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aborigines 发音

[ ,æbə'rɪdʒɪniz]

英:  美:

aborigines 中文意思翻译

n.(尤指澳大利亚的)土著居民; 蕃; 土人; 土产


aborigines 网络释义

n. 土著居民(aborigine的复数);土生动物群

aborigines 短语词组

1、aborigines define ─── 土著人定义

2、aborigines of canada ─── 加拿大土著

3、aborigines in New Zealand ─── 新西兰土著

4、Naming customs of Taiwanese aborigines ─── 台湾原住民的命名习俗

5、aborigines australian ─── 澳大利亚土著

6、aborigines definition ─── 原住民定义

7、aborigines australian fires ─── 澳大利亚原住民火灾

8、aborigines iq ─── 原住民智商

9、Taiwanese aborigines ─── 台湾原住民

10、aborigines ks2 ─── 原住民ks2

aborigines 词性/词形变化,aborigines变形


aborigines 相似词语短语

1、Aborigines ─── n.土著居民(aborigine的复数);土生动物群

2、aborigin ─── 土著人

3、aboriginals ─── n.土著居民(aboriginal复数)

4、aborigins ─── 土著人

5、aborigine ─── n.土著;土著居民

6、aboriginal ─── adj.土著的;原始的;n.土著居民;土生生物;n.(Aboriginal)澳大利亚土著居民

7、aborigens ─── 土著人

8、aborticides ─── n.[药]堕胎药;[妇产]堕胎

9、ab origine ─── 从起源

aborigines 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One Tuesday afternoon , we went to a big park for extramural activity , some aborigines performed dance for hunt ;they used the grass do fish ; ─── 在这里,午餐时间是一点才开始,午餐时,许多人就坐在草地上或湖边享用,非常的随意。

2、Boomerang: Curved throwing stick used chiefly by the aborigines of Australia for hunting and warfare. ─── 飞标: 弯曲形投掷尖刺武器.澳大利亚原住民多在狩猎及战争中使用之.

3、Why you and I are alike, why the Iraqis and the Japanese and the Australian Aborigines and the people of the Amazon River are all alike. ─── 为什们你跟我某一点一样,为什们伊拉克人跟日本人、澳洲原住民和亚马逊民族都有些共通点?

4、They instill into the Roman Catholicism to the aborigines, established has become hundred churches, for each village establishment protection disciple, hold religious festival. ─── 他们向土著人灌输罗马天主教,建立了成百的教堂,为每一个村庄确立守护圣徒,举行宗教节日。

5、Next the truck carrying the aborigines and their relief goods promptly departed and soon joined the convoy ahead of it. ─── 卡车载着原住民与救援物资,跟随前面的引导车很快地驶离了。

6、Aborigines also belonged by birth, through either their mothers or their fathers, to local descent groups and to clans. ─── 同时,土著居民根据母亲或父亲来确定他们的家系,从而成为当地土著部落或家族的成员。

7、Making up just 2% of the island's population, Taiwan's aborigines have been reduced to kitschy tribal song and dance at ethnic theme parks. ─── 台湾的原住民人口大约佔台湾总人口的2%,而台湾的原住民已经沦落到在一些主题乐园(像是九族文化村那种跟人种有关的主题乐园)表演一些平庸的原住民歌曲与舞蹈。

8、Plains aborigines ─── 平埔族

9、Cathy is a hero for Aborigines and non Aborigines alike. ─── 凯茜既是土著人的英雄,也是非土著人的英雄。

10、then he delivered a formal apology in Parliament to the “stolen generations” of aborigines for past injustices. ─── 其次,他在议会为过去政府对“被偷走的一代”的土著人的不公正待遇而做出正式道歉。

11、1. The exhibition hall has on display artifacts used by aborigines in the past, including wooden mortars and pestles, and traditional carvings. ─── 图1:山胞民俗文物馆展出泰雅族过去所使用的杵、臼以及雕刻品。

12、Shaw CK.Chen LL.Lee A Distribution of HLA gene and haplotype frequencies in Taiwan:a comparative study among Min-nan,Hakka,Aborigines and Mailand Chinese 1999 ─── 冯明亮.陆琼.马俊.稽月华.季芸.张工梁.杨颖.陈淑贤中华(上海)骨髓库北方人群HLA多态性调查[期刊论文]-重庆医学2002(4

13、A new solidarity among native peoples : from aborigines to Indians, they want to control their land. ─── 土著人的新团结: 从澳大利亚土著居民到印第安人都要控制他们的土地.

14、a heavy straight stick or club thrown as a weapon by aborigines ─── 土著作为武器投掷的重而直的棍或棒

15、As the war worsened, Zhang fled to the mountains, where he taught aborigines to make fish tanks and won their friendship. ─── 二次大战时被日本政府充军新几内亚,因战乱逃入深山原住民部落并教导其使用鱼篓捕鱼,赢得当地的友谊。

16、Both sides is the aborigines woodcarving hanging that comes from Indonesia, the woodcarving of left resembles ladle, woodcarving of the right side resembles broach. ─── 两边则是来自印度尼西亚的土人木雕壁挂,左面的木雕像勺子,右面木雕像叉子。

17、Pituri is a tobacco - like plant that aborigines chew. ─── 皮特尢里是一种土著居民咀嚼的类似烟草的植物.

18、Culture and art of the formosan aborigines ─── 台湾原住民文化艺术

19、March 2007, they bought 80 computer, applied for phone of QQ date, bank Zhang date, customer service and 40 telegraphic broadbands, and employ 12 employee, held water " aborigines is tribal " atelier. ─── 2007年3月,他们买了80台电脑,申请了QQ号、银行账号、客服电话和40条电信宽带,并雇佣了12名员工,成立了“土人部落”工作室。

20、In the last century the Durack had a reputation as the only family of pastoralists who did not shoot Aborigines. ─── 度拉克家族颇有名望,就是因为他们是牧场上唯一没有射杀土著居民的民族。

21、She shared the life with the aborigines. ─── 她与土著分享了她的生活。

22、In Melville Island near Darwin, Australia, lives a race of aborigines called the Tiwi ─── 在澳大利亚达尔文附近的梅尔维尔岛,住着叫Tiwi的土著居民。

23、They were the aborigines, vermin by right of law ─── 他们是土著居民,按照法定的权利是害人虫。

24、The interior was ruled partly by the savage aborigines, partly by organized bands of outlaws and robbers, who plundered ships wrecked on the coast and murdered the crews who approached the island. ─── 岛内有一部分是被野蛮的原住民所控制,一部分是被罪犯和强盗所控制,他们会抢劫近岸失事的船只、杀害登陆的船员。

25、They were the scourge of God upon the aborigines of the continent. ─── 他们是上帝降在美洲土著当中的灾难.

26、But for Aborigines song and dance are part of their culture, and culture is inseparable from daily life. ─── 但其实,歌谣和舞蹈是原住民文化的一部分,而文化就是生活。

27、a short wooden club with a heavy knob on one end; used by aborigines in southern Africa. ─── 一头有重型捏手的短的木制的棍棒;南非土著居民使用。

28、Cathy is a hero for Aborigines and non Aborigines alike. ─── 她既是土著人的英雄,也是非土著人的英雄.

29、Young virile Aborigines will perform for you. ─── 主题: Re: Try a gay Aborigine today!

30、Before the arrival of the white man, Australia was inhabited solely by Aborigines. ─── 白人到达之前, “澳大利亚”仅有土着居住.

31、Even there, in the dry season, the aborigines often sleep out of doors. ─── 但即便是在这里, 若遇上旱季, 土著人也常常睡在户外.

32、In most cases, the aborigines are friendly to visitors. ─── 在大多数情况下,那些土著居民对于游客都是比较友好的。

33、From a population believed as large as 1 million before whites arrived, Aborigines have dwindled to some 400,000 in a mostly white population of 19 million. ─── 原有一百万的人口的原住民,在白人登陆之后渐渐变少到40万人,而白人却有1千9百万的人口。

34、The question about the Canadian aborigines has a close correlation with "Aboriginal rights" and "Treaty Rights". ─── 加拿大的土著民问题与“土著权利”和“条约权利”有着十分密切的关联。

35、With the meeting of the mountains and the plains, will the Han people and the aborigines learn to understand and respect each other better? ─── 在高山与平地的交错后,汉民族与山地同胞是否将可互相认识而尊重?

36、A new solidarity among native peoples: from aborigines to Indians, they want to control their land ─── 土著人的新团结:从澳大利亚土著居民到印第安人都要控制他们的土地

37、From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines. ─── 从世纪之交以后,她就过着和土著人一样的生活。

38、Aborigines comprise about 2% of Australia's population, but 29% of the NT's, which covers a vast area. ─── 土著人约占澳大利亚总人口数的2%,但在北部地区要占到29%,分布范围极广。

39、Cathy is a hero for aborigines and non aborigines alike ─── 她既是土著人的英雄,也是非土著人的英雄。

40、not being or composed of aborigines. ─── 不是土著或者不是由土著组成的。

41、The island used to be inhabited aborigines. ─── 岛上居住过土著人.

42、Aborigines' Culture ─── 土著文化

43、What makes the regiment unusual is that around two-thirds of its 600 soldiers are Aborigines. ─── “非武力组织”的与众不同之处就在于它的600多个成员中有三分之二都是土著人。

44、Keywords aborigines;environmental rights;aborigine participation; ─── 土著民;环境权;本土参与;

45、Many settlements there have evolved since Canberra legislated 31 years ago to give aborigines rights to their traditional land in the NT (a self-governing federal territory). ─── 31年前,堪培拉(即联邦政府)通过立法同意北部地区(自治的联邦地区)土著人享有传统(在传统上具有延续关系)土地所有权。

46、The interior was ruled partly by the savage aborigines, partly by organized bands of outlaws and robbers, who plundered ships, wrecked on the coast and murdered the crews who approached the island. ─── 内陆则部分被险恶的原住民所控制管理,另一部分则是被有组织的罪犯土匪所控制,他们抢劫遇海难的而靠往此岛的船只,杀害船员。

47、Aborigines danced in a circle. ─── 土著们围成一圈跳着舞。

48、He claimed that Japan is "a single nation", but forget the Japanese Diet passed a resolution just a few months ago, found that people living in Hokkaido Ainu people for the Aborigines; ─── 他扬言日本是“单一民族”,却忘了日本国会几个月前刚通过决议,认定生活在北海道的阿依努族为原住民族;

49、The taboos of the aborigines ─── 土著禁忌

50、There are quite a few aborigines. ─── 那儿有相当多的土著居民.

51、Aborigines kick up dust in a dance at sunset. ─── 土著居民日落时的舞蹈能把灰尘扬起来。

52、too, are changing. ─── 同样在改变。

53、The seas supply people with marine creatures of countless kinds--fish, and turtles.These the aborigines capture by fishing, or spearing with a harpoon. ─── 大海给人们带来了数不清的海洋生物--各种鱼类和海龟,土著人可以用鱼钩或鱼叉得到这一切。

54、Does millet make you think of boza and aborigines immediately? ─── 小米是小米酒与原住民的直接联想吗?”

55、Our observations indicate that Kaposi's sarcoma, especially the classic or immunosuppression-associated types, is not an uncommon malignancy in aborigines in eastern Taiwan. ─── 吾人之观察显示卡波西氏肉瘤,尤其是典型或与免疫抑制状态相关之类型,在东台湾原住民并不罕见。

56、Facing nationalization of their traditional domains after World War II, many Aborigines left their home villages to work in cities. ─── 在第二次世界大战后,面临传统领域的国家化,许多原住民离开家乡来到城市找寻工作机会。

57、Ami aborigines gathered for a folk dance smile for the camera. ─── 山胞舞蹈大会上,阿美族山胞露出欢乐的笑容。

58、nut tasting like roasted chestnuts; a staple food of Australian aborigines. ─── 味道如同烘烤过的栗子的坚果;奥大力也土著居民的主食。

59、The Aborigines, however, had been leading a peaceful, bountiful existence on the coast and the ranges long before. ─── 不过,很久以前,原住民就已经在海滨和山中过着平静富足的生活。

60、A heavy straight stick or club thrown as a weapon by aborigines. ─── (作武器用的)木棍土著作为武器投掷的重而直的棍或棒

61、Religion linked the Aborigines to the land and nature through ancestral beings who, according to Aboriginal beliefs, created the world in a time long ago called the Dreaming, or Dreamtime. ─── 宗教通过土著的祖先将土著居民和土地、自然紧密相连。土著居民认为他们的祖先在被称为‘黄金时代’的远古时期就创造了世界。

62、In the dance center, aborigines of the Taya tribe present their traditional wedding ceremony. ─── 图3:泰雅族以歌舞型态,演出他们的婚礼仪式。

63、The visitor can ponder over the boomerangs used by aborigines at the time of Cook. ─── 来访者可以琢磨琢磨土著人在库克时期用的回飞镖.

64、An Australian court has rejected a landmark claim for compensation by two Aborigines who claimed they were taken from their families as young children by the government. ─── 两名澳大利亚土著居民称他们小时候被政府从家中带走,因此提出了有标志意义的赔偿诉讼。法庭判他们败诉。

65、A group of aborigines performed a fantastic traditional dancing near the Opera house. ─── 一群澳大利亚土著人在悉尼歌剧院旁边跳一段十分精彩的传统舞蹈博得路人阵阵喝彩.

66、Aborigines developed these paddy fields beside a river. ─── 山地居民在河边台地开垦出一畦畦的水田。

67、Forcible subjection of Aborigines to police rule. ─── 五.对原住民族实施强制性的[警察统治]暴力.

68、Sadly, it is these very people that have suffered the most miserable fate among all the aborigines. ─── 但不幸的是,正是这些加利福尼亚的印第安人遭受了所有土著人中最悲惨的命运。

69、The belief in ghost of Baiyue aborigines is the main body of folk religion of South Fujian, while buddism and taoism are superficial cultral characteristics of it. ─── 其中,百越的巫鬼崇拜是闽南民间信仰文化的主体,汉式佛道宗教是其上层文化与表征。

70、Exclusion of Aborigines from the legal system. ─── 四.对原住民族[排除法治]的暴力.

71、Some Australia Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors, while others live in cities, towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians. ─── 一些澳大利亚的土著人依然过着和他们祖先类似的生活而其他人象他们的澳洲同事那样生活在都市、城镇和乡下。

72、Hualien, Taiwan has many aborigines. ─── 台湾的花莲有很多原住民。

73、To generate MTBE degraders,the biodegradation potential of aborigines from different gasoline contaminated soils was evaluated. ─── 为了筛选降解甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)的优势菌种,调查了不同来源土壤土著菌的降解潜力。

74、The Australian aborigines and many of the Polynesians are still in this middle stage of savagery today. ─── 即在今日,澳大利亚人和许多波利尼西亚人还是处在蒙昧时代的这个中级阶段上。

75、Therefore, the government must respect the aborigines, including the Yami. ─── 所以啊,政府要尊重包括我们达悟族的原住民族

76、Top: The Tsao aborigines sing songs and present a four-step dance in the square in front of the altar. ─── 上图:曹族男子在祭坛前的广场高唱迎神曲,脚下踏著简单的四步舞。

77、Aborigines have the longest continuous cultural history of any group of people on Earth - dating back - by some estimates - 65,000 years. Dreamtime is Aboriginal Religion and Culture. ─── 土著居民拥有地球上任何部族最为悠久的文化历史-年代追溯-靠大致估计-65,000年。梦想时间是土著信仰与文化。

78、a native; aborigines; an aboriginal ─── 土人

79、The aborigines were here before we were. ─── 原住民在我们之前已来到这里。

80、Boomerangs were traditionally used by Aborigines as a hunting weapon. A typical returning boomerang can travel up to 150 feet in the air before returning to the thrower. ─── 回力标是澳洲原住民的传统狩猎工具。一支典型的回力标在回到投掷者身边前,可在空中飞行达150英尺。

81、They were the scourge of God upon the aborigines of the American continent ─── 他们是上帝降在美洲土著当中的灾难。

82、A group of aborigines performed a fantastic traditional dancing near the Opera house. ─── 一群澳大利亚土著人在悉尼歌剧院旁边跳一段十分精彩的传统舞蹈博得路人阵阵喝彩。

83、"Before the arrival of the white man, australia was inhabited solely by aborigines." ─── "白人到达之前,澳大利亚仅有土著居住。"

84、The aboriginal people of South Asia are known as the Munda tribes, which are thought to be related to the Aborigines of Australia. ─── 南亚的土著居民知道作为Munda部落,被认为与澳洲的土人有关。

85、The custom of the aborigines ─── 地著风俗

86、Although the prevalence increased with age, the annual change in mean refractive status was slower in the schoolchildren of mountain aborigines. ─── 尽管年龄愈高,近视盛行率愈高,但原住民学童之年平均屈光变化似乎较缓慢。

87、Twigs daubed with pig's blood are inserted in the trunks of trees, as the aborigines invoke their gods. ─── 图2:将涂有猪血的小树枝插在树干上,并发出啧啧的唤神声。

88、aborigines of Taiwan ─── 台湾原住民

89、In Melville Island near Darwin, Australia, lives a race of aborigines called the Tiwi. ─── 在澳大利亚达尔文附近的梅尔维尔岛, 住着叫Tiwi的土著居民.

90、the Study of Aborigines ─── 原住民研究

91、The history of Formosan aborigines :Yami. ─── 台湾原住民--历史.

92、Many aborigines died when they came into contact withdiseases. ─── 很多土著人感染了疾病而死亡。

93、For example, when several Australian aborigines want to plan an event for a future time, one of them places a stone on a cliff or in a tree. ─── 例如:当几个澳大利亚土著居民想要为将来计划些什么,他们其中的一个就会把一块石头放在悬崖上或是一棵树上。

94、These and other upheavals, including losses of traditional lands, have left alegacy of trauma, poor health and high prison-custody rates among aborigines. ─── 包括失去世代相传的土地在内的种种原因,给原住民带来了历史遗留的创伤,低下的健康状态以及居高不下的犯罪率。

95、Interestingly enough a large meeting of Aborigines in Australia that followed their conference in the Blue Mountains allowed her a firsthand look at indigenous ascension. ─── 一个人必须及时离开未提升的人士,因为继续和这类人士共舞会由于人类物种的无意识有害本性而导致持续失去信息和记录。

96、History reports that aborigines reached Taiwan in prehistoric times. Chinese started coming about fourteen hundred years ago. ─── 历史记载原住民在史前时代就已来到台湾居住,汉民族约在一千四百多年前才开始移民台湾。

97、From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines. ─── 她自世纪之交以来便同土著居民生活在一起。

98、The bulk of the inhabitants are Japanese and Chinese, with nearly 30,000 Hawaiian aborigines and almost as many Portuguese. ─── 居民大部分为日本人和中国人,另外有将近3万夏威夷土著和同样数量的葡萄牙人。

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