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hedgerow 发音

英:[ˈhedʒroʊ]  美:[ˈhedʒrəʊ]

英:  美:

hedgerow 中文意思翻译



hedgerow 网络释义

n. 灌木篱墙

hedgerow 短语词组

1、hedgerow raspberry ─── 树篱 ─── 树莓

2、hedgerow mulberries ─── 绿篱桑树

3、hedgerow heoge heoge ─── 绿篱

hedgerow 词性/词形变化,hedgerow变形


hedgerow 相似词语短语

1、hedgehogs ─── [脊椎]刺猬(hedgehog的复数)

2、budgerows ─── 预算行。

3、hedgehops ─── v.(飞机)低空飞行

4、hedger ─── n.种植树篱者;两方下注者;骑墙派;作套期保值的人;推卸回避的人;n.(Hedger)人名;(英)赫杰

5、hedgerows ─── n.灌木篱墙

6、Ledger ─── n.总账,分户总账;[会计]分类账;账簿;底账;(手脚架上的)横木;n.(Ledger)人名;(英)莱杰

7、budgerow ─── n.恒河平底船

8、hedgehog ─── n.刺猬

9、hedgehop ─── v.(飞机)低空飞行

hedgerow 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Application and Its Prospect of Ecological and Economic Hedgerow in Vegetation Recovering of Slope Land ─── 坡耕地植被恢复中生态经济型植物篱应用及其展望

2、ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves and small usually white florets; ─── 到处存在的有很强香味的欧亚的一种药草,生长于荒地,篱墙和牧场上;具有窄的齿状叶和小白花;

3、Because of the apparent protection of the hedgerow and our greenness, we had not realized the necessity of digging in and few of us had holes which would have saved us from all but a direct hit. ─── 由于有树篱和绿军装的掩护,我们没有认识到挖单兵防弹坑的必要性。这种防弹坑多数情况下都可以救我们的命,除非直接命中。”

4、When they tried to attack in the hedgerow country, they did no better than the Americans. ─── 而当他们试图在树篱地带发起进攻时,他们干得也不比美国人好到哪里。

5、About a week later, the ugly girl was picking berries in the hedgerow, when the tailor's wife sidled up. ─── 这样大约过了一星期,丑女孩在篱墙内摘莓果,裁缝的妻子悄悄地走了过来。

6、Application of ecological hedgerow reinforcement works at owner frontage campsite of Baise Multipurpose dam project ─── 生态绿篱加固工程在百色水利枢纽业主前方营地的应用

7、On the far side of the inland marsh, about 150 meters away, there was a hedgerow, occupied by the Germans. ─── 沼泽远处的陆地上,也就是大约150米左右,是德国人占据的树篱。

8、Higher returns under treatments T3 and T4 were due to the effect of fertilizer and the additional income from banana and sapodilla, which were employed as hedgerow crops. ─── 处理T3和T4的高收入是由于肥料的增产作用以及作为隔离带的香蕉和人心果带来的额外收入所致。

9、It would have found a way to flank the hedgerow. ─── 本来应该是寻找对该树篱侧翼进攻路线。

10、garden machinery for cutting a lawn, Rotary machine, Hedgerow shear, sprinkler irrigation equipment, Hand-seeder, fertilization, etc. ─── 园林机械有草坪修剪机、旋耕机、绿篱剪、喷灌设备、手摇播种机、施肥器等。

11、Toward the eastern border, quilboar displaced from Durotar have started creating dens with thorned hedgerow barriers. ─── 到了东面边界,从杜隆塔尔迁来的箭猪开始修建带有荆棘篱墙的洞穴。

12、Sun Hui, Tang Ya, Chen Keming, et al. Effect of contour hedgerow system on slope lands erosion control[J]. ─── 孙辉,唐亚,陈克明,等.固氮植物篱防治坡耕地土壤侵蚀效果研究[J].水土保持通报,1999,19(6):1-5.

13、hedgerow prominence ─── 篱笆状日珥

14、If there's a bustle in your hedgerow Don't be alarmed now It's just a spring clean for the May Queen ─── 如果灌木丛边传来一阵喧闹不要惊慌那只是迎接五月王后的大扫除

15、I ran by a wounded German soldier lying alongside of a hedgerow. He was obviously in a great deal of pain and crying for help. ─── 我跑过躺在树篱旁一德国伤兵身边,他疼痛苦难忍,哭喊救命。

16、East hedgerow wall ─── 东篱

17、In order to understand the economic performance of contour hedgerow, a cost-benefit analysis was undertaken. ─── 研究对等高植物篱进行成本效益分析,以了解其经济表现。

18、Study on Functions of Soil and Water Conservation by Mulberry Hedgerow Intercropping of Purple Soil Slopping Farmland in Three Gorges Reservoir Region ─── 三峡库区紫色土坡地桑基植物篱水土保持作用研究

19、A wide hedgerow, growing thick with hawkweed, borders a field in south Wales, near Brecon Beacons National Park. ─── 在南威尔士的布雷肯国家公园附近,田野上长满了茂盛的山柳菊,形成了一道宽广的灌木树篱。

20、Laser musical fountain and the towering monument in Yihong Weiranchuli water tower, paved the ground for the slate, Surrounded by Hedgerow, flower garden and parapets. ─── 激光音乐喷泉和高耸的碑塔巍然矗立在一泓池水之中,地面为石板铺砌,四周围以绿篱、花圃和护栏。

21、He crouched behind a low hedgerow. ─── 他蹲在一排低矮的灌木篱后面。

22、Hedgerow intercropping is an effective mode of agroforestry for soil and water conservation, soil fertility improvement and multi-purpose management of sloping lands in mountainous regions. ─── 摘要植物篱种植模式是一种有效的山区水土保持、土壤改良以及多种经营的耕作模式。

23、Study on Dynamics of Soil Moisture Under Contour Hedgerow System in Dry Valley Area of Jinsha River ─── 干旱河谷区坡耕地等高植物篱种植系统土壤水分动态研究

24、Hedgerow application ─── 绿篱应用

25、Contour Hedgerow Intercropping Technology and Its Application in the Sustainable Management of Sloping Agricultural Lands in the Mountains ─── 等高固氮植物篱技术在坡耕地可持续耕作中的应用


27、Contour hedgerow intercropping is regarded as an effective and 1owcost technology for conserving farming and sustainable use of sloping land. ─── 摘要等高植物篱技术是一种坡耕地上低投入、高收益的保护性耕作和持续利用技术。

28、If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now, ─── 如果树篱里有什么响动,别慌。

29、Effects of Fertilization on Vetiver Grass Hedgerow Growth and its Water and Soil Conservation ─── 施肥对香根草篱长势及护土保水效果的影响

30、to go into town again last year hedgerow of clip Chinese littleleaf box, will cut the branch below to bring back the home to do cuttage grow seedlings, gained considerable income. ─── 以盛产"深州蜜桃"而闻名的深州市,去年又传新鲜事;农民进城修剪黄杨绿篱,将剪下的枝条带回家搞扦插育苗,取得了可观的收入。

31、The polecat returnsHow this secretive hedgerow hunter is making a comeback. ─── 臭鼬的回报那些隐匿的猎手是怎样回来的。

32、hedge; hedgerow ─── 树篱

33、No hanging or airing on trees or hedgerow. ─── 禁止在树上、绿篱上吊挂、晾晒物品。

34、Perennial Alfalfa and Contour Hedgerow on Reducing Soil, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses from Uplands of Purple Soil ─── 生草覆盖与植物篱技术防治紫色土坡地土壤侵蚀与养分流失的初步研究

35、The leaves, still green, tossed off the hedgerow trees by the wind. ─── 仍然是绿色的叶子吹得从灌木篱笆上飘落下来。

36、Soil loss of the pure contour hedgerow plot was 37.71% of that of the pure crop plot. ─── 单纯等高植物篱处理小区的侵蚀量仅为在相近雨强及雨量条件下对照坡耕地的37.71%。

37、Ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of wasteland,hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves and small usually white florets,widely naturalized in North America. ─── 到处存在的有很强香味的欧亚的一种药草,生长于荒地,篱墙和牧场上,具有窄的齿状叶和小白花,在北美被广泛种植。

38、The infantry divisions stayed in the line, advancing from hedgerow to hedgerow. ─── 各步兵师停滞其战线之上,从树篱到树篱推进。

39、He generally had to be caught, if you wanted him badly, as he slipped quietly along a hedgerow of an early morning or a late evening, or else hunted up in his own house in the middle of the Wood, which was a serious undertaking. ─── 一般说,如果你急于见他,你就得在清晨或黄昏时趁他在树篱旁悄悄溜过时去遇他,或者到野林深处他家去找他,那可是件非同小可的事。

40、Research on the Design of Trapezoid Crown Section in Hedgerow Orchard ─── 篱式果园梯形树冠截面设计研究

41、Study on the Components of Organic Matter and Its Properties of Purple Soil in Several Hedgerow Terraces ─── 几种绿篱梯田中紫色土有机质组分及其性质的研究

42、Gardening tools: pruning shear, Hedgerow shear, high sticks saws, such as folding Shouju. ─── 园艺工具:剪枝剪、绿篱剪、高枝锯、折叠手锯等。

43、The leaves, still green, were tossed off the hedgerow trees By the wind. ─── 仍然还是绿色的叶子,被风吹得从灌木篱笆上飘落下来。

44、Review on Changes in Soil Physical Properties and Water and Soil Conservation under Contour Hedgerow Intercropping System ─── 等高植物篱模式下土壤物理性质变化与水土保持效果研究进展

45、The leaves, still green, were tossed off the hedgerow trees by the wind. ─── 仍然是绿的叶子被风吹得从灌木篱笆上飘落下来。

46、Park towering old trees, flowers Hedgerow, with strong local characteristics. ─── 园内古树参天,绿篱花丛,富有浓郁的地方特色。

47、Later in the war, in Holland and Belgium, the 502nd PIR would not have advanced over a causeway crossing a swampy area, with an unsecured hedgerow 150 meters away. ─── 尔后在荷兰、比利时作战中,若150米开外有道危险树篱,第502团就不会越过堤道,横穿沼泽,发起冲击。

48、contour hedgerow strip ─── 等高植物篱条带

49、If there's a bustle in your hedgerow. ─── 如果树篱里忙忙碌碌.

50、It would have found a way to flank the hedgerow. ─── 本来应该是寻找对该树篱侧翼进攻路线。

51、Hedgerow intereropping system ─── 植物篱种植模式

52、In basic training he had detested learning to turn somersaults, but he found that the best way to go over a hedgerow was in a dive, headfirst. ─── 在军训中,他不愿练习空心跟斗,但是他发现,对翻越一道树篱后能头先着地趴倒下去而言,空心跟斗是最好的方式。

53、in hedgerow orchards with different alleyway widths is indicated in Fig. 56. ─── 图56显示篱壁果园不同行间宽度的光能截取和分配的情况。

54、Effect of Contour Hedgerow System on Slope Lands Erosion Control ─── 固氮植物篱防治坡耕地土壤侵蚀效果研究

55、After the contour hedgerow had been planted for five years, the contents of soil organic matter increased prominently. ─── 在该区种植新银合欢、马桑、黄荆等植物篱5年后,土壤有机质的含量明显增加;

56、contour hedgerow intereropping ─── 水平梯田


58、I plant for manufacturing various Caicha, Hedgerow machine, cut irrigation machines, Mower, branch scissors and various accessories. ─── 我厂专业制造各种采茶机、绿篱机、割灌机、割草机、树枝剪刀及各种配件。

59、In the Northwest, they are being planted by hedgerow on seedling roots, clonal and dwarfing stocks ─── 在西北部地区用灌木树篱把它接在实生砧、无性砧及矮化砧上。

60、There was nothing the American could do about the weather, but they could go after their problems in getting tanks into the hedgerow fighting. ─── 美军对天气状况无能为力,然而美军能够解决坦克在树篱地带作战所遇到的问题。

61、a prim hedgerow. ─── 整齐的灌木篱笆

62、Contour hedgerow was introduced to Zigui County as a means of soil conservation in the early 1990s. ─── 摘要早在1990年代初,湖北省株归县政府和技术人员已着手研究如何在坡耕地上使用等高植物篱以解决水土流失的问题。

63、It did not have the range of a bazooka, but that hardly mattered in the hedgerow country. ─── 其射程不及巴祖卡,但在树篱地带,射距远近不甚紧要。

64、A Review on Changes in Soil Physical Properties and Effects of Water and Soil Conservation under Contour Hedgerow Intercropping System ─── 等高植物篱模式下土壤物理性质变化与水土保持效果研究

65、hedgerow system ─── 篱形整枝法

66、Study of benefit of sweet orange orchard under contour hedgerow intercropping system ─── 等高固氮植物篱脐橙园综合效益分析

67、Companies in the production chain saw, cut irrigation machinery, machine Hedgerow, mower, and drilling, pumps, engines and other 200,000 sets have been sold to 98 countries and regions. ─── 我公司始终坚持海纳百川,开拓创新的企业理念引领行业先锋;

68、hedgerow orchard ─── 篱式果园

69、Garden machinery: lawn machines, cut irrigation machinery, chain saw, a drug plane, Hedgerow machines, water pumps, hair dryer, Hedgerow scissors, gardening tools. ─── 园林机械:草坪机、割灌机、油锯、打药机、绿篱机、水泵、吹风机、绿篱剪、园艺工具。

70、In front of UN headquarter there is a yew hedgerow, and in every golden autumn the flat dark green needle leaves often make a beautiful view with fleshy red cup-like fruits. ─── 在联合国总部的前面,有一个红豆杉做成的绿篱。在每一个金秋,它扁平的深绿色的针叶和鲜红的茶杯状的果实,构成了一道美丽的风景。

71、"In the laying of a [hedgerow] live branches are cut partway through, leaving a section 'about as thick as a lamb's tongue. ─── 活的枝丫被切断,只留下羊羔舌头那么薄薄的一点连着主枝,以便堆一道灌木篱笆。

72、Keywords contour hedgerow;non point pollution;semiarid region; ─── 等高植物篱;面源污染;半干旱区;

73、"crop- hedgerow" system ─── “作物-植物篱”系统

74、Effects of Contour Hedgerow Intercropping on Surface Flow Control of Sloping Cropland ─── 等高固氮植物篱控制坡耕地地表径流的效果


76、Once Cole was fully committed along the causeway, the German machine gunners, riflemen, and mortarmen along the hedgerow opened fire.Cole's battalion took a couple of dozen casualties. ─── 只要考尔中校沿堤道发起行动,树篱处德军机步枪迫击炮就开火,考尔营顿添一连串伤亡。

77、Main: grass cutting machines, cutting irrigation machines, Hedgerow machines, fertilizer planter, chain saw, grass seed, gardening design, gardening projects, garden equipment accessories. ─── 主营范围:剪草机、割灌机、绿篱机、施肥播种机、油锯、草种、园艺设计、园艺工程、园林设备配件。

78、Brief report on trials of hedgerow for pear fruit culture ─── 梨树篱壁式栽培试验简报

79、contour hedgerow ─── 植物篱

80、cash crop hedgerow ─── 经济植物篱

81、The Germans were bolstered by a weapons system that was much better suited to hedgerow defense than the American weapons were to attack in such country. ─── 比起在树篱地带用于进攻的美军装备来,德军的武器系统也更为适合在这样的地带防御作战。

82、Derivation of Drainage Network in a Catchment with Hedgerow and Effect of Hedgerow on Runoff Process ─── 树篱条件下的流水网及其对径流过程影响研究

83、According to the pure crop system and initial contour hedgerow - crop system, the major way of nitrogen and phosphorus loss was in sediment loss. ─── 植物篱-农作系统建成初期和单纯农作系统氮、磷养分流失途径以侵蚀泥沙的携带为主。

84、Hank plucked several fruits from the hedgerow. ─── 汉克从灌木树篱摘下几颗果子。

85、If it worked, the Americans would break out of the hedgerow country and uncover the entire German left wing in Normandy, with Patton's Third Army ready to come in to exploit a breakthrough. ─── 如果计划实现,美军将冲出树篱地带,打垮整个诺曼底德军左翼,为巴顿第3集团军准备好突破口。

86、ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves and small usually white florets; widely naturalized in North America. ─── 到处存在的有很强香味的欧亚的一种药草,生长于荒地,篱墙和牧场上;具有窄的齿状叶和小白花;在北美被广泛种植。

87、It should be stressed that the pollen of Poaceae was the main component in all hedgerow modules. ─── 需要说明的是禾本科植物的花粉是所有绿篱模块中的主要成份。

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