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irrefutable 发音

英:[ɪ'refjʊtəb(ə)l; ,ɪrɪ'fjuː-]  美:['ɪrɪ'fjʊtəbl]

英:  美:

irrefutable 中文意思翻译



irrefutable 短语词组

1、irrefutable fact ─── 无可辩驳的事实

2、irrefutable evidence ─── 证据确凿

irrefutable 词性/词形变化,irrefutable变形

名词: irrefutability |副词: irrefutably |

irrefutable 相似词语短语

1、arrestable ─── adj.可逮捕的

2、irrefutably ─── 不能反驳的;不能回答的;不可否认的

3、irreformable ─── adj.难以纠正的;不可改造的

4、irrefragable ─── adj.不能反驳的;不能否认的

5、irrefutableness ─── 无可辩驳

6、irrebuttable ─── adj.无法反驳的

7、refutable ─── adj.可驳倒的;容易驳倒的

8、irrecusable ─── adj.不能反对的;排斥不了的;不能拒绝的

9、disreputable ─── adj.声名狼藉的;肮脏的;破烂不堪的

irrefutable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That seems irrefutable to him, but why wouldn't it make sense? ─── 这似乎是毫无疑问的给他,但为什么不会有什么意义?

2、with irrefutable evidence; supported by irrefutable evidence ─── 凿凿有据

3、The observational data were irrefutable ─── 这些观测资料是不容怀疑的。

4、Well, two-thirds of the way through his argument Mr.Pollan points out something irrefutable. ─── 嗯,三分之二的方法,通过他的论点博兰先生指出了一些不可置疑的事情。

5、irrefutable fact ─── 不可辩驳的事实

6、They must speak out, expound the proofs, set forth clear arguments, draw irrefutable conclusions establishing the truth of the manifestation of the Sun of Reality. ─── 他们必须大声宣说,详陈证据,提出明确的论点,为确立真理之阳所显示的真理给出无可辩驳的结论。”

7、So we said commodity is the foundation, this is one irrefutable truth. ─── 所以我们说商品是基础,这个是百年颠扑不破的真理。

8、This is NOT a theory but rather, a protocol that has already been clinically validated and the evidence is irrefutable. ─── 这不是理论,而是已有一个治疗方案临床被证实有效而且证据是不能反驳的。

9、an irrefutable logic ─── 无可辩驳的逻辑

10、But age is the most irrefutable thing in the lives. ─── 我一直在组织会议、参加顾问委员会、领导小组讨论以及在过去几个月里给同行提供很多免费的指导。

11、93. In the face of such irrefutable facts, he was struck dumb. ─── 在这样确凿的事实面前,他惊得哑口无言。

12、Third, it is important to derive from the observations irrefutable evidence that the earliest phases in the evolution of protostars do occur ─── 第三个重要任务是要由观测得到不可辩驳的证据来证明原恒星演化中的一些最早期现象确实能发生。

13、What irrefutable will be Realmadrid will encounter their another arduous task, last weekend just fired off with Bettis, 72 hours later must meet head-on Zenite in the away game. ─── 不可否认的是皇马将遭遇他们的又一个艰巨任务,上周末刚刚打完和贝蒂斯的,72小时之后就要在客场迎战泽尼特。

14、This is a irrefutable truth . ─── 这是颠扑不破的真理。

15、indisputable; irrefutable; unquestionable ─── 灼然无疑

16、That is not, of course, irrefutable proof of discrimination. ─── 当然,这并非是存在歧视的不可辩驳的证明。

17、irrefutable arguments ─── 毋庸置疑的论据

18、On the other hand, economic growth is irrefutable evidence of political progress. ─── 反过来讲,经济腾飞就是政治进步的铁证。

19、Second, the definition makes clear that systems can comprise more than one structure, and that no one structure holds the irrefutable claim to being the architecture. ─── 第二,该定义澄清了,系统能够由超过一个结构组成,并且没有一个结构能够不能反驳的申明它就是架构。

20、an indisputable (or irrefutable) fact ─── 无可争辩的事实

21、2. This evidence need not be conclusive or irrefutable, and evidence rebutting the case may not be considered. ─── 这样的初步证据不需要是确凿无疑或者不可反驳的,并且案件中的反驳证据可能不会被考虑。

22、The technology has manifested irrefutable advantages in environment protection and separation of metals. ─── 在环境保护和金属分离方面显示了无可争辩的优越性。

23、are irrefutable proof in black and white. ─── 如山。

24、a commissar is the bearer of the emperor ' s law , and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement , sentence and punishment. ─── 政委是帝皇法则的传达者,拥有执行判决和惩罚士兵的绝对权利。

25、incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence; proof positive; an irrefutable argument ─── 关于被告无罪的无可争议的证据;铁证;不能驳倒的论点

26、First of all possible conclusions should be excluded, that the rest, no matter how bizarre, incredible, it must be irrefutable fact. ─── 首先要把一切不可能的结论都排除,那其余的,不管多么离奇,难以置信,也必然是无可辩驳的事实。

27、But there is no irrefutable medical evidence that mobile phones cause brain tumors or other medical problems. ─── 但是并没有无可辩驳的医学证据表明使用移动电话会引起脑瘤或其他医学问题。

28、51 Scepticism is not irrefutable, but obviously nonsensical, when it tries to raise doubts where no questions can be asked. ─── 51怀疑论不是不可反驳的,而是因为它试图在不能提出问题的地方产生怀疑,所以显然是无意义的。

29、THE logic in favour of purchases of vaccine firms seems irrefutable. ─── 热衷于购买疫苗公司的理念似乎是无可争议的。

30、There were irrefutable proofs; he can't get away with it this time. ─── 铁证如山,他这一次逃不掉了。

31、The truth will be undeniable as all that we reveal can be backed by irrefutable evidence. ─── 真相是无可否认的,因为所有我们揭示的都有着无可反驳的证据。

32、Knowledge is wealth, knowledge is power, and knowledge is the source of economic and scientific development. This is an irrefutable truth. ─── 知识就是财富、知识就是力量,知识就是经济、科学等方面的源泉,这是颠扑不破的真理。

33、On the basis of irrefutable evidence he was sent to jail. ─── 基于确凿的证据,他被判入狱。

34、They failed that test. By this standard, the standard of this operative paragraph, I believe that Iraq is now in further material breach of its obligations. I believe this conclusion is irrefutable and undeniable. ─── 伊拉克未能经受考验,根据第四章的规定,伊拉克对其义务已构成重大违反,我深信结论是不容置疑的。

35、On board the Beagle I was completely orthodox, and I recall how several officers laughed at heartily when I quoted the Bible as an irrefutable source on some point of morality. ─── 您在猎兔犬号上时是否质疑过圣经的真实性?达:在初登上猎兔犬号的时候,我还是非常虔诚的,甚至曾因以圣经作为某些行为的准则而引得几个军官捧腹大笑。

36、"Moreoer," they write, "it is irrefutable that a balanced daily diet is important for the promotion of human health. ─── 他们还写到“此外,无可辩驳的是每日饮食的平衡对于促进人类健康是至关重要的”。

37、Primarily it was written to Jewish readers, to offer irrefutable proof that the long-awaited Messiah had come to bring God’s kingdom on earth. ─── 主要写给犹太人,目的是以无可辩驳的证据指出犹太人盼望已久的弥赛亚已经将上帝的国度带到地上。

38、The pictures provide irrefutable evidence of the incident. ─── 这些图片为该事件提供了无法反驳的证据。

39、About the Hetao liquor culture , there have benn myths as well as irrefutable proofs. ─── 河套酿酒源于汉代,不仅有美丽的传说,同时也有确凿的佐证。

40、In the face of irrefutable evidence, a confession of the crime - the facts. ─── 在铁证面前,温某供认了犯罪事实。

41、With the development of IP network and related technology, everything over IP is no longer a slogan, but an irrefutable fact. ─── 随着IP网络及其关联技术的发展,Everything over IP已经不再是一句口号,而是不争的事实。

42、There were irrefutable proofs; he can not get away with it this time. ─── 铁证如山,他这一次逃不掉了。

43、ironclad evidence; hard fact [evidence]; irrefutable fact ─── 铁的事实

44、Article 4 The handling of any disciplinary violations shall be based on clear facts, irrefutable evidences, standard procedures and accurate application of legal provisions. ─── 第四条处理违纪行为,应当事实清楚、证据确凿,程序规范,适用规定准确。

45、However, when I first psychologically from time to time, to my disappointment is irrefutable. ─── 然而,当我刚定下心来的时候,给我的失望实在是无可辩驳。

46、Today , we offer irrefutable data for the precise shapes of a provincial treasure. ─── 如今无可辩驳的数据为我们勾勒出秦陵地宫的精确形制。

47、A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor's Law, and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement, sentence and punishment. ─── 政委是帝皇法则的传达者,拥有执行判决和惩罚士兵的绝对权利。

48、This was really irrefutable evidence. ─── 这真是一个颠扑不破的实例。

49、To whom also He presented Himself alive after His suffering by many irrefutable proofs, appearing to them through a period of forty days and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God. ─── 3?受害之后,用许多确据,将自己活活的显给使徒看,四十天之久向他们显现,讲说神国的事。

50、That is so not because there are so many big books, but because Marxism is the irrefutable truth. ─── 打不倒,并不是因为大本子多,而是因为马克思主义的真理颠扑不破。

51、Good books are irrefutable, and bad books refute themselves. ─── 好书难以辩驳,而坏书驳倒自已.

52、Only truth that is tested by practice is irrefutable. ─── 只有经过实践检验的真理才是颠扑不破的。

53、It's also an irrefutable fact that we match up so much better with Dallas than Phoenix. ─── 这也是不可否认的事实,我们打小牛要比和太阳战斗更合适。

54、The current education system is unable to satisfy the aspiration that people wanted to accept the education;the trend of educational marketization has already become an irrefutable fact. ─── 现行的教育制度无法满足人们想要接受教育的渴望,教育市场化的趋势已成为一个不争的事实。

55、" This is an irrefutable truth. ─── 这的确是颠扑不破的真理。

56、Recently, some foreigners said that Marxism cannot be defeated. That is sonot because there are so many big books, but because Marxism is the irrefutable truth. ─── 最近,有的外国人议论,马克思主义是打不倒的。打不倒,并不是因为大本子多,而是因为马克思主义的真理颠扑不破。

57、Scepticism is not irrefutable, but obviously nonsensical , when it tries to raise doubts where no questions can be asked. ─── 51怀疑论不是不可反驳的,而是因为它试图在不能提出问题的地方产生怀疑,所以显然是无意义的。

58、The guy may be the best clutch shooter in Lakers history, and sorry, Jerry West, but the evidence is irrefutable. ─── 这个家伙或许是湖人历史里最好的关键先生,至于,杰里?维斯特,对不起,但事实的证据是无可辩驳的。

59、" where does she know, since " organic go to work " later, the weight that I drop but " irrefutable evidence " . ─── 她哪里知道,自从“有机上班”以后,我下降的体重可是“铁证如山”。

60、irrefutable arguments; irrefutable evidence of guilt. ─── 毋庸置疑的论据;不可辩驳的罪证

61、irrefutable prove ─── 无可辩驳地证明

62、It is irrefutable that poverty and hunger are two of the most critical consequences of overcrowding. ─── 毫无疑问,贫穷和饥饿是过度拥挤的两个最严重的后果。

63、Today, over one hundred years later, Luigi Lavazza S.p.A is the irrefutable leader of the espresso market in Italy, boasting nearly 45 percent of the total coffee market share. ─── 一百年后的今天,路吉·拉法札连锁事业无疑已是意大利浓缩咖啡市场的领导品牌,占有约45%的市场。

64、well established and irrefutable ─── 确凿无疑

65、It is irrefutable that thousands of people are still suffering cold and hunger now. ─── 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活。

66、a mass of cast iron proof;Irrefutable proof ─── 铁证如山

67、Here, in the wretched room, her father's moaning was the dominant note and seemed irrefutable. ─── 在这间惨淡的屋子里,她父亲的呻吟诉苦盖过了一切,而且似乎是不容置辩的。

68、an irrefutable argument ─── 无法反驳的论点

69、These ironclad details are irrefutable proof in black and white. ─── 白纸黑字, 铁证如山。

70、beyond all dispute; indisputable; irrefutable ─── 无可辩驳

71、In the evening when Geeta came home I kicked her a dozen times because I was armed with the moral strength of possessing irrefutable proof of her affairs. ─── 晚上,吉塔回家后,我踢了她十二脚,因为我掌握了她跟人家乱来的无可辩驳的证据,理直气壮得很。

72、irrefutable evidence that his fans will love him eternally and still can’t seem to accept his passing. ─── 这一点,无可辩驳地证明了歌迷对他永恒的爱,他们至今仍不愿接受他去世的事实。

73、Soon for example, there will be irrefutable proof that you are not alone in this Universe. ─── 例如不久,将会有不能反驳的证据,你们在这宇宙里不是孤独的。

74、irrefutable evidence ─── 无可辩驳的证据

75、It seems impossible to have missed it before, yet it isn't until now that I notice an irrefutable fact. China is taking over the place. ─── 之前怎未发觉,直到此刻我发现了一个无可辩驳的事实—中国正在取而代之。

76、Acts 1:3 To whom also He presented Himself alive after His suffering by many irrefutable proofs, appearing to them through a period of forty days and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God. ─── 徒一3他受害之后,用许多确据,将自己活活地显给使徒看,四十天之久向他们显现,讲说神国的事。

77、irrefutable authority ─── 无可辩驳的根据

78、incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence; proof positive; an irrefutable argument. ─── 关于被告无罪的无可争议的证据;铁证;不能驳倒的论点。

79、As we all know, Buffett, in his decades-long investment career, stuck to the principle that there is only one, that is, the value of investments, his success is built on the basis of irrefutable. ─── 众所周知,巴菲特在他长达数十年的投资生涯中,恪守的原则只有一个,就是价值投资,他的成功正是建立在这个颠扑不破的基础上。

80、We have entire confidence in this irrefutable truth: onlysocialism can save China. ─── 我们完全相信这一无可争辩的真理:只有社会主义能够救中国。

81、That suggests that many Americans are viewing this less as an ethical than as a political confrontation -- and may switch sides only if confronted with irrefutable evidence. ─── 这表明许多美国人不太把这场冲突并看成是一场道德方面的,而更多地是看作一场政治冲突。只有面对不可辩驳的证据,他们才会改变自己的态度。

82、Not only must a proposition of logic be irrefutable by any possible experience, but it must also be unconfirmable by any possible experience. ─── 一个逻辑命题不仅必须不被任何可能的经验驳倒,它也必须不被任何可能的经验确证。

83、irrefutable evidence of guilt ─── 不可辩驳的罪证

84、The number of people who have spread it around is quite high, and that alone has nearly made it irrefutable fact, apparently even Phoenix TV even believed it. ─── 传的人多了,却几乎变成了确凿事实,据说连凤凰卫视都信了。

85、Originally Posted by Dei That was also the time when Dallas still wasn't Dallas. It's also an irrefutable fact that we match up so much better with Dallas than Phoenix. ─── 这也是不可否认的事实,我们打小牛要比和太阳战斗更合适。

86、conclusive; authentic; irrefutable ─── 确凿

87、irrefutable facts ─── 确凿的事实

88、Tsai Yuan-pei, said: "layer caused by Chinese ancient history tired to say" "is an irrefutable way. ─── 蔡元培说:“层累地造成的中国古史说”“是颠扑不破的方法”。

89、He totalitarian arbitrary act, irrefutable, resulting in a "diplomatic means Wang Dan" evaluation; ─── 他做事集权专断,不容辩驳,以致于有“万科就等于王石”的评价;





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