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09-14 投稿



imageless 中文意思翻译



imageless 短语词组

1、imageless dance ─── 无像舞蹈

imageless 相似词语短语

1、chargeless ─── 无电荷

2、ageless ─── adj.永恒的;不老的

3、flangeless ─── adj.无凸缘的

4、changeless ─── adj.不变的;稳定的;单调的

5、maneless ─── 无男子气概

6、wageless ─── adj.无工资收入的

7、makeless ─── 无利可图的

8、mateless ─── 无配偶

9、smudgeless ─── 无污迹

imageless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Imageless systems, which use a virtual model supplemented by registration data, have overcome concerns about exposure to radiation. ─── 而不依赖影像的操作系统,使用由注册数据补充而成的虚拟的模型,已经克服放射线暴露的危险。

2、Finally,the prospect of the application of the digital imag... ─── 最后,对图像处理技术在焊缝跟踪中的应用前景作了展望。

3、experiments of imageless thought triggered a firestorm of controversy. ─── 无意象思维实验引发了一场激烈的论战。

4、card imag ─── [计] 卡片映象

5、Keywords Seizures;Magnetic resonance imag ing;Mesinal temporal sclerosis;Neuroimaging; ─── 癫痫;磁共振检查;颞叶内侧硬化;

6、original imag ─── 原始图像

7、imageless thinking ─── 无意象思维

8、To overcome the ill-posed problem of imag e reconstruction,a regularized pseudoinverse image reconstruction algorithm and a new filter method are introduced. ─── 为克服图像重建过程中的不适定性问题,提出了一种正则化广义逆图像重建算法并引入修正滤波。

9、Because of the existence of bad pixels in the detector of Fourier transform imag ing spectrometer (IFTS), distortion in the recovering spectra was emerged. ─── 由于傅里叶变换成像光谱仪探测器中坏像元的存在,使得复原光谱产生失真。

10、.. One of the most common imag... ─── 更多外媒资讯,英乐,影视,尽在 沪江听说 .

11、It can be concluded that monochromatic X-ray topography has improved the imag... ─── 实验中发现衍射摇摆曲线能够反映金刚石的塑性变形程度。

12、The thermal resistance that induced major error of temperature measurement is calculated, a method-correcting measured temperatures that collected by thermocouples and thermal imag... ─── 通过换热实验,采用不均匀钢带加热、热电偶测温和遥测仪采集数据的方法,由测量出的盘面温度分布计算换热系数。

13、directional imag ─── 方向图

14、inverte imag ─── 倒像

15、It is a marvelous conception this imageless divinity: nothing could be more opposed to our modern iconolatry. ─── 这个面目可憎的神祇的观念实在令人叹为观止,完全跟我们现代的偶像崇拜背道而驰。

16、Imageless systems, which use a irtual model supplemented by registration data, hae oercome concerns about exposure to radiation. ─── 而不依赖影像的操作系统,使用由注册数据补充而成的虚拟的模型,已经克服放射线暴露的危险。

17、2 finite element software of large type developed by American IMAG,CO is adopted to analyze the magnetic circuits built in in a new type of a permanent magnetic device under oscillation. ─── 2有限元软件对一种新型永磁振动装置的磁路进行分析,并确定其形状和尺寸,求出最佳值。

18、METHODS :The expression of iNOS and bFGF protein in 64patients with SGSCC usi ng LSAB method and patholog ic imag in e analysis system and their association with neck lymph node metastases ,recurrence,and prog nosis. ─── 用LSAB法结合病理图像分析系统对64例声门上喉鳞癌组织中iNOS和bFGF蛋白的表达进行检测,研究二者与颈淋巴结转移、肿瘤复发和预后的关系。

19、imag amplifier ─── 图象放大器, 影像增强器

20、Also,based on the anti-symmetric wavelets,the decomposition and reconstruction of remote sensing imag. ─── 并以此为基础,实现了影像的分解与重建算法。

21、And the deconstruction of linguistic patterns related to synaesthetic imag es may facilitate the understanding of synaesthesia from multi-perspectives. ─── 通过对通感意象语言类型的解构有助于我们更深入地认知通感意象的多面特性。

22、negative imag ─── 负像

23、Keywords Isometric exercise;heart function tests;coronary disease;radionuclide imag; ─── 等长运动;心脏功能试验;冠状动脉疾病;放射性核素显像;

24、headed by Oswald Külpe, discovered human imageless thought by using systematic experimental introspection. ─── 为首的符茨堡学派通过系统性实验内省法发现了人类思维的无意象特征。

25、Conclusions MRI of cerebroma type schistosomiasis could be misdiagnosis as tumor.Analysis should be made through combining laboratory and imag... ─── 结论脑瘤型脑血吸虫病的MRI易误诊为肿瘤,应结合实验室及影像学检查综合分析。

26、Jim My Telling You How to Build Your Imag ─── 吉米给你讲时尚

27、The imag e quality can reach the limit of resolution at the least distance of distinct vis ion of 250 mm. ─── 其视场中心像质达到了人眼明视距离处的极限分辨率。

28、Experiment results are given at last.The algorithm can remove mixed Gaussian and impulse noise efficiently while protecting imag... ─── 实验结果表明,本算法能有效地滤除图像中脉冲与高斯混合噪声,且较好地保护了图像细节特征。

29、The experiments of imageless thought triggered a firestorm of controversy. ─── 围绕无意象思维实验引发了一场激烈的论战。


31、This constructing pattern does not reasonably reflect the characteristic of high imprecision existing in holistic logic judgments, required in the IMAG constructing by the nolism thought. ─── 这种构造方式并没有合理反映IMAG构造的整体论思想,实质即整体性逻辑判断的高度不确定性特征。

32、IMAG to Date is a simple utility that can rename your Image/Videos into customizable date formatted file! ─── 一款简单的对图片和视频用日期格式进行重命名的工具,简单实用。

33、The looking glass of CCD vidicon set into the chamber was driven by electromotor, the flaw position and imag... ─── 置入炮膛内的CCD摄像机窥膛器由电动机驱动,用系统软件实现炮膛内壁疵病定位、图像采集和图像处理。

34、We want to buy Microscopes, Microtomes, Accessories, Optical Solutions, Imag Analysis Software ─── 我们要采购显微镜,显微镜用薄片切片机,配件,光学解决方案,图像分析软件

35、YOU Jian-jie,ZHOU Ze-ming,HENG Pheng-ann,et al.Simulated annealing based simplified snakes for weak edge medical imag segmentation[J].Journal of Image and Graphics,2004,9(1):11-17(in Chinese). ─── [2]尤建洁,周则明,王平安,等.基于模拟退火的简化Snake弱边界医学图像分割[J].中国图像图形学报,2004,9(1):11-17.

36、Keywords Thyroid neoplasms /Diag nosis;Mag netic resonance imag ing(MRI );Patholog y; ─── 甲状腺肿瘤/诊断;磁共振成像;病理学;

37、RESPONSIBILITIES - Consults and Coordinates the training on Health Imaging products - Responsible for Imaging Quality Control on Health imag... ─── 上海远维企业管理咨询有限公司-工作地点:四川-成都,陕西-西安

38、CONCLUSIONS:Traditional device of grating projection was modified by using two CCD cameras to obtain grating imag... ─── 结论:本方法改进了传统的投影光栅装置,应用2个CCD摄像头接收信号,实现了对面部三维数据的快速精确采集。

39、imageless thought ─── 无意象思考

40、imag() * height, radius, n.real() * height); ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 osg ::Vec3 normal(n.

41、At the last of the paper, there is the example of image restoration based MATLAB, and improving about distortion of the imag... ─── 给出了利用MATLAB实现的图像恢复实例,并对恢复图像的失真情况做了改善。

42、[4]Zhai ZH,Zeng NL,Zhang XM,et al.Normal anatomy of internal auditory canal and menbraneous labyrinth in MRI[J].Chin Comput Med Imag,2004,10(4):232-235. ─── 翟昭华,曾南林,张小明,等.内听道及内耳结构的正常MRI表现[J].中国医学计算机成像杂志,2004,10(4):232-235.

43、Keywords Imag e analysis Dendritic cells Nephritis Renal tubulo-interstitial lesion; ─── 关键词图像分析;树突状细胞;肾炎;肾小管间质病变;

44、[4]Yu TG,Yao ZW,Feng XY,et al.Imaging technique and clinical application of 16-slice spiral CT for coronary angiography[J].Chin Comput Med Imag,2004,10(1):18-22. ─── 于同刚,姚振威,冯晓源,等.16层螺旋CT冠状动脉造影成像技术及临床应用[J].中国医学计算机成像杂志,2004,10(1):18-22.

45、radionuclide imag intensifier ─── 放射性核素影像增强器

46、class"infobox" style"width 19em text-align left f ... colspan"2" style"text-aligncenter " Imag ... ─── 贡献者:(上海西宝生物科技有限公司-点击查看)当前版本:1更新时间:2008-09-23

47、IMAG Institute of applied mathematics in Grenoble ─── 在马赛。格勒诺布尔应用数学学院

48、multiple imag ─── 多重图像制片原片

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