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09-15 投稿



indigitation 发音


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indigitation 中文意思翻译



indigitation 相似词语短语

1、interdigitation ─── n.交错接合;并指

2、indigenisation ─── 本土化

3、indignation ─── n.愤慨;愤怒;义愤

4、digitation ─── n.指状突起;指状分裂

5、ingurgitation ─── 咽下;吞入

6、indigenization ─── n.本土化;本国化

7、individuation ─── n.个性化,赋予个性

8、incitation ─── n.激励;刺激;煽动;诱因

9、illimitation ─── 不模仿

indigitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nursing care of anaphylactoid complicate indigitation ─── 过敏性紫癜并发肠套叠的护理

2、55 Cases'Treatment Effect of Indigitation with Atropine before Air Clysis ─── 肌注阿托品对空灌整复小儿肠套叠55例疗效分析

3、Methods 231 cases of infant indigitation were confirmed by air pressure enema reduction or operation,all performed abdomen film on erect and supine positions before air pressure enema reduction. ─── 方法婴儿肠套叠231例,均有完整的空气灌肠前立卧位腹部平片,并经空气灌肠或手术复位确诊。

4、Method:Analysed nursing care in acute, preoperation and postoperation,observed the disease condition and provention of complication for seven infants with anaphyactoid complication indigitation. ─── 方法:分析7例小儿过敏性紫癜并发肠套叠急性期的护理,即术前术后护理、病情观察、并发症的预防。

5、Keywords Indigitation;Ultrasonography;Sausage diaplasis; ─── 肠套叠;超声;灌肠复位;

6、Acute indigitation ─── 急性肠套叠

7、The diagnosis and treatment of failing diaplasis with air clysis in children indigitation ─── 小儿肠套叠空气灌肠复位失败的诊治体会

8、The X-ray appearance showed itself many intestinal polys with more of them distributing in small intestine, together with intestinal indigitation and malignant poly. ─── 全消化道造影示:肠息肉多分布在空回肠,多发,可并发肠套叠,息肉可恶变。

9、Keywords indigitation;gas clysters;imagiology;intestine putrescence; ─── 肠套叠;空气灌肠;影像学;肠坏死;

10、Objective:To sum up nursing experience of anaphylactoid complicate indigitation of infants. ─── 目的:总结小儿过敏性紫癜并发肠套叠的护理体会。

11、Intestine indigitation ─── 肠套叠

12、55 Cases'Treatment Effect of Indigitation with Atropine before Air Clysis ─── 肌注阿托品对空灌整复小儿肠套叠55例疗效分析

13、The diagnosis and treatment of failing diaplasis with air clysis in children indigitation ─── 小儿肠套叠空气灌肠复位失败的诊治体会

14、Objective: To sum up nursing experience of anaphylactoid complicate indigitation of infants. ─── 目的:总结小儿过敏性紫癜并发肠套叠的护理体会。

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