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09-14 投稿



ingest 发音

英:[ɪnˈdʒest]  美:[ɪnˈdʒest]

英:  美:

ingest 中文意思翻译



ingest 网络释义

vt. 摄取;咽下;吸收;接待

ingest 词性/词形变化,ingest变形


ingest 相似词语短语

1、congest ─── vt.使充血;充塞;vi.充血;拥挤

2、biggest ─── adj.最大的(big的最高级)

3、-ingest ─── vt.摄取;咽下;吸收;接待

4、ingress ─── n.进入;入口;准许进入;入境;n.(Ingress)人名;(英)英格雷斯

5、ingesta ─── n.[生物]饮食物;摄取的营养物

6、indigest ─── adj.未经充分考虑的;无明确形状的;未经消化的;混乱的;不成熟的;n.未消化的东西;未必充分估计的混乱状态;v.不能消化

7、disgest ─── 消化不良

8、ingests ─── vt.摄取;咽下;吸收;接待

9、ingested ─── vt.摄取;咽下;吸收;接待

ingest 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you ingest water, fish or blue-green algal products containing elevated levels of toxins, you may experience headaches, fever, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. ─── 如果你摄取水,鱼或蓝色-绿色海藻的产品包含提高水平的毒素,你可能经历头痛,发烧,腹泄,腹部的痛苦,反胃和呕吐。

2、10. An even wackier proposal is that, along with their rations, soldiers of the future will ingest"biomarkers". ─── 一个更怪的建议是,除配给外,未来的战士要吃下“生物标识器”。收藏指正

3、You can attune to our temple in meditation or dreamtime to receive your assessment once you have consumed the herbs for a few days that you muscle test to ingest. ─── 你可以在冥想时或于梦想时间向我们圣殿调谐,来接收自你摄食根据肌肉测试来摄食的药草数天后对你的评估。

4、If one is overrun with an infection in ascension, call upon our species or ingest the herb is one is so called from within. ─── 如果你在提升中被一次感染击倒,请召唤我们的物种;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

5、You will ingest only the lightest of substances. ─── 你只将摄取最轻的物质。

6、3. Formerly considered to be fungi, they are made up of independently living amebas that feed on bacteria, which they ingest by phagocytosis. ─── 以前被认为是真菌类,是由能独立生活的变形虫组成的,这些变形虫可用来喂养细菌,通过吞噬作用被消化。收藏指正

7、If one is having difficulty eliminating, embracing change or letting go, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb if so called from within. ─── 如果你在排泄、融入变化或放手上有问题,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

8、If one finds oneself filled with too much mucous at any point in ascension, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb if so called from within. ─── 如果你在提升的任何时刻发现自己充溢了太多黏液,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

9、Your body will become dehydrated if you can抰 ingest salt and water.This can affect you seriously, causing acidosis, unconsciousness, and death. ─── 因为如果你不能摄取盐和水分,身体就会脱水,并导致酸中毒,昏迷,甚至死亡。

10、The product itself is safe to ingest. ─── 产品本身是可以安全食用。

11、"Your skin comes into contact with all kinds of pathogens, and why ingest these?" he asked. ─── “你的皮肤会和各种各样的病原体,但是为什么会吞噬这些呢?”他反问。

12、Microelements play important roles in growth and health condition.Especially for the growing children,they should ingest proper nutrient elements to meet physical requirement. ─── 微量元素对人体的生长发育和健康状况起重要作用,特别是正处于生长发育阶段的儿童,应摄入一定量的营养元素来满足其生理需要。

13、Worms and worm eggs pervade all vegetables and fruits, along with raw fish for those who love Sushi; it is impossible to eat and not ingest worms or their eggs. ─── 寄生虫和虫卵遍及在所有的蔬菜水果,以及对那些喜欢寿司者而言的生鱼中;不可能进食的同时却不消化寄生虫或它们的卵。

14、1.to absorb or assimilate (nutrients); to ingest; to take sth. in 2.to take a photo of ─── 摄取

15、1.If one is having muscle spasms in ascension, or feels stressed, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb if one is so guided from within. ─── 如果你在提升中有肌肉痉挛或感觉备受压力,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

16、To compel to ingest food; feed forcibly, especially by mechanical means. ─── 强喂强迫吞下食物;强行喂,尤其指通过机械手段

17、To take in; ingest. ─── 接受;吞咽

18、Experts also suggest one eat more than 30 kinds of food every day if he wants to ingest the nutrition needed by his body. ─── 专家也建议:一个人每天至少应该吃30种以上的食物,才能全面摄取人体所需营养。

19、"We found the neutrophils could ingest the bacteria but were not able to kill them. ─── “我们发现中性粒细胞可以摄入细菌但是却不能杀死他们。

20、When a mosquito takes some blood from a human, she may also ingest Plasmodium. ─── 当蚊子从人身上吸取一些血液的时候,它可能也摄取了疟原虫。

21、The muscles in your body are what use the majority of the calories that you ingest. ─── 你身体内的肌肉消耗了大部分你所摄入的卡路里。

22、Meanwhile, animals will ingest plants and hence most of the organic materials contain a certain amount of carbon-14. ─── 同时,动物又会进食植物,所以大部份有机体都会有一定份量的碳-14。

23、Their ability to see things is getting ever closer to that of humans, as is their capacity to ingest information and act on it. ─── 他们看东西的能力逐渐接近人类,他们摄取信息的容量以及对其作出反应。

24、If one discovers that a particular tone is missing on a recurrent or regular basis, one may also wish to ingest the associated herb and learn the note upon a biological level. ─── 如果你发现循环和有规则地缺失音调,你也可以摄取相关的草药,在生物层面上学到音调。

25、or ingest poisonous substances. ─── 或食用有毒的东西。

26、First, select a schema to ingest. ─── 首先,选择要摄取的架构。

27、For, as you ingest herbs through tea, tincture, or capsule, the herb will move to that part of your body that is in need of assistance. ─── 因为,当你通过药茶、酊剂或胶囊来吸收药草时,药草将会运动到你身体那些需要帮助的部位。

28、The fetal cells transformed into what seem like neurons, astrocytes (which help to feed neurons), oligodendrocytes (which insulate neurons) and macrophages (which ingest germs and damaged cells). ─── 可以转化为神经元细胞、星形胶质细胞(可为神经元细胞提供养分),少突胶质细胞(可分隔神经元细胞)、巨噬细胞(可吞噬消化细菌和受损细胞)。

29、Out of all the diet fads in the last several years, we have all come to believe that sugar and carbohydrates are the worst thing you can ingest! ─── 在所有的饮食潮流在过去几年中,我们所有人都相信,糖和碳水化合物是最糟糕的事您就可以摄取!

30、An even wackier proposal is that, along with their rations, soldiers of the future will ingest"biomarkers". ─── 一个更怪的建议是,除配给外,未来的战士要吃下“生物标识器”。

31、To ingest by phagocytosis; phagocytose. ─── 吞噬被吞噬作用所吞食,吞噬

32、If one finds that portions of the form are deprived, call upon our kingdom for support, or ingest the herb if so guided from within. ─── 如果你发现身体的某些部位被剥夺,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

33、Hoover and Pikuta's two previous new species, Tindallia californiensis and Spirochaeta americana are also extremophiles from Mono Lake, but ingest organic materials. ─── Hoover和Pikuta以前从Mono湖中发现的种类Tindalliacaliforniensis和Spirochaetaamericana也是极端微生物,但是,它们消化有机材料。

34、If one is having difficulty discerning one's truth, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb if one is so called from within. ─── 如果你在甄别自身真相上有困难,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

35、3.Formerly considered to be fungi, they are made up of independently living amebas that feed on bacteria, which they ingest by phagocytosis. ─── 以前被认为是真菌类,是由能独立生活的变形虫组成的,这些变形虫可用来喂养细菌,通过吞噬作用被消化。

36、On 5 DAH, the larvae begun to ingest exogenous food, the digestive tract was differentiated into five portions: buccopharyngeal cavity, esophagus, stomach, anterior and posterior intestine. ─── 孵化后第5天,仔鱼开口摄食,消化道分化成口咽腔、食道、胃、前肠和后肠。

37、Call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb as one is so guided from within. ─── 或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

38、As you attune unto or ingest these herbs, we will begin to work primarily upon one's energy flow. ─── 当你调协到或吸收这些草本时,我们将主要工作于你的能量流上。

39、During an hour's swimming at a minicipal pool you will ingest 1/12 liter of urine. ─── 在游泳池游一个小时,你会吞入1/12公升的尿液。

40、Any plant material ingested by an animal (as when dogs and cats ingest yard grass) may produce signs of vomiting, depression, or diarrhea. ─── 动物摄取任何一种植物原料(如小猫小狗吃了庭院里植物)后,都会产生呕吐,抑郁,以及腹泻的症状。

41、to ingest food ─── 摄取食物

42、And the dietitians announced that we Chinese people still don't ingest satisfiable amount of fruit. ─── 可是,这水果该什么时候吃好呢?

43、If there`s anything you need ingest,just ask your Auntie Deb. ─── 如果你需要吃点什么,只要找你的飘飘阿姨就行了.

44、The vitamins you ingest from your diet can help put more hairs on your head, says TODAY nutritionist Joy Bauer. ─── 从你的饮食摄取的维他命可以帮助你把你的头发更头,营养学家喜悦鲍尔今天说。

45、Still, there is only so much tear-gas that visitors to the museums and ancient sites of downtown Athens can be expected to ingest. ─── 然而,可以预料参观博物馆和雅典市中心古代遗址的游客吸收的唯有大量的催泪瓦斯。

46、Children are at greater risk than adults of developing serious liver damage should they ingest high levels of microcystins, because of their comparatively lower body weight. ─── 儿童比成人更容易发展严重肝损伤应摄取高微囊、由于其相对较低的体重.

47、As the worms ingest the remains of the dying plants, they reduce the remains into trace minerals and other nutrients that then sustains the life of the plants and trees. ─── 当昆虫吃下死去植物的残留物,就将它们还原成微量矿物质和其它营养素,用此支持植物和树的生命。

48、It is reported that the protein which Americans ingest every day is twice their need in fact. ─── 据报道,美国人每天摄入的蛋白质是他们实际需要的两倍。

49、ingest v. ─── 摄取;吸收;

50、In hot weather, you'll need twice the liquid you ingest in the wintertime, especially if you're active. ─── 在炎炎夏日里,你需要摄取的水分是冬季的两倍,尤其在运动的时候。

51、To compel to ingest food; feed forcibly,especially by mechanical means. ─── 强迫吞下食物;强行喂,尤其指通过机械手段。

52、Mercury levels at more than two-thirds of the sites exceeded what scientists believe fish-eating mammals, such as mink and otters, should ingest. ─── 三分之二选本中汞含量超过了科学家们认为水貂、水獭等以鱼为食的哺乳动物可摄入的含量。

53、Gastroparesis can cause pain, nausea, vomiting, stomach spasms and weight loss due to inability to ingest enough nutrients. ─── 因为食物在胃内的排空时间不可预测,保持适当的血糖水平(这是控制糖尿病的关键)也变得很困难。

54、If enough mucous coats a set of cells in a thick enough layer, the cells cease to be able to ingest enough oxygen or sugar required to subsist or detoxify, as the pus gums up the process of osmosis. ─── 如果足够多黏液以足够厚的一层覆盖到一系列细胞中时,细胞就停止将生存或排毒所必须的足够多氧气或血糖来消化,因为脓汁象粘连的口香糖一样妨碍了渗透过程。

55、If one is having difficulty with one's blood in ascension, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb as one is so guided from within. ─── 如果提升中你在血液上有困难,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

56、They are herbivorous, bust also ingest encrusting animals, and they even consume living coral when seaweeds are scarce. ─── 牠们的口位于身体底部,有高度进化的双颚及角状的牙齿。

57、It is said that the first and last light of day is the best to ingest. ─── 我邻居家的小兔子坚持着最后一丝生存的机会。

58、If one is having difficulty with the new systems, organs and glands manifesting in ascension, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb if guided from within. ─── 如果你在提升中的新系统、新器官和新系统显化具有困难,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

59、Conclusion The RPE cells can effectively ingest negatively charged macromolecules, possibly by scavenger receptor mediated endocytosis. ─── 受体介导的RPE细胞的内吞作用可能是IPM内大分子物质代谢的重要机制。

60、After we ingest food, the peristaltic movement of the intestine pushes it forward to facilitate digestion and absorption. Finally the leftovers are excreted outside the body as faeces. ─── 人体的肠脏不停蠕动,把吃进的食物向前推进,以便消化和吸收,最后食物渣滓排出体外,即成粪便。

61、to ingest nutrition ─── 摄取营养

62、Tentacles surrounding the mouth are used to capture and ingest food. ─── 口周围的触手用以捕捉食物及将食物送入口中。

63、As such, one would actually ingest more death hormone if one continues to eat flesh each day as an ascending being, and this would then kill off the ascending digestive system. ─── 但当你提升并继续食用肉类时,你将摄入更多的死亡荷尔蒙,这将会消灭你的提升消化系统,随时间过去这甚至会削弱你的提升。

64、And they came to him with dreams not of gorgeousness or superstardom but of one day being able to ingest food orally. ─── 他们到他那里就医不是为了美丽或是成为超级巨星,他们只是希望有一天他们能够咽下食物。

65、If one is having difficulty with lubrication in ascension, which may be symptomatic with dry skin, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb if so guided from within. ─── 如果你在提升中润滑有困难,那可能表现成皮肤干燥的症状,那么召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

66、It could ingest living crucian, frog and mouse voluntarily.It also could intake bovine meat, pork and partridge egg voluntarily. ─── 在人工饲养条件下可以自主采食鲫鱼、青蛙和小白鼠等活的动物,也可自主采食牛肉、精猪肉和鹌鹑蛋;

67、To eat or drink up; ingest. ─── 吃光吃完或喝完;吞下

68、While a little bacteria in your lipgloss won’t kill you if you ingest it, the same bacteria in your eye could cause infection or even blindness! ─── 如果你吞咽了你润唇膏里的一些细菌,这没什么大问题。但是同样的细菌在你的眼部就可能会引起感染,甚至导致失明!

69、If one is having difficulty with communication upon a biological level, call upon our kingdom for support or ingest the herb if so guided from within. ─── 如果你在生物性水平上的通讯有困难,召唤我们的王国来获得支持;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

70、If one is constipated, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb if one is so guided from within. ─── 如果你患了便秘,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

71、If one is having difficulty ascending a particular part of the form, call upon our species for support, or ingest the herb as one is so guided from within. ─── 如果你在提升身体的某个特定部位有所困难,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

72、You are what you eat; and you are what you ingest ; and all your actions hae consequences, some of them supremely unwelcome. ─── 你吃什么就吸收什么;并且你的所有行为都有结果,它们中的一些极不受欢迎。

73、to ingest new ideas ─── 吸取新思想

74、If one is having difficulty in the proper development of the thymus or pituitary in ascension, one may call upon our kingdom, or ingest the herb if one is so guided from within. ─── 如果你在提升中对胸腺体或脑垂体的恰当发展有困难,你可以召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

75、If one finds oneself ascending into disease, call upon our kingdom and ingest the herb if one is so called from within. ─── 如果你发现自身提升进疾病之中,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

76、If one is having difficulty with the development of the immune system in ascension, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb as one is so called from within. ─── 如果你在提升中对免疫系统的发展有困难,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

77、The macrophages collect to ingest the lipid material. ─── 巨噬细胞聚集起来吞噬脂质。

78、It's easy to ingest compared to other radio tracks that hit you with way too many layers in my opinion. ─── 其他参加电台打榜的歌在我看来都有太多层要表达,相较于此,这首歌更容易被待见。

79、If one is having difficulty with a portion of their genetic encoding for ascension, call upon our kingdom, or ingest the herb if one is so guided from within. ─── 如果你在用于提升的基因编码中有某部分产生困难,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

80、info("New data found - checking if this has been published after specified ingest date... ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 logging.

81、A general lack of child-friendly drugs has been made more obvious by the particular difficulty of treating children with HIV/AIDS, who have to ingest massive doses of nasty stuff. ─── 一些像爱滋病那样的特殊疾病缺少儿童用药的情况就更是司空见惯的了,这使得许多孩子不得不大剂量的服用那些对自己身体有害的物质。

82、Example 1 - Daily ingest using Load ─── 例 1 - 使用 LOAD 每日摄入数据

83、These are commercial products that entice piglets to explore and ingest solid feed based on aroma and texture. ─── 很小一部分,也就是半磅的保育料,可以放在垫子上以提高诱食,其余的放在料槽里。

84、ingest vt. ─── 咽下;

85、Dicyclopentadiene : Noxious liquid. Handle with usual caution: do not ingest. If it is spilled on skin, rinse well with water. ─── 二环茂二烯:有毒液体。如常小心处理:不要摄入。如果溅在皮肤上,用水冲洗干净。

86、5.To eat or drink up;ingest. ─── 吃光吃完或喝完;

87、MII (Multimedia Ingest Integration) - Application subsystem that enables ingest of media (and document) materials into MDW from sources such as files, DV from VTR, and analog video from capture card. ─── MII(媒体攫取集成子系统)负责将文档、DV、视频等文件攫取到MDW媒体库中统一管理。

88、"If small children are going to get enough DHA, " she says, "they're going to have to ingest it in their food. " ─── 她还说,若是孩童想得到充足的DHA,那他们必须从食物中摄取。

89、it is impossible to eat and not ingest worms or their eggs. ─── 不可能进食的同时却不消化寄生虫或它们的卵。

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