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09-15 投稿



hyphen 发音

英:[ˈhaɪfn]  美:[ˈhaɪfn]

英:  美:

hyphen 中文意思翻译




hyphen 词性/词形变化,hyphen变形


hyphen 短语词组

1、non-breaking hyphen ─── 不可分连字符 [计] ─── 不可分连字符

2、required hyphen ─── 必需的连字符

3、soft hyphen ─── [计]软连字符

4、hyphen character ─── 连字符

5、to-day hyphen ─── 今天连字符

6、syllable hyphen character ─── [计] 字节连字符

7、hyphen drop ─── [计] 连字符消去

8、double hyphen ─── 双连字符(即“=”)

9、longer hyphen ─── 长连字符

10、discretionary hyphen ─── [计] 任意连字符, 自由选定连字符

11、dashes vs hyphen ─── 破折号与连字符

12、well-informed hyphen ─── 消息灵通连字符

hyphen 相似词语短语

1、cypher ─── n.密码,暗号;以密码书写的东西;解码;零;无足轻重的人,不重要的东西;(姓名首字母的)拼合字,花押字;(管风琴音管因机械故障发出的)连响;v.用密码书写;做算术,计算;(管风琴音管)连响

2、hyphened ─── n.连字号,连字符;v.以连字号连接,以连字符连接

3、hyphenic ─── 连丝的

4、hyphens ─── [计][语]连字符

5、hyped ─── v.炒作,大肆宣传(产品或想法);(使)兴奋,活跃(hype的过去式及过去分词)

6、hyper ─── adj.亢奋的;高度紧张的;n.宣传人员

7、hypha ─── n.菌丝

8、hypes ─── n.大肆宣传;皮下注射;vt.大肆宣传;使…兴奋

9、hyphema ─── n.[眼科]眼前房积血;[眼科]眼前房出血

hyphen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Create a range in which the beginning character value is lower than the hyphen character and the ending character value is equal to or greater than the hyphen. ─── 创建一个范围,在该范围中,开始字符值小于连字符,而结束字符值等于或大于连字符。

2、As the word becomes more and more common, we remove the hyphen and the double word now becomes a single word. ─── 由于这个新词用得越来越多,我们将其中的短划去掉,从而成为一个词。

3、The hyphen is all that is left to show that it is a word made up of more than one word. ─── 连是剩下来要表明,这是一个字由超过一个词。

4、nonbreaking hyphen ─── 不可断连字符

5、Specifies whether the comparison sorts all punctuation symbols, except the hyphen and apostrophe, before the alphanumeric characters. ─── 指定比较是否对标点符号排序,并将除了连字符和撇号外的所有标点符号排在字母数字字符之前。

6、In essence the first syllables are normally accentuated. Syllables preceded by a hyphen are accentuated as well. ─── 一般来说,单词第一个音节和“-”符号后的第一个音节是重音。“-”用于窄用式变调,其余音节是广用式变调。

7、To enter a conditional hyphen inside a word, press Control+minus sign. ─── 要在一个字内输入有条件连字符,请按Ctrl+减号键。当这个词在该行的结尾时,在此位置断字,即使本段禁用自动断字。

8、Where a hyphen is shown in the permissions list, the permission is absent. ─── 注意拥有根权限(管理员)的人能够访问系统上的所有文件。

9、To divide or connect(syllables,word elements,or names) with a hyphen. ─── 用连字号分离或连接(音节、词素或名字)。

10、In word processing, a software facility which ensures that a hyphenated word at the end of a line loses its hyphen if it subsequently appears elsewhere in the text and no longer requires hyphenation. ─── 字(词)处理技术中的一种软件功能,能够保证一行末尾用连字符连接的字,在此后正文的别处出现且不再需要连字符号时,丢掉它的连字符号。参阅hyphenation。

11、required hyphen character ─── 请求连字符字符

12、For a word that is always hyphenated and can be separated onto two lines, such as "two-thirds," press HYPHEN (-). ─── 对于总是要断字并且可以分为两行的单词,如“two-thirds”,按连字符(-)。

13、For this fine control, place the insertion point where you want to insert a hyphen, and then do one of the following ─── 要更好地进行控制,请将插入点放在要插入连字符的位置,然后执行下列操作之一

14、hard hyphen ─── 强制连字符

15、Domain names are restricted to the characters "a-z", "0-9" and the hyphen ("-"). ─── 域名限制为使用字符“a-z”、“0-9”以及连字符(“-”)。

16、At present, only Internet top-level domain name system support, including 26 English letters and Arabic numerals and a hyphen 0-9, 37 characters. ─── 目前,互联网顶级域名体系只支持包括26个英文字母、连字符和阿拉伯数字0至9在内的37个字符。

17、For standard spelling, some pairs of words work sensibly together simply by being next to each other. These pairs do not need a hyphen to emphasize their relationship nor should ─── 就标准拼写而言,某些词组只通过相互放在一起即可起作用,这些词组不需要用断字来强调其关系,也不应

18、double hyphen ─── 双驼峰波

19、Try to use hyphen between words in the page.The robots can easily index the URL's with hyphens. ─── 可以使用蜘蛛可以轻松分辨路径名称的连字符。

20、Orthographically, a compound can be written as one word with or without a hyphen in between, or as two separate words. ─── 从正字法上看,一个复合词在拼写的时候中间可以带有也可以不带有连字符,或者写成两个单独分开的单词。

21、Is there a hyphen in post-mortem? ─── post-mortem 中有连字符吗?

22、discretionary hyphen ─── 分开连字符

23、%(Percent sign) The percent sign has the same meaning as the double hyphen, if the PERCENT_AS_COMMENT option is set to ON. ─── %(百分号)如果PERCENT_AS_COMMENT选项设置为ON,则百分号与双连字符的含义相同。

24、A hyphen has reappeared over India’s western border, just as the scale of the economic setback hitting India is becoming apparent. ─── 西部边境又一次成为印度的注脚,正如经济遭受大规模挫折一样,这对该国的打击显而易见。

25、The hyphen in the name hc-append is just a part of the identifier; it's not hc minus append. ─── hc-append中的连字符是函数名的一部分,而不是hc减去append。

26、Furthermore, you should not place a hyphen in a compound adjective if the adjectives are capitalized, such as when they are part of a title. ─── 此外,如果组成复合形容词的形容词为大写形式,例如:该附和形容词为文章题目的一部分,则不需在其间加以连字符。

27、required hyphen character (HYP) ─── 必要连字符

28、En dash (En rule): A rule the length of which equals an en. Used to take the place of hyphen in many occasions when finer typography is required. ─── 半方接线(短划):长度等于半方的短划。很多时,配合精细的排字要求,就用它来代替连字号。

29、soft hyphen ─── 软连字符

30、syllable hyphen ─── 字节连字符

31、Renal pelvis is near kidney door taper, divide with a hyphen at the end of a line of door giving kidney at ureter. ─── 肾盂在肾门附近逐渐变小,出肾门移行于输尿管。

32、non-breaking hyphen ─── n. 不可分连字符

33、Long run" (without a hyphen) is a noun. "Long-run" (with a hyphen) is an adjective. ─── Long run”(没有连字符)是个名词,“Long - run”(由连字符)是个形容词。

34、To divide or connect(syllables, word elements, or names) with a hyphen. ─── 以连字号连接用连字号分离或连接(音节、词素或名字)

35、Indicates that the string comparison must use the string sort algorithm. In a string sort, the hyphen and the apostrophe, as well as other nonalphanumeric symbols, come before alphanumeric characters. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

36、To return the specific number you want, search for the phone number with parentheses around the area code and a hyphen after the prefix. ─── 若要返回所需的特定号码,请在搜索电话号码时用圆括号括住区号并在前缀后使用连字符。

37、If you want to separate words in a name, good choices are the period, hyphen, and underscore. ─── 如果您想在文件名里面把单词分开,比较好的选择是使用点号、连接符(短横线)、和下划线。

38、Women who walked over the "heath" and read morocco-bound books and had two last names divided by a hyphen. ─── 她就像走在“石南丛生的荒野”中,读着用摩洛哥山羊皮装订的书的那些女人,而且有用连字符隔开的两个姓。

39、Put the hyphen character at the beginning or the end of the bracketed list. ─── 将连字符放在中括号列表的开始或结尾。

40、English has 13 kinds of commonly used punctuation, most of them are similar with Chinese punctuation mark, but the hyphen number, the noun possessive case mark and other symbols of English are unique. ─── 英语常用标点符号有13种,其中大多与汉语标点符号相似,但连字符号,名词所有格符号等是英语特有的。

41、Although her correct name is Nancy Bird-Walton, she prefers to use the spelling her late husband used, and puts the hyphen after her first name. ─── 虽然她名字的正确写法为南西.柏德华尔顿,但她比较喜欢她过世的丈夫用的拼法,就是把连字号放在名字后面。

42、If the domain name changes owners in the middle of a year, months and even days can be added, separated from the year by a hyphen. ─── 如果这一年中域名又换了人,还可以增加月份和日期,中间用连字符分开。

43、The dash is longer than the hyphen. ─── 破折号比连字号长。

44、3. Furthermore, you should not place a hyphen in a compound adjective if the adjectives are capitalized, such as when they are part of a title. ─── 此外,如果组成复合形容词的形容词为大写形式,例如:该附和形容词为文章题目的一部分,则不需在其间加以连字符。

45、When centre sex facial nerve is paralytic, face asymmetry is not apparent, divide with a hyphen at the end of a line at face flesh convulsion person very infrequent. ─── 中枢性面神经麻痹时,颜面不对称并不明显,移行于面肌痉挛者极为罕见。

46、To use this character as a sentence boundary, neither the character to the left nor to the right of the hyphen can be a letter. ─── 若要将此字符用作句子边界,连字符左侧和右侧的字符均不能为字母。

47、To return the specific number you want, search for the phone number with parentheses around the area code and a hyphen after the prefix. ─── 若要返回所需的特定号码,请在搜索电话号码时用圆括号括住区号并在前缀后使用连字符。

48、The names of relevant design elements will be the skin group name followed by a hyphen followed by the skin type name. ─── 相关设计元素的名称将是皮肤组名称后加上连字符,然后再加上皮肤类型名称。

49、We weren't sure whether there was a hyphen in the word co-ordination. ─── 我们不确定在单词co-ordination中有没有连字符。

50、If you get an error message displayed, make sure you've typed in the URL correctly - it's a hyphen in the "cgi-bin" part of the URL, but an underscore in the "dss_search" part. ─── 如果你的浏览器返回一个错误信息,你应该检查一下你的输入是否正确。"cgi-bin"部分是一个连接号而"dss_search"部分时一个下划线。

51、For example, the hyphen ("-") might have a very small weight assigned to it so that "coop" and "co-op" appear next to each other in a sorted list. ─── 例如,连字符(“-”)的权重非常小,因此“coop”和“co-op”在排序列表中是紧挨着出现的。

52、Period, comma, colon, semicolon, question mark, exclamatory mark, dash, quotation mark, hyphen, suspension points ─── 符号;句号,逗号,冒号,分号,问号,感叹号,破折号,引号,连字符和略字符.

53、A hyphen has reappeared over India's western border, just as the scale of the economic setback hitting India is becoming apparent. ─── 在印度西部边境重现的印巴对峙就像印度遭受到经济挫折一样的明显。

54、All options should begin with a "-" (hyphen). ─── 所有选项都应以“-”(连字符)开头。

55、Both stdout and stdin are typically denoted as a hyphen (-). ─── stdout和stdin通常表示为连字符(-)。

56、The unique usage of hyphen in Wei Cheng is discussed in terms of application mode, rhetorical function and pragmatic purpose in this paper. ─── 围城》中的破折号,在运用形式、辞功能、用目的三个方面展示着独特的艺术魅力,具有研究的意义和价值。

57、A bulleted list is created when you type a hyphen (-), asterisk (*), or plus sign (+), followed by a space or tab at the beginning of a paragraph. ─── 当您在一个段落的开头键入一个连字符( - )、星号(*)、或加号(+),然后跟一个空格或制表后,创建项目符号列表。您在一个段落的开头键入一个数字后面跟一个小数点(.

58、2. suggested that the vehicle owner leaves as far as possible all prepares everybody to like the quite centralized propitious number, the hyphen and so on, the avoid repetition. ─── 2.建议车主尽量别全准备大家喜好比较集中的吉祥号、连号等,避免重复。

59、Format: a CAS, with a hyphen "-" is divided into three parts, the first a 2-6 figure, the second part of a two figures, the third part of a check as a digital code. ─── 格式 :一个CAS号以连字符“-”分为三部分,第一部分有2到6位数字,第二部分有2 位数字,第三部分有1位数字作为校验码。

60、The verb-noun pair is always separated by a hyphen (-) without spaces, and the cmdlet nouns are always singular. ─── 动词-名词对始终由连字符(-)分隔(不加空格),并且cmdlet名词始终为单数形式。

61、To include the hyphen character in a bracket expression, do one of the following ─── 若要在中括号表达式中包括连字符,请采用下列方法之一

62、Note: I prefer using a hyphen separator, but the vertical bar or pipe used on this site is fine. ─── 注:我宁愿使用连字号分离,但竖线或烟斗本网站所使用的是好的。

63、Discretionary hyphen: Hyphen inserted by keyboard and which overrides the hyphenation program in use. ─── 决断式连字:用键盘加上连字号的情况,它可以取代连字程式所用的连字法。

64、phantom hyphen ─── 影子连字符

65、If you include the optional hyphen code, Word finds only text with optional hyphens in the position you specified. ─── 如果包含可选连字符代码,Word只会找到在指定位置带有可选连字符的文字。

66、10.Women who walked over the “heath” and read morocco-bound books and had two last names divided by a hyphen. ─── 她就像走在“石南丛生的荒野”中,读着用摩洛哥山羊皮装订的书的那些女人,而且有用连字符隔开的两个姓。

67、normal hyphen ─── 常规连字符

68、If a woman chooses to use her maiden name instead of her married name, or to use her maiden name and her married name (with or without a hyphen), you should respect that choice. ─── 如果一位女性选择使用她的婚前姓氏而不是婚后姓氏,或者同时使用她的婚前姓氏和婚后姓氏(不管有无连字符),你应该尊重她的这种称呼。

69、Used to take the place of hyphen in many occasions when finer typography is required. ─── 很多时,配合精细的排字要求,就用它来代替连字号。

70、This problem may occur if the e-mail message contains two numbers that are the same and that are separated by a hyphen (for example, 50-50). ─── 如果两个数字都相同,由连字符(例如,50-50)分隔的电子邮件包含可能会发生此问题。

71、To divide or connect(syllables,word elements,or names)with a hyphen. ─── 以连字号连接用连字号分离或连接(音节、词素或名字)

72、In a string sort, the hyphen and the apostrophe, as well as other nonalphanumeric symbols, come before alphanumeric characters. ─── 在字符串排序中,连字符、撇号以及其他非字母数字符号都排在字母数字字符之前。

73、Select the Text format for number entries that might include special characters, such as hyphen in phone numbers or postal codes. ─── 为可能含有特殊字符(如电话号码或邮政编码中的连字符)的数字项选择“文本”格式。

74、The existing system of Internet top-level domain name including the support of only 26 English letters and Arabic numerals and a hyphen 0-9, 37 characters. ─── 现有的互联网顶级域名体系只支持包括26个英文字母、连字符和阿拉伯数字0至9在内的37个字符。

75、required hyphen ─── 必需连字符

76、Cost off a skin is a painful process, the snake has exuviate only leather ability is brought up gradually, ability swims chicly all directions of divide with a hyphen at the end of a line. ─── 蜕皮是一个痛苦的过程,蛇只有蜕了皮才能逐渐长大,才能潇洒游移行四方。

77、(Double slash) The double slash has the same meaning as the double hyphen. ─── (双斜线)双斜线与双连字符的含义相同。

78、Hyphen Limit: set the maximum number of consecutive lines on which hyphenation may occur. ─── 字符限制: 在连续不断的行中字符连接可能会出现的地方设置最大字母值。

79、Vicki: And today's word is whip-round. W-H-I-P hyphen R-O-U-N-D. ─── 和汉语一样,英语里也有非常多的成语和俗话,要想听懂英国人日常的说话聊天,就一定要知道他们常用的通俗词语。

80、In COBOL, a string of not more than30characters, chosen from the following:the letters A through Z, the digits0through9, and the hyphen(-.The hyphen may not appear as either the first or last character. ─── 在COBOL语言中,一种不超过30个字符的字符串,其字符从字母A到Z和数字0到9及连字符-中选取,但连字符不能出现在字首或字尾。

81、Use a hyphen inside a character set to specify a range. ─── 使用连字号内的字符集,以指定一个范围。

82、You might also see variations that use a hyphen between the language and country code, or that put the country code is in lowercase. ─── 也有可能看见在语言和国家代码之间使用连字元,或者把国家代码写成小写形式的变体。

83、in word processing,a software facility which ensures that a hyphenated word at the end of a line loses its hyphen if it subsequently appears elsewhere in the text and no longer requires hyphenation ─── 字(词)处理技术中的一种软件功能,能够保证一行末尾用连字符连接的字,在此后正文的别处出现且不再需要连字符号时,丢掉它的连字符号,参阅hyphenation

84、Also increase by adjacent endodermis cell after damage, expand and divide with a hyphen at the end of a line is slip will enclothe. ─── 受损后亦由邻近内皮细胞增大、扩展和移行滑动来覆盖。

85、In any other location, the hyphen identifies a range of characters delimited by the characters on either side of the hyphen. ─── 在任何其他位置,连字符标识由连字符两侧的字符界定的字符范围。

86、The name of the supporting folder is the name of the Web page plus an underscore (_), a period (.), or a hyphen (-), and the word ″files.″ ─── 支持文件夹的名称是网页名称加上下划线 (_)、点 (.) 或连字符 (-) 以及“files”一词。

87、Capitalize the surnames and the first letters of the first names.Use a hyphen between first names.Use superscript on the right if authors’ sequence numbers are necessary. ─── 请注意本说明最后的参考文献格式是标准格式,也是我们希望您能在论文中应用的格式。

88、To create a thicker line, hold the SHIFT key down and press the hyphen key three or more times, and then press ENTER. ─── 要创建较粗的线条,请按住Shift键同时按三次或更多次连字符键,然后按Enter。

89、optional hyphen ─── 任选连字符

four days fou-day有什么区别。英语中连字符的用法是什么?


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