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Mohammed 发音


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Mohammed 网络释义

n. 穆罕默德(伊斯兰教创立人)

Mohammed 短语词组

1、Mullah Mohammed Omar ─── [网络] 塔利班领袖奥马尔;最高领导人奥马尔;毛拉·穆罕默德·奥马尔

2、mohammed arif ─── 穆罕默德·阿里夫

3、Mohammed Ali ─── [网络] 穆罕默德·阿里;拳王阿里;拳王默罕默得阿里

4、mohammed salah vs neymar ─── 穆罕默德·萨拉赫vs内马尔

5、mohammed bah abba ─── 穆罕默德·巴·阿巴

6、Mohammed VI of Morocco ─── 摩洛哥穆罕默德六世

7、Mohammed Reza Pahlevi ─── [网络] 穆罕默德·雷扎·帕勒维

8、mohammed salah ─── 穆罕默德错了

9、Jaish-i-Mohammed ─── [网络] 穆罕默德

10、Abul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Roshd ─── [网络] Abul-Walid Muhammad ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Muhammad ibn-Rushd

11、Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ─── [网络] 巴列维;巴勒维国王

Mohammed 相似词语短语

1、Mohammed II ─── 穆罕默德二世

2、hammed ─── 表演夸张(hammed是ham的过去式和过去分词);表情夸张(hammed是ham的过去式和过去分词)

3、Mohammedan ─── adj.回教的,伊斯兰教的,穆罕默德的;n.伊斯兰教徒

4、shammed ─── n.假装;骗子;赝品;vt.假装;冒充;vi.假装;佯装;adj.假的;虚假的;假装的;n.(Sham)人名;(英、印、毛里塔)沙姆

5、Mohammed ─── n.穆罕默德(伊斯兰教创立人)

6、whammed ─── int.砰,嘭;(意外事突然发生)哇;v.重击;发出砰砰声;n.重打声;n.(Wham)(美)惠姆(人名)

7、melammed ─── 梅拉迈德

8、goddammed ─── 该死的

9、to hammer ─── 锤

Mohammed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At a pretrial hearing in June, Mr Mohammed told the court that he had wished for martyrdom “for a long time”. ─── 在审判前的听证会上,穆罕默德向法庭表示,他已经盼望“崇高的牺牲”“很久了”。

2、But in 1995 , a teacher in Norther nigeaia northern Nigeria named M under Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution, he . ─── 农民因为不能及时卖出食物而不得不将它们扔掉,因此造成钱财损失。

3、Among the five arrested is Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, the head of the Jamat-ud-Dawa charity and a former leader of the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. ─── 五位被逮捕者之一是撒依德,是达瓦慈善会首领,也是极端团体虔诚军的前领导人。

4、But in nineteen ninety-five a teacher in northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution. ─── 但在1995年,在尼日尼亚北部的一个叫穆罕默德巴林神父的教师发现了解决的方法。

5、Bala Qi Qi in Arhorchin Desu wood such as Mohammed Dahlan spent in Gacha. ─── 位于阿鲁科尔沁旗巴拉奇如德苏木达兰花嘎查境内。

6、In the eyes of his father, Mohammed deserved death. ─── 在他父亲看来,穆罕默德应当死。

7、The six include Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the attacks.All six face the death penalty. ─── 6名被告包括涉嫌9/11袭击的主谋哈利德.穆罕默德。

8、The most common name in the world is Mohammed. ─── 全世界最常见的菜市场名是穆罕默德?

9、While British youngsters of the same age have long since dispensed with their toy tanks, married Mohammed Humayun boasts six of the real thing. ─── 同龄的英国青少年早就放弃了玩具坦克,而已经结婚的穆罕默德,胡马运却拥有六辆这种真家伙并感到自豪。

10、If the mountain will not come to Mahomet (Mohammed), Mahomet must go to the mountain. ─── 如果大山不走向穆罕默德,穆罕默德就必须走向大山。

11、The Islamic religion spread quickly after the death of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in the seventh century and today is the fastest-growing religion in the world. ─── 先知穆罕默德(愿主福安之)归真之后,在七世纪伊斯兰教的传播非常迅速,而今天,伊斯兰教则是世界上传播最快的宗教。

12、The Muslim religion was founded by Mohammed. ─── 伊斯兰教是默罕默德创始的。

13、When a computer programmer in Morocco set up a bogus profile of the brother of Morocco's king, Mohammed VI, he was jailed for three years. ─── 一个摩洛哥计算机程序员假冒该国国王穆罕默德六世的兄弟建立了一个页面,他随后被判入狱三年。

14、opportunity where others saw only disaster. ─── 看到了机会,而其他人只看到了灾难。

15、Muslims accept Christ as a prophet but regard the Prophet Mohammed more important. ─── 回教教接受基督是一个先知但是认为穆罕默德更伟大。

16、Indeed, Mohammed and I were both suckled by Arab wet nurses (my family was living in Palestine at the time, before Israel came into being). ─── 而我和默罕默德喝的还都是阿拉伯奶妈的奶(以色列建国之前,我家住在巴勒斯坦)。

17、Islam claims to be a divinely revealed religion given to the world by Mohammed, the last and greatest of a succession of prophets. ─── 伊斯兰教自称是一种神圣的宗教,它是由最后的也是最伟大的先知继承人穆罕默德带给世人。

18、His Majesty King Mohammed VI had launched a program very much in line with the Millennium Development Goals, and was trying to bring Morocco in line with those goals. ─── 国王穆罕默德六世陛下提出了一个非常符合“千年发展目标”的计划,并正在尝试把摩洛哥带向该目标。

19、The owner of the studio where Ricky cut the tracks, Mohammed Ben Salah, said he believed they were for a Michael Jackson tribute disc. ─── 瑞奇剪辑录音的工作室主人是穆罕默德•本•萨拉赫。这位工作室主人说,他相信这张新专辑是向迈克尔•杰克逊致敬的光盘。

20、Mohammed Hussan Askari and Khwaja Ahmed Abbas are counted among the leading lights of the Urdu Short story. ─── Mohammed Hussan Askari和Khwaja Ahmed Abbas计数在Urdu短篇小说的主导的光之中。

21、Charges against Mohammed al Kahtani were dropped, but officials say they may be reinstated later. ─── 对穆罕默德.阿尔.卡塔尼的指控被取消了,但是有关官员说,那些指控以后还有可能重新被提出。

22、Mohammed must go to the mountain. ─── 只好自己去找对方。

23、The nineteen seventy-nine revolution forced Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi out of power and made Ayatollah Khomeini the country's leader. ─── 从上周六开始,伊朗举行了为期10天的庆祝活动来纪念本国伊斯兰革命30周年。

24、After three days he saw the vision of a radiant figure, perhaps Mohammed. ─── 三天过后,他看见了一个发光的人影,很可能是穆罕默德。

25、"Mohammed, take care, I hope to come back Luxor next time, Bye, you are my best friend in Egypt! ─── " 一句道别,心中万般无奈,他乡遇知己,人生有夫复何求呢!

26、During a recent legal hearing, Mr. Mohammed claimed responsibility for planning dozens of attacks over more than a decade. ─── 在最近一次听证会上,穆罕默德承认对过去超过十年的时间内的数十起攻击进行谋划负责。

27、Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said a three-member panel examined the case of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at a closed hearing on Saturday at the US military prison camp on Cuba. ─── 五角大楼发言人布赖恩"惠特曼称一个三人组成的陪审团于周六在位于古巴的美国军方监狱对哈立德.谢赫.穆罕默德案件进行了的秘密听审。

28、Alongside coach Felix Magath he had the privilege to have an audience with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. ─── 与主教练马加特一道,有机会去拜会阿联酋王储。

29、He (Mohammed) is the best of the sons of Adam. ─── 他(穆罕默德)是阿丹后裔中最优秀的。

30、Last year the second session of evaluation's winner was Iraqi Chief Eunice - Mohammed - Luff, he led in chaos caused by war's Iraqi team to obtain Asian Cup champion great honor. ─── 去年第二届评选的获得者是伊拉克队长尤尼斯-穆罕默德-哈勒夫,他带领战乱中的伊拉克队取得了亚洲杯冠军的殊荣。

31、The accused are Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Waleed bin Attash, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi and Mohammed al Kahtani. ─── 哈特曼说:“被告分别是:哈利德.穆罕默德、瓦利德.本阿塔什、拉姆奇.比纳尔谢卜、阿济兹.阿里、阿尔.阿勒哈萨维和阿尔.卡赫塔尼。”

32、Juventus are being linked with AS Monaco striker Mohammed Kallon. ─── 尤文图斯正联系着摩纳哥俱乐部的前锋穆罕默德·卡隆。

33、Al-Iraqia TV showed U.S. commanding General Raymond Odierno and Iraqi Defense Minister Abdel Qader Mohammed Jassem making the announcement.U. ─── 伊拉克电视台的画面显示,美国在伊拉克的指挥官奥迪尔诺和伊拉克国防部长贾西姆共同宣布了这个决定。

34、In law and theology, the caliph who is successor to Mohammed as the lawful supreme leader of the Islamic community. ─── 伊玛目在法律和神学上,哈利发是作为伊斯兰社会合法的最高领袖的穆罕默德的继承者

35、Now, if Mohammed had been a man of peace, let us say like Ghandi and Mother Theresa wrapped in one, there would be no problem. ─── 现在我们说,如果穆罕默德是一个和平的人,比如说,像甘地和德丽莎修女合而为一的圣人,那完全是没有问题的。

36、Mohammed Haneef, 27, has been in custody in Australia since he was arrested trying to leave the country earlier this month. ─── 27岁的穆罕默德·哈尼夫本月早些时候设法离开澳大利亚时被捕,至今在押。

37、Defense Ministry spokesman Mohammed al-Askari told reporters Thursday Iraq is looking to build its air capabilities to be ready once all U.S. forces leave Iraq in 2011. ─── 国防部发言人阿斯卡里星期四告诉记者们,伊拉克期望发展其空中能力,为2011年美军全部离开伊拉克做好准备。

38、A man beckon ed on me after the wind, he said his name was Mohammed. ─── 在风浪平静下来后,一个人朝我招手,他说他的名字叫穆罕默德。

39、She was treated by Palestinian Doctor Mohammed Eida. ─── 她治疗的是巴勒斯坦医生埃达。

40、The Imam Hussein shrine honors Hussein, the Prophet Mohammed's grandson, who was killed in a battle in Karbala in the seventh century. ─── 侯赛因圣祠供奉着侯赛因阿訇,是先知穆罕默德的孙子,在七世纪卡尔巴拉战斗中被杀死的。

41、Shiite A member of the branch of Islam that regards Ali and his descendants as the legitimate successors to Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs. ─── 什叶派教徒:一支承认阿里和他的后裔为穆罕穆德合法继承人而不承认第一批三个哈里发的伊斯兰教教派的成员。

42、Satirical cartoons of Islam's Prophet Mohammed were published in Danish newspapers in 2006, sparking mass riots in Islamic nations worldwide. ─── 2006年,丹麦报纸刊登了讽刺伊斯兰先知穆罕默德的漫画,在世界各地的回教徒国家引发大规模的骚动。

43、Islam is the religion of Mohammed the Prophet, called in a vision to convert the pagans to the worship of Allah, the one God. ─── 伊斯兰教是先知穆罕默德所宣传的宗教,他在梦幻中被召唤去劝说异教徒信仰惟一的真主安拉。

44、Mohammed, R., Fisher, R., Jaworski, B., and Paddison, G., Internet Marketing: Building Advantage in a Networked Economy, 2/e, McGraw-Hill, 2003. ─── 参考教材方文昌、汪志坚,电子商务与网路行销,台北:智高文化,2004。

45、you hear is bombs," said Mohammed Dawwas. ─── 瓦斯说:“你整天听到的就是轰炸声。”

46、Mohammed decides to work with his American lawyers to stall the case, he has plenty of tools at his disposal, criminal lawyers say. ─── 但如果穆罕默德决定与他的美国律师一道拖延这一案子的进展,据刑事律师们说,他可使用的办法相当多。

47、But in 1995 , a teacher in Northen northern Nigeria , named Mohammed Bah Abba found the a solution, . ─── 但是1995年,北尼日利亚的一个名叫默罕默德的老师发现了一种解决方法。

48、When Mohammed was a child, the Arabs were divided into warring tribes, a few of them Christian, but mainly pagan. ─── 在穆罕默德童年时期,阿拉伯被分成一个个作战的部落,其中有一些是基督徒,但主要是异教徒。

49、Another on the wanted list is Mohammed Damra, known as Abu Awad, the commander of Force 17, Mr Arafat's presidential guard, and a close confidant of the PA leader. ─── 另一位列在通缉名单上的是MohammedDamra,外界称为AbuAwad,系阿拉法特总统卫队第17武装部队的总头目,同时也是巴勒斯坦武装部队领导人的亲信。

50、Mohammed al-Askari looks ahead, optimistically, to the next stage of U.S. pullbacks. ─── 国防部发言人阿斯卡里将军乐观地展望下一阶段的美国撤军。

51、At the age of40 he began to preach as God's prophet of the true religion. Mohammed established a theocratic state at Medina after622 and began to convert Arabia to Islam. ─── 他四十岁时开始作为真正的宗教的上帝的先知传教。穆罕默德在公元622年以后在麦地那建立了一个政教合一国家并使阿拉伯半岛皈依伊斯兰教。

52、But in 1995 a teacher in norther northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution. ─── 但是在1995年一个位于北尼日利亚的名叫默罕默德的教师发现了一个解决方法。

53、A monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and Mohammed as the chief and last prophet of God. ─── 伊斯兰教一种一神教,其特征是接受服从上帝和穆罕默德的教义,并认后者为上帝主要的同时也是最后一个先知

54、D18:Enjoying Malindi,a flower beach city.and the nice medieval city of Mohammed if possible. ─── 去附近的鲜花海滨马林迪转转,如果可能再去附近的伊斯兰中世纪古城逛逛。晚上就近住。

55、He said the bin Laden children known to remain in the compound were sons Mohammed, Hamza, Othman and Bakr and daughter Fatima. ─── 他说,本拉丹的儿童被留在了儿子的复合穆罕默德,哈姆扎,奥斯曼和贝克尔和女儿法蒂玛。

56、The doctor arrested in a swoop on the M6 motorway has been named as Mohammed Asha, 26, from Newcastle-under-Lyme. ─── 其中一名在6号高速公路的一次突袭中被抓的嫌犯名叫穆罕穆德.阿萨,26岁,来自纽卡斯尔,一名医生。

57、Iran has had a theocratic Shiite regime since Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was ousted in the Islamic Revolution of 1979. ─── 1979年发生的伊斯兰革命,时任国王巴列维被赶下台。伊朗从此成为了一个由伊斯兰什叶派掌权的神权国家。

58、Moroccan women are to win greater rights concerning marriage and divorce under reforms unveiled by King Mohammed. ─── 在国王穆罕默德的改革和领导下,摩洛哥妇女赢得了更多与结,离婚相关的权利。

59、A ruler claiming descent from Mohammed and exercising authority in an Islamic state. ─── 伊玛目声称继承穆罕默德并在一个伊斯兰国家行使权力的一个统治者

60、"I was shocked that you would reproduce this painting since, for Muslims, it is sacrilegious to paint or depict any holy person" (Mohammed Busheri). ─── “你居然要复制这幅画真让我吃惊,因为对穆斯林来说,描绘或描述任何圣人都是亵渎的行为” (穆哈默德·布舍里)

61、Khalid Sheid Mohammed and two of his co-defendants decided to postpone their pleas until the military court determines whether the other two are accused are fit to stand trial. ─── 哈立德.谢赫.穆罕默德和他的两个共同被告决定推迟辩护,直到该军事法庭确定另外两个被指控的同伙是否适合受审。

62、The talks in New Delhi are being led by Indian Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran and his Pakistani counterpart, Riaz Mohammed Khan. ─── 在新德里举行的和谈由印度外交秘书希亚姆.萨兰和巴基斯坦外交秘书里亚兹.穆罕默德.汗主持。

63、After Mohammed Issa Al-Thawadi of Qatar in lane two made a false start, Liu slipped off the blocks himself. ─── 2004年雅典奥运会男子110栏金牌得主中国飞人刘翔,被分在第6组的第2道,他一出场就引起全场轰动。不幸的是,他在试跑时,旧伤复发。

64、But in 1995 , a teacher in northern Niginior Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found the a solution. ─── 但是在1995年,尼日利亚的一个叫穆罕默德的老师发现了解决办法。

65、Palestinian boy and a destroyed building in the Gaza Strip. Photo: Eman Mohammed. ─── 加沙地带一个巴勒斯坦男孩儿和一个被毁的建筑。

66、In law and theology,the Caliph who is successor to Mohammed as the lawful supreme leader of the Islamic community. ─── 伊玛目在法律和神学上,哈利发是作为伊斯兰社会合法的最高领袖的穆罕默德的继承者。

67、"I sit right here and watch people crash all day long, " said Mohammed Nabi, who fries fresh fish in an open-air stall along the road. ─── “我坐在这里看着人们整天的撞车,”MohammedNabi说道,他是一位沿路贩卖烤鱼的露天摊贩。

68、If the mountain will not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain. ─── 坐而待不如起而行。

69、Last year, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai's ruler, spelled out the "Dubai Strategic Plan 2015" in a speech. ─── 去年,迪拜酋长穆罕默德在一次演讲中道出了“迪拜2015战略计划”。

70、A male leader regarded by Shiites as a descendant of Mohammed divinely appointed to guide human beings. ─── 伊玛目被什叶派教徒认为是穆罕默德的后代并被神圣地指派来引导人类的男性领袖

71、The sacred text of Islam, considered by Moslems to contain the revelations of God to Mohammed. ─── 古兰经伊斯兰教的圣经,穆斯林认为其中包含着真主对穆罕默德的启示

72、Prof. Hafiz Mohammed Sheerani 1888-1945 CE devoted long years to the field of literary criticism. ─── Hafiz Mohammed Sheerani 1888-1945教授致力了长的岁月于文艺评论的领域。

73、An even more notable instance than Disraeli is Mohammed. ─── 一个比迪斯莱里更有名的例子是穆罕默德。

74、They married when Khadijah was forty and Mohammed was twenty-five. ─── 两人结婚时赫蒂彻四十岁,穆罕默德二十五岁。

75、The line between the state and the state-owned, so clear in the mind of Sheikh Mohammed, is in fact ill-defined. ─── 在谢赫穆罕默德脑中如此清晰的国家与国有之间的界线,事实上界定得非常模糊。

76、Two former presidents, Mohammed Khatami and Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, as well as defeated reformist candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi did not attend the event. ─── 两位前总统哈塔米、拉夫桑贾尼以及落选的改革派候选人穆萨维、卡洛比都没有出席这一活动。

77、Hartmann says the charges lay out a long-term, sophisticated plan by al-Qaida to attack the United States, coordinated by Khalid Sheik Mohammed. ─── 哈特曼说,这些罪名勾画出基地组织在被告穆罕默德的协调下攻击美国的长期精密计划。

78、In 2002, Sheik Mohammed opened the door to foreign ownership of property in certain developments. ─── 2002年,马克图姆允许外资进入迪拜部分房地产开发项目。

79、Faith gives the victory and overcomes all.----Mohammed. ─── 信念能带来胜利,能克服万难。

80、In the men's doubles match, Denmark veteran Pasi Ke / 2 to 1 Rasmussen to Indonesia beat Mohammed Portfolio / Bonner won. ─── 在男双对决中,丹麦老将帕斯克/拉斯姆森以2比1击败了印尼组合穆罕默德/波纳夺得冠军。

81、"The tower is a symbol of the city's pride and a statement of our arrival on the global scene as a world-class city," Emaar chairman Mohammed Ali Alabbar said. ─── 三千名工人已几乎三天盖一层楼的速度进行,这座造价十亿美金的高塔超越邻近目前中东第一高楼的摩天楼指日可待。

82、But in 1995 a teacher in northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution. ─── 但是在1995年,尼日利亚北部的一名老师找到了解决方法。

83、But the hope of thousands of Senegalese rest on even flimsily the foundations of Mohammed's piece of paper. ─── 他们以征服大海的勇气和信念一次次的尝试。在达喀尔的一个社区里,他们召开了一次所谓的回国者会议。

84、She loved the Iraqis," said Mohammed Youssef Ibrahim, a history professor who published a book about Bell in 2003. ─── 历史学教授穆罕默德.约瑟夫,埃博希姆如是说,其人在2003年出版了一本介绍贝尔的书。

85、To commemorate him, at least one member of each Muslim family will be named Mohammed, Ahmed or other derivations of the word. ─── 为纪念他,基本每个家庭里都至少有一个成员唤作穆罕默德,艾罕默德或者其他这个名字的变体。

86、Muslims collectively and their civilization; based on a monotheistic religion believing that Mohammed was the last and major prophet of God. ─── 全体的穆斯林和他们的文明;立基于一神论,相信穆罕默德是最后并且是主要的神的先知。

87、The birthplace of Mohammed, it is the holiest city of Islam and a pilgrimage site for all devout believers of the faith.Population, 550,000. ─── 它是伊斯兰教创始人穆罕默德的诞生地,是伊斯兰教最神圣之地,也是笃信伊斯兰教的虔诚教徒的朝拜中心。

88、The man in front of me is Zabiullah Mujahid -- one of two spokesmen for the Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar. ─── 在我面前的男人是穆贾希德,阿富汗塔利班领袖毛拉-穆罕默德-奥马尔的两个发言人之一。

89、Iraqi Lieutenant General Hussam Mohammed Amin supervised preparation of the report. ─── 伊拉克军方的一位中将,哈萨姆?穆罕默德?阿明负责监督报告的编写。

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