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09-14 投稿



inglorious 发音

英:[ɪn'glɔːrɪəs]  美:['ven'glɔrɪəs]

英:  美:

inglorious 中文意思翻译



inglorious 网络释义

adj. 可耻的;不名誉的;不体面的

inglorious 同义词

black | discreditable | ignoble | dishonorable | shameful | ignominious | dishonourable | unsuccessful | opprobrious |disgraceful | humiliating

inglorious 短语词组

1、inglorious basterds ─── 不光彩的混蛋

inglorious 词性/词形变化,inglorious变形

名词: ingloriousness |副词: ingloriously |

inglorious 反义词


inglorious 相似词语短语

1、vainglorious ─── adj.虚荣心强的;非常自负的

2、ingenious ─── adj.有独创性的;机灵的,精制的;心灵手巧的

3、vaingloriously ─── 虚荣地

4、glorious ─── adj.光荣的;辉煌的;极好的

5、inebrious ─── adj.喝醉的;嗜酒成性的

6、injurious ─── adj.有害的;诽谤的

7、ingloriously ─── adv.不名誉地

8、incurious ─── adj.不关心的;无好奇心的;不感兴趣的

9、ingloriousness ─── 不光彩

inglorious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The work was done in a detached, furtive , and inglorious manner. ─── 实验工作是在分离孤立,偷偷摸摸,不体面的方式下进行的。

2、Bhattari wound up leading the minority faction of the UPF to inglorious defeat in the 1995 elections, failing to win a single seat. ─── 巴特拉伊领导着UPF的少数,在1995年的选举落得惨败的结局,未能赢得一个席位。

3、Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot, ─── 被囚禁在一个不体面的处所,

4、Artest has inglorious past. ─── 阿泰斯特有不光彩的过去。

5、inglorious defeat ─── 不光彩的失败

6、He plays a most inglorious part. ─── 他扮演了一个不光彩的角色。

7、an inglorious defeat ─── 可耻的失败

8、concluded, "many fans have all but given up on the team as it limps towards an inglorious end to what began as a promising season." ─── 在头版标题之下,“希望破灭,球票和纪念品囤积,”盐湖城论坛断定,“当球队从赛季初大有前途无力走到可耻的结局时,许多球迷已经放弃了。”

9、He wouldn't have accepted such an inglorious outcome. ─── 他本来不会接受这样一个不光彩的结局。

10、He pures colors: "All mankinds, no more than is creditable with inglorious two kinds, creditable now, was used up by your seize, remnant these are lost seedily over. ─── 他正色道:“所有的人类,无非是体面跟不体面两种,现在体面的,都被你们攫尽了,只剩了这些不体面的丢在那里。

11、Prices plummeted in the A shares market, the institutional investors indeed played an inglorious role. ─── 在暴涨暴跌的A股行情中,机构投资者确实扮演了不光彩的角色。

12、As many have been astonished at thee, so shall his visage be inglorious among men, and his form among the sons of men. ─── 就如许多人对他不胜惊愕,因为他的容貌损伤得已不像人,他的形状已不像人子;

13、The invasion of Iraq was controversial and its occupation inglorious; ─── 入侵伊拉克充满争议,对其占领更是不光彩;

14、8.some mute inglorious Milton here may rest. ─── 有些痴哑、不体面的米尔顿也许能在这儿安息。

15、If a person loving deeply has made the inglorious behavior, is seen by his father, friend or everybody other, will not make him face turn pale immediately as seeing by one's own lover. ─── 一个处在热恋中的人假如做出了不光彩的行为,被他的父亲、朋友或别的什么人看见,都不会像被自己的恋人看见那样,使他顿时苍白失色。

16、(2)some mute inglorious milton here may rest. ─── 某个沉默的、无名诗人在此长眠。

17、But his return to power has been inglorious: in a recent poll only 21% of respondents approved of him. ─── 不过,奥尔特加的重新执政并不光彩:最新的民调显示仅有21%的受访者对其表示支持。

18、Inglorious past history of the West, history is far from over. ─── 西方过去的历史不光彩,历史也远远没有结束。

19、inglorious defeat; ─── 可耻的失败;

20、inglorious death ─── 可耻的死

21、Liangbainan crime in the road, his family and living circles play a very inglorious role. ─── 在梁柏楠的犯罪道路上,他的家庭和生活圈扮演了一个非常不光彩的角色。

22、To prevent rough skin, lack of flexibility, so that there is smooth and elastic skin.Runze inglorious distributed. ─── 防止肌肤粗糙、缺乏弹性,令肌肤光滑有弹性.散发润泽光采。

23、But mainly he devoted himself to looking after the collection and the rehabilitation of his late father's by-then inglorious reputation. ─── 但是他主要还是致力于收集藏品和恢复他父亲当时并不太好的名声。

24、Trying to keep pace with them is doomed to inglorious failure, especially as the pace has quickened so much. ─── 任何试图赶上他们步伐的努力都注定要黯然失败,尤其当他们加快步伐的时候。

25、She met across him and know that he had been living an inglorious life. ─── 她偶遇他,知道他仍过着没没无闻的生活。

26、Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.“ - Napoleon Bonaparte” ─── 死亡不算什么,但是对活着被打败并被羞辱的人来说,每天都是死亡.“-拿破仑?波拿巴”

27、Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. " - Napoleon Bonaparte" ─── 死亡不算什么,但是对活着被打败并被羞辱的人来说,每天都是死亡。“-拿破仑•波拿巴”

28、Napoleon's inglorious end. ─── 拿破仑不光彩的结局

29、However, we should bear in mind that the part which the medieval French historiography played in this process was inglorious, no matter what contributions it made to the French monarchy. ─── 从维护历史学基本伦理准则角度出发,对于中世纪历史学的形态扭曲必须持批判态度。

30、he was the last to leave; he finished an inglorious last. ─── 她是最后一个离开的。

31、28、"Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily." - Napoleon Bonaparte ─── 拿破仑.波拿巴特:“死亡没什么大不了,但若羞辱地苟活,每天都像在死去一般。”

32、7.Wielding some impressive support magics, Ezalor fights the inglorious battles for the Sentinel. ─── 艾萨罗在不名誉的战役中施展一些让人印象深刻的辅助法术为铁卫军作战。

33、Avaricious bosses like Angelo Mozilo, who pocketed more than $550m during his inglorious reign at Countrywide, are exceptions. ─── 再是一些公司老板一面拿着高薪一面却对员工危言耸听。

34、But that was in May, before his team suffered an inglorious exit from the 2010 cup. ─── 但那还是在五月份的时候,尚在他的球队从2010世界杯不体面地退出之前。

35、Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. ─── 死亡不算什么,但是对活着被打败并被羞辱的人来说,。

36、So those sites, because those mountains have more vitality and accompanied by English gentlemen, as inglorious! ─── 于是那些名胜古迹,那些青山绿水也因有了英语的陪伴而更加的活力四射,光彩照人!

37、an inglorious chapter in the nation's history ─── 这个民族历史上可耻的一页

38、Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot. ─── 被捕捉并圈养在卑劣的猪栏。

39、He came to a bad end; the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end. ─── 这位作家的结局非常悲惨;显赫一时的实验结果却并不光彩。

40、Everyone assumed it was the inglorious end of a summer storm. ─── 大家都认为,这场夏季的雷阵雨将就此虎头蛇尾地结束。

41、Some television stations, the site of King's gold stocks such cases, played an inglorious role. ─── 一些电视台、网站在金股之王公司此类案件中扮演了不光彩的角色。

42、B: Well, he had an inglorious history ─── 一段不光彩的历史

43、We have put an end to mute, inglorious Miltons. ─── 再见了,沉默而无名的弥尔顿。

44、play a most inglorious part ─── 扮演一个极不光彩的角色

45、But his return to power has been inglorious: in a recent poll only 21% of respondents approved of him. ─── 不过,奥尔特加的重新执政并不光彩:最新的民调显示仅有21%的受访者对其表示支持。

46、He will never forget that inglorious flight when he was in the army ─── 他永远也不会忘记他当兵时的一次不名誉的逃亡。

47、While playing an inglorious role in modern Chinese history, Western Catholicism and Protestantism manipulated and controlled Chinese churches turning them into the appendages to Western religious orders and mission societies. ─── 西方天主教、基督教在中国近代史上被利用来充当这些不光彩角色的同时,还操纵、控制中国教会,使中国教会变成西方修会、差会的附庸。

48、Past is honorable person inglorious now, past is good-paying person the person that make low income now. ─── 过去是体面的人现在不体面了,过去是高收入者现在成为低收入者了。

49、live an inglorious life ─── 过着默默无闻的生活

50、For London to be singled out initially as the only capital with Budapest to have said "No" is inglorious. ─── 在一开始就成为匈牙利唯一的同伴、与之一同说“不”,对英国来说不大光彩。

51、an inglorious young writer. ─── 无名的年轻作家

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