign countries? ─── 他们的产品与从外国进口的产品相比如何?

7、He changes letters with a foreign friend. ─── 他与一位外国朋友通信。

8、Usage and Reason of Foreignism in Chinese ─── 汉语中外来词的使用现状及原因

9、He has a very good collection of foreign coins. ─── 他收藏著不少外国硬币。

10、Jim has a supply of old pennies which he polishes up and passes off to foreign tourists as rare coins. ─── 吉姆有许多旧币,他把它们擦了一下,冒充稀有的古钱币,以此骗外国游旅者。

11、Foreign investments help our economic development. ─── 外国投资有助於我们的经济发展。

12、Foreign exchange trading is a lively and tense job. ─── 外汇买卖是一项灵活而紧张的工作。

13、Foreign affairs are his strong point. ─── 外交事务是他的特长。

14、In the finals, they completely upset the foreign players with steady chop returns. ─── 在决赛中,他们以稳健回抽,击败了外国运动员。

15、He is fluent in a dozen foreign languages. ─── 他通晓十多种外国语言。

16、China now even encourage the set- up of enterprise with100% foreign investment. ─── 中国现在甚至鼓励建立100%的外商独资企业。

17、They stood up against their foreign oppressors. ─── 他们起来反抗外国压迫者。

18、The balance-of-power conception of foreign policy is to make sure that no power becomes so strong as to dominate the world. ─── 外交政协策的力量均势概念是确保任何一方力量都不会强大到足以支配全世界。

19、You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week. ─── 不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语。

20、Foreign words keep coming into English. ─── 外来词源源不断地进入英语。

21、A body of experts or dignitaries sent to a foreign country. ─── 代表团由一群专家或要员组成的被派往它国的团体

22、Their task is promoting the foreign trade. ─── 他们的任务是促进对外贸易。

23、The kung fu lessons at Mingde Primary School are not an attempt to revive anti-foreignism. ─── 小学的功夫课并不是为仇外思想招魂。

24、As a college student, it is important to master a foreign language. ─── 作为一名大学生,掌握一门外语是非常重要的。

25、They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain. ─── 他们的粮、棉依赖从国外进口。

26、It's impolite to gibe at a foreign student's English. ─── 嘲笑外国学生的英语是不礼貌的。

27、Foreign travel opened his eyes to poverty for the first time. ─── 他一到外国才初次见识到什麽是贫穷。

28、Most of the foreign embassies are clustered in this area. ─── 大多数的外国使馆都聚集在这一区。

29、He was attracted by the scene of the foreign lands. ─── 他被异域风光吸引。

30、He walked around the table touching glasses with all the foreign guests. ─── 他绕桌子走了一圈,和所有的外宾都碰了杯。

31、A member of a foreign body of troops serving a country in war. ─── 外国援军战时在他国服役的外国军队之一员

32、He works in the foreign division of the company. ─── 他在公司的外事部工作。

33、China's investment policy provide preferential treatment to foreign investor. ─── 中国的投资政策为外国投资者提供了优惠待遇。

34、The foreign body can be shown up on a barium swallow. ─── 吃了钡之后能把异物显示出来。

35、He held fire on specific foreign policy question. ─── 他对具体的外交政策暂不表态。

36、He didn't know much about foreign countries. ─── 他对外国知之甚少。

37、Dishonesty is foreign to his nature. ─── 他的本性与弄虚作假格格不入。

38、In a government controlled by a foreign force, a president is no more than a lie figure. ─── 在一个被外国势力控制的政府里,总统只不过是个傀儡式人物而已。

39、He is a foreign teacher of Irish stock. ─── 他是一个爱尔兰血统的外籍教师。

40、He's visited many foreign countries and has learnt several foreign languages. ─── 他访问过许多国家,并学会了好几种外语。

41、Foreign companies were invited to bid for the new subway. ─── 一些外国公司应邀参加了承建该地下铁路的投标。

42、Several students were seat down after incidents during the visit of a foreign Prime Minister. ─── 在外国首相访问期间发生的事件之后,有几个学生被开除学籍了。

43、They dump their surplus production on foreign countries. ─── 他们向外国倾销剩余产品。

44、Foreign words interlard his speech. ─── 他的演讲中穿插着众多的外国的词儿。

45、If foreign aid dries up the situation will be desperate. ─── 倘若外援枯竭,形势将极为严重。

46、His accent betrayed the fact that he was foreign. ─── 他的口音显露出他是外国人。

47、An adventurer who engages in a private military action in a foreign country. ─── 军事冒险家在国外从事秘密军事行动的冒险者

48、How many military bases are they maintaining on foreign soil? ─── 他们在外国保持多少个军事基地?

49、They may choose to study foreign languages, advanced mathematics or science, such as physics or chemistry. ─── 他们可以选择学习外国语文、高等数学或像物理、化学的科学。

50、There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit a foreign country. ─── 在出访外国之前要做好许多准备工作。

51、Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. ─── 外国侨民被要求离开该国。

52、The foreign tourists totalled 500. ─── 外国游客人数达500。

53、The shop windows are filled with foreign merchandise. ─── 商店橱窗里摆满了外国商品。

54、For several years more foreign cars have been sold in Britain than British ones; the government is now being asked to limit the sales of foreign cars to give British companies a chance to make up leeway. ─── 几年来,外国轿车在英国的销量一直比英国的大; 英国公司正在要求其政府对外国(进口)轿车的销售加以限制,以便给它们一个迎头赶上的机会。

55、Unkindness is foreign to his nature. ─── 刻薄不是他的本性。

56、A business establishment for commercial agents or factors in a foreign country. ─── 国外代理商设在外国的商业代理商或代理人的一种商业机构

57、The main impediment to development is the country's huge foreign debt. ─── 发展的主要障碍是国家欠下的巨额外债。

58、An aggressive entrance into foreign territory; a raid or an invasion. ─── 侵犯具有侵略性地进入外国领土; 袭击或侵略

59、He likes collecting foreign stamps. ─── 他喜欢收集外国邮票。

60、She identified with foreign teachers. ─── 她与外国教师打成一片。

61、Can you explain the meaning of these foreign words? ─── 你能解释这些外文词的意思吗?

62、Do you accept foreign exchange certificate? ─── 你们接受外汇券兑换券吗?

63、But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists, but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers. ─── 但是,由于他们不仅没有接触过外国旅游者,甚至和本国人也不太接触,所以这样的人对旅游家可能持有敌意。

64、The meeting concerns both foreign and domestic policies. ─── 会议关系到国内外政策。

65、He met the foreign friends and gave a banquet in their honour. ─── 他会见了外国朋友,并设宴招待了他们。

66、What you said is foreign to the main issue of our discussion. ─── 你讲的与我们讨论的中心无关。

67、He is a foreign exchange broker. ─── 他是个外汇经纪人。

68、Foreign tourist are all over the town for the easter break. ─── 复活节休假期间城里到处都是外国游客。

69、May be a little austere for foreign taste. ─── 可能对外国口味而言过于朴素了些。

70、Keep this exchange memo for reconversion into foreign currency. ─── 保存好这张兑换水单以便兑换回外币。

71、The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourist. ─── 外国游客无一不对该市留有深刻印象。

72、The whole land rose to resist foreign aggression. ─── 举国奋起抗击外来侵略。

73、He made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs. ─── 他在外交领域作出了卓越贡献。

74、Foreign investments boomed the city. ─── 国外投资使这个城市迅速繁荣起来。

75、In a government controlled by a foreign force, a president is no more than a lay figure. ─── 在一个被外国势力控制的政府里,总统只不过是个傀儡式人物而已。

76、Great changes are in prospect in this area due to foreign investment. ─── 因为外资的引进,该地区会发生很大变化。

77、A joint venture may in its business operation obtain fund from foreign bank directly. ─── 合资企业在其经营活动中,可以直接向外国银行筹措资金。

78、He was sorting his foreign stamps (into piles). ─── 他正在整理外国邮票(, 都分成一摞一摞的).

79、ZTE CEO Shi Lirong said the situation the company is facing in US is an indication of anti-competition, protectionism and anti-foreignism. ─── 中兴通讯总裁史立荣近期曾表示,目前中兴通讯在美国遭遇的情况是反对竞争、保护主义和排外思想的体现。

80、Most people feel culture shock when traveling to a foreign culture. ─── 去海外旅行时,许多人会感觉到不同文化的冲击。

81、There are currency restrictions on the sums allowed for foreign travel. ─── 到国外旅行允许携带的款额有所限制。

82、He graduated from a famous foreign language institute. ─── 他毕业于一所知名的外语学院。

83、Invasion, conquest, and control of a nation or territory by foreign armed forces. ─── 侵略外国军队对一个国家或其边境的侵略、征服和控制

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