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09-14 投稿



heelpiece 发音

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英:  美:

heelpiece 中文意思翻译



heelpiece 相似词语短语

1、heelpieces ─── n.鞋后跟;底

2、headpiece ─── n.盔;帽子;头巾

3、three-piece ─── 三件套

4、fieldpiece ─── n.野战炮

5、cheekpieces ─── 面颊片

6、tee-piece ─── 丁字管

7、headpieces ─── n.盔;帽子;头巾

8、cheekpiece ─── 面颊片

9、chesspiece ─── n.棋子,国际象棋棋子

heelpiece 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The introduction comprises one kind by disk of two permanent magnetism and two coil, small the dynamo to OK and built-in heelpiece. ─── 介绍一种由两个永磁磁盘与两个线圈组成的、小到可以嵌入鞋后跟的发电机。

2、But, there is a mud to seem to mix on heelpiece like my oppose, how do I brush at one's convenience, it or firmly ground are stuck above. ─── 可是,鞋后跟上有一块泥巴似乎和我作对似的,任凭我怎么擦,它还是牢牢地粘在上面。

3、Want eliminate to stay in the trace of the heelpiece on the floor, using pencil eraser to brush is best method. ─── 要除去留在地板上的鞋后跟的痕迹,用铅笔擦子擦是最好的方法。

4、Wear slope to had been compared with the shoe so, heelpiece is tall with 2 centimeters advisable. ─── 所以穿坡跟鞋比较好,鞋后跟高以2厘米为宜。

5、Thermoplastic and natural glue is in shoe kind the respect basically uses the slippers that does man and children, support with what make heelpiece additionally piece with ski boots. ─── 热塑天然胶在鞋类方面主要用做男人和儿童的便鞋,另外用作鞋后跟的顶片和滑雪靴。

6、Upper was cracked, heelpiece was dropped, shoemaker is repaired for it. ─── 鞋帮裂了,鞋后跟掉了,有鞋匠为之修补。穿皮鞋最气派。

7、The introduction comprises one kind by disk of two permanent magnetism and two coil, small to can embed the dynamo of heelpiece. ─── 介绍一种由两个永磁磁盘与两个线圈组成的、小到可嵌入鞋后跟的发电机。

8、The position of wire rod is in heelpiece place, have bottom radical effect. ─── 盘条的位置在鞋后跟部位,起底基作用。

9、a heel (of a shoe or sock); a heelpiece ─── 后跟

10、 双语使用场景

11、Might as well the sneaker that notices to see you, heelpiece is tall muscle of the can protect you partly sufficient ankle that rise, foot won't get hurt. ─── 不妨注重看一下你的运动鞋,鞋后跟高起来的部分可保护你的足踝、脚筋不会受伤。

12、The shoe that wears at ordinary times, heelpiece also shoulds not be too tall, such making weight reach, adverse to knee joint. ─── 平时穿的鞋,鞋后跟也不宜太高,这样使体重前移,对膝关节不利。

13、What I developed copy aureate metal female heelpiece, via be being tried on actually, performance is good, very get masses reception. ─── 我所研制了仿金色金属女鞋后跟,经实际试穿,性能良好,很受群众欢迎。

15、In archaic Egypt, farmer people plow to go to the lavatory to walk on loose land, add heelpiece then tall. ─── 在古代埃及,农民们为了方便在疏松的土地上行走耕作,于是将鞋后跟加高。

16、The quality of a material of the shoe is excellent, heelpiece and calcaneal curve are abhorrent, can cause with tendon phlogistic reach slip with the ministry bursa is phlogistic; ─── 鞋的质地过硬,鞋后跟与脚后跟曲线不一致,可引起跟腱炎及跟部滑囊炎;

17、I was gone, but the heelpiece was still lodged on the stairs. ─── 人走了,但是鞋还卡在楼梯上




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