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09-14 投稿



retraced 发音

英:[rɪˈtreɪst]  美:[rɪˈtreɪst]

英:  美:

retraced 中文意思翻译



retraced 词性/词形变化,retraced变形

动词过去分词: retraced |动词现在分词: retracing |名词: retracement |形容词: retraceable |动词过去式: retraced |动词第三人称单数: retraces |

retraced 相似词语短语

1、retroacted ─── v.起反作用

2、retraces ─── vt.追溯;折回;重描

3、retracer ─── 回溯

4、retrace ─── vt.追溯;折回;重描

5、retracers ─── 再培训者

6、retracted ─── adj.可伸缩的

7、re-traced ─── 重新追踪

8、retracked ─── 重新跟踪

9、re-braced ─── 重新支撑

retraced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I slowly retraced my morning's walk, and as I passed out at the portal of the cloisters, the door, closing with a jarring noise behind me, filled the whole building with echoes. ─── 我慢慢地踏着早晨的来路回去,当我穿出回廊的门口,廊门在我后面嘎嘎作声地关上,回声响彻整座屋宇。

2、The two girls retraced their steps and turned left ─── 两个人于是就折回来往左走。

3、He retraced his steps. ─── 他按原路折回。

4、" He followed the road-mender's advice, retraced his steps, and, half an hour later, he passed the same spot again, but this time at full speed, with a good horse to aid; ─── 他接受了那路工的建议,退转回去,半个钟头以后,他再走过那地方,但是加了一匹壮马,快步跑过去了。

5、As we dined we looked back up the massive face of El Capitan and retraced our route.In the moonlight, it looked almost impenetrable. ─── 我们吃东西时回看El Capitan巨大的岩壁回想我们的路线,在月光下,看起来真是无法形容。

6、They retraced their steps to where they started. ─── 他们顺原路又折回到他们出发的地点。

7、He retraced his steps back to where he had started from. ─── 他折回到他出发的地方。

8、He retraced his steps to look for the umbrella. ─── 他顺着原路回去找伞。

9、"we retraced the route we took last summer"; ─── 注释列句:to go back over again;

10、" He retraced his steps, he called, he did not find them;he reflected that they must already be far away, put the package in his pocket, and went off to dine. ─── 他转身喊,没有喊住她们,他想她们已经走远了,便把那纸包揣在衣袋里,去吃晚饭。

11、In the meanwhile, Gavroche, who had retraced his steps at full speed, halted five or six streets distant and seated himself, panting, on the stone post which forms the corner of the Enfants-Rouges. ─── 伽弗洛什这时正疯狂地往后跑,跑过了五六条街才停下来,坐在红孩子商店转角处的护墙石上喘气。

12、The Toad retraced his weary way on foot, and related his disappointing experiences to the Water Rat once more ─── 癞哈蟆拖着沉重的脚步回到家中,又一次把这令人失望的经历告诉老鼠。

13、Hundreds of years later, a team of 8 Renault trucks has retraced his steps, from the French city of Lyon all the way through the ancient Silk Road to China's capital, Beijing. ─── S: retrace 沿着路线重走,比如顺着原路折回到出口,retrace one's steps toward the entrance. 雷诺车队沿着马可波罗的脚步重走。

14、(3) retraced industry development and explored whether, in the past, each company produced value innovative activities which was effective and beneficial for the company. ─── (3)以产业发展简史为回顾方式,探究公司历年来,是否有价值创新活动产生,为企业带来效益。

15、She turned short round and retraced her steps down the avenue. ─── 她蓦地回过身,沿着林阴道重新走下去。

16、So our train retraced the route back through the towns, plantations and wilderness of western Malaysia, and across the causeway once again to Singapore: not so much A to B as A to A on the E&O. ─── 所以火车又重新经过马来西亚西部的城镇、种植园和原野,然后穿越大堤回到了新加坡。我们不是从A地到B地,而是乘着东方快车从A地回到了A地。

17、We retraced our steps to where we started. ─── 我们折回我们出发的地方。

18、This he took to the stream, scrubbed it with bunches of grass and washed it clean.He then filled it half with water and, holding it in both hands, retraced his path to the summit. ─── 拿了再到溪边,将这香炉水里浸了,拔起乱草,洗得干净,挽了半香炉水,双手擎来,再寻旧路,夹七夹八走上岭来;

19、The tip retraced, narrated in compressed time what they had done between one ice age and another, and perhaps were doing still, those couriers of the Masters. ─── 底端重循旧迹,在压缩的时间里再次诉说主耶稣的那些信差在一个冰河时期到另一个冰河时期之间所做的事,也或许现在仍在做著。

20、retraced their steps. ─── 追溯他们的足迹

21、After a short inspection of the melancholy ruins they retraced their steps. ─── 他们看了一看那片凄惨的瓦砾堆,就动身往回走。

22、After retraced above 40% of the 2000-2002 bear leg, the NASDAQ rolled over rolled over and has been trading in the sell zone, which we’ve determined using our proprietary trend indicator. ─── 纳指在收复2000-2002年熊市大约40%的失地以后,开始掉头向下并一直在卖出区域运行(即我们的趋势指标下方)。

23、She turned around sharply and retraced her steps down the avenue. ─── 她蓦地转过身,重新沿着大路走。

24、She retraced her steps to try to find her lost ring. ─── 她顺原路返回,试图寻找丢失的戒指。

25、He followed the road-mender's advice, retraced his steps, and, half an hour later, ─── 他接受了那路工的建议,退转回去,半个钟头以后,他再走过那地方,

26、At length he bowed his head, sighed with agony, dropped his arms, and retraced his steps ─── 结果,他低下头,悲伤地叹着气,垂着两只手,又走回来。

27、The wounded girl retraced her route to the river, and the victorious one took the fateful path towards Songi. ─── 受伤的黑女孩重新回到通往河流的路上,而得胜的梅米却选择了决定命运的通往松吉村的道路。

28、We retraced our route in an attempt to get back on the right path. ─── 我们折返,想回到正确的路上。

29、Then he shook his head slowly from right to left, as though refusing himself something, and retraced his steps. ─── 接着他静静地摇着头,好象拒绝自己的一点要求,就折了回去。

30、I followed in his steps; he retraced his steps. ─── 他们的步调非常一致。

31、Kim Jong Il reinforced that message with a trip to China last month that retraced some of the places his father learned communist ideology. ─── 金正日上个月访华期间回到了他父亲当年学习共产主义的一些旧址,再次暗示了权力延续的重要性。

32、He retraced his steps along Central Avenue to the depot and found himself quickly before the walls of the very large concern he was seeking. ─── 他沿着中央路朝火车站往回走,不多时来到他正要找的那家很大的工厂的墙外。

33、The EurUsd has retraced from yesterday's session highs of 1.3002 to 1.2888, while the UsdJpy rallied off the 92.00 support to 92.76. ─── 欧元兑美元已从昨天的盘中高点1.3002撤回至1.2888,而美元兑日元上涨,越过支撑位92.00,到达92.76。

34、“Without so much as a second thought, I retraced my steps and rejoined my platoon. ─── “对第二念头没再多想,我顺着来路退回,重回本排。

35、Using these sources as my guide, I retraced what I believe was the path he took from Bellingham to Madison County in August of 1965. Driving toward Madison County at the end of my travels, I felt I had, in many ways, become Robert Kincaid. ─── 以这些材料为线索,我沿着我认为是金凯一九六五年八月从贝灵汉到麦迪逊县的路线作了一次旅行,在行程终了时,我觉得自己在很多方面变成了罗伯特. 金凯。

36、The mountain is known for its flat rocks, which are known as “hsing” in Chinese.Wu School painters often retraced the footsteps of the ancients by climbing to such famous sites. ─── 他尝试用转折的笔法把山石轮廓画出来,又用乾笔淡墨皴擦,来传达山石的纹理。

37、The Toad retraced his weary way on foot, and related his disappointing experiences to the Water Rat once more. ─── 蟾蜍没精打采地走着回去,又一次把这令人失望的经历告诉河鼠。

38、1. The police retraced the movements of the murder victim. ─── 警方追溯了被谋杀者当时的动作。

39、The EURUSD move retraced after European open as the night’s debacle reaches the European markets, which open lower. ─── 夜间这一崩溃性信息到达欧洲市场后,低开的欧元对美元价格在欧洲市场开市后出现回升。

40、” Well, as mentioned, an easy and quite efficient method is to take advantage of the tendency for price to rebound after it had retraced, or pull back, to key moving average. ─── 显然,最重要的位置便是均线的支撑,价格在回调至均线附近后反弹的可能性非常大。

41、Police retraced the movements of the murder victim. ─── 警方追溯了那被谋杀者当时的情形.

42、Then he retraced his steps, and feeling his way and searching, ─── 这么一想,遂转身回去,摸索着方向,东瞧瞧,西望望,

43、They retraced their steps to where they started. ─── 他们顺原路又折回到他们出发的地点。

44、He retraced his steps in anger, and threatened them with his stick: the children dispersed like a flock of birds. ─── 他狼狈地回转来,扬着棍子表示要打,孩子们也就象一群小鸟似的散了。

45、He watched till she had disappeared; then slowly retraced his steps to the Mirabell Garden. ─── 他望着她远走了,然后慢慢地返回米拉伯尔花园。

46、He retraced his steps in anger, and threatened them with his stick: the children dispersed like a flock of birds. ─── 他狼狈地回转来,扬着棍子表示要打,孩子们也就象一群小鸟似的散了。

47、USDJPY - According to our recent analysis, “Bigger picture, the advance from 95.72 is in 3 waves (corrective) and has retraced 50% of the decline from 124.13. ─── 根据我们最近的分析,“大图来看,从95.72开始的提升是在三浪中(修正浪),并且是从124.13开始下降的50%的回调。

48、to go back over again, as of a route or steps: we retraced the route we took last summer.. ─── 又回去,比如路线或踪迹;我们折回了去年走过的路线。

49、Praxis is the last basis of entire world to which materialist philosophy of praxis can be retraced, so praxis is the final interpretative principle of materialist philosophy of praxis. ─── 实践唯物主义哲学所能追溯到的整个世界的最后的基础是实践,所以实践是实践唯物主义哲学的最终的解释原则。

50、As soon as they realized that they were going in the wrong direction, they put about and retraced their path. ─── 他们一发觉正在朝着错误的方向前进,就马上折回原路。

51、The wounded girl retraced her route to the river,and the victorious one took the fateful path towards Songi. ─── 受伤的女孩重新回到通往河流的路上,而得胜的那个却选择了决定命运的通往松吉村的道路。

52、The Scotch half-breed slowly retraced his steps to the camp they had left. The men ceased talking. A revolver - shot rang out. ─── 苏格兰混血儿缓缓沿路返回去,来到刚离开的营地,人们停止了谈话,听到“砰”的一声枪响。

53、Looking ahead, executives, analysts and bankers agree that the commodities boom is not dead. Having retraced from their peaks, prices are pausing, they say. ─── 展望未来,企业高管、分析师和银行家一致认为,大宗商品热潮并未结束。他们表示,在从峰值水平回落后,大宗商品价格正暂时停歇。

54、Realizing what he had done, he drove back to his starting point, placed a magazine of the same size on the car roof and retraced his route. ─── 想起自己做了什么,就又把车开回到起点,把一本同样大小的杂志放到车顶,再把车掉头重新上路。

55、He retraced the junks' routes around the globe and found shoreside marker stones, carved in a host of Asian languages, all over the world. ─── 他重新寻访船队在世界各地走过的路并发现了港岸边的标记石,上面依然还有当时所刻的大量亚洲文字,这种情形遍布全世界。

56、He turned around and retraced his steps(= went back the way he had come). ─── 他转身原路往回走。

57、The plunger retraced at once. ─── 柱塞即缩回。

58、He retraced his steps. ─── 他按原路折回。

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