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09-14 投稿



hogpen 发音

英:[ˈhɑːɡˌpen]  美:[ˈhɒɡpen]

英:  美:

hogpen 中文意思翻译



hogpen 相似词语短语

1、hempen ─── adj.大麻的,大麻制的

2、hogen ─── n.(Hogen)人名;(英、捷、瑞典)霍根

3、copen ─── n.哥本哈根蓝色;n.(Copen)人名;(西)科潘

4、hippen ─── 婴儿用尿布

5、gowpen ─── 地精

6、happen ─── vi.发生;碰巧;偶然遇到

7、hogged ─── adj.拱曲的;中拱的

8、hogan ─── n.泥盖木屋;n.(Hogan)人名;(西)奥甘;(英)霍根

9、holpen ─── v.帮助(help的过去分词)

hogpen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, we find the condition of their workplace is quite disgusting, with flies circling and a hogpen nearby. ─── 但是,我们发现他们的工作场所的卫生条件令人恶心,苍蝇飞来飞去,旁边就是一个猪圈。

2、Diagnosis and prevention of infecting coccidiosis in the hogpen ─── 仔猪感染等孢球虫病的诊断与防制

3、You always half of for sleeping in small hogpen and shouldn’t get up! ─── 你总懒懒地半卧着,在斗大的猪圈里,懒得起身!

4、Study on Flocculate-Precipitate Treatment of Wastewater in Hogpen ─── 养猪场污水的混凝-沉降预处理研究

5、Reproductive trait of pig is an important economic trait, which is a crucial index to reflect the productive level and economy efficacy of hogpen. ─── 猪的繁殖性状是一个重要的经济性状,是反映猪场水平和经济效应的重要指标。

6、hogpen wastewater ─── 猪场废水

7、You like host’s hogpen and think of that it is a bed of flowers. ─── 爱着主人的圈,以为那是安乐窝。

8、Diagnosis and Prevention of Edema Disease of Ablactated Pig in a Hogpen ─── 某猪场断奶仔猪水肿病的诊断与免疫预防试验

9、Diagnosis and prevention of infecting coccidiosis in the hogpen ─── 仔猪感染等孢球虫病的诊断与防制

10、A nasty scent of neither hogpen nor sheepfold was wafted along by the gale. ─── 一阵很大的风刮过来,风中有着很难闻的气味,不是猪圈羊圈的气味,也不知是什么味道。

11、Diagnosis and Prevention of Edema Disease of Ablactated Pig in a Hogpen ─── 某猪场断奶仔猪水肿病的诊断与免疫预防试验

12、The results have shown that steel slag and zeolite can remove effectively phosphate and ammonia nitrogen from hogpen waste water. ─── 结果表明:钢渣对猪场废水中磷酸盐去除效果明显,沸石对猪场废水中氨氮有很好的去除效果;

13、An Investigation and Analysis on the Programming of the Scale Hogpen ─── 规模化猪场规划的调查分析

14、It also can be used in hen-house, sheepfold, cowshed, hogpen and so on;it is a new sterilization electronic sprayer with reliable capability, convenient use. ─── (产品照片) Using gas as fuel,it can be used for sanitation and epidemic prevention in house,garden, hospital, restaurant, hotel and other public places.

15、2 ‘Wild ox’ escaped from the hogpen and hurt the feeder. ─── 2.“野牛”从猪圈中跑出来,伤了饲养员。

16、The part of hog cholera immunity was finished in two different hogpen farms.The antigen and antibody were detected by using the same reagent kit of IDEXX. ─── 猪瘟抗体的检测采用IDEXX公司生产的试剂盒,试验分别在东莞和惠州两个猪场完成。

17、Study on Flocculate-Precipitate Treatment of Wastewater in Hogpen ─── 养猪场污水的混凝-沉降预处理研究

18、However, we find the condition of their workplace is quite disgusting, with flies circling and a hogpen nearby. ─── 此外,在图的底部写着四个巨大的字,意思是"运动"和"健康",意在提醒人们运动和健康是有着内在的紧密联系的。

19、Keywords hogpen wastewater;A/O process;wastewater treatment; ─── 猪场废水;厌氧/好氧法;废水处理;

20、After twice removal, the concentrations of phosphate and ammonia nitrogen in the hogpen waste water can come up to the discharge standards. ─── 猪场废水进行两级处理后,便可达到磷酸盐和氨氮的排放标准。

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