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09-14 投稿



unselfishness 发音


英:  美:

unselfishness 中文意思翻译



unselfishness 网络释义

n. 不自私;慷慨

unselfishness 同义词

magnanimity | altruism | selflessness | generosity | consideration |kindness | thoughtfulness

unselfishness 反义词


unselfishness 词性/词形变化,unselfishness变形

名词: unselfishness |副词: unselfishly |

unselfishness 相似词语短语

1、elvishness ─── 精灵

2、newishness ─── 新奇

3、Englishness ─── n.英国人作风;英国风格

4、sneakishness ─── 鬼鬼祟祟

5、hellishness ─── 地狱

6、saltishness ─── 咸味

7、angelfishes ─── n.扁鲨;神仙鱼(一种观赏用热带鱼)

8、elfishness ─── 精灵

9、selfishness ─── n.自私自利;自我中心;任性

unselfishness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Luke Walton hints that his dad had something to do with the quiet way he is and the unselfish way he plays. ─── 卢克?沃顿说他的安静和无私的打球方式都受到父亲的影响。

2、Pau is the perfect fit for the triangle, as his unselfish approach has the Lakers flying high. ─── 加索尔天生就是打三角进攻的球员,他的无私作风让湖人就此登顶,湖人也会因此越飞越高。

3、"They're unselfish and willing to sacrifice and as a result, they won," Shaughnessy said. ─── “他们都不自私和愿意去牺牲自己帮助球队,结果他们都获得胜利。”

4、Unselfish acts among humans range from the sharing of food with strangers to the donation of body organs to family memberseven to strangers. ─── 人类中的无私行为涵盖了从与陌生人分享食物到为家庭成员,甚至是为陌生人捐献器官的各种作法。

5、Best wishes to your life and career. and best regards.Thanks for your unselfish help! ─── 同时祝愿您的生活事业一切如意.并带上我最真诚的问候.感谢您无私的帮助.

6、The little girl's unselfishness endeared her to the old lady, who gave her a ruby ring as a birthday present. ─── 那老夫人喜爱小姑娘的无私,就送给她红宝石戒指作为生日礼物。

7、Truthful and unselfish, and somebody, you will be a real boy. ─── 你要证明自己是个勇敢,你才会在某一天成为真正的男孩。

8、Their cohesive offense, deadly shooting, unselfish passing, and swarming defense boosted to Lakers to a 39-20 lead at the quarter-break. ─── 团队进攻,致命的投篮,无私的传球还有快速移动的防守使得湖人在第一节以39:20大比分领先。

9、It was unselfish of you to help us. ─── 你无私地帮助了我们。

10、Carrying this note and the red purse to the pulpit, he told the story of her unselfish love and devotion. ─── 他拿着这张纸条和破旧的钱包走上教堂的讲坛,讲了这个女孩无私的爱与奉献的故事。

11、In ministering to others, Judas might have developed an unselfish spirit. ─── 在为人服务的事上,犹大原可以养成无私的精神。

12、If only a similar unselfishness prevailed on Capitol Hill. ─── 要是国会山也盛行这样的无私奉献精神就好了。

13、To him, friendship was a pledge of loyalty and unselfishness. ─── 在他看来,友谊是忠实无私的誓约。

14、For all his unselfish running, though, his timing early on was rusty and he was frequently caught offside. ─── 在场上,尽管他跑动积极,可惜把握时间起跑的感觉却已慢了,致使他经常被判越位。

15、But it is unpretentious, sincere and unselfish, but it is flowers, the "unsung heroes. ─── 但是它朴实无华、真诚无私,却是花草中的“无名英雄”。

16、A gift that is truly unselfish must not be shown off. If you feel you need to give something, also ask yourself why you are doing it. ─── 一个真正的慷慨的礼物必须不能被炫耀。如果你感觉你需要去给某些东西,同样问你自己为什么你要这么做。

17、He is nominated as Beliefnet's Most Inspiring Person of the Year for showing supreme unselfishness in the face of great personal danger. ─── 在个人危难前,他大公无私,因此被提名为Beliefnet网站年度最佳励志人选。

18、"There are many brave and patriotic men in the blockade arm of the Confederacy's naval service," ran the last of the doctor's letter, "unselfish men who are risking their lives and all their wealth that the Confederacy may survive. ─── "南部联盟海军服务公司的封锁科中有许多勇敢爱国的人,"米德大夫的信中最后写道,"他们公正无私,冒着牺牲性命和所有财产的危险在保护南部联盟。

19、Don't expect too much of Christmas day. You can't crowd into it any arrears of unselfishness and kindliness that may have accrued during the past twelve months. ─── 不要对圣诞日有过度的期待,因为在过去的十二月中,你还来不及做到的几样善行,是不可能全挤在这一天来完成。

20、You must learn to adopt a constructive and unselfish attitude to money. ─── 你必须学会培养一种合理无私的理财态度。

21、From Confucious' comment came the idiom "Unselfish".Anyone who handles affairs fairly and impartially can be ... ─── "大公无私"这个成语就是由孔子的评论而来的,用来形容那些公正无私处理事物的人。

22、They'll score a lot of goals and, as they're so unselfish, they'll set up a lot of goals for others as well. ─── 他们将会进很多很多的球,而且,因为他们是如此的无私,他们也会帮助别人取得很多的进球。

23、The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world,the one that never deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. ─── 在这个自私的世界上,一个人唯一不自私的朋友,唯一不抛弃他的朋友,唯一不忘恩负义的朋友,就是他的狗。

24、He is helpful and unselfish. ─── 他乐于助人且大公无私。

25、It is his complete unselfishness that brings him such great merit. ─── 全然无私的施舍心,能够让人得到最大的福报。

26、From Confucious' comment came the idiom "Unselfish". Anyone who handles affairs fairly and impartially can be described as "Unselfish; Perfectly impartial". ─── “大公无私”这个成语就是由孔子的评论而来的,用来形容那些公正无私处理事物的人。

27、The people esteemed the president for his unselfishness. ─── 人民敬重总统无私的品质。

28、The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog. ─── 在这个自私的世界上,人能拥有一个决不自私的朋友,也永不离弃他,永不辜负或背叛他的朋友,就是他的狗。

29、He is such an unselfish man. You cannot help but respect him. ─── 他是这样一个毫无私心的人。你不得不尊敬他。

30、"I've said many times that I'm an unselfish player," he countered. ─── "我说过很多次了,我不是一名自私的球员,"他反击道.

31、Chou Tso-jen appeared unselfish love to children to discover children as human and unique value of children’s literature. ─── 发掘儿童之人的意义,儿童文学的独特价值,周作人表现了对于儿童无私的爱。

32、You already know what he does on the defensive end.But what I don't think people know about Ron is that he's a very unselfish player. ─── 你肯定知道他在防守端的威力,但是我想大家都不知道阿泰其实是一个非常无私的球员。

33、A man of bravery,honesty,unselfishness and rectitude. ─── 勇敢,忠诚,无私,正直.

34、It was the tax deduction involved, rather than unselfishness, that prompted his generosity to the charity drive. ─── 促使他对慈善事业大施援手的动力不是无私之心而是为了减税。

35、The special glow you get from a truly unselfish act. ─── 从真正的无私行为中体验到的特殊喜悦。

36、There are a great many unselfish men in the world, who don't attach undue importance to themselves and their families. ─── 世间还有许多慷慨的人,他们并不把自己个人和家庭看得异常重要,超过一切。

37、His unselfish work is at last beginning to tell . ─── 他那番忘我无私的工作终于开始奏效了。

38、Well, Ronny is a good example. Lamar can be like that, in that he is very unselfish and would rather pass than score. ─── 呃,鲁尼是一个很好的例子。拉玛尔也是那种类型的,他非常无私,而且比起得分他更愿意传球。

39、On the aim of professional activity, we oppose apposing the unselfish dedication and individual interests, and incline to combine them together. ─── 人们不主张将无私奉献与为个人利益奋斗相对立,而是倾向于将二者有机结合。

40、Yeah, he can, but if he's smart he won't.He's too unselfish to come close to it anyways. ─── 他可以,但是如果他够聪明得话,他不会那么做的。他太无私了,根本无法接近这个得分。

41、He was a brave and unselfish man. ─── 他是个勇敢而无私的人。

42、Through glimpsing the Venusians, them were beginning to HAs unselfish feelings for the first time in theirss history. ─── 因该对金星人的惊鸿一瞥,她们有了古代事件上首次的不自私。

43、Nightingale's great success and unselfish spirit won international praise.Since then, people have realized the importance of nurses, and the society attached great importance to the work of nursing. ─── 南丁格儿的巨大成功和忘我的工作精神博得了各国公众的赞扬,护理工作的重要性为人们所承认,护理工作从此受到社会的重视。

44、She was always the most unselfish love to support and encourage us, we put up with all kinds of parenting, the truth in life has taught us. ─── 她总是用最无私的爱支持和鼓励着我们,含辛茹苦的养育我们,教会我们做人的道理。

45、They are enshrined in the hearts of all loyal Southerners, and no one begrudges them the scant monetary returns they make for their risks. They are unselfish gentlemen, and we honor them. ─── 他们受到全体忠诚的南方人民的衷心爱戴,人民无不乐意捐献自己的一点点金钱来报答他们所作出的牺牲,他们是些无私的上等人,我们尊敬他们。

46、USB DDK actual project work, a source data collection device driver from the unselfish sharing Commercial ah do not! ─── USB DDK实际项目的一个源码工程数据采集从设备驱动无私分享啊请勿商用!

47、By showing a little unselfishness, Kobe was rewarded with an NBA Finals appearance and the MVP trophy. ─── 他表现得更无私,科比收获了一次参加总决赛的机会和常规赛MVP的荣誉。

48、Through glimpsing the Venusians, they were beginning to have unselfish feelings for the first time in their history. ─── 因为对金星人的惊鸿一瞥,他们有了历史上首次的不自私。

49、"I'm as unselfish as a famished hog. ─── “我可是跟一头俄急了的野猪一样大公无私呢。”

50、A man of bravery, honesty, unselfishness and rectitude . ─── 勇敢,忠诚,无私,正直。

51、You want to share your love, Just like a blooming flower. From selfish to unselfish, It is a natural process. ─── 你想分享你的爱,就像花开处处香。从自私转到无私,一个自然的过程。

52、Heavenly heart means unselfish, natural, unconditional, fair and equal. ─── 天心即大公无私,是很自然、很无为、很公平的。

53、Altruism is a rather new word for unselfishness, coined by 19th century humanist philosopher Auguste Comte as an alternative to egoism, which means putting oneself above all else. ─── 利他主义相对自私自利主义来说是个新词儿,由19世纪人文主义哲学家奥格斯特伯爵做为对利已主义(一种将自己的利益高高置上的主义)之外的一种选择提出来。

54、His grandparents were straightforward, honest country folk, and Paul said that they taught him the values of integrity, tolerance and unselfishness. ─── 20世纪初期的芝加哥是个蛮悍的城市,有著腐败的生意人、剥削劳工者、罪犯与无家可归的人,病残视障者孤立无援。

55、She is one of the very few kind, sincere and unselfish persons I have ever known. ─── 她是我生气很少见过的一个温厚、亲切而不自私的人。

56、She is unselfish, sensitive, astute, and a terrific diagnostician. ─── 她无私、敏感、机敏,是一名不可多得的诊断专家。

57、D. She recognizes that unselfish behavior is good. ─── 她了解到无私的行为是很好的。

58、His unselfishness and his spectacular abilities make him impossible to defend if your name is Chris Paul. ─── 他的无私已经出众的能力使得没人能防守得住他,即使你是克里斯保罗。

59、Always a great teammate and a very coachable, unselfish player, Yao is now arriving at the arena with the mindset of being dominant, not just blending in with the other guys. ─── 作为在任何时候都是一个杰出的队友,一名易于教练调教和无私的球员,姚明现在踏入赛场时已经有了要去统治比赛而不是只跟球场上其他家伙搅和在一起的意识。

60、Sustained altruists do unselfish, often heroic acts over a longer time. ─── - 始终如一的利他主义者长期表现出无私奉献的精神,时常会做出一些英雄举动。

61、Still, Kidd is durable, unselfish and a leader. ─── 但仍然,基德是持久的,无私的领袖。

62、Bryant's greatest moment on a basketball court involves the tenets of teamwork and unselfishness? ─── 向世界展示美国仍旧是世界篮球顶级强队,因为美国从来没有忘记怎么正确的打篮球。

63、Timothy's unselfishness and proven character gained Paul's praise as a true son who had served with him in the gospel (2: 22). ─── 提摩太无私的好品格是有目共睹的,他被保罗夸为与他同劳、兴旺福音的真儿子(2章22节);

64、That makes everybody on the team participate with greater zeal when you have that type of unselfishness. ─── 只有有人无私,就能感染全队使他们每一个人都积极地参与到这个团队中来。”

65、He was such an extraordinary political leader precisely because of his unselfishness and firm integrity. ─── 他之所以能成为一个非凡的政治家,不正因为他有这种不自私和坚守信用的非凡美德吗?

66、's a price tag for being a people-builder: It requires unselfishness. ─── 成为建造别人的人,是需要付出代价的:必须要舍己无私。

67、When you run good cuts in this league and you have an unselfish team, you're going to get the ball. ─── 努力带来更好的切入,切入更多,一支无私的球队就诞生了。

68、But on Sept. 11, we had no idea how heroic average Americans could be, how unselfish as they took bold risks to help others. ─── 在9月11日以前,我们根本就不知道普通美国人会是多么勇敢,当他们冒着生命危险抢救他人时,又是多么无私。

69、He is unselfish, and above small jealousy and hatred. ─── 他毫不自私,没有一点猜忌和怨恨之心。

70、Aunt Estelle's unselfishness was her greatest gift. ─── 姨妈的大公无私是她最好的礼物。

71、Her unselfish acts earned the respect of all who knew her . ─── 她无私的行为使她赢得了所有认识她的人的尊敬?

72、Whether put in simple or philosophical terms, unselfishness is a virtue that would ultimately benefit everyone concerned. ─── 不管把无私放在简单还是哲学的层面,它都是一种美德,最终能使每人受益。

73、His unselfish work is beginning to tell. ─── 他无私的工作开始产生效果。

74、They are honoured by people for their honesty and unselfishness. ─── 他们因忘我和诚实而受到人们的敬重。

75、He can put things right if he will only use his head and be unselfish. ─── 只要他动动脑筋,不要有私心,他会把事情办好的。

76、Her unselfish acts earned her the respect of all who knew her. ─── 她不自私的行为使她挣得所有认识她的人的尊敬。

77、Santa's [b]image[/b] has [b]evolve[/b]d through the years.But St.Nicholas' example of [b]generosity [/b][u]remains unchanged.[/u] He showed an unselfish concern for others. ─── 多年来,圣诞老人的形象一直在改变,但是圣尼古拉斯慷慨解囊的榜样维持不变。

78、Reciprocal altruism means unselfishness based on giving and sending back in reciprocation. ─── 互惠利他理论的实质内涵是以回报为基础的利他互惠。

79、Rural people show more devotion and unselfishness than do their urban cousins. ─── 乡下人比城里人更慷慨。

80、His integrity, purity, renunciation, and unselfishness were beyond question.But Narendra could not accept a man, an imperfect mortal, as his guru. ─── 他的正直,纯洁,弃绝和无私是无可争辩的,但是纳兰德无法接触一位有缺点的人为自己的古鲁。

81、It was the tax deduction involved, rather than unselfishness, that prompted his generosity to the charity drive. ─── 促使他对慈善事业大施援手的动力不是无私之心而是为了减税。

82、The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world---the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous---is his dog. ─── 在这个充满自私自利的世界上,一个人能够拥有的绝对无私的朋友,即永远不离不弃,永远不忘恩负义的朋友,就是他的狗。

83、His work ethic, unselfishness and ability to operate in a netherworld between the touchline, forward line and midfield make him the epitome of the modern attacker. ─── 他的职业道德,无私精神,在底线和禁区线之间的活动能力,使他成为现代进攻球员的典范。

84、B: In our team, everybody is very unselfish with very low egos, who just wants to go out there and win football games. ─── 在我们球队,每一个球员都大公无私,他们总是以自己球队利益为重,他们比赛的目的就是让球队获得胜利。

85、With an unselfish love I respect you. ─── 以不谋私利的爱我尊敬您。

86、commitment, shared interests, unselfishness, physical attraction, communication. ─── 海誓山盟,风雨同舟,无私奉献,肉体吸引,感情交流

87、They just won a title with a locker room bathed in the soothing light of unselfishness, teamwork and a quiet temerity. ─── 他们才刚刚在一个没有了自私和鲁莽,只有紧密的团队合作的气氛下赢得了冠军。

88、Also important were “manly outdoor sports”, qualities such as protection of the weak, unselfishness and fellowship, and the instinct to lead. ─── 同时,他们还应该擅长“男人的运动”,品质优秀,能保护弱者、大公无私、团结协作,天生就具备领袖的潜质。

89、Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish, and somebody, you will be a real boy. ─── 你要证明自己是个勇敢,诚实,不自私的人.这样,你才会在某一天成为真正的男孩.

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