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09-15 投稿


chides 发音

英:[tʃaɪdz]  美:[tʃaɪdz]

英:  美:

chides 中文意思翻译



chides 短语词组

1、chides antonyms ─── 斥责反义词;

2、chides into silence ─── 责骂成沉默

3、chides into silence crossword ─── 埋怨无声的纵横填字游戏

4、chides syn ─── 齐德斯syn

5、chides into silence crossword clue ─── 责骂沉默纵横字谜线索

6、chides define ─── 责骂定义

chides 词性/词形变化,chides变形

副词: chidingly |动词第三人称单数: chides |动词过去式: chided/chid |动词过去分词: chided/chid/chidden |名词: chider |动词现在分词: chiding |

chides 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How can you thus your pupil chide? ─── 你怎能这样责备你的学生?

2、Do so, and bid my sweet prepare to chide. ─── 很好,请你再叫我的爱人预备好一顿责骂。

3、However, them will chide you if you try to speak French. ─── 但假如你试图讲法语,就会遭到她们的责骂。

4、Most Europeans barely know that Taiwan exists, and when their governments do mention that embattled island, it is to chide it for “provoking” China with dangerous notions like democracy. ─── 大多数欧洲人几乎不知道台湾的存在,当政府真的提及这个四面楚歌的岛屿时,那是在斥责它用像民主这类危险的理念“冒犯”大陆。

5、Have we got any business to chide it? ─── 我们有何理由责备它呢?

6、He will not always chide; neither will he keep his anger for ever. ─── 他不长久责备,也不永远怀怒。

7、Palmer chides him for harming anyone in the name of his candidacy, but Carl claims that he never had any choice in the matter. ─── 帕默斥责卡尔以他总统候选人的身份伤害他人,但卡尔称他对这事从来都是被动的,有人指使他这么做。

8、Within his framework for development, he chides India for its slighting of primary education -- a decision resulting in illiteracy rates of nearly 50 percent, and even higher among women. ─── 在其发展理论框架中,他厉声斥责印度对小学教育之轻忽-----此种决策,导致印度文盲率近于50%,而妇女文盲率更高。

9、We must assimilate history chide and should attach important to peasant problem and deal with it fairly in reforming and opening. It is a large problem which is relevant to the overall situation . ─── 我们必须吸取历史的教训,重视并处理好农民问题,这是事关全局的大问题。

10、you chide him wrongfully; ─── 既然事实如此,你何苦待我这样好啊?

11、When the auctioneer gently chides him, he loudly changes his bid: “Twelve hundred!” ─── 当拍卖商轻声指责他的时候,他又大声地重新叫价:"两千美元!"

12、we should sum up some valuable experiences and chides from our failure. ─── 我们应该试着从我们的失败中总结有价值的经验教训。

13、The waters of the Bramahputra River flowing through Lhokha's Chide Shol village have been brimming over into the fields. ─── 雅鲁藏布江流过位于山南地区的姐德秀镇,由于江水漫滩,姐德秀人一直缺少耕田。

14、Marry, before your ladyship, I grant, / She puts her tongue a little in her heart, /And chides with thinking ─── 不过,在您夫人面前,我还要说一句,她有些话是放在心里说的,人家瞧她不开口,她却在心里骂人。

15、The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him, yet she got chide more than any of us on his account. ─── 我们如果真要惩罚她,最历害的一着就是把他俩分开,可是她比我们更常为了他而挨骂。

16、A one-party state chides an electronics firm for "arrogance" ─── 一党专制的国家谴责一家电子公司的“傲慢”

17、Though the overall look is generally pleasing, we chide Pontiac's decision to fit trendy clear tail lamps and goofy, non-functional hood scoops on the G8 GXP. ─── 虽然整体外观通常是令人高兴,我们喝叱庞蒂克的决定,明确适合时尚尾灯和愚笨,非功能性遮光罩水壶的八国集团GXP。

18、Emilia. Do not you chide; I have a thing for you. ─── 爱米利娅不要骂;我有一件好东西给你。

19、And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? ─── 摩西对他们说,你们为什么与我争闹?

20、Horseback hunting supplies in Saudi Arabia is to use, so if this patriarchal country to the "Da Zhangfu" Falcon were sent in January, will be very Chide Kai. ─── 骑马打猎用品在沙特阿拉伯很有用场,所以,若给这个父权国的“大丈夫”们送一月猎鹰,将会很吃得开。

21、In search of things to complain about, Mr.Janjigian notes that Mr.Buffett has rightly had to adjust his corporate-governance policies to provide more transparency.He chides Mr. ─── 简吉恩提出了一些批评意见,指出巴菲特需要适当地调整他的公司治理政策,以提高透明度。

22、If either or both of them reach old age with you, do not say 'uff' to them or chide them, but speak to them in terms of honor and kindness. ─── 如果他俩中的一人或者两人在你的堂上达到老迈,那末,你不要对他俩说:“呸!”

23、Bush, in London, Defends Iraq War and Chides Europe ─── 布什为伊拉克战争辩护

24、Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that we may drink. ─── 2所以与摩西争闹,说,给我们水喝吧。

25、The teacher chides him for being unmotivated and assumes he is not bright. ─── 老师就责怪他动机不明确,觉得他不聪明。

26、“How can you thus your pupil chide? ─── 老师怎好把人家学生怨?

27、His angry steede did chide his foming bitt, ─── 他那愤怒的坐骑暴躁地咬着马勒,

28、Neither is the intention here to chide our young further. They're but products of their socialization. ─── 我无意进一步责备我们的年轻人,他们只是我们特定环境下的产物。

29、Iago. I pray you, be content;' tis but his humour: The business of the state does him offence, And he does chide with you. ─── 伊阿古请您宽心,这不过是他一时的心绪恶劣,在国家大事方面受了点刺激,所以跟您呕起气来啦。

30、He gently chides his students every time they misspelled a word. ─── 每当他的学生拼错一个词时,他都温和地责备他们。

31、This age-old handicraft practiced by the people of Chide Shol had remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of years, a life revolving around a small world of fabric. ─── 古老的编织手艺,数百年不变地在当地人手中延续,这是一个生活在织物中的小世界。随着时代变迁,姐德秀以织业为中心的生活模式在发生变化。

32、Fat , Foolish, Ugly, Clumsiness, Your host chide and laugh you , But you aren’t inaudibility.You think of that it is praise! ─── 肥胖、愚蠢、丑陋、笨拙,你的主人斥责嘲笑你,你听不懂,以为那是赞美!

33、'You can't say that, ' chides husband Bruce. ─── 丈夫布鲁斯温和地责备了她,你不能这么说。

34、I woke - and chide my honest fingers, ─── 但我醒来却斥骂我忠实的手指们

35、In his preteens he had a brief, intense religious experience, going so far as to chide his assimilated family for eating pork. ─── 在十一二岁的时候,他有过一段短暂而强烈的宗教体验,甚至指责他信教的家人吃猪肉。

36、C-Note chides T-Bag, “You actually had me worried there for a second.” ─── C-Note埋怨道,“我还以为有多少呢,你真的让我担心了一会儿。”

37、He will chide sometimes, or He would not be a wise Father for such poor, erring children as we are. ─── 上帝有时会管教我们,否则祂就不是一位智慧的天父。

38、From Alexander the grammarian, to refrain from fault-finding, and not in a reproachful way to chide those who uttered any barbarous or solecistic or strange-sounding expression_r; ─── 语法学家亚历山大教我克制于挑剔,学会不以苛刻的方式去指责那些表述意见粗俗、文理不通、奇腔怪调的人;

39、he chides in his squeaky high-pitched voice, "Don't even ask! " ─── 他斥责他的吱吱作响的高亢的声音,“不要问!”

40、Mr Liveris chides regulators for imposing too many needless costs on business. ─── 伟诚先生责备监管者向企业施加了太多没有必要的成本。

41、So smile the heavens upon this holy act, that after hours with sorrow chide us not! ─── 愿上天祝福这神圣的结合,不要让日后的懊恨把我们遣责。

42、This school with its false depth, all on the surface, which dissects effects without going back to first causes, chides from its height of a demi-science, the agitation of the public square. ─── 这个学派,貌似精深,实是浅薄,它只细查效果,不问起因,从一种半科学的高度它责骂公共广场上的骚动。

43、They expected blood, bones, gristle, sinews.They chew and chew, but the phrases are not chide and chicle is indigestible. ─── 它们期待的是血,是骨头,是软骨,是筋,它们嚼了又嚼,然而Vocabulary是无味的树胶,树胶是无法消化的。

44、I will chide no breather in the world but myself, against whom I know most faults. ─── 我不怨世上任何人,只怨我自己,因为我知道我自己的毛病最多。

45、Economy does not grow, international does not have a position, conversation does not have heft, take a beating in the war, the passivity in competition, this has been a deep history chides our nation. ─── 经济不发展,国际没地位,说话没分量,战争中挨打,竞争中被动,这已经是我们国家一个深刻的历史教训。

46、Reducing content of hydrogen effect of fluoride,carbonate,active chide and rare earth oxide in weld by self-shielded flux-cored wire with CaF2-TiO2 MgO slag system is investigated. ─── 探讨氟化物、大理石、高价氧化物和稀土氧化物在氟钙钛渣系自保护药芯焊丝中的降氢机理。

47、The thickeningt power of amine chide is compared with that of Ninol.The coordinate thickening powers of three kinds of macromolecules with Ninol arediscussed. ─── 对两种氧化脓和尼纳尔的增调性能进行了比较,测定了三类高分子增调剂与尼纳尔的协同增调性能。

48、They do not joke, they chide under the veil of sarcasm but the comments made are meant to sting and hurt NOT to lighten TMAC's mood. ─── 他们不开玩笑,他们责备的面纱下的嘲讽,但提出的意见,目的是刺痛和伤害不会减轻TMAC的心情。

49、Unless, of course, you really are very capable, everything can Chide Kai, otherwise you own or have a certain talent better. ─── 当然,除非你真的是很有本事,样样都能吃得开,否则,你还是自己拥有某一项特长比较好。

50、And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? wherefore do ye tempt the LORD? ─── 摩西对他们说、你们为甚麽与我争闹、为甚麽试探耶和华呢。

51、Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that we may drink. ─── 所以与摩西争闹、说、给我们水喝罢。

52、He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever. ─── 诗103:9他不长久责备、也不永远怀怒。

53、It is wrong to chide the novel for being satisfied by mysterious coincidences, but it is right to chide man for being blind to such coincidences in his daily life. ─── 责备因为神秘的偶然而成的小说是错的(太瞎扯离谱了),但是责备看不见自己日常生活中的这种偶然与神秘的人却是对的。

54、They expected blood, bones, gristle, sinews.They chew and chew, but the words are chide and chicle is indigestible. ─── 它们期待的是血,是骨头,是软骨,是筋,它们嚼了又嚼,然而词汇是无味的树胶,树胶是无法消化的。

55、Greatly frightened, Luo shouted, “My god, Chide Pu hang himself”, drawing out waist word, slashing down the belt and laying down Childe Pu. ─── 罗千总大惊,叫道“不好了,少庄主上吊了”,急忙抽出腰刀,砍断腰带,放下少庄主。

56、Kenyan minister of agriculture William Ruto also chides his government's financial priorities. ─── 肯尼亚农业部部长WilliamRuto指责政府的经济侧重点。

57、But chide rough winter that the flower hath killed. ─── 而应痛斥凶狠的,摧残花卉的冬天;

58、If you chide or kick it,then she will stay away from you for long time. ─── 而如果你对它大骂一次或送它飞脚一只,那么很长的时间里,它是不可能让你接触和爱抚的。

59、He also chides the US over what he sees as double standards on the "monitoring, reporting and verification" of pledges to cut emissions. ─── 他还指责美国在对减排承诺的“监控、报告和核查”方面采取双重标准。

60、I pray thee, chide not; she whom I love now doth grace for grace and love for love allow; The other did not so. ─── 请你不要责备我;我现在所爱的她,跟我心心相印,不像前回那个一样。

61、The members of the RHPS are on a recruiting drive and Valiant is eager to follow their encouragement, although everyone in the pub chides him as being too little. ─── 皇家信鸽队正忙著招募新血;小威在他们的鼓励之下也非常想加入,不过酒馆里的人都泼他冷水,嫌他太小。

62、He runs, and chides his vanished, loathed delight. ─── 他正在路上狂奔,将已逝的欢情詈诟。

63、We conform or do not conform to it; it does not urge or chide us, not call for any emotions on our part other than those naturally aroused by the various objects which it unfolds in their true nature and proportion. ─── 不论我们是否遵循理性,它不会极力或责备我们,除了以事物的本来面目和比例揭示各种事物而自然而然的激起我们的感情,它并不需要我们付出任何感情。

64、O, what a beast was I to chide at him! ─── 我刚才把他这样辱骂,我真是个畜生!

65、He gently chides his students every time they misspelled a word . ─── 每当他的学生拼错一个词时,他都温和地责备他们。

66、She might chide, cry, even threat to die,meanwhile, our love became weak and dry just as the fragile maidenhair; ─── 我越想越糟,所以,我不得不克制自己,让我去想想眼前,想想自己的美好回忆。或许,会冲淡一些心灵上的伤痛吧。

67、They often analyse the social interaction between the parties that led to the dispute and later chide both parties for their roles in the dispute. The idea is that disputes are the result of both parties behaving incorrectly. ─── 他们时常分析当事人彼此的言行何以导致冲突,然后责备两造各有不是之处,理由是凡有事端发生,总归是双方行为偏差。

68、4.From Alexander the grammarian, to refrain from fault-finding, and not in a reproachful way to chide those who uttered any barbarous or solecistic or strange-sounding expression; ─── 从文法学家亚历山大那里,我学到了不吹毛求疵,不用责备的语调责骂那些说出任何野蛮的、失礼的或闻所未闻话语的人;

69、We chide the citizen because he makes love a commodity. ─── 我们责备庸俗的市民,那是因为他把爱变成了商品。

70、Nuclear power plant of accept of Yi Ge accept forest has the RBMK of 2 15 0 0 MW lot, these 2 caboodle are the cause that union of Swedish industry group chides all the time, think advanced.. ─── 伊格纳林纳核电站有 2座15 0 0 MW的 RBMK型堆 ,这 2座堆一直是瑞典工业界联合会指责的目标 ,认为在前...

71、He thereupon privately chide his wife for her forwardness in the matter ─── 于是他私下责备他的妻子,因为她对这种事热心。

72、PETRUCHIO. Not her that chides, sir, at any hand, I pray. ─── 彼特鲁乔:大概不是爱骂人的那个她吧?

73、However, they will chide you if you try to speak French. ─── 但如果你试图讲法语,就会遭到他们的责骂。

74、I find it still, when I have list to sleep: Marry, before your ladyship, I grant, She puts her tongue a little in her heart, And chides with thinking. ─── 不过,在您夫人的面前,我还要说一句,她有些话是放在心里说的,人家瞧她不开口,她却在心里骂人。

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