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09-14 投稿



aimlessness 发音

英:[ˈeɪmləsnəs]  美:[ˈeɪmləsnəs]

英:  美:

aimlessness 中文意思翻译



aimlessness 词性/词形变化,aimlessness变形

副词: aimlessly |名词: aimlessness |

aimlessness 短语词组

1、obvious aimlessness ─── 明显的无目标

2、aimlessness has hardly been ─── 漫无目的几乎不是

aimlessness 相似词语短语

1、agelessness ─── 长生不老

2、taillessness ─── n.无尾

3、timelessness ─── n.永恒,不朽;不受时间影响

4、harmlessness ─── n.无害,无害性;无恶意

5、gainlessness ─── 无益

6、artlessness ─── n.天真烂漫;淳朴;笨拙

7、painlessness ─── 无痛

8、hairlessness ─── 秃发症;无毛发症

9、airlessness ─── 无气性

aimlessness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Is this aimlessness in line with a Darwinian view of life on planet Earth? ─── 这个无目标性和达尔文式看待地球生物的观点,是否有异曲同工之妙?

2、The coarse bell resounds sadly from the square tower as if it came from a world faraway. Aimless Breeze flaps against the heavy glass windows like playing an ancient elegy. ─── 16钟声沙哑,从广场塔楼响起,一下下在空中哀鸣,像发自远方世界的叹息。微风飘泊无依,扑击着沉沉的玻璃窗,如同奏起古老的挽歌。

3、Do you feel life has less meaningful, aimless and not sure what you want? Explore how to set your goals in your mid life. ─── 你是否觉得有点不了解生命的意义?生活没有目标?若有所失?一起来探讨如何在中年以后再出发!

4、Without these long-held notions to rely on, members of the generation that fought and worked in the war suffered great moral and psychological aimlessness. ─── 失去了这些传统信念的依托,他们在心理上和精神上都感到空虚迷惘。

5、ideas;causes;above all continuities-these offer the one possible escape not merely from selfishness but from the hungers of solitude and the sorrows of aimlessness. ─── 人、理想、目标、尤其是锲而不舍-这些都使一个人,不仅能逃避自私,也可以逃避寂寞的空虚及漫无目标的烦恼。

6、Everyone felt aimless, with a kind of strained and aching relief. ─── 人人感到惶惶然,怀着一种不自然的和疼痛的慰籍。

7、1、Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. ─── 战后日本的生产率和社会的和谐为美国和欧洲所称羡,因此漫无目标很难说是战后日本的特色。

8、I wanted to be able to escape my life, so I closed my eyes, blocked my ears and set out on an aimless journey. ─── 我想要逃开我的生活,于是闭上眼捂住耳朵,开始一段漫无目的的旅程。

9、Love is aimless this sentence is the one of the most trope that is known in english. ─── “爱情是盲目的”这句话是英语中最为人所熟悉的比喻之一。

10、The man proclaimed in exclamation y that he aimed toa reclaim the aimless claim. ─── ?鋈撕艉?着声明说他打算索回无目标的索赔.

11、"Most people see differences and are sharp. I alone make no distinctions, seeming aimless, drifting as the sea, like the wind blowing about, seemingly without destination." ─── 俗人察察,我独闷闷。 众人皆有以,而我独顽且鄙。

12、Too True to be Good is a better play of the later period, with the author’s almost nihilistic bitterness on the subjects of the cruelty and madness of World War I and the aimlessness and disillusion of the young. ─── 出色的作品《难以置信》,主题是对残忍疯狂的第一次世界大战近乎虚无主义的嘲讽和对幻灭失落的青年一代的忧伤。

13、I've heard her called a quitter for leaving and aimless wanderer . ─── 在那儿,她又能推倒陈腐的围墙,树起全新的理念。

14、It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall. ─── 肯定是这种明显的无目的游逛使我倒了霉。

15、He led an aimless sort of life. ─── 他过着一种漫无目的的生活。

16、I love sitting about, having aimless conversations over tea. ─── 我喜爱懒洋洋地闲坐着,喝着茶,漫无目的地闲谈。

17、As individuals, our personal decisions remain aimless or self-canceling. ─── 作为个人,我们本人的决定是无目标的,或者说自我取消的。

18、In addition,without selection reading may become aimless and blind,which makes reading inefficient. ─── 另外,不用选择读书也许变得无目的和轻率,使读书效率低。

19、It identifies islands of order in the ocean of market chaos by showing when the crowd, usually so aimless and disorganized, becomes emotional and starts to run. ─── 当市场混乱时,通常没有目标,没有组织,当市场开始形成情绪,要动作时,动力系统就发现了市场的顺序。

20、typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. ─── 战后日本的生产力和社会和谐令美国和欧洲艳羡,漫无目的并不是战后日本的典型特征。

21、The tenants = different people in HK, e.g. bourgeois, workers, shopkeepers, aimless youths etc. ─── 房客=香港各色人等,例如,资本家、工人、小商贩、飞仔等。

22、About a third of my cases are not suffering from any clearly definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and aimlessness of their lives. ─── 我的治疗个案中的约三分之一,并不患有任何明确的神经症,但却因自己的生活无意义和无目标而痛苦。

23、Ms.Edelman, who is married and the mother of three sons, is often asked what is wrong with today's seemingly aimless and wayward children. ─── " 经常有人问结婚成家已经是三个儿子母亲的埃德尔曼,今天这些看上去胸无志向、任性娇惯的孩子们到底怎么了。

24、He can show his pupils this image without the fear that those among them who most of all need discipline and order will drift into a craving for aimless freedom. ─── 他能把这种形象显示给学生,而不必担心他们中最需要纪律和秩序的那些学生倾向于追求毫无目的的自由。

25、My life seemed aimless. ─── 我的生活似乎没有目标。

26、Growth, is a process of aimless seeking ─── 成长,就是一段迷惘的寻找

27、He wanted to demonstrate visually that while random selection and aimless wandering would never produce a coherent design, cumulative selection (the Method) could. ─── 他想用视觉方式直观地证明,随机选择和无目的的漫游绝不能产生连贯一致的设计物,而累积选择(方法)可以做到。

28、For example, “flower, free patterns, lines aimless intertwining---technically termed foliage---have no signification, depend upon no definite concept, and yet please. ─── ”(例如,“花儿,自由模式,相互交织的无指向的线条---学术上称为叶子----没有任何意义,也不依赖于任何确定的概念,但是仍然让人感到愉悦。)

29、Tears in her eyes, Widow Zhang took an aimless step, which brought into her line of vision Mrs. Zhu panting on the edge of the stone stairs. ─── 张寡妇装作不懂,含着一泡眼泪,无目的地又走了一步。 恰好看见朱三阿太坐在石阶沿上喘气。

30、To avoid aimlessness in choosing design parameters, the variable permission scopes were computed and protracted by applying numerical method. ─── 为避免机构综合过程中设计参数选取的盲目性,利用数值计算方法确定并绘制设计变量的可取值域。

31、I've heard her called a quitter for leaving, an aimless wanderer. But not all who wander are aimless. ─── 我曾听她说过,轻易放弃目标的人是漫无目的的流浪者,但并不是所有的流浪者都是漫无目的的....

32、The poorest people in the world are those aimless, for what elso do they have even without dreams? ─── 世界上最贫穷的人就是没有目标的人 ,因为连"梦想"都没有,还会拥有什么?

33、Work or move in a leisurely aimless way ─── 懒散地工作;漫无目的地走动

34、Ome evening as he was lazy dragging his worn-out legs, and leaving the beach after a whole day's aimless search, he was a common pebble in front of him. ─── 一天晚上他拖着沉重的双腿,离开漫无目的的搜索了一天的海岸,这时他看到面前有一块普通的鹅卵石。"

35、Start be like a common friend similar, go back and forth, aimless chat want to let atmosphere to isn't so embarrassed, chat of contents again is so of dry with dull. ─── 开始像普通朋友一样,周旋着,漫无目的的聊天想让气氛不是那么尴尬,聊天的内容又是那么的干燥和乏味。

36、According to Nietzsche, the world is aimless and meaningless and the existence is terrible and questionable. ─── 世界还是无目的、无意义的,生存是可怕可疑的。

37、take to a place in aimless wandering ─── 信步所至

38、We should point the finger of scorn at those who are fond of aimless theorizing. ─── 对于好谈这种空洞理论的人,应该伸出一个指头向他刮脸皮。

39、7 The mediocre kill time ,the aimless waste time ,the lazy dawdle away time ,the diligent try to find time. ─── 你可以一时蒙骗所有人,也可以长时间蒙骗一些人,但你不可能在长时间蒙骗所有人。

40、He is aimless to walk around. ─── 他没有目标的到处走。

41、The evolution of publishing brings great effects on libraries: acquisitions become aimless, selection tends to have no criteria, and the meaning of collection becomes vague. ─── 出版模式的演变对图书馆带来冲击:采集无目标,选择无标准;收藏的含义变得模糊。

42、My mind had nothing in it but hot vapour, and vapour-filled bubbles frothed and eddied round a vortex of lazy fancy, aimless and unmeaning. ─── 我没有把它们放在心上,但是热蒸汽以及充满气泡的蒸汽在懒惰的幻想的漩涡周围发着泡和打着旋,毫无目的,也没意义。

43、Filled with an aimless reverie. ─── 充满了漫无目的的幻想:

44、13. Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. ─── 战后日本的生产率和社会的和谐为美国和欧洲所称羡,因此漫无目标根本就算不上是战后日本的特色。

45、At the end of each era, or in periods of transition, there are always some fairies, self-aware but aimless, living in the world but on the borders. ─── 在每个时代终结或交错之际,都有那么一些存活着的精灵,自知而又茫然地存在于边缘世界。

46、One can never tell when the weather is going to change, much like the mode of an aimless person. ─── 当天气要改变,更加像没有目标人的模态的时候,一个罐子不再告诉。

47、Furthermore, even men who feel secure in their new role sometimes experience a sense of aimlessness or unimportance. ─── 再者,即使对自己的新角色处之泰然的男人,有时还是会感到自己的生活没有目的或是没有价值感。

48、I am not demanding others to enjoy, but you inadvertently quietly fall, but you want to reach out to catch me, I smiled quietly passing, continue their aimless travel. ─── 我不苛求别人的欣赏,只是在你无意间,悄悄地落下,而在你伸手想要接住我的时候,我微笑着悄然掠过,继续自己漫无目的的旅行。

49、Mest be out-of-doors enough to get experience of wholesome reality,as ballast to thought and sentiment.Health requires this relaxation,this aimless life.(Thoueau ─── 必须经常到户外体验有益的现实,于思想和情感这犹如压舱石,健康需要这种放松,这种闲适的生活。(梭罗)

50、She said that her life seemed aimless. ─── 她说她的生活好像没有目标。

51、About a third of my cases are not suffering from any clearly definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and aimlessness of their lives. ─── 我的治疗个案中的约三分之一,并不患有任何明确的神经症,但却因自己的生活无意义和无目标而痛苦。

52、I recognized Maida's combination of giftedness and aimlessness; ─── 我熟悉Maida的这一种天赋与盲目的组合;

53、Voters are angered by the coalition's in-fighting and what they see as its aimlessness. ─── 联盟里的内讧和看起来漫无目的的举动激怒了选民。

54、I feel kind of aimless, like I don't know what to do next. ─── 我感觉有点漫无目的,像是我不清楚自己下一步要做些什么。

55、, which keeps free of traditional "aimless marketing" and sets a good example for other enterprises who plan regional marketing. ─── 对一般企业尤其是通讯行业企业有一定的借鉴意义。

56、Why to always feel ability not equal to one's ambition? Life pace is sluggish, aimless, what to do to do not have motivation. ─── 为什么总觉得力不从心?生活步调懒散,没有目标,做什么都没动力。

57、In this cold I'm walking aimless, ─── 在这寒冷的天,我漫无目的地徘徊着,

58、Rescued anyone?Could he rescue me from my aimless existence? ─── 它可以把我从这没有目的的生存中解救出来么?

59、It is aimless to cast water into the sea. ─── 投杯水于大海,徒劳无功。

60、Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. ─── 盲目性不是战后日本的特色,它的生产率和社会的和谐为美国和欧洲所羡慕。

61、Do you feel life has less meaningful, aimless and not sure what you want? ─── 你是否觉得有点不了解生命的意义?生活没有目标?若有所失?

62、but not all who wander are aimless, ─── 她曾说,轻易放弃的人是漫无目的的流浪者

63、Aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler ─── 业余的艺术爱好者

64、to pass(a period of time) in a leisurely or aimless manner ─── 悠闲或无目的的度过(一段时间)

65、People found their orderly life had been destroyed and their hope and convictions had been lost after world war I, they became aimless for they could not understand the modern world. ─── 一战后,人们发现他们有序的生活遭到了破坏,面对这个令他们困感无助的现代世界,他们丧失了一切希望和信仰,变得空虚、无助。

66、We obtain the blessing of aimless self-liberation of whatever arises. ─── 就可以获得自我解脱的加持。

67、Times always take some good or bad things , human being, so normal , it is possible to attract ,hurry, aimlessness. ─── 岁月总是不停止地带来一些或好或坏的东西,人是凡夫俗子,免不了诱惑,免不了慌张,免不了错了方向。

68、It passively accepts what is put before it,it wallows in ways to make time pass----hours of sitting before the television or in aimless puttering. ─── 人们被动地混日子,消极地消磨时间----连续几小时坐在电视前或盲无目的地乱转。

69、This feeling glimpse of her past served to emphasize the scene of aimlessness ─── 对过去生活匆匆地一瞥加重了漫无目的百无聊赖之感。

70、then we started a little aimless conversation. ─── 于是我们便开始了一些漫无目的的谈话.

71、Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. ─── 战后日本的生产率和社会的和谐为美国和欧洲所称羡,因此漫无目标根本就算不上是战后日本的特色。

72、After trying his luck working as a factory worker, security guard and taxi driver, his life remains aimless, until he meets an introverted girl who obsessively cleans and reads books she doesn't understand. ─── 乡下少年跟随大潮流到城市找生计,捱骡仔、狗脸或长尾巴都不在乎,强横的适应力就像一棵无根野草插在垃圾社会的粪土上。

73、After decades of aimless drifting and dead-end jobs, Bill's finally gotten back the only thing he ever wanted: An enemy to fight. ─── 几十年漫无目的的漂泊和毫无出路的工作之后,比尔终于要回了他唯一想要的:一个可以作战的敌人。

74、Happiness keeps enemies;Joy allows no hatred.Happiness covers up aimlessness;Joy manifests hope. ─── 冲毁良心的堤坝,拒绝理性的思考,回避现实的结局。

75、After this, Li Bai began his aimless wanderings all over the country. ─── 以后,他漫游天下,行踪不定。

76、aimless farming ─── 原始农业, 简单农业

77、Like a aimless fly, I am just rushing here and there, knowing everything a little, and stop my interest into the thing itself. ─── 总是做错事的我,总是,在后悔的我,总是落在后面的我。

78、Its real state contains "the tempo of the life slacks and becomes aimless; the internal adjustment is unbalanced with the presentation of psychological anxiety; self-role is confused and confronted with diverse values". ─── “生活由紧变松,目标无所依靠;内在调控失衡,心理焦虑呈现;自我角色迷惑,价值取向多元”是大学新生“生活世界”的真实写照。

79、Aimless Breeze flaps against the heavy glass windows like playing an ancient elegy. ─── 微风飘泊无依,扑击着沉沉的玻璃窗,如同奏起古老的挽歌。

80、But too much empasis on multiplicity will cause the teaching of Chinese to go shallow and aimless,in which case the farget of teaching can’t be fulfilled. ─── 但片面强调阅读的“多元”往往致使语文教学走向育目化、浅薄化,既不能全面落实语文教学的目标,也不符合语文教学的实际。

81、But I was so aimless about it. ─── 但实习的事却很盲目。

82、Furthermore, even men who feel secure in their new role sometimes experience a sense of aimlessness or unimportance. ─── 再者,即使对自己的新角色处之泰然的男人,有时还是会感到自己的生活没有目的或是没有价值感。

83、He leads an aimless life. ─── 他过着无目的的生活。

84、When we have no real home we're like aimless travelers out on the road, going here and there, stopping for a while and then setting off again. ─── 当没有真正的家时,我们就如漫无目标的旅人四处漂泊,在一处短暂停留后,就再度启程。

85、"I am a rather busy man, Mr. Gibson,"said he, "and I have no time or taste for aimless conversations. I wish you good morning" ─── “我很忙,吉布森先生,”他说,“我没有时间也没有兴味进行不着边际的讲话,再见吧”。

86、It is true that I do a lot of aimless thinking, like most people, but I can still choose to use my mind to get and accomplish things, and I do that all the time. ─── 我跟大多数人一样,有很多漫无目标的思考,这是真的。不过我仍然能够选择运用我的心智头脑而有所得和有所成就,而且我经常这么做。

87、Refrain from aimless moves, captures, or exchanges. Move pawns and pieces only to gain an advantage or avoid a disadvantage. ─── 不要无目的地走子、子或兑子。仅当能获得优势或避免劣势才走任何棋子。

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