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09-14 投稿



impends 发音

英:[ɪmˈpɛndz]  美:[ɪmˈpɛndz]

英:  美:

impends 中文意思翻译



impends 词性/词形变化,impends变形

动词第三人称单数: impends |动词现在分词: impending |动词过去分词: impended |动词过去式: impended |

impends 相似词语短语

1、depends ─── v.依赖;信赖(depend的三单形式)

2、dispends ─── v.花费

3、emends ─── vt.修订;改进

4、impended ─── v.迫近;(坏事)隐现;悬而未决

5、compends ─── n.手册概要;概略(等于compendium)

6、impend ─── v.迫近;(坏事)隐现;悬而未决

7、amends ─── n.赔偿;赔罪;v.修订(amend的第三人称单数);改进

8、appends ─── vt.附加;贴上;盖章;n.设置数据文件的搜索路径

9、expends ─── vt.花费;消耗;用光;耗尽

impends 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、impend over ─── v. 逼近, 悬挂

2、Summarize &analysis the large span bridge construction in the urban rail transportation line;comparison the value of the academic &practical in the impend construct way; ─── 对上海市轨道交通明珠线的大跨度连续刚构桥工程施工技术进行分析和总结,并对悬臂浇筑法的设计理论值与施工实测值进行对比;

3、1.Abstract: Summarize & analysis the large span bridge construction in the urban rail transportation line;comparison the value of the academic & practical in the impend construct way; ─── 文摘:对上海市轨道交通明珠线的大跨度连续刚构桥工程施工技术进行分析和总结,并对悬臂浇筑法的设计理论值与施工实测值进行对比;

4、Whena war impends , wise men try to prevent it in advance. ─── 聪明的人总是在斗争发生之前就阻止了。

5、Being towards this possibility enables Dasein to understand that giving itself up impends for it as the uttermost possibility of its existence. ─── 诠释学就是对缘在之存在的解释。作为诠释学的现象学,就是(21)对于缘在可能的自我理解的过程。

6、impend v. ─── 迫近;逼近;

7、TYPICAL USE:When a war impends,wise men try to prevent it in advance. ─── 战争将临时,智者设法预先阻止它。

8、1. This very recklessness makes me feel that these costly operations may be only the prelude to far larger events which impend on land. ─── 这种孤注一掷的作法,使我感到这些代价重大的战役,也许正是陆上即将发生远为重大事件的一个前奏。

9、When a war impends, wise men try to prevent it in advance. ─── 战争将临时,智者设法预先阻止它。

10、Crucial events impend in Europe. ─── 欧洲即将发生具有决定意义的事变。

11、The huckster arrives in town, tells all the rubes that disaster impends for them and their families, but says there may be one last chance they can be saved.But it will take a lot of money. ─── 这个二道贩子到了镇里,告诉所有的乡亲,大灾难已迫在眉睫,不过还有一线希望,但是只要他们多花些钞票。

12、Research of Data Mining Based on Improved Rough Impend Approximation Measurement ─── 基于改进粗糙逼近近似度量的数据挖掘方法

13、Some Chinese scientists combine Sinic and occidental cultu re, and find many methods of impend earthquake prediction. These already have ce rtain good result in practice. ─── 指出一些中国科学家在中西两种文化的结合方面,已得到众多的临震预测手段,并在预测实践中取得不同程度的成效。

14、The study production of the thesis will give impends to technological innovation in enterprises of manufacturing industry in our province. ─── 本文的研究成果,将会对我省制造业的技术创新活动产生有力地推动作用,也将为我省制造业的改革和发展提供良好的借鉴。

15、8 but for those in power a rigorous scrutiny impends. ─── 但对有权势的人必严加审讯。

16、When a war impends, wise men try to prevent it in advance. ─── 战争即将来临之际,智者力图防患于未然。

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