postulates 发音
英:[ˈpɒstjuleɪts] 美:[ˈpɑːstʃuleɪts]
英: 美:
postulates 中文意思翻译
postulates 短语词组
1、Kochb's postulates ─── [医] 郭霍氏要点(确定病原体的四要点)
2、auditing postulates ─── [经] 审计(核)的要求事项
3、quantum mechanical postulates ─── [化] 量子力学假设
4、Bohr postulates ─── [化] 波尔假设
postulates 常用词组
accounting postulates ─── 会计准则;会计假设
postulates 词性/词形变化,postulates变形
名词: postulation |动词现在分词: postulating |动词过去分词: postulated |动词过去式: postulated |动词第三人称单数: postulates |
postulates 相似词语短语
1、postulators ─── n.请愿者;假定者;宣福申请人,列圣申请人
2、pustulates ─── adj.生脓疱的;布满脓包的;vt.使生脓包;vi.生脓疱;形成脓包
3、postulated ─── [数]公设
4、populates ─── 居住于
5、osculates ─── v.(曲线或面)与(另一曲线或面)互成密切;亲吻
6、expostulates ─── vi.劝诫,告诫;忠告
7、postulate ─── vt.假定;要求;视…为理所当然;n.基本条件;假定
8、postillates ─── 明信片
9、apostolates ─── n.使徒的地位;罗马教皇的职位;倡导地位
postulates 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Application of Auditing postulates to Judge Auditor's Responsibility ─── 应用审计假设判断审计职责
2、Background: The open-artery hypothesis postulates that late opening of an infarct-related artery after myocardial infarction will improve clinical outcomes. ─── 背景介绍:动脉开放假说假设心肌梗塞后相关梗塞动脉后期开放有利于改善临床预后。
3、unlilke PDA's ,it postulates that you need not carry anything with you ,since information will be accessable everywhere. ─── 与个人数字助理PDA不同的还有,它设想你不必随身携带任何东西,因为无论在哪里,你都可以接受信息。
4、Koch's Postulates ─── 柯赫氏法则
5、Animal infected test accords with Koch postulates. ─── 动物感染试验符合Koch准则。
6、I think I put up the postulates. ─── 我想我已经建立过这种假设了。
7、Enclid next lays down five postulates and five common notions. ─── 接着Enclid就列出五个公设和五个公理。
8、Its postulates are binding upon all men in every part of the world. ─── 它的要求对世界各地的任何人都有约束力。
9、In this state the experiencer has discarded knowledge in the ordinary sense, because this kind of knowledge postulates a distinction between the knower and the known. ─── 在这种状态,经验者已经抛弃了普通意义上的知识,因为这种知识假定有知者与被知者的区别。
10、ID simply postulates that the universe possesses evidence that it was intelligently designed. ─── 而不了解圣经中所记载的历史是无法了解为什么神学家们认为圣经是精确的。
11、Neodarwinism postulates that there is no feedback. ─── 新达尔文主义则假设不存在反馈。
12、Sustainable development postulates the coordinative and he althy development between mankind and nature,which presents the oner ous undertaking to environment man agement and control. ─── 可持续发展要求与自然统一协调、良性循环发展,对环境保护的宏观管理和调控提出了更艰巨的任务。
13、21 If one postulates a second mind to perceive the first, then one would have to postulate an infinite number of minds; and this would cause confusion of memory. ─── 21如果假定有第二个心来感知第一个心,那么就必须假定有无限个心,这样会导致记忆混乱。
14、On Enterprise Agent and Accounting Postulates ─── 论企业代理关系与会计假设
15、“This is the second external teaching, which postulates pervasive permanence. ─── 是则名为第二外道,立圆常论。
16、Henle-Koch postulates ─── 汉-郭二氏假说
17、AGM postulates ─── AGM公设
18、We live because as Anthropic Principle postulates that our Universe seems to be designed to fit our existence. ─── 我们之所以能够生存,是因为如人择原理所假定,这个宇宙为了适应我们的生存而专门设计的。
19、" XP, in effect, postulates a low-change cost environment and then says, "This is how we will work. ─── 实际上XP不是问"我该如何降低变更带来的成本",而是要求一个低更改成本的环境,然后说"我们将这样工作"。
20、Hooke's law postulates that the material has linear elastic behavior and we do not intend considering a different material ─── 虎克定律假定材料有线性弹性性质,而我们并不打算考虑与此不同的材料。
21、Basic postulates of analytical psychology. ─── 分析心理学的基本假设。
22、I shall argue that the postulates of the classical theory are applicable to a special case only and not the general case. ─── 我将说明:经典学派之前提,只适用于一种特例,而不适用于通常情形。
23、The AICPA created APB issued opinion as GAAP, in addition, It appointed a independent Accounting Research Division (ARD) to study basic postulates and broad principles. ARD quickly completed its mission. ─── 开始,AICPA组建APB去制订作为公认会计原则的APB意见书,同时,它又组建立独立的会计研究部,研究基本会计假设和广泛适用的企业会计原则。
24、A Research on Auditing Postulates ─── 浅论审计假设
25、For statesman, values lived are more reliable than postulates articulated. ─── 对于一个政治家来说,身体力行的准则比口头上的主张更加受到人们的信赖。
26、Economic theory is constructed like logic or mathematics: it is based on certain postulates and all of its conclusions are derived from them by logical manipulation. ─── 经济理论的结构类似于逻辑学或数学,它建立在某些公设的基础之上,所有的结论都经过逻辑推理以公设为前提推导而来。
27、Depreciation Application of Fixed Assets by New Accounting Postulates ─── 新会计准则下固定资产折旧方法及运用
28、At first glance , the two postulates seem innocent enough. ─── 乍一看来,这两个假设似乎够单纯的了。
29、On the influence of old new accounting postulates to borrowing costs capitalization. ─── 摘要阐述新旧会计准则对借款费用资本化的影响。
30、I shall argue that the postulates of the classical theory are applicable to a special case only and not the general case. ─── 我将说明:经典学派之前提,只适用于一种特例,而不适用于通常情形。
31、This paper tries to analysis the accounting postulates in order to simplify the conception of the embedded value. ─── 本文透过财务视角,通过对支撑内含价值的会计假设进行分析,以达到对于内含价值简化理解的目地。
32、Not only does he postulate an unconscious, where things are not easily available to the empirical eye, but he postulates a collective unconscious that never has been and never will be conscious. ─── 不只是他假设潜意识无法轻易由经验法则得知,而且他还提出集体潜意识概念,假设从未达成以及将永远不会属于意识范畴。
33、accounting postulates ─── 会计准则
34、73. It postulates privacy, open and honest communication . ─── 它要求具有隐密性的,开放而诚实的交际。
35、They proclaimed to be eternal postulates of reason and justice. ─── 他们宣称这些原则是理性和正义的永恒的要求。
36、a systematic, complete and elaborate presentation of all the mathematical tools and postulates needed, including a discussion of their physical content and applications. ─── 一的全部数学工具的有系统,完整和精心制作赠送和要求需要,包括一他们物质满足和应用的讨论。
37、old new accounting postulates ─── 新旧会计准则
38、a proposition deducible from basic postulates. ─── 从基本公设推论出的命题。
39、英文摘要: The AGM postulates provide standards and rules for kinds of believe revision methods,on such principle they can compare each other. ─── 摘要: 介绍了几种典型的迭代修正方法,并对这些方法进行了比较;
40、In doing so, we have been able to validate one of the key postulates of 50x15. ─── 在此过程中,我们已经能够验证50x15计划的一个关键主张。
41、In other words, AICPA field that although a study of basic Postulates could be led to a set of Accounting broad principle. But those theory will not directly sore current financial accounting problems. ─── 换言之,AICPA感到虽然基本假设的研究可产生一套广泛适用的会计原则,但这些理论不能直接解决现行财务会计问题,而不如目标可指引方向。
42、In the real world, competition and redistribution of income rejects this hypothesized case of giffen goods under the postulates of constrained maximization and substitutability. ─── 只是愚见,如有错漏,烦请赐教。令人意想不到的是,未有亲身验证过,就将理论胡说八道。高生,你真系好野!
43、Phase Invariability of Electromagnetic Waves Verified Based on Two Elementary Postulates of the Theory of Relativity ─── 从相对论的两条基本原理论证电磁波的相位不变性
44、Amendments and Innovations on the Financial Accounting Postulates under the Environment of the Knowledge Economy ─── 知识经济环境下对财务会计假设的修正与创新
45、The terms-axioms, assumptions, conventions, concepts, generalizations, methods, rules, doctrines, techniques, postulates, standards and canons are used freely and inconsistently in the same sense. ─── 可以在同等意义上自由而且前后不一致地运用各种术语,如公理、假定、协定、概念、普遍化、方法、规范、学说、技巧、假设、标准以及总则。
46、One who postulates. ─── 假设者,要求者
47、We live because as Anthropic Principle postulates that our Universe seems to be designed to fit our existence. ─── 我们之所以能够生存,是因为如人择原理所假定,这个宇宙为了适应我们的生存而专门设计的。
48、2.Above all, we must learn that we share more common ethical bonds than we might believe, even if individual religions and philosophies may give different explanations for these ethical postulates. ─── 2、最重要的是,我们必须认识到,我们比自己可能相信的拥有更多相同的伦理约束,即便各种宗教和哲学可能对这些伦理要求作出不同解释。
49、In doing so, we have been able to validate one of the key postulates of 50x15. ─── 在此过程中,我们已经能够验证50x15计划的一个关键主张。
50、Weierstrass proved the it is impossible to construct a class of numbers more general than the complex number if all the postulates are retained without change. ─── 人类发明的记数法并没有束缚自己的想象力,中国古代“数穷则变”的思想对于当代数学哲学仍具有积极的意义。
51、“This is the first external teaching, which postulates the absence of cause. ─── 是则名为第一外道,立无因论。
52、Research on the postulates of cash flow management. ─── 对现金流量管理假设的研究。
53、auditing postulates ─── 审计基本原理
54、'''Creationism''' is a belief system which postulates that the universe, Earth, and life on Earth were deliberately created by an intelligent being. ─── '''神创论'''是一种相信宇宙,地球以及地球上的生物是由一个智能人类或者生物所创造出来的[[宗教]]信仰。''
55、This paper postulates the importance of track maintenance in urban rail transit by describing the characteristics of railway lines,the track structure damage by the motion of trains,etc. ─── 从城轨交通线路的主要特征、列车运行时对轨道结构破坏等方面,说明轨道维修工作的必要性。
56、pure mathematics is based upon the logical consequences of a set of postulates. ─── 科学源于观察,而传统数学则是基于逻辑后果的各种假定。
57、And economics of the new system provides a theoretical basis for the accounting postulates. ─── 新制度经济学为会计准则的供需分析提供了理论基础。
58、Joiner postulates that a necessary condition for suicide is habituation to the fear about the pain involved in the act. ─── 乔伊纳假定自杀的必要条件是:能够处之泰然地面对自杀行动中引起疼痛的恐惧。
59、Exploration of Value Chain Accounting Postulates under IT Conditions ─── IT环境下价值链会计假设的探讨
60、novel has its logic, its reasonings, its intuition, and its postulates. ─── 小说有它的逻辑、推理、直感和假设。
61、On the Influence of Knowledge Economy on Accounting Postulates ─── 试论知识经济对会计假设的影响及对策
62、Theoretical postulates are selected from social learning theory, group dynamics, theoretical information about passivity, and theory of human motivation. ─── 相关的理论假设源自以下的理论系统:社会学习理论、团体动力学、与被动有关的研究、及人类动机理论。
63、defining postulates ─── 定义公设
64、Koch's postulates for genes ─── 基因水平的柯赫法则
65、Euclid rs postulates ─── 欧几里得公设
66、The Basic Postulates of Vacuum Fluctuation and Their Deductions ─── 真空涨落与相对论量子力学的共同基础
67、And physicists are very parsimonious with postulates. ─── 而物理学家的原则是使用尽量少的假定。
68、From 10 axioms and postulates, Euclid deduced 465 theorems, or propositions, concerning aspects of plane and solid geometric figures. ─── 欧几里德从10个公理和假设中演绎出465个公理或命题,涉及了平面与立体几何图形各方面。"
69、finally,it puts forward some innovational postulates for students about idea updating,creative ability,teaching contents,teaching technique and so on. ─── 最后从更新观念、培养学生的创新能力、教学内容、教学手段等方面对大学物理实验提出了改革设想。
70、“This is the fourth external teaching, which postulates finiteness. ─── 是则名为第四外道,立有边论。
71、Golomb randomness postulates ─── 戈罗姆随机假设
72、Kochb's postulates ─── [医] 郭霍氏要点(确定病原体的四要点)
73、OUR THEORY IS NOT the only one that postulates the breakdown of the standard gravitational law at large distances. ─── 我们的理论并不是唯一一个假设标准重力定律在大尺度失效的理论。
74、Ethic postulates by Zeng Zi and current moral construction ─── 曾子的孝道理论与道德建设
75、This paper proposes some measures about the value chain accounting postulates based on four traditional accounting postulates under IT conditions. ─── 基于传统会计的四大会计假设,结合IT环境的特点,本文对价值链会计假设提出了改进建议。
76、Gallic logic often tempted him to carry his postulates to extremes, unnecessarily wounding to Americans. ─── 高卢人的逻辑常常使得他把他的一些设想发展到极端,以致不必要地伤害了美国人。
77、The Comparative Studies of Accounting Postulates Between China and Western Countries ─── 中西会计准则比较研究
78、An Analysis of the Supply and Demand of Our Accounting Postulates ─── 对我国会计准则的制度供求分析
79、Kirchhoff's current law postulates that the total current outflow from any p oint is 0 ─── 基尔霍夫电流定律要求从任何点流出的总电流为0。
80、The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment. ─── 修建校舍的规划是在增加教育经费的前提下拟定的。
81、ERG theory postulates three sets of needs: existence, relatedness, and growth. ─── ERG理论假定人有三种需要:生存、联系和发展的需要。
82、Testing and Design of Auditing Postulates ─── 论审计基本假设的检验与设计
83、quantum mechanical postulates ─── [化] 量子力学假设
84、This paper provides redundant illustrations to compare the two forms of songs and postulates the possibilities of their common origins. ─── 本文以充足的曲例比较了二者的共性联系,并对二者的渊源作了探讨性的思考和假设。
85、Bohr postulates ─── 玻尔假设
86、According to the accounting postulates, this paper discusses some accounting policies for financial lease of fixed assets. ─── 我国的《企业会计准则》对固定资产融资租赁会计处理的规定,虽然促进了融资租赁经济业务会计处理的规范化,但尚不能满足会计对这一经济业务进行全面反映与监督的要求。
87、During the course, and wthin days of completion, I found my capacity for playing the game of life was in the tone level of postulates and games. ─── 课程中和完成课程后这些天,我感到我处理人生游戏的能力在意念设定和游戏这一(很高的)情绪等级上。
88、In this chapter we shall consider some of the basic postulates and theorems of quantum mechanics. ─── 本章我们将阐述量子力学的一些基本假设和原理。
89、The Vaisheshika system, which was founded by the sage Kanada, postulates an atomic pluralism. ─── 在圣人肯拿达创立的胜论派体系里,假定存在着一种复数原子的状态。
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