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09-15 投稿



intercontinental 发音

英:[,ɪntəkɒntɪ'nent(ə)l]  美:[,ɪntɚ,kɑntɪ'nɛntl]

英:  美:

intercontinental 中文意思翻译



intercontinental 网络释义

adj. 洲际的;大陆间的

intercontinental 同义词

international | global | universal | worldwide | large-scale | transnational

intercontinental 短语词组

1、intercontinental competition ─── 洲际竞争

2、intercontinental ballistic missile ─── 洲际(弹道)导弹

3、intercontinental flight ─── 洲际航班

4、intercontinental sea ─── 大陆间海

5、Intercontinental Jet Missile ─── 洲际喷气导弹

6、advanced intercontinental missile system ─── [计] 先进洲际导弹系统

7、Intercontinental Cup ─── 洲际杯棒球赛

8、Intercontinental Guided Missile ─── 洲际制导导弹

9、Intercontinental Glide Missile ─── 洲际滑翔导弹

10、Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ─── 阿特拉斯洲际弹道导弹

11、intercontinental missile ─── 洲际导弹

12、InterContinental Hong Kong ─── 香港洲际酒店

13、Intercontinental Cup (baseball) ─── 洲际杯(棒球)

14、Intercontinental Cup (football) ─── 洲际杯(足球)

15、digital intercontinental conversion equipment ─── [电] 数位洲际电视转换设备

16、intercontinental rift system ─── 陆间裂谷系

17、intercontinental trade ─── 洲际贸易

18、Intercontinental Cruise Missile ─── 洲际巡航导弹

19、Commander Task Force Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles ─── 洲际弹道导弹指挥官工作队

intercontinental 反义词


intercontinental 词性/词形变化,intercontinental变形

动词过去式: interconnected |名词: interconnectedness |动词第三人称单数: interconnects |形容词: interconnectible |动词过去分词: interconnected |动词现在分词: interconnecting |

intercontinental 相似词语短语

1、polar continental ─── 极地大陆

2、continental ─── adj.大陆的;大陆性的;n.欧洲人

3、epicontinental ─── adj.[地质]陆缘的

4、bicontinental ─── 双大陆

5、extracontinental ─── 陆外

6、interconsonantal ─── adj.位于两辅音间的

7、intergovernmental ─── adj.政府间的

8、noncontinental ─── 非大陆性

9、incontinent ─── adj.失禁的;不能自制的,无节制的;荒淫的;adv.立即,即刻

intercontinental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Mongolia traditional costume that Shiqi provided for 2004 Miss Intercontinental contest finals award ceremony. ─── 仕奇为2004环球洲际小姐大赛总决赛提供的蒙古族特色颁奖服装。

2、When traveling intercontinental flight and stretch flying time exceeding 6 hours, Luxury Economy class is applicable. ─── 如飞行时数超过6小时含以上,出差者可搭乘豪经舱;

3、He thinks it may be possible to measure the spin using an intercontinental network of existing radio telescopes over the next five years. ─── 他认为可以在接下来的五年内,通过现有的洲际射电望远镜网络,测量黑洞的自旋。

4、Intercontinental airlines,may I help you? ─── 大陆航空公司,我能为您服务吗?

5、They also won the Intercontinental Cup in Taiwan this year. ─── 今年古巴也在台湾举行的洲际盃棒球赛中封王。

6、Crowne Plaza International Airport Beijing is located in Shunyi district, a 5-star hotel managed by InterContinental Hotels Group. ─── 北京临空皇冠假日酒店位于北京顺义区,是洲际酒店集团管理的一家五星级酒店。

7、Mr. Mutha and his wife settled on Bangkok for its museums and temples and good shopping close to the InterContinental. ─── 最后,穆萨和妻子选定了曼谷,因为这里有很多博物馆和寺庙,洲际大酒店附近购物也非常便利。

8、We offer services synonymous with the InterContinental brand so that you can enjoy authentic experiences and go home more inspired. ─── 我们为您提供一系列“洲际”标准的服务,使您可以得到更多地道的本地知识和灵感。

9、InterContinental Experience You Bring It To Life ─── 感受洲际,由您开始

10、Kiefer noted that his competition in Hanoi is substantial, but the new stock - led by the Sheraton and InterContinental Hanoi Westlake - is located quite a ways from the city centre. ─── ”基弗指出,他在河内的竞争是巨大的,但新的股票-由喜来登和河内西湖洲际-位于相当方式从城市中心。

11、Having to share Geneva's Intercontinental Hotel with hundreds of ice-skating enthusiasts in town for the world championships did not seem to make their deliberation any easier. ─── 在日内瓦的洲际酒店内,会议成员不得不与上百个前来这里观看花样滑冰世界锦标赛的爱好者们共处一堂,但是,他们的思虑似乎并没有因此而变得轻松。

12、You can expect to find top international hotel chains, such as Sheraton, Accor, Hilton, Hyatt, Rydges and InterContinental. ─── 你可以找到顶级国际连锁酒店,如喜来登、雅高、希尔顿、凯悦、瑞吉斯和洲际。

13、China is also investing heavily in and fielding improved nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles and antisatellite missiles, according to the report. ─── 根据报告,中国也正在认真地研发和增强守备如核子洲际弹道飞弹和反卫星飞弹。

14、Carlton-intercontinental hotel is lush, plush, and very non- backpacker. ─── 卡尔顿洲际酒店豪华舒适,背包徒步旅行者是绝对住不起的。

15、Intercontinental hotels group, Marriot hotel group and Howard Johnson Hotels group. ─── 在地域布局上,以上海为核心,辐射华东、华中、西北等地区,逐步实施全国战略。

16、He thinks it may be possible to measure the spin using an intercontinental network of existing radio telescopes over the next five years. ─── 他认为可以在接下来的五年内,通过现有的洲际射电望远镜网络,测量黑洞的自旋。

17、CEIBA Intercontinental is an airline based in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. Its main base is Malabo International Airport. ─── CEIBA洲际航空是一间赤道畿内亚的航空公司,枢纽机场位于马拉博国际机场。

18、Edge already accomplished a career highlight at SkyDome -- in July 1999, he won the Intercontinental Championship there. ─── 在摔角狂热18更早之前---1999年7月,艾吉就已经在天空体育馆夺下过洲际冠军,写下他摔角生涯的新纪录。

19、InterContinental is working with start-up company Topguest. ─── 洲际酒店集团正与创业型公司Topguest合作。

20、A likely candidate for replacement by an eventual RRW2 would be the W78 warhead that sits atop land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, Kristensen says. ─── 克里斯登森表示,未来RRW2可能取代的武器,是配备在地面洲际弹道飞弹上的W78弹头。

21、Winner of six Italian titles, three Champions Cups and two Intercontinental Cups, Maldini is now a settled family man, happily married to Venezuelan ex-model Adriana Fossa and the proud father of three-year-old Christian. ─── 他拥有一个稳定的家庭,娶了曾经是委内瑞拉模特的安蒂娜·萨为妻并十分骄傲的已成为三岁孩子的父亲。

22、Prior to joining the InterContinental Shanghai Expo, Michel was the General Manager at the InterContinental Shanghai Pudong as well as Regional General Manager of IHG in Shanghai. ─── 在其出任上海世博洲际酒店总经理之前,他曾任上海锦江汤臣洲际酒店总经理以及洲际酒店集团上海区域总经理。

23、BIN LIANG, the former host in China Intercontinental Communication Center in Beijing. Her program, named Panda Interview, was recognized as one of the most favorable programs. ─── 梁斌原在中国五洲传播中心任美国熊猫电视台和欧洲中文电视台特约节目主持,该节目被评为两台最受欢迎的节目之一。

24、InterContinental Hotels with its brands InterContinental, Holiday Inn and Express by Holiday Inn is my favourite. ─── 拥有洲际,假日和快捷假日的洲际酒店集团是我的首选。

25、Michel Koopman has been appointed General Manager of InterContinental Shanghai Expo as well as his current position as Regional General Manager of InterContinental Hotels Group in Shanghai. ─── 古浦迈先生被新任命为上海世博洲际酒店总经理,并继续担任洲际酒店集团上海区域总经理。

26、On the same day, in the 2008 Intercontinental Stankovic Cup basketball competition, the Chinese team than the 72 to 50 youth team beat Russia. ─── 当日,在2008年斯坦科维奇洲际篮球杯比赛中,中国队以72比50战胜俄罗斯青年队。

27、This year's F1 schedule starts with tough back-to-back intercontinental flyaway races, with round two at the hot and humid Sepang circuit in Malaysia in just seven days time. ─── 今年F1的赛程以一个紧密的洲际背靠背比赛开始。7天之后,比赛将来炎热潮湿的马来西亚雪邦赛道举行。

28、See The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China,compiled by the Information Office of the People's Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China Intercontinental Press,1998. ─── 参见广西壮族自治区人民政府新闻办公室编《中国广西壮族自治区》,五洲传播出版社1998年版。

29、See The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China,compiled by the Information Office of the People's Government of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,China Intercontinental Press,1998. ─── 参见宁夏回族自治区人民政府新闻办公室编《中国宁夏回族自治区》,五洲传播出版社1998年版。

30、My wife and I stayed at the Intercontinental in Bangkok as part of our honeymoon and we were super impressed. ─── 我和我老婆的蜜月有一段住在曼谷的洲际酒店,他们给我们留下了非常棒的印象!

31、And the wealth of this center is the top of the Intercontinental Hotel hotel brands, was described as the "real royal kin hotel. ─── 本次与财富中心合作的洲际酒店是其顶级酒店品牌,被喻为“真正的皇族酒店”。

32、A sleek architectural masterpiece of steel and glass, InterContinental Beijing North redefines the business hotel category, seamlessly combining high technology with unparalleled luxury, elegance and efficiency. ─── 北京北辰洲际酒店重新诠释了商务酒店的内涵,将现代高科技、奢华、高雅及高效等元素进行了完美的结合,堪称设计之典范佳作。

33、Early telecommunication satellites were mainly used for long-distance continental and intercontinental broadband,narrowband,and TV transmission. ─── 早期的通信卫星主要用于长距离大陆内和洲际的宽带,窄带和电视转播.

34、Mr.Mutha and his wife settled on Bangkok for its museums and temples and good shopping close to the InterContinental. ─── 最后,穆萨和妻子选定了曼谷,因为这里有很多博物馆和寺庙,洲际大酒店附近购物也非常便利。

35、We all want to get back to that point and then play in the Intercontinental Cup. ─── 我们都希望能重新体会那种感觉,之后再次参加洲际杯的比赛。”

36、Cheap, intercontinental rail tickets are also available for European travel. ─── 去欧洲旅行可以买到便宜的洲际火车票。

37、He won four Bundesliga titles with Bayern as well as the 2001 Champions League and Intercontinental Cup (World Club Championship). ─── 他随拜仁获得四个德甲联赛冠军,以及2001年的欧洲冠军杯和年底的洲际杯(就是世俱杯、丰田杯)。

38、The access code for operator-assisted intercontinental calls in North America; after the user inputs the required code and number, an operator is signaled to come on the line, as in domestic "0+" dialing. ─── 在北美,这种接入方式用于话务员辅助的洲际呼叫;用户输入所需的编号和数字后,将与话务员接通,就像国内呼叫拨“0+”一样。

39、Promotes the desired work culture around the “Winning Ways” of the InterContinental Hotels Group and the IHG Commitment is ”Room to be yourself”. ─── 促进形成洲际酒店管理集团“致胜之道”的企业文化和洲际集团对员工的承诺就是“尽炫自我”。

40、Another UAV, the Snark, was supposed to have intercontinental range and used a stellar guidance system that weighed one ton. ─── 另外一种无人机(蛇鲨)本应该能探测到跨洲范围内的敌情动向,并使用一种重量达一吨重的恒星导航系统。

41、digital intercontinental conversion equi ─── 数字洲际转换设备

42、Leslie McGibbon of InterContinental says his firm is still signing up new hotels at a rate of two a day, despite the downturn. ─── InterContinental的LeslieMcGibbon表示,虽然经济不景气,但他的公司每天仍然会签订两个新的合同。

43、Guests at the InterContinental Beijing Beichen can also surf the internet and receive emails wirelessly anywhere within the hotel, in the Lobby, at the poolside or by the Lounge. ─── 在北京北辰洲际酒店客人可以随时在酒店的大堂、泳池旁、抑或酒廊内享受无线上网并接受电子邮件。

44、Compared with the last CITM in shanghai, what kind of new surprise InterContinental Hotels Group will give us this year? ─── 今年旅交会相比去年的上海国际旅游交易会,洲际酒店集团会有什么新的亮点?

45、George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IATA: IAH , ICAO: KIAH , FAA LID: IAH ) is a Class B international airport in the city of Houston, Texas, United States serving the Greater Houston area. ─── 本社区清代称为内湖庄,就地形而言,本区西、北面有山地屏障,南面又有大溪(兰阳溪),中间地势低平,形势似一盆地,因之称为内湖。

46、Our owners have just extended the management contract of Holiday Inn Lido Beijing with InterContinental Hotels Group for another year, so that all of us can concentrate on our jobs and our customers. ─── 业主已经与洲际酒店集团签订了北京丽都假日饭店的管理合同,因此我们要把精力集中在我们的工作中及客人身上。

47、Post Attack Intercontinental Link ─── 攻击后的洲际通信线路

48、The Zhejiang Intercontinental Hotel Boasts 202-Guest Rooms Of All Types. Each Room Is Most Tastefully And Comfortably Appointed According To 4-Star Standards. ─── 欧式酒店杭州优惠预订,如果您需要在杭州,中国住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。

49、IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group), the world's largest hotel company by number of rooms, was proud to announce the opening of the Crowne Plaza Century Park Shanghai . ─── 全球拥有客房数最多的国际酒店管理公司-洲际酒店集团宣布上海世纪皇冠假日酒店全新开幕。

50、He won everything with Milan, including 6 Scudetti, 3 European Champions Cups, 3 European Super Cups, 2 Intercontinental Cups &4 Italian Cups. ─── 他随着米兰赢得了一切,包括6个联赛冠军,3个欧洲冠军杯,3个欧洲超级杯,2个丰田杯和4个意大利超级杯。

51、WASHINGTON -- June 15, 2006 -- BUSH -- President George W. Bush gestures as he delivered a speech at the Initiative for Global Development s 2006 National Summit at the Willard InterContinental, Thursday, June 15, 2006, in Washington. ─── 当总统布什在华盛顿威拉德洲际召开的全球发展2006国家峰会的首次论坛上发表演讲时,作手势。

52、Natural gas reserves are large enough to meet projected demand, provided the incentive are sufficient to encourage the development of extensive and costly intercontinental gas transportation systems. ─── 天然气有很大的蕴藏量,足够满足有计划的需求,假如能有足够的利益刺激开发昂贵的洲际天然气运输通道。

53、But bellicose intercontinental ballistic missiles were not the only spawn of Sputnik's launch. There was also the satellite itself. ─── 洲际弹道导弹不是太空竞赛的唯一产物,卫星也是。

54、Hello. I am calling from Intercontinental Airlines. Is this Mr. Lin? ─── 喂!我是大陆航空公司,您是林先生吗

55、And we're looking for more people like Helen to join IHG and work at InterContinental. ─── 我们正在寻找更多像Helen这样的人加入洲际酒店集团,到其下属的洲际酒店工作。

56、Midfielder Sergio Volpi said: 'A team like theirs won't be affected by any repercussions after the defeat in the Intercontinental Cup. ─── 中场球员赛尔乔沃尔皮说:“一支像他们这样的球队在丰田杯的失利后是不会受到多大影响的。”

57、One of the top hotels in the Afghan capital Kabul, the Intercontinental, has come under attack. At least 10 people have been killed. ─── 阿富汗首都喀布尔高级酒店洲际酒店(Intercontinental)遭遇袭击,造成至少10人遇难。

58、From the coach, the ceremony, this press conference, we noticed that we are not playing the old intercontinental cup, but something else, something new. ─── 从教练,仪式,以及这个新闻发布会之中,我们注意到我们将要进行的不是以前的洲际杯了,而是另外一个杯赛,一个新的杯赛。

59、Massaro won 4 Scudetti, 2 European Champions Cups, 2 Intercontinental Cups, 2 European &3 Italian Super Cups. ─── 他在米兰获得了4个联赛冠军,2个欧洲冠军杯,2个丰田杯,2个欧洲超级杯,和3个意大利超级杯。

60、InterContinental Beijing Century International Trading Co., Ltd.: "human resources highly, business background of Quanta. ─── 北京世纪洲际国际贸易有限公司:“人力资源高深,业务背景广达”。

61、Several intercontinental air routes lie across portions of Antarctica. ─── 有数条洲际航线经过南极上空。

62、Marriott International same opponents half of the revenue from management operations, joining the Intercontinental more radical strategy. ─── 比照对手万豪国际有一半的收入来自管理运营,洲际的加盟战略更为激进。

63、Many early launch vehicles were originally developed as intercontinental ballistic missiles (see ICBM). ─── 早期的运载火箭有许多原来是为洲际弹道飞弹而研制的(参阅ICBM)。

64、Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts are part of the InterContinental Hotels Group a leading global hospitality company, operating over 3,500 hotels resorts across 100 countries worldwide. ─── 假日酒店为洲际酒店管理集团的一个品牌酒店,洲际酒店管理集团在世界上拥有超过3,500家的连锁酒店,遍布100多个国家。

65、International and Chinese Restaurants and Beach Bar will have a distinct resort indoor / outdoor feel while Club InterContinental rooms and lounge will redefine resort elegance. ─── 每一间客房均为海景客房,中西餐厅及沙滩吧提供了与众不同的度假酒店户内外的全新体验。

66、The 350-room InterContinental Financial Street Beijing will occupy the South Tower and will be positioned in the upper tier of the market. ─── 350间客房的北京金融街洲际酒店将全面起用南塔并定位于上层市场。

67、Continental Airlines in August will participate at Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. ─── 大陆航空公司将会在八月在休斯顿的布什内陆机场参与该项目。

68、She met King Hussein while working on the development of the Amman 13) Intercontinental Airport in Jordan. ─── 她在约旦进行安曼洲际机场的建筑计划时邂逅了侯赛因国王。

69、Many early launch vehicle s were derived from intercontinental Ballistic missiles. ─── 早期的运载火箭有许多原来是为洲际弹道飞弹而研制的。

70、You would be joining IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group.) IHG is the world's largest hotel company with over 4,100 hotels, 620,000 rooms under seven brands. ─── 您将加入的洲际酒店管理集团目前是世界上最大的酒店管理集团,它的7个品牌在全球拥有4100多家酒店,620,000间客房。

71、China also has a few intercontinental ballistic missiles , able to carry a nuclear payload . ─── 中国也拥有少量洲际弹道导弹,有装载核弹头的能力。

72、On December 14 Milan will play the Intercontinental Cup against Boca Juniors - it will be almost a dream for Borriello. ─── “我的时刻终于来到,我非常高兴并且昨天差点得分。

73、"A real case is, the service that intercontinental hotel wants and hires car firm bales together. ─── “一个真实例子是,洲际酒店要和租车公司的服务打包在一起。

74、Hello. I am calling from intercontinental airlines. Is this Mr. Lin ? ─── 喂!我是大陆航空公司,您是林先生吗?

75、InterContinental Shenzhen pillar-less grand ballroom, eight smaller event rooms and landscaped poolside are valuable to programs with varying needs. ─── 无柱大宴会厅能容纳1200位宾客,并可被分割为单独的两部分。特殊设计的坡道为召开汽车发布会提供了理想的场所,而智能照明系统更可以制造独特的视觉效果。

76、American InterContinental University - AIU offers accredited bachelors and masters degree programs in information technology, international business and digital media and design. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

77、The continental crust is as formed through the continental nucleus, platform, Pangea, continental splitting, continental accretion, intercontinental collision and orogeny in its progress. ─── 摘要大陆陆壳的形成与发展经历了陆核-地块(台)-联合大陆-大陆裂解-陆缘增生-碰撞造山的演化过程。

78、Danja intro - “Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin from the intercontinental radio news. ─── “女士们先生们,我们要中断将要播放舞曲的计划,带给你来自各洲电台新闻的一个特殊通告。

79、From Crowne Plaze Shenzhen, Intercontinental Shenzhen to Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen, OCT has experienced various miracles and brilliant and is called the thinker in the hospitality industry. ─── 从深圳威尼斯皇冠假日酒店、深圳华侨城洲际天酒店到深圳茵特拉根华侨城酒店,一路走来,华侨城在主题酒店发展道路上精彩不断,奇迹不断,被业内誉为酒店业的思想者。

80、Holiday Inn central Plaza Beijing is developed by the Beijing Capital Group and is managed by InterContinental Hotels Group. ─── 北京中环假日酒店是由首创集团开发,由洲际酒店集团管理的国际四星级标准酒店。

81、He was WWE’s first-ever Grand slam Champion, holding the European Championship, World Tag Team Championship, the Intercontinental Title and WWE Championship. ─── 他是WWE的第一个大满贯冠军,得到欧洲冠军、世界双打冠军、洲际的腰带和WWE冠军。

82、Mr. James Koratzopoulos ? Resident Manager of InterContinental Pudong Shanghai received the award at the ceremony, which was held in Beijing on 24 April 2006. ─── 上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店驻店经理柯岩松先生于2006年4月24日前往北京应邀出席了此次颂奖典礼。

83、InterContinental Hotels Group Plc, the world's biggest hotelier, said second-quarter profit more than doubled as the company sold assets and focused on earning money from managing properties instead. ─── 世界最大的旅馆运营商英国洲际酒店集团日前发布了财务报告,报告显示集团第二季度由于提高旅馆房价,增加新酒店和剥离不良资产,利润同比上涨一倍多。

84、The Shuanghe pluton is S-type granite and formed in the zone of the intercontinental collision. ─── 双合岩体形成于板块碰撞同期,属S型花岗岩;

85、A likely explanation for this involves the fact that intercontinental migrations require both a land bridge connecting the two continents and the suitable habitat both on and across that land bridge. ─── 一种可能的解释是,洲际迁移既需要连接两个大陆的大陆桥,也需要大陆桥上和桥对面存在合适的栖息地。

86、He's just announced that his company has bought that prime piece of real estate next to the Intercontinental Bank building on Sunrise Boulevard. ─── 他刚才宣布,他的公司买了日出大马路洲际银行旁边那幅黄金房地产。

87、He was warmly welcomed by Mr.Andreas Pfister, General Manager of InterContinental Beijing Beichen and Mr. ─── 一段精彩的钢琴演奏之后,朗朗受到北京北辰洲际酒店总经理费安德先生与酒店业主总经理高鹏先生的热烈欢迎。

88、Mr. Gao Peng, owner's General Manager of InterContinental Beijing Beichen (left) and Mr. Andreas Pfister, General Manager of the hotel (right). ─── 图为:北京北辰洲际酒店业主总经理高鹏先生(左)与北京北辰洲际酒店总经理费安德先生(右)

89、Hailing from North of Italy, Christian Frigo worked at Intercontinental Muscat Hotel, Middle East, opening "Tomato Restaurant" from 2005 ? 2007. ─── 出生于意大利北部的福瑞安先生,自2005年至2007年,曾在中东阿曼首都马斯喀特的洲际酒店的“番茄餐厅”参与开业工作。

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