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09-15 投稿



effervescent 发音


英:  美:

effervescent 中文意思翻译



effervescent 短语词组

1、effervescent salt ─── [医] 泡腾盐

2、effervescent tablets ─── 泡腾片剂

3、effervescent beverages ─── [化] 泡腾饮料; 充气饮料

4、effervescent mixture ─── [化] 泡腾混合物

5、effervescent lithium citrate ─── [医] 泡腾枸橼酸锂

6、effervescent wine ─── 发泡葡萄酒

7、effervescent drugs ─── 泡腾药

8、effervescent beverage ─── 泡腾饮料

9、effervescent sodium phosphate ─── [医] 泡腾磷酸钠

10、effervescent bath ─── [医] 泡腾盐浴

11、effervescent spring ─── 泡腾的春天

12、effervescent potassium citrate ─── [医] 泡腾枸橼酸钾

13、effervescent sodium sulfate ─── [医] 泡腾硫酸钠

14、effervescent salts ─── [化] 泡腾盐

15、effervescent wine crossword ─── 泡酒纵横字谜

16、effervescent meaning ─── 冒泡的意思

effervescent 反义词


effervescent 同义词

lively | sparkly | bouncy | vibrant | vivacious |cheerful | gassy | bubbly | bubbling | fizzy | scintillating | frothy | animated | sparkling | aerated

effervescent 相似词语短语

1、fervescent ─── 热情的

2、effervesced ─── v.(液体)泡腾,冒泡;兴奋,兴高采烈

3、effervescency ─── n.冒泡;沸腾;兴奋

4、effervesce ─── v.(液体)泡腾,冒泡;兴奋,兴高采烈

5、effervescing ─── v.冒泡;沸腾;激动,振奋(effervesce的现在分词)

6、noneffervescent ─── 不提供

7、effervescently ─── 冒泡地

8、effervescence ─── n.冒泡;[化工]泡腾;欢腾

9、effervesces ─── v.(液体)泡腾,冒泡;兴奋,兴高采烈

effervescent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Banxia-Houpu Effervescent Tablets ─── 半夏厚朴泡腾片

2、effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide. ─── 人工加入二氧化碳的起泡饮料。

3、a cocktail made with vodka or gin,sweetened lime juice,and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime ─── 伏特加杜松子鸡尾酒,一种由伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬汁使之甜些,并且有时加入苏打水并饰以一片柠檬

4、Keywords Funingkang effervescent capsule;carbon dioxide;release quantiy; ─── 妇宁康;泡腾胶囊;二氧化碳;释放量;

5、metronidazole vaginal effervescent tablets ─── 替硝唑阴道泡腾片

6、Determination of Berberine in Fuyinshu Effervescent Tablet ─── 妇阴舒泡腾片中小檗碱的含量测定

7、Conclusion Effervescent tablets, as a new formulation to treat mosquito nets, had a good effect against mosquitoes. ─── 结论溴氰菊酯泡腾片作为一种新剂型浸泡蚊帐具有良好的灭蚊效果。

8、Quantitative determination of paracetamol effervescent granules ─── 对乙酰氨基酚泡腾颗粒剂的含量测定

9、Keywords atomizer;effervescent atomization;air-to-liquid ratios;flow characteristic;flux coefficient; ─── 喷嘴;气泡雾化;气液比;流量特性;流量系数;

10、She is attractive, effervescent and has an appealing voice. ─── 她迷人而又充满活力,她的嗓音动人甜美。

11、Hosted by the whacky, fun and effervescent Belinda Lee, Find me a Singaporean!searches for Singaporeans in the most obscure places on earth that would never exist in your holiday travel plans! ─── 主持人李心钰将远赴十个你连听都没有听过的国家去,目的就是要找寻找住在那里的新加坡人!

12、Nystatin colp- effervescent tablet ─── 制霉菌素阴道泡腾片

13、It is used in effervescent drinks. ─── 它用于起泡性饮料。

14、effervescent sodium phosphate ─── [医] 泡腾磷酸钠

15、Kunjing vaginal effervescent tablets ─── 坤净阴道泡腾片

16、Knowing nothing of Byron's action at the White House, Natalie had written to thank Slote in effervescent pages ─── 娜塔丽对拜伦在白宫干的事一无所知,所以她写了一封热情洋溢的信来感谢斯鲁特。


18、In order to know the germicidal efficacy of Jie-Er effervescent disinfectant tablet and its corrosiveness to metals, quantitative carrier germicidal test and corrosion test were carried out. ─── 为了解洁尔泡腾消毒片杀灭微生物效果及对金属腐蚀性,进行了载体定量杀菌试验及腐蚀试验。

19、They start to become effervescent, minding nothing and exploring the secrets of the other. ─── 他们开始忘乎所以地,探索对方身体的秘密,。。。。。。

20、Study on Compound Effervescent Tablet of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate ─── 二氯异氰尿酸钠复合泡腾片的研究

21、A cocktail made with vodka or gin, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime. ─── 伏特加杜松子鸡尾酒一种由伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬汁使之甜些,并且有时加入苏打水并饰以一片柠檬

22、Experimental Study of Identification Content and dissolution of Compound Endoconcha Sepiae Effervescent Tablets ─── 复方海螵蛸泡腾片的鉴别含量溶出度测定实验研究

23、Give effervescent powders and tablets immediately after dissolving. ─── 腾粉剂和片剂应在溶解后立即服用。

24、My heart will join with yours and bubble over with effervescent adoration. ─── 我的心会与其他信徒连结,满心欢喜爱慕上帝。

25、Clinical Study on Kechuanling Effervescent Troche in Treating Cough in Children for Attacking on the Lung by Wind and Heat (Acute Bronchitis) ─── 小儿咳喘灵泡腾片治疗小儿咳嗽风热犯肺证(急性支气管炎)临床研究

26、In our violent, discordant, and effervescent universe, reality always seems to be stranger than fiction. ─── 在我们这个充满暴力、不和谐的沸腾宇宙中,现实看上去比小说更离奇。

27、Keywords monophyletic solid chlorine dioxide;effervescent tablet;technology; ─── 一元二氧化氯;泡腾片;工艺;

28、Nystatin vaginal effervescent tablets ─── 制霉菌素泡腾片

29、a white soluble compound used in effervescent drinks and in baking powders and as an antacid. ─── 一种白色可溶的化合物,用于冒泡的饮料和发酵面粉,也作抗酸剂。

30、Keywords Fast-release oral tablet;Crospovidone;Effervescent disintegrant;Water uptake measurement; ─── 口腔速释片;交联聚维酮;泡腾崩解剂;吸水量测定;

31、In Europe, effervescent dosage forms are widespread, and their use is growing in the US because they offer pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies a way to extend their market share. ─── 在欧洲,腾泡服法是非常普遍,而在美国亦渐渐增加,因为其可提供配药和保健食品公司扩大市场佔有率的方法。

32、Amphotericin B Vaginal Effervescent Tablets ─── 两性霉素B阴道泡腾片

33、Keywords cefaclor;effervescent tablets;relative bioavailability;reversed phase-high performance liquid chromatographay; ─── 头孢克罗;泡腾片;相对生物利用度;反相高效液相色谱法;

34、Clotrimazole Effervescent Tablets ─── 克霉唑阴道泡腾片

35、On Monday, the New York Asian Film Festival will honor the effervescent director with its lifetime achievement award. ─── 7月11日,纽约亚洲电影节(NewYorkAsianFilmFestival)授予了这位勤奋的电影导演终身成就奖。

36、Methods The way of solid dispersion basic materials and non-water preparation was used to prepare effervescent tablets, and was compared with the traditional preparation procedures. ─── 方法采用碱性固体分散-非水制粒工艺试制泡腾片,与改进的非水制粒工艺对比;

37、An effervescent beverage. ─── 冒泡的饮料

38、Kangfuyan effervescent suppository ─── 抗妇炎泡腾栓

39、Development of effervescent tablet of Chinese traditional medicine and its technology study ─── 中药泡腾片及工艺研究进展

40、Keywords prunus mume;effervescent g ranules;health function; ─── 关键词果梅;泡腾冲剂;保健功能;

41、CO2 improves flavors, contributes acidic preservative action, produces tingling mouthfeel, and gives the sparkling effervescent appearance to the beverage. is directly mixed with carbonated water as the drink is being drawn. ─── 二氧化碳改善了风味,为饮料提供了酸性环境,产生了刺激性口感,并赋予了软饮料气泡飞涌的外观。

42、Effervescent Waley, prim Seidensticker or suave Tyler-who will you take to bed with you tonight? ─── 是“热情洋溢”的韦利,“循规蹈矩”的塞登斯蒂克还是“温文尔雅”的泰勒---今晚,你会选择谁与你一道“同床共枕”?

43、compound effervescent powder ─── 复合起泡粉

44、Fuyanqing effervescent tablets ─── 妇炎清泡腾片

45、Fuyanxiao Effervescent Suppositories ─── 妇炎消泡腾栓

46、Relative Bioavailability of the Cefadorxil Effervescent Tablets in Dogs after Administration of Single Oral Dose ─── 头孢羟氨苄泡腾片动物体内生物等效性评价

47、Obviously the language might be a slight barrier but once he gets over that I'm sure he'll be bubbly and effervescent. ─── 语言障碍确实存在,不过,一旦过了这一关,他会变得非常活泼。

48、A cocktail made with vodka or gin, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime. ─── 伏特加杜松子鸡尾酒一种由伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬汁使之甜些,并且有时加入苏打水并饰以一片柠檬。

49、Anti - virus effervescent tablet ─── 抗病毒泡腾片

50、The experiment is successfully obtained a new processing procedure of effervescent tablet by using technology combined non-water granulating process with effervescent technology. ─── 本实验将非水造粒技术与泡腾技术相结合,成功地研制出泡腾饮片生产新工艺,解决了无重压设备一次压片成型的技术问题。

51、Keywords metronidazole vaginal effervescent tablets;preparation technology; ─── 关键词甲硝唑;泡腾片;生产工艺;

52、Gary Neville is the kind of effervescent character that refuses to let even a nine-point gap between Manchester United and Chelsea - a team that has lost just one league game all season - dampen his spirits. ─── 加里·内维尔是那种即使曼联被赛季仅输一场的切尔西抛离9分依然保持乐观态度的角色,这就是他的精神。

53、water naturally or artificially impregnated with mineral salts or gasses; often effervescent; often used therapeutically. ─── 天然含有或人工加入天然盐和气体的水,通常会冒泡,常用于治疗。

54、Method: Tartaric acid and baking soda were used as effervescent,macrogol was used to wrap up baking soda,using this technology prepares out Qingkailing effervesce granules. ─── 方法:以酒石酸、碳酸氢钠为泡腾剂,采用聚乙二醇包裹碳酸氢钠,并用此工艺制成清开灵泡腾颗粒。

55、Keywords Huahaiyigan Effervescent Granules;schisandrin B;quality standard; ─── 华海乙肝泡腾颗粒剂;五味子乙素;质量标准;

56、his fertile effervescent mind; scintillating personality; sparkling conversation; a row of sparkly cheerleaders. ─── 他丰富、活跃的思想;活泼的性格;活跃的谈话;一排活泼的啦啦队队长。

57、PET containers have no competition in retaining carbon dioxide, the gas responsible for the effervescent, bubbling effect. ─── 不知大家注意过没有,同是碳酸饮料,装在塑料瓶中的打开时冒出的泡沫就比装在铝制易拉罐中的开罐时冒出的泡沫多。

58、That, and her trim, slender body, perky breasts, effervescent smile make her an appealing package indeed. ─── 她的苗条整洁的身体,自信得意的胸部,兴奋冒泡的笑的确包装的她非常迷人。

59、It's an effervescent multivitamin. ─── 是一种会冒泡的综合维他命剂。

60、A white soluble compound used in effervescent drinks and in baking powders and as an antacid. ─── 一种白色可溶的化合物,用于冒泡的饮料和发酵面粉,也作抗酸剂。

61、Research the internal and external effects of anti-candida albicans and anti-trichomonad with Fuyinshu effervescent tablets ─── 妇阴舒泡腾片体内外抗真菌滴虫作用研究

62、Fuxiaoning effervescent suppository ─── 妇消宁泡腾栓

63、Selection and hygroscopicity examination of prescription of compound calcium carboate effervescent granule ─── 复方碳酸钙泡腾颗粒剂处方筛选及吸湿性考察

64、Compound Kushen Effervescent Tablets ─── 复方苦参泡腾片

65、Fuke effervescent suppository ─── 妇科泡腾栓

66、ornidazole vaginal effervescent tablets ─── 奥硝唑阴道泡腾片

67、A cylindrical combustion chamber was designed to investigate kerosene spray flame produced by effervescent atomizers systematically. ─── 构建了用于研究气泡雾化喷嘴燃烧特性的圆柱形燃烧室。

68、J. D. Whitlow and A. H. Lefebvre,“Effervescent Atomizer Operation and Spray Charateristics,” Vol 13, pp. 137-155, 1993 ─── 杨坤和。研究型气助式喷嘴之喷雾特性研究。国立成功大学航太所硕士论文,1992。


70、Listen to the radio And you will hear the songs you know Make it effervescent here ─── 你会听到熟悉的歌声它会令你兴奋不已你可能会想起一个相关的故事,我的宝贝

71、compound effervescent powders ─── 复方泡腾散

72、Kechuanling Effervescent Troche ─── 小儿咳喘灵泡腾片

73、I wish my work to smell of the sea, have colors as soft and slippery as a satin quilt and taste the effervescent, tingle of pink. ─── 我希望我的作品会散发出海的味道,颜色会象缎子一样柔软与光滑,感觉中略带有一丝兴奋与纷杂。

74、In order to know the germicidal property and stability of the disinfection effervescent tablet, carrier quantitative germicidal test was used to carry out experimental observation. ─── 为了解消毒泡腾片的杀菌性能及其稳定性,以载体定量杀菌试验进行了试验观察。

75、Keywords secnidazole;administration;intravaginal;safety;tolerability;effervescent tablets; ─── 塞克硝唑;投药;阴道内;安全;耐受性;泡腾片;

76、water naturally or artificially impregnated with mineral salts or gasses; often effervescent; often used therapeutically ─── 天然含有或人工加入天然盐和气体的水,通常会冒泡,常用于治疗

77、Preparation and quality control for treatment of children bronchial asthma with effervescent tablets ─── 小儿止喘泡腾片的研制和质量控制

78、Compound Potassium Chloride Effervescent Tablets ─── 复方氯化钾泡腾片


80、Determination of TTS-12 and Its Effervescent Tablet by RP-HPLC ─── TTS-12原料药及泡腾片的含量测定

81、effervescent lithium citrate ─── [医] 泡腾枸橼酸锂

82、The moon's journey through Gemini could produce a flirtatious, effervescent atmosphere. ─── 月亮的轨迹划过双子座,会带来兴奋和骚动的气氛。

83、2. his fertile effervescent mind; scintillating personality; sparkling conversation; a row of sparkly cheerleaders. ─── 他丰富、活跃的思想;活泼的性格;活跃的谈话;一排活泼的啦啦队队长。收藏指正

84、an effervescent beverage (usually alcoholic). ─── 冒泡的饮料(通常含酒精)。

85、Summary : chinese Effervescent Tablets is a kind of new form of a drug of the contemporary chinese herbal medicine . ─── 中药泡腾片是当代中药制剂的一种新剂型。

86、the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container. ─── 往容器里灌注冒泡的液体时聚集在上面的泡或泡沫。

87、Sydney's exuberance, effervescent optimism and passion forsport and general lifelong contentment was done well and was missingfrom the Beijing games. ─── 悉尼奥运会的那种健康兴奋的乐观主义精神、对体育的热情以及总体的人生满足感表现的非常好,而且是北京奥运所缺少的。

88、For use in food, fast food, baking food, drink, jelly, confectionery products and dairy products, as well effervescent tablet. ─── 应用于一般食品、即食食品、烘焙食品、饮品、果冻、糖果、乳制品以及泡腾片中。

89、Study on the Processing Technology of Hawkthorn Effervescent Tables ─── 山楂泡腾片生产工艺研究


celestial [səˈlestiəl]

adj.天空的; 天上的;

n.天人; 神仙; (指封建时代的) 中国人; 天朝之人;




Polyaromatic hydrocarbons:多环芳烃(虽然物质本身多是有毒的,但名字好听,呵呵)



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