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09-14 投稿



imperilling 发音

英:[ɪmˈperəlɪŋ]  美:[ɪmˈperəlɪŋ]

英:  美:

imperilling 中文意思翻译



imperilling 词性/词形变化,imperilling变形


imperilling 相似词语短语

1、intertilling ─── n.中耕

2、impanelling ─── 刺穿

3、imperializing ─── v.帝国主义化,帝制化

4、interfilling ─── 插入

5、imperiling ─── vt.危及;使陷于危险

6、imperialising ─── 帝国主义

7、impelling ─── v.驱使;推进(impel的现在分词);adj.强有力的

8、perilling ─── 置…于危险中;冒险(prill的现在分词)

9、imparling ─── vi.商议;庭外调解

imperilling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, the small quantity of grain imported by China will not imperil the stability of the international grain market. There is no basis to the international clamor about a " China threat in food supply". ─── 因此,中国进口少量粮食,绝不会对世界粮食安全构成威胁,国际上所谓的“中国粮食威胁论”是毫无根据的。

2、seriously imperil world peace ─── 严重威胁世界和平

3、to expose to danger or the chance of injury; imperil ─── 在危险或受伤的威胁之下;使处于危险中

4、threaten; menace; imperil ─── 威胁

5、On the site, potential safety hazard is everywhere.So at any moment, every kind of destabilizing factors may bring on accidents that will seriously imperil the life safeties of builders. ─── 施工现场充斥着大量的安全隐患,各种不安定因素随时都有可能导致事故的发生,严重威胁施工人员的生命安全。

6、The tradition safety technique such as authenticate, accredit, encrypt, fire-wall and the control of accessing can not protect the information of network well. The safety of network faces great challenge and imperil. ─── 传统的安全保护技术如认证、授权、访问控制、防火墙和加密等外围防卫机制已力不从心,计算机网络信息安全正面临着极大的威胁和挑战。

7、During the five decades from 1930 to 1980, economic inequality decreased significantly, without imperilling "American exceptionalism. " ─── 从1930年到1980年这50年期间,经济不平等的明显降低,也没有撼动“美国例外论”。

8、Avian Influenza Epidemiology and Its Imperil ─── 禽流感的流行病学及其危害

9、imperil world peace ─── 威胁世界和平

10、In the fourth chapter, I distinguish differences between Gongxue and Zongxue, and analysis form and develop situation deeply for imperil clan of Song dynasty. ─── 第四章,区别了“宫学”和“宗学”两者的不同,并围绕这两个方面,对宋代宗室的教育形式和发展情况作了深入分析。

11、Over-fishing is the main threat facing the Mekong, while dams and infrastructure projects imperil freshwater habitats in the Salween, La Plata and Danube basins, the report added. ─── 湄公河所面临的主要威胁是过度捕捞。萨尔温江、拉普拉塔和多瑙河流域建造的一些大坝和基础设施工程给那里但水生物的栖息环境带造成了危害。

12、Imperil and Prevention of Surge ─── 电涌的危害与预防

13、Once fire has been taken place, it not only damages products and belongingsbut also imperil peoples'lives that are there. ─── 火灾一旦发生,不仅会给物资财产带来巨大的损失,对里面的人员也会造成巨大的危险。

14、Now,we are standing on the grounds of the imperil palace. ─── 我们现在是站在宫殿的广场上。

15、But one should as little imperil oneself by an evil companion as pay honor to another at the cost of one's own credit. ─── 一个糟糕的伙伴给我们带来的危害,不见得就比牺牲自己的荣誉而给他人增光的危害更大。

16、But even a much less drastic slowdown could imperil the government's targets for creating new jobs for its swelling urban population. ─── 但即使放缓程度不这么剧烈,也会危及中国政府为其日渐膨胀的城市人口创造新的工作机会的目标。

17、One of the first considerations which arose in the business mind of Mr. Lorry when business hours came round, was this:--that he had no right to imperil Tellson's by sheltering the wife of an emigrant prisoner under the Bank roof. ─── 业务时间一到,在罗瑞先生办惯业务的心里首先要考虑的问题之一就是:他无权让一个在押的外逃分子的妻子停留在台尔森银行的屋檐下,给公司带来危险。

18、Radioactivity of Natural Stone not to imperil Human body ─── 天然石材放射性对人体健康有益

19、Amid the ranting, the rot from bad debts is creeping up banks’ capital structures, imperilling any recovery. ─── 在口水战中,坏账引发的问题正侵蚀着银行的资本构成,并危及一切复苏的信心。

20、The pitfalls of the current teaching evaluation imperil in many ways the development of students, so the reform of evaluation is promptly needed. ─── 摘要现行教学评价的众多弊端对学生的发展有多方面的危害,亟需进行教学评价改革。

21、Whatever drives a wedge between Hong Kong and the mainland could imperil the territory's future. ─── 香港和内地的关系若出现裂痕,就可能危及香港的未来。

22、Article 20 A party to a collective agreement or his successor in rights shall not resort to any combative practices to imperil the existence of the agreement or of any of its provisions. ─── 第20条(不得妨害义务)团体协约当事人及其权利承继人,对于妨害团体协约之存在,或其各个规定之存在之一切斗争手段不得采用。

23、imperil liberty ─── 危害自由

24、Attacks on network increase rapidly in the recent years and imperil the security of network. ─── 近年来针对网络的攻击呈快速增长之势 ,严重威胁着网络的安全。

25、What′s more, counterfeits made of low-quality materials may imperil the lives of you and your loved ones. ─── 使用劣质材料制成的假冒配件可能给你和你至爱的家人的生命造成严重的侵害。

26、To expose to harm or danger;imperil. ─── 使受危险或伤害;危及

27、The limit placed upon torture was citra membri diminutionem et mortis periculum -- ie, it was not to cause the loss of life or limb or imperil life. ─── 不过,这不是更重要的说,酷刑是很少提及,在记录中的宗教裁判所审判-但有一次,例如在636谴责之间的第1309和1323年,这并不能证明酷刑是很少适用。

28、Accounting experts warned that, if implemented, the EU recommendations could imperil the prolonged efforts to narrow differences between accounting standards across the world. ─── 会计专家们警告说,如果欧盟这些建议得到落实,缩小全球会计准则差异的长期努力可能会受到危害。

29、how hopelessly they hold the kettle, how continually they imperil the frail cups and saucers, or the taper hands of the priestess. ─── 他们怎样绝望地拎着水壶,不断地险些儿把女术士的又薄又脆的茶杯茶托或蜡烛盘的柄儿打碎。

30、In Europe there are worries that a stratospheric euro will imperil the region's growth. ─── 在欧洲,人们担心一直比较稳定的欧元将对欧元区的经济增长产生危害。

31、His courage in doing so against the instincts of his own party, and his readiness to imperil his domestic agenda, should be commended. ─── 他不惜违抗自己党派的意愿并打乱内务议程做出如此决定,可谓勇气可嘉。

32、Insufficient funding is currently imperilling the 20-year, US$5. 3 billion international effort. ─── 供资不足的情况目前正在危及为期20年达53亿美元的国际努力。

33、To expose to harm or danger; imperil. ─── 使受危险或伤害;危及。

34、Aiming at burr imperil,it introduce several deburring methods in common use and expatiates that it is necessary to increase burr metrical technology and extend burr researchful fields. ─── 针对毛刺的危害,介绍几种生产实际中常用的去毛刺方法。

35、Such writedowns could again imperil banks' capital ratios, potentially forcing them once more to go cap in hand to the Government. ─── 如此一笔资产减记令银行资金比率再次陷入危机中,他们很可能不得不再次向政府申请援助。

36、Moreover, filming activities shall not imperil the ecologicalenvironment and landscape of nature reserve, and the impact of activity plan to environment should be given sufficient consideration; ─── 而且影视拍摄活动不得破坏自然保护区的生态环境和景观,活动方案应充分考虑对环境的影响;

37、They reproduce rapidly and have spread throughout the Delta.They may imperil the state's threatened and endangered salmon populations due to the crabs' appetite for juvenile salmon. ─── 牠们快速的繁殖,而且扩散到整个三角洲,而因为大闸蟹会掠食幼鲑,使得整个加州的鲑鱼族群可能陷于濒临绝种的危机。

38、Oil spills devastate the natural environment, endanger public health, imperil drinking water and disrupt the economy. ─── 石油泄漏破坏自然环境,危害公众健康,污染饮用水且扰乱经济。

39、They don't assess the risks that could imperil their projects or determine ways to mitigate those risks. ─── 他们不评估风险,可能危及他们的计划,或决定的方式,以减轻这些风险。

40、imperil concubine ─── 后妃

41、to endanger; to imperil; to jeopardize ─── 危及

42、imperil one's life ─── 危及生命

43、He goes deep into jugle,sherching for such filies and venomous mosquitoes what is imperil human. ─── 他深入人从中,找寻苍蝇,毒蚊等等危害人类的东西。

44、Even in one-party states, leaders are loathe to make promises that might imperil growth. ─── 就算在一党执政的国家,领袖也不想做可能会危及成长的承诺。

45、Suspending Erythrocyte and Different Body Blood Plasma Mixture Transfuse to Imperil Characteristic ─── 悬浮红细胞与异体血浆混合输注的危害性

46、Olympics imperil historic Beijing neighborhood ─── 奥运会危及历史名称北京

47、Summary: The fraudulent activities in litigation can gravely imperil the society, it can be punished as the criminal offences, which is a mutual consensus agreed by theorists and practicers. ─── 诉讼欺诈行为具有严重的社会危害性,其具有刑事可罚性,这是理论界和实务界的共识。

48、This paper introduces lightning how to imperil and inrush air monitoring station, and the ways to avoid danger from lightning. ─── 摘要介绍了雷电对空气自动监测站是如何造成危害的,阐述了雷电侵入空气自动监测站的途径及防止雷击的办法。

49、A combination of less driving and more fuel-efficient vehicles is imperilling America's highway system ─── 驾车出行的减少和节能车的增多正在危及美国的高速公路系统

50、Still the company needed the Bush Administration to rescue GM and Chrysler because of fears that a failure of one or both of those companies could imperil their shared base of auto-part suppliers. ─── 然而,福特要求布什政府出手帮助通用和克莱斯勒,因为他怕一旦他们其中一个或两个倒闭会危及他们共同的汽车零部件供应商。

51、2. I will not imperil my soul. I will uphold the justice of the Church. ─── 我不愿使我的灵魂受到玷污,我要维护教会法律的公正。

52、Pawnbrokers do not make credit checks, and using them does not imperil credit ratings. ─── 典当行不需要信用调查,也不会损害当户的信用记录。

53、First, the writer analyzed the market circumstances of the product and its own resources.By doing this, we found the opportunities or imperil, and the company’s advantages or disadvantages. ─── 论文首先分析了产品的市场环境和企业自身资源,明确了企业面临的机会/威胁以及所具有的优势/劣势。

54、To expose to danger or the chance of injury;imperil. ─── 冒险在危险或受伤的危胁之下;使处于危险中

55、At the alike time, nowadays, the actions, and inaction, of human bes imperil not only life on the planet, but the Very abundance life of the planet. ─── 与此同时,今天,人类所做的及没能做到的事件,不仅危害到那个星球上的生命,也危害到该星球的寿命。

56、(2) Illegally directing or ordering any worker to conduct dangerous operations that may imperil the worker's personal safety; ─── {0>(二) 违章指挥或者强令冒险作业危及劳动者人身安全的;

57、But how does biotechnological progress imperil human dignity? ─── 但是生物技术进步怎么能威胁人的尊严呢?

58、American diplomats worry about filling such stressful, marriage-imperilling positions. ─── 美国外交官们对如何填补这些可能产生压力并会危及婚姻的职位倍感焦虑。

59、To expose to danger or the chance of injury; imperil. ─── 冒险在危险或受伤的危胁之下;使处于危险中。

60、A victory for Allende would imperil our interests in the Western Hemisphere . ─── 阿连德一旦获胜,就将危及我们在西半球的利益。

61、imperil one's life to save sB ─── 冒生命的危险去救某人

62、Virulent TB in South Africa May Imperil Millions ─── 南非致命结核病可能会危及数百万人

63、Although conflict is a natural part of life, fighting can imperil our happiness at home, our effectiveness at work, and our overall sense of well-being. ─── 虽然冲突是生活中有机的一部分,但是互斗会危及到我们家庭的幸福、工作的效率以及我们整体的幸福感。

64、Today, if the bad bank pays above the fair-market value, it would raise the cost to taxpayers, imperil its political legitimacy, and deprive the market of badly needed transparency. ─── 而今,如果坏账银行的支付高于公允市价,那将增加纳税人的开销,危机其政治合法性,并且失去市场急需的透明度。

65、The rule of the qualification of taking the Imperil Examination is the provision that the ruling class first select the talents they need. ─── 科举应试资格政策是统治者对初次筛选其所需人才的一种规定。

66、At the same time ,today , the actions ,and inactions ,of human beings imperil not only on the planet ,but the very life of the planet . ─── 与此同时,今天,人类所做的及没能做到的事情,不仅危害到这个星球上的生命,也危害到该星球的寿命。

67、Bush refused to sign that legislation Friday because, he said, it would imperil billions of dollars of Iraqi assets at what he says is a "crucial juncture in that nation's reconstruction efforts. ─── 布什周五拒绝该法案,因为他称在被他称作该国家重建行动“重要关头”的时候,该法案会危害数亿美元的伊拉克人的财产。

68、Drought is a primary actor imperilling agriculture. ─── 乾旱是威协农业生产的主要因素之一。

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