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09-14 投稿



imminently 发音

英:[['ɪmɪnəntlɪ]]  美:[['ɪmɪnəntlɪ]]

英:  美:

imminently 中文意思翻译



imminently 短语词组

1、eminently vs imminently ─── 显著地与迫切地

imminently 词性/词形变化,imminently变形

名词: imminentness |副词: imminently |

imminently 相似词语短语

1、imminent ─── adj.即将来临的;迫近的

2、immanental ─── 内在的

3、eminently ─── adv.非常,特别,极其(含褒义);突出地;显著地

4、imminence ─── n.迫切;急迫,危急;迫近的危险或祸患

5、imminency ─── n.迫切;急迫

6、dominantly ─── 有统治权地;支配地

7、immanent ─── adj.内在的;固有的

8、immanently ─── 内在地;固有地

9、prominently ─── adv.显著地

imminently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However Jake and Daniells hereafter also distinguishes three point returning the favor, Grainger is over-the-rim shot goes well, pedestrian team score imminently to 57-67. ─── 不过杰克和丹尼尔斯此后也分别三分中的还以颜色,格兰杰扣篮得手,步行者队将比分迫近至57-67。

2、The mice weren't gnawing as quickly as they might and my condition wouldn't imminently threaten my existence. ─── 我想,老鼠咬树枝的速度也不是那么快,而且我的疾病也不会那么快地就威胁到我的生存。

3、{0>2.During construction of waterways, levee, dike, and circular embankment, dangers may occur imminently due to strong wind, heavy rain or earthquake; ─── 二从事河川工程、河堤、海堤或围堰等作业,因强风、大雨或地震,致有立即发生危险之虞时。

4、Then, Xue Ming and blocks in the third position's attack succeeds many times goes well, helps Beijing female volleyball team tenaciously the score imminently to 14-17. ─── 而后,薛明在三号位的进攻和拦网多次成功得手,帮助北京女排顽强的将比分迫近到14-17。

5、Continuing Google's recent trend of oddly askew naming, there seems to be a new social photo app called Pool Party due to hit imminently. ─── 作为Google最近稀奇古怪的命名趋势的延续,一项叫做泳池派对(PoolParty)的新型社交照片应用服务即将亮相。

6、Energy and environment conjunctures are problems that need to be solved imminently along with the progress of society and industry. ─── 随着社会的发展和工业的进步,能源和环境危机已成为全世界亟待解决的问题。

7、" The bill was passed unanimously by the U.S.House of Representatives on April 21 and is expected to reach the Senate floor imminently. ─── 4月21日此案在众议院表决,毫无异议全数通过,现在应该很快就会进入参议院讨论。

8、Yet ever since the program was announced, Beijing has been sending signals that the 'through-train,' as the program has been dubbed, wouldn't be pulling into Hong Kong Station imminently. ─── 不过,自从宣布“直通车”计划以来,中央政府一再暗示,该计划不会立刻开始实施。

9、Our supremo told the corporate that they should judge a 'wow language` imminently. ─── (新页面: Apparently joint fans were surrendered unobjectionable patter by 'Press` Mike Ashley.

10、Traditional visual simulation database can't supply requirement of Computer Generated Force (CGF) for environment data.The Battle-field Environment Database (BEDB) for CGF is imminently requisite. ─── 摘要传统的视景数据库已经无法满足计算机生成兵力(CGF)决策对环境数据的需求,迫切需要一个适用于CGF的战场环境数据库。

11、For the choices you make will determine how you deal with the onslaught of changes imminently poised on the steps of your world. ─── 因为你所做出的选择会决议你如何应对即将到临于你们全国的很多巨变之进攻。

12、Last competition, both sides after several round attack and defense, divides the difference imminently not. ─── 最后一节比赛,双方在几轮攻防之后,分差并没有被迫近。

13、But although equity prices have surged spect- acularly, this does not itself mean that China is, by definition, a bubble or that it will burst imminently. ─── 尽管中国的股价急剧飙升,但这种情况本身并不意味着中国确实出现了泡沫或者泡沫马上就要破裂。

14、Five years in development, NFSv4. 1 and pNFS now (or imminently) stands ready to provide super-storage speeds to super-computing machines. ─── 经过5年的开发,NFSv4.1和pNFS现在已经准备好为超级计算机提供超级存储速度。

15、Danger-indicates an imminently hazardous condition which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury, or property damage. ─── 危险:表示一种紧急的危险的情况,如不加避免(回避),将造成死亡或重伤或财产损失;

16、He is expected to announce new safety measures for the industry imminently, and to extend a moratorium on new permits. ─── 预计他将紧急宣布一个针对该产业的新的安全措施,并扩大停发新许可证的范围。

17、No official confirmation to date, although announcements are expected imminently. ─── 尚无官方确认。

18、Production is set to begin imminently and the shelters could reach those in need as early as this summer. ─── 生产即将开始,最早在今年夏天庇护所就能投入使用。

19、For all of these reasons, it imminently asks for developing a kind of advanced professional design tool with high integration in order to improve the design level of LRE. ─── 因此,现实迫切需要研究和开发一个专业的、集成度高的设计平台,丰富液体火箭发动机的设计手段,提高设计水平。

20、Personnel training of crew is imminently urgent ─── 新型船员人才队伍培养迫在眉睫

21、Without a rapid solution to the teams' FIA standoff, Force India and Brawn will be the next current teams to imminently sign up for the 2010 world championship. ─── 如果没有迅速解决小组的国际汽联对峙,迫使印度和布朗将在今后目前队即将签署了2010年世界锦标赛.

22、Their arrival and departure were silent and still, their presence was quiet, reserved, poised and imminently elegant. ─── 我们都是一之子,一师之徒,同胞兄弟姐妹,我们都有这一个缘份,来到了这个人世上,逐渐会发现两个问题:一、知己、知音难寻。

23、But it claims to be able to pump as much 11m b/d, and further expansions to that capacity are supposed to be ready imminently. ─── 但它声称有能力增产至1100万桶/天,对于产能的进一步扩张即将准备就绪。

24、Completion of that process was due imminently and afterwards formal bidding would start, according to the paper. ─── 该报还表示,这一过程将很快结束,随后将开始正式的报价。

25、The final EC decision on Xeloda for its extended use is expected imminently. ─── 欧盟委员会批准希罗达扩大适应证的最终决定也可望将在近期做出。

26、so an automatic grading system is required imminently. ─── 所以迫切需要开发出自动分级系统。

27、In our country, the sex ratio at birth has appeared a series of characters and a new situation of keeping increasing, which has already been a serious social problem needed to be solved imminently. ─── 我国自1980年代以来,出生性别比呈现出持续升高的态势和一系列特征,已成为迫切需要解决的严重的社会性问题。

28、It has made the surgery face the dilemmatic conditions and needed to be dealt with imminently in the process of the clinical decisions. ─── 外科医生如何面对和选择,已成为临床决策过程中亟待解决的问题。

29、Therefore, about the education aspect's question, reforms imminently, has heavy responsibilities, must handle affairs discretely. ─── 所以,关于教育方面的问题,改革迫在眉睫,任重而道远,须谨慎行事。

30、And I thought, well if I start a software company I could miss out on the breakthroughs that will probably take place imminently in that area. ─── 而且我想,很好地是否我开始一家软件公司,我可以在将会或许即将来临的在那个区域中发生的突破性的发展之上错过出。

31、Along with the increasing effects of files, nowadays the users imminently hope a more convenient file management system can come forth immediatly. ─── 随着当前档案信息在社会生活中发挥的作用越来越大、使用的频率越来越高,广大档案的使用者迫切希望有更快捷、更方便的档案利用方法。

32、I believe Shokaract is upon us, either now or imminently, and that the fork he referred to is another nexus, one from which our ultimate fate will be decided. ─── 我相信这是说堕天太子要出现了,为时不远。这是又将是一个极其重要的转折时刻,直接关乎我们的最终宿命。”

33、" Storrie went on to concede that a deal could be struck imminently, adding: "I wouldn't think it would be too long. ─── 彼得接着承认,交易会立即确认并补充说:“我不会认为事情拖得太长。”

34、With three months to go until his re-election, the Republican governor is mounting a comeback.Just last fall he seemed imminently beatable. ─── 他也表现出了要远离不受欢迎的布什总统,包括拒绝白宫要加州增派在边境巡逻的国民警卫队人数的要求。

35、More than 7,000 small coal mines were to close imminently, Li Yizhong, director of the State Administration of Work Safety, announced at a conference on work safety on Monday. ─── 国家工作安全管理部门主任李益中,在星期一的一次工作安全会议商说,有超过七千家的小型煤矿亟待关闭。

36、Just last fall he seemed imminently beatable. ─── 就在去年秋天他似乎还不堪一击。

37、At present a problem that needs imminently solving is setting up the performance appraisal system of the tobacco enterprise. ─── 当前我国烟草行业一个亟需解决的问题就是建立一套科学、严谨、着眼于前馈控制的员工绩效考核系统。

38、Obviously, the knowledge renews imminently, lifelong studies the duty to be arduous. ─── 可见,知识更新迫在眉睫,终身学习任务繁重。

39、Fernando Guti's agent has let it be known that he expects his client to re-sign with Real Madrid imminently. ─── 古蒂的经纪人公开表示期望他的委托人立即和皇家马德里续约。

40、What we needs imminently is feedstock. ─── 我们急需的是原料.

41、Therefore, the fresh flower keep fresh is receiving the producer, the dealer, the consumer day by day takes highly, keep fresh product promotion, applies and researches and develops imminently. ─── 所以,鲜花保鲜正日益受到生产者、经销商、消费者的高度重视,保鲜产品的推广、应用以及研发迫在眉睫。

42、We are ready to release the first update (with a number of major fixes) imminently. ─── 我们准备即将发布(具有重大的修补程序号)的第一次更新。

43、We have an economy that is losing 600,000 jobs a month, said Larry Summers.That [job loss] is probably not going to stop imminently. ─── “我们的经济每一个月失去60万个工作机会,这可能不会马上停止。

44、Just last fall he seemed imminently beatable. According to results from the latest statewide Field Poll, as of July Schwarzenegger's job approval rating had rebounded to 49%, from 36% a year ago. ─── 就在去年秋天,他似乎还不堪一击。根据最近在全州范围内的实地民调结果显示,7月份,民众对施瓦辛格工作的认可率已经从一年前的36%回升到49%。

45、Hereafter Nets exchanges hits the inside connection, will divide the difference imminently to the number in the units place. ─── 此后网队换上打内线,将分差迫近到个位数。

46、SKT is now in the process of hiring advisers to make the investment and the mandate is likely to be awarded "imminently," according to bankers who have been approached. ─── 据SKT已经接洽的一些银行家表示,该公司目前正处于延聘顾问进行此笔投资的阶段,可能“很快”就会选定顾问。

47、{0>6.When an operation is performed where oxygen may be deficient, danger of asphyxiation may occur imminently; ─── 六从事缺氧危险作业,致有立即发生缺氧危险之虞时。

48、"This is not just a technical question, it is an imminently political question. ─── 这不仅仅是一个技术问题,这也是一个迫切的政治问题。

49、After Carlo the Hill jump shot goes well, Forster will complete hits three points, pedestrian team fourth will divide the difference from the very beginning imminently to 80-84. ─── 克罗希尔跳投得手后福斯特完成打三分,步行者队第四节一开始将分差迫近至80-84。

50、A decision over Paolo Di Canio's future is expected imminently as Lazio consider whether to offer the veteran striker a new contract. ─── 迪卡尼奥关于未来的决定即将作出,决定取决于拉齐奥是否考虑向这名锋线老将提供新合同。

51、I imminently need to pull away from the role of full-time housewife. ─── 我迫切需要从一个全职的妈妈的角色中的解脱出来。

52、This is not just a technical question, it is an imminently political question. ─── 这不仅仅是一个技术问题,这也是一个迫切的政治问题。

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