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09-14 投稿



indoor 发音

英:[ˈɪndɔːr]  美:[ˈɪndɔː(r)]

英:  美:

indoor 中文意思翻译



indoor 网络释义

adj. 室内的,户内的

indoor 反义词


indoor 短语词组

1、indoor air quality ─── 室内空气质量 ─── 室内空气品质

2、indoor court shoe ─── 室内球场鞋

3、indoor competition ─── 室内比赛

4、indoor and outdoor ─── 室内外

5、indoor-outdoor adj. ─── 室内 ─── 室外皆适用的

6、indoor container ─── 室内集装箱

7、indoor shot ─── 室内镜头

8、indoor transformer ─── [电] 室内变压器

9、indoor courts ─── 室内球场

10、indoor paint ─── [化] 内用漆; 室内用漆

11、indoor baseball ─── 室内垒球

12、indoor coverage ─── 室内覆盖率

13、indoor activities ─── 室内活动

14、indoor and outdoor game ─── 室内外比赛

15、indoor temperature ─── 室内温度

16、indoor and outdoor activities ─── 室内外活动

17、indoor and outdoor pools ─── 室内和 ─── 室外游泳池

18、indoor equipment ─── [化] 户内设备

19、indoor garden ─── 室内花园

indoor 常用词组

indoor air pollution ─── 空内空气污染

indoor temperature ─── 室内温度;室温

indoor swimming pool ─── 室内游泳池

indoor 同义词

internal |inside | interior | enclosed | covered

indoor 相似词语短语

1、indo- ─── abbr.间略微分重叠法(IntermediateNeglectofDifferentialOverlap);n.(Indo)人名;(意)因多

2、indol ─── n.吲哚

3、maindoor ─── 正门

4、Hindoo ─── n.印度人;印度教教徒;adj.印度教的;印度人的(等于Hindu)

5、indole ─── n.吲哚;靛基质

6、tandoor ─── n.(印度的)筒状泥炉

7、Hindoos ─── 印地语

8、indoors ─── adv.在室内,在户内

9、indorsor ─── 印多索

indoor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A housewife in her late thirties , mother of two children, had an indefinite complaint about the indoor air quality of her house. ─── 一位年过三十且为两位孩子之妈,对其房屋之室内空气品质有抱怨。

2、Letter boxes others than those with large opening - Indoor installations. ─── 大开口除外的信箱。室内安装。

3、An indoor pool;indoor paint. ─── 一个室内游泳池;室内画

4、Free use of hotel gymnasium and indoor swimmingpool. ─── 免费使用健身房及室内游泳池。

5、As it was raining, we decided to stay indoor watching videos. ─── 下雨了,我们决定待在家里看电影。

6、In the meantime, we also design and empolder and produce some indoor lamps. ─── 同时我们也从事家居灯具的设计开发和生产。

7、The Expression Skill of Indoor and Outdoor Drawing II. ─── 室内外效果图设计表现技法2。

8、He came up with a new indoor game. ─── 他想出了一种新的室内运动项目。

9、Above because indoor air off quality is caused,this phenomenon is. ─── 以上这现象都是由于室内空气质量不合格造成的。

10、IAAF World Indoor Track and Field Champi onships. ─── 国际业余田联世界室内田径锦标赛。

11、Indoor air quality can be improved efficiently. ─── 可以有效提高室内空气品质。

12、Hear or see crickets indoor - there is family joy and long life. ─── 在室内听到或者看见蟋蟀--家庭快乐和长寿。

13、Indoor laundry room. $100/HOA. ─── 室内洗衣房。管理费$100。

14、The spacious indoor heated pool with whirlpool is available year round. ─── 备有漩涡的室内恒温泳池,全年开放供客人使用。

15、Indoor or outdoor examinations prove that autoeciousness between Pyemotes sp. ─── 室内外试验证明,蒲螨对双条杉天牛幼虫有很好的寄生效果。

16、The doctor advised me to stay indoor more. ─── 医生劝我多呆在家里。

17、Shiqi adds both indoor and outdoor activities such as dancing and martial arts. ─── 增添活动的姿色风采:室内和室外娱乐,载歌载舞,绘画,打功夫。

18、Indoor trees need low night temperatures to induce bloom. ─── 室内树木需要低,夜间温度诱导开花.

19、Indoor pools are usually cleaner than outside pools. ─── 室内游池比室外泳池要干净些。

20、The company has high indoor doors cost-effective. ─── 公司生产的室内门具有很高的性价比。

21、KEER is excellent for both indoor and outdoor use. ─── 克尔是极好的室内和室外使用。

22、Olympic hand ball or team handball is an indoor court game rather than outdoor or beach game. ─── 奥运会手球比赛是室内球类项目,而不是室外手球或沙滩手球比赛。

23、Compliance with the conditions for indoor switchgear to correlative standard. ─── 安装场所应满足相关标准的规定。

24、Indoor environment is quiet and tastefully laid out, very sweet. ─── 但是推荐的金威2008最好不要点,真的很难喝。

25、Effect of Sidelight fixed indoor. ─── 安装在室内、休闲场所的效果。

26、Hon Audrey EU raised a question on indoor air quality. ─── 余若薇议员就室内空气质素提出质询。

27、The Evergreen,lron plant,African violet and lvy are some common indoor plants. ─── 万年青,铁树,非洲紫萝兰和常春藤是常见的室内植物。

28、The indoor event begins Monday. ─── 周一开始室内活动。

29、If the weather is wet or cold choose an indoor activity. ─── 如果下雨或是天气寒冷,就选择室内活动。

30、You will find an indoor swimming pool, a sauna and a solarium here. ─── 主要的厨师是一个父亲/儿子团队,他们可满足您的不同饮食要求。

31、Do you prefer indoor or out door activities?Why? ─── 你更喜欢室内活动还是室外活动?为什么?

32、The indoor maintains ventilates and so on. ─── 室内保持通风等等。

33、First played in thirteenth-century France, tennis was an indoor sport, with players using the palms of their hands to hit the ball. ─── 网球起源于13世纪的法国,当时还是一种球员以掌心击球的室内运动。

34、Indoor daily gym workouts are the norm. ─── 他通常在体育馆内进行日常锻炼。

35、Indoor decoration hanged on the wall. ─── 室内壁挂作为装饰品使用等。

36、From the report how to identify indoor air testing authority? ─── 从室内空气检测报告上如何辨权威?

37、Indoor parts installation: to install the indoor parts to a suitable location. ─── 室内机安装:将室内机安放于适当的安装位置.

38、We may swim in the indoor swimming pool no matter what's going on outside. ─── 不管外面的天气如何,我们可以在室内游泳池游泳。

39、If ventilation is poor, radon will accumulate in indoor areas. ─── 如室内空气不流通,散发出来的氡气会积聚在室内。

40、But sweaters are popular indoor wear and showers are not an everyday luxury. ─── 但是在室内穿毛衣去成为了一种时尚,冲凉却变得奢侈。

41、In Japan, there is an indoor lettuce farm run by machines and computers. ─── 在日本,有一个室内的生菜农场,由机器和电脑管理。

42、The summer is fastigium of indoor air pollution. ─── 夏季是室内空气污染高峰期。

43、Shanghai Mansha Indoor Decoration Material Co., Ltd. ─── 上海曼莎室内装饰材料有限公司。

44、There are some indoor plants in the corner. ─── 在房间的角落处放有室内盆栽。

45、An indoor tv antenna,2 extendible rods forming a V. ─── 一种室内天线,能够形成v形的两个棒。

46、What a pity, but we can do some interesting indoor exercises anyway. ─── 太遗憾了,但是不管怎么说,我们还可以做一些有趣的室内活动。

47、The indoor sound-absorption decoration for theaters, subways and etc. ─── 剧院、影视厅、地铁等室内吸声装饰;

48、Reactions among indoor pollutants relate directly or indirectly on the ozone. ─── 室内污染物间的化学反应都直接或间接与臭氧有关。

49、Gas chromatograph is often used to survey concentration for VOCs of indoor air. ─── 气相色谱仪是检测室内挥发性有机物浓度常用仪器。

50、The expert points out, had better not lying indoor pisciculture. ─── 专家指出,最好不要在卧室内养鱼。

51、Central heating is bad news for indoor plants. ─── 中央供暖系统不利于室内植物。

52、Where does the indoor radon come from? ─── 室内氡气是从哪里而来?

53、Did you go to swim in the indoor swimming pool? ─── 你去游泳馆游的泳?

54、Allow plenty of fresh air into the indoor environment. ─── 保持室内的空气流通。

55、Shanghai International Indoor Heating System Producfs and Equipments. ─── 上海国际室内供暖系统产品与设备展览会暨论坛。

56、The book gives handy hints on looking after indoor plants. ─── 这本书提供了关于如何照料室内植物的有用信息。

57、It neutralizes indoor space, paints the room with colors. ─── 6、中和室内空间、点缀色彩等方面对徽州古民居起着重要的作用。

58、It is a famous indoor theme park in Tokyo. ─── 它是东京的一个著名的室内主题乐园。

59、Have you ever played indoor soccer? ─── 你玩过室内足球吗?

60、Indoor use and shortterm outdoor use. ─── 产品适用于户内和户外短期。

61、You're right, but what about indoor games? ─── 你说得对。室内游戏呢?

62、Ping-pang is a good indoor sport. ─── 乒乓球是一项很好的室内运动。

63、Well, I prefer an indoor activity. Like playing video games. ─── 嗯,我比较喜欢做一些室内活动。象是玩玩电动游戏啦!

64、Indoor configuration is all ready, bed linen according to the hotel equipped with single mode, with one guest is changed. ─── 室内配置齐全,床上用具按宾馆模式配备,单具一客一换。

65、A room or building equipped for indoor sports. ─── 健身房一个用来进行室内运动的房间或建筑

66、Blink your eyes, and the Tatung plant has become an indoor athletic field. ─── 大同工厂,摇身一变成为学生的室内体育场。

67、Central heating is bad news for indoor plants. ─── 中央供暖系统可能不利于室内植物。

68、Most indoor tracks are usually 400m in length. ─── 大部分的室内田径场的长度为400米。

69、Do you like indoor activies or outdoor activies? ─── 喜欢户外活动还是户内活动,为什么?

70、Its unique eight frame design at indoor monorail station makes it a modern masterpiece. ─── 它在室内轻轨车站上独特的八框架设计使它成为了一件现代建筑杰作。

71、At home, they carry out indoor training mostly. ─── 在国内他们进行室内训练比较多。

72、Indoor Environment: It is an iddylic restaurant. The room is plain and concise. ─── 室内环境:具有田园气息的餐厅大堂,朴素、简洁的包房。

73、In New England an out door pool can be used only in the summer but an indoor pool makes swimming a year-round sport. ─── 在新英格兰,室外游泳池只能在夏天使用,但室内游泳池能终年使用。


75、Do indoor tanning lotions/accelerators really work? ─── 使用室内助黑产品真的有效吗?

76、All but one of the bures have indoor jetted spas. ─── 套房内都安装有室内喷射按摩浴池设施。

77、Even a common indoor plant can improve the feeling of a room. ─── 即便一种普普通通的室内植物也能提高室内感觉。

78、High luminous efficiency and long service life. Indoor and outdoor lighting. ─── 发光效率高,寿命长。适用于室内外照明。

79、Indoor sows certainly can be housed in social groups. ─── 在室内养猪,我们可以以群养的方式来饲养。

80、An indoor stand or platform for musicians and other performers. ─── 乐池,舞台音乐家或其他表演者的室内演出台

81、We may swim in the indoor swimming pool no matter what's go on outside. ─── 不管外面的天气如何我们可以在室内游泳池游泳。

82、The world's largest indoor lake is in the West Edmonton Mall in Alberta,Canada. ─── 世界上最大的室内湖是在加拿大Albeta的西埃德蒙顿购物中心。

83、Be like inside door work must assemble ventilator, ensure indoor airflow. ─── 如室内工作须装配排风扇,保证室内空气流通。

84、Billiards is a good indoor game. ─── 台球是一种有益的户内游戏。

85、Primarily a 3D simulator for multiple indoor and outdoor mobile robots. ─── 多个室内和室外机器人可移动的主要一台3D模拟器。

86、Table tennis is an indoor game. ─── 乒乓球是室内运动项目。

87、People play indoor sports whatever the weather. ─── 不论气候如何,人们都从事户内运动。

88、The indoor swimming pool will be open to the public from October. ─── 室内游泳池自十月十六日起开放。

89、As they had been kept indoor for the whole morning the children became impatient. ─── 孩子们在室内呆了一上午,开始坐不住了。

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