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09-14 投稿



infringed 发音

英:[ɪnˈfrɪndʒd]  美:[ɪnˈfrɪndʒd]

英:  美:

infringed 中文意思翻译




infringed 常用词组

infringe upon ─── 侵犯;侵害

infringe on ─── 侵犯;侵害;破坏

infringed 词性/词形变化,infringed变形

动词过去式: infringed |动词过去分词: infringed |动词现在分词: infringing |动词第三人称单数: infringes |名词: infringer |

infringed 相似词语短语

1、unringed ─── unringed

2、infringer ─── n.[法]侵权人

3、infringe ─── vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害

4、-fringed ─── adj.具流苏的,具的(等于fringy);加穗的;带边饰的

5、infringes ─── vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害

6、inbringed ─── 近交

7、enringed ─── vt.围绕

8、befringed ─── vt.给…饰边

9、fringed ─── adj.具流苏的,具的(等于fringy);加穗的;带边饰的

infringed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The court has found three out of every four patents valid or infringed. ─── 在联邦巡回法院,每四起专利诉讼中有三起被判有效或侵权。

2、They were unwilling to have their interests infringed upon. ─── 他们不愿意他们的利益受到损害。

3、Because of having less share and the dissenter to controlling shareholders, the minority shareholders are extremely easy to become the object being infringed on. ─── 他们因其持股份额少且与控股股东唱反调而极其容易成为受侵害的对象。

4、Wherever the troops went, they never infringed on the people's interests. ─── 大军过处, 秋毫无犯。

5、not capable of being violated or infringed. ─── 不能被违犯或者破坏。

6、an increased workload that infringed on his personal life ─── 侵犯了他的个人生活的增加了的工作量

7、He was arrested on a charge of having infringed the Election Law ─── 他被指挥违犯选举法而被捕。

8、China's sovereignty and territorial integrity must not be infringed. ─── 中国的主权和领土完整决不允许侵犯。

9、4 actually I think government ought to promulgate some laws to punish those who have infringed upon the legal rights of workers in a severe manner. ─── 事实上我认为政府应该颁布一些法律来惩治那些严重侵犯工人合法权利的人。

10、"While IBM continues to believe that SCO infringed IBM's valid patents, IBM agreed to withdraw its patent counterclaims to simplify and focus the issues in this case and to expedite their resolution. ─── “尽管IBM仍然相信SCO侵犯了IBM的产品专利权,但IBM仍然决定撤销这几项起诉,来显示IBM决定简化整个案情,专注于加速产品发展的决心。

11、He had some ability, considerable vanity, and a love of pleasure that had not, as yet, infringed upon his duties, whatever they were. ─── 他有几分才能,十分虚荣,爱好寻欢作乐,不过迄今为止他还没有让这方面的爱好损害他的责任心,不管他有什么责任心。

12、They infringed on her rights. ─── 他们侵犯了她的权力。

13、Plant variety is easily infringed,because it is selected to nurture,revise, inspect and produce on the terms of completely opening lands for growing field crops. ─── 因为植物新品种是在完全开放的大田条件下选育、审定、检测、生产的,所以,极易遭到侵犯。

14、Any person whose rights have been infringed upon may bring a suit to the court. ─── 凡是自己权利受到别人侵犯的人,都可以向法院起诉。

15、An increased workload that infringed on his personal life. ─── 增加了的工作量侵犯了他的个人生活

16、The suit alleges LCD TVs manufactured and sold by Sharp in Japan infringed on two LCD-related Japanese patents owned by Samsung. ─── 套装有关三星所拥有的两个和液晶显示器-有关的日本人专利声称液晶显示器电视制造被夏普在日本和出售违反.

17、The right of the people to keep and bear Arms not to be infringed. ─── 人们持有枪支的权利不得被侵犯。

18、If not, there must be phenomena of infringed human rights in the society, i.e. human rights are partially treated by laws. ─── 如果法律不统一保障人权,社会必然会出现侵害人权的现象,这就是法律不平等地对待人权。

19、He charged that they had infringed his copyright. ─── 他控告他们侵害他的版权。

20、Going to court to uphold a patent costs a company a minimum of$1.5 m; that may oblige innocent firms to pay to settle and prevents infringed parties from seeking redress. ─── 企业利用法律武器维护一个专利权最起码要花150万美元;那样只会鼓励无辜的公司花钱私了,并阻碍被侵权方寻求赔偿。

21、If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your patent license from such contributor to the software ends automatically. ─── 如果你因为声明该软件违法了你的专利而导致你对任何参与作者提出专利主张,你的专利从该参与作者到此软件自动终止。

22、Packed tightly together, the penguins pecked at neighbors that infringed upon their territory. ─── 它们紧紧的拥在一块,使企鹅们琢食邻室的食物这意味着侵犯了被琢食者的领地.

23、According to jurisprudence, if infringed feels he has been andshannxi and furnishes network service provider, which requires a process. ─── 依据法理,如果被侵权人觉得受到侵害并决定起诉网络服务商,这需要一个过程。

24、When the exclusive right to use a registered trademark is infringed upon, the licensee to the contract for the monopolized license may institute an action with the people's court; ─── 在发生注册商标专用权被侵害时,独占使用许可合同的被许可人可以向人民法院提起诉讼;

25、When Kearns’ patents were infringed, he fought General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler, and eventually prevailed in a classic American story of never giving up, never backing down. ─── 书中很多事例,由于涉及外交和他国声誉,故而不能具体点出这些国家的名字和涉及的国家的人员的具体姓名。

26、If they are unwilling or fail to reach settlement through consultation or mediation, the infringed party may bring an action in the court. ─── 不愿通过协商、调解解决或者协商、调解不成的,被侵权人可以向法院提起诉讼。

27、Similarly, students who believe that they have been wrongfully punished or feel that their rights have been infringed may lodge an appeal with school authorities. ─── 学生对学校有关其个人之管教措施,若认为有违法或不当致损害其权益时,得向学校提出申诉。

28、Edison is now demanding that the authorities carry out a criminal probe to see who infringed on his copyrights. ─── 陈冠希现在也在要求有关方面调查是谁侵犯了他的著作权。

29、Since 1974 Karlsruhe has made the transfer of powers to Europe conditional on the protection of Germans' basic rights; if these are infringed, the court insists, it can reclaim them. ─── 从1974年起宪法法院就把保护德国公民的基本权利的权力有条件的移交给了欧盟;但如果德国公民的基本权利被侵犯了,德国宪法法院还是坚持会收回权力。

30、The International Trade Commission has agreed to look into allegations made by Hillcrest Laboratories that the Nintendo Company infringed on patents in making its Wii video game console. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

31、Who will take the responsible for infringed production in Carrefour ─── 家乐福侵权产品谁之罪

32、The legal quality of a rule does not depend on whether it is infringed. ─── 一条规则的法律性质不依赖于它是否被违反。

33、The most obnoxious part about the perfume girl situation is that it infringed on this boundary. ─── “香水女生”事件最可恶之处,正在于对底线的侵犯。

34、This clarity seldom applies to social and economic “rights”.It is hard enough to determine whether such a right has been infringed, let alone who should provide a remedy, or how. ─── 不过社会和经济“权利”并没有如此一目了然的适用标准,我们很难裁断这种“权利”是否遭到侵犯,更遑论确定该由谁来弥补或者该如何弥补了。

35、If the domain name registered is the resound name of others, no matter whether confusion is made, the resound brand is infringed. ─── 如果所登记的域名是他人的驰名商标,则无论是否造成混淆误认,都侵犯了驰名商标专用权;

36、The "Left" tendency is manifested in the course of differentiating classes in land reform, where rich peasants are treated the same way as landlords, the interests of middle peasants are infringed upon and middle peasants are rejected; ─── “左”的倾向,表现在土改中划阶级“左”,把地主富农同样对待,侵犯中农,对中农采取拒绝态度;

37、The publishing house infringed his copyright. ─── 出版社侵犯了他的版权。

38、never infringed on the people's interests. ─── 过处,秋毫无犯。

39、Their legal rights were being infringed . ─── 他们的合法权利正受到侵犯。

40、Between 1950 and 1975, three out of every four patents in the circuit courts were ruled invalid or not infringed. ─── 在1950年至1975年间,在巡回法院,每四起专利诉讼中有三起被判无效或未侵权。

41、The film exploited his image and infringed his copyright. ─── 该影片利用了他的肖像,侵犯了他的肖像权。

42、Others who once deprived the people of this region of all personal freedom shout that the human rights of the people there are being infringed. ─── 一些曾经完全剥夺了这一地区人民人身自由的人呼叫,那里人民的人权受到了侵犯。

43、The infringed party may bring a suit directly in the people's court for handling a case of infringement on the exclusive right to use of a registered name. ─── 对侵犯他人企业名称专用权的,被侵权人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。

44、By the state administrative organs, judicial organs and their staff the name of the state law infringed upon, not compensation for mental anguish to the victims of the practice is unfair. ─── 在受到国家行政机关 ,司法机关及其工作人员以国家名义作出的违法行为侵害时 ,不给受害人精神损失补偿的做法是不公正的。

45、The high court said the law infringed on a physician's right to practice medicine and patients' right to be safeguarded by their doctors. ─── 高等法院认为该法律侵犯了医生的行医权力和病人接受医生保护的权力。

46、However, a great deal of unfair related trading and the nonstandard exposure of trading information have molested the normal trading order and seriously infringed on the benefits of small and medium investors. ─── 但大量非公允关联交易的存在和交易信息披露的不规范,干扰了正常的市场交易秩序,严重侵害了中小投资者的利益。

47、If they discover that their legal rights and interests have been infringed, QQ users have the right to report the theft to security authorities and request protection. ─── 作为用户也应该提高保护意识,一旦发现自己的合法权益受到侵犯,则有权向公安机关报案,请求保护。

48、Such CIA experiments infringed upon the much-honored Nuremberg Code concerning medical ethics.Dr. ─── CIA的这种实验违反了享有极高声誉的,关于医疗道德的纽伦堡法典。

49、The concept " space" seems to be suddenly drive a kind of dream world sort of even is infringed upon by supernatural existence. ─── “空间”这个概念似乎突然被一种梦境般的甚至是超自然的存在所侵犯。

50、The plaintiff must be a citizen, a legal person or any other organization that considers a specific administrative act to have infringed upon his or its lawful rights and interests; ─── 原告是认为具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益的公民、法人或者其他组织;

51、They blatantly stole our website and have infringed on our copyright. ─── 他们喧嚣地偷了我们的网站并且已经在我们的版权上破坏。

52、Individuals close to A123 say the company plans to take apart BYD's battery cell to see if BYD has infringed on any of its technology. ─── 熟悉A123的人士表示,该公司计划拆开比亚迪的电池,看看比亚迪是否有侵权的行为。

53、In the event of an infringement on the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark, the party whose right has been infringed may also directly bring suit in a people's court. ─── 对侵犯注册商标专用权的,被侵权人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。

54、The pathological changes in 22 cases often be outside the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus but infringed upon the pterygopalatine fossa, orbit. ─── 22例病变超出鼻腔鼻窦而侵犯翼腭窝、眼眶等窦外结构。

55、Actually, the dispatched employment is often used to evade employer duty and responsibility, which greatly infringed the rights and interests of the laborer. ─── 实践中,以劳动派遣用工形式规避雇主义务与责任,相互推诿责任之情形时有发生,严重损害了劳动者权益。

56、In a recent magazine article, the writer complained that his right to remain private had been infringed upon by government inquirers demanding personal information. ─── 在最近一份杂志上有人写文章抗议说其隐私权因政府调查人员追问他的个人情况而受到侵犯。

57、----He infringed upon the traffic regulations by parking his car freely. ─── 他随便停车,违反了交通规则。

58、Strong measures have been adopted against unlawful cruel treatment of women to ensure that their legitimate rights and interests are not infringed upon. ─── 严厉打击各种残害妇女的违法犯罪活动,保障妇女的正当权益不受侵犯。

59、The legitimate rights and interests of a company are protected by law and shall not be infringed. ─── 公司的合法权益受法律保护,不受侵犯。

60、Just be warned that the public may not accept any law disallowing them to buy medicines from their doctor since their basic right of choice would be infringed. ─── 卫生部未来若考虑实行任何有关措施,务必要以大众的方便和利益为优先考量。

61、where the Customs is convinced that the consignee or consignor possesses ample evidence proving that his goods have not infringed the right of the holder of the intellectual property right. ─── 四)海关认为收货人或者发货人有充分的证据证明其货物未侵犯知识产权权利人的知识产权的。

62、Laser disks that infringed copyright ─── 侵权的镭射影碟

63、If human liberty is to ever infringed, the demonstration on the national security side must be overwhelming. ─── 只有当表明国家安全因素必须处于压倒一切的地位时,才能侵犯人权自由。

64、You hate have your space infringed upon and you can't stand it if your mate shows up late for a date. ─── 你讨厌别人侵犯你的空间,假如对方约会迟到你也无法忍受。

65、(4) That the patent is inalid, unenforceable, or will not be infringed by the manufacture, use, or sale of the drug product for which the abbreiated application is submitted. ─── 专利无效、无强制力,或者在申请者进行生产、销售该仿制药产品时不会侵犯专利。

66、In our society, reader’s rights are infringed and can not be redressed, which is caused by many reasons. ─── 在现实社会中,读者权利屡屡遭受侵害而得不到救济。造成此种原因有很多。

67、"Certainly if our property rights continue to be infringed we will make every effort to have that support culminated. ─── “农业正义”发言人警告政府,如果它们不准备妥协,他的组织将设法阻止为帮助津巴布韦恢复的国际援助。

68、That amendment says: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. ─── 修正案这样写到:"组织得好的民兵是自由国家安全的需要,人民持有武器的权利不得侵犯。"

69、During the later years of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire infringed upon the safe-haven feel of Ord Mantell by moving one of their Naval staging areas close to the system. ─── 在随后的银河内战的岁月里,帝国把一个海军集结区移到曼特尔兵站附近,打破了这个行星天堂般的安全感。

70、A claim of a Patent is necessarily infringed if such infringement could not have been avoided by another technically feasible non-infringing implementation of such Final AVS Standard. ─── 专利的某一权利要求被不可避免地侵权,是指该侵权不可能在实施最终AVS标准时通过采用另一个技术上可行的不侵权的实施方式予以避免。

71、Where Members require competent authorities to act upon their own initiative and to suspend the release of goods in respect of which they have acquired prima facie evidence that an intellectual property right is being infringed: ─── 如各成员要求主管机关自行采取行动,并对其已取得初步证据证明一知识产权正在被侵犯的货物中止放行,则:

72、China's sovereignty and territorial integrity for Dianyu Island must not be infringed. ─── 中国对钓鱼岛的主权无可争辩!

73、The plaintiff should notarize the buying of any of its products that have been infringed, and the plaintiff should ensure the invoice contains information from the packaging and about the contents. ─── 在购买侵权产品取证时,原告应采用公证方式,发票上还要注明产品包装和产品内容信息。

74、Where the trademark has been adjudged by a final judgment to have infringed upon the copyright, the new design patent or other rights of another person. ─── 四商标侵害他人之著作权、新式样专利权或其他权利,经判决确定者。

75、An Crisis Analysis of Local Brand Being Infringed--The Case of Jinhua Ham Brand Infringe for Example ─── 地域品牌株连危机的成因分析--以金华火腿品牌株连事件为例

76、Where the exclusive right to use a registered trademark has been infringed, the infringee may institute legal proceedings directly with the people's court. ─── 对侵犯注册商标专用权的,被侵权人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。

77、Sorry to have infringed upon your property-rights. ─── 对不起,我侵犯了您的产权。

78、He was arrested on a charge of having infringed the Election Law. ─── 他因被指控触犯选举法而被逮捕。

79、The supplier shall be responsible for the fact,that in connection with his delivery no rights of third parties within the Federal Republic of Germany will be infringed. ─── 供应者将负责事实,关于他的递送没有权利德国的联邦共和国里面的第三者将会被破坏。

80、If you are not sure what your rights are, or whether your copyright has been infringed, you should check with a legal adviser first. ─── 如果您不确定自己拥有哪些权利,或版权是否受到侵犯,请首先咨询法律顾问。

81、Second organic Dalian chemical plant liquidations instance is to be that the enterprise commerce secret is infringed upon, enterprise intangible assets running off classic documentation. ─── 大连第二有机化工厂破产清算的事例即是企业商业秘密被侵犯,企业无形资产流失的典型案例。

82、He appealed to the, ” relevant departments should protect music copyright, Republic of China issued a legal effect, the protection of the literal is not been infringed. ─── 他呼吁,有关部门要像保护音乐版权一样,出台一个具有法律效应的规定,保护文字不被侵权。

83、Goodyear's process was too simple,however,and many people infringed on the patent. ─── 但是古德伊尔的办法太简单,许多人侵犯这一专利。

84、Thus, inadvertently Online Dating vulnerable young people's own interests are infringed. ─── 因此,网上交友不慎极易使青少年的自身利益受到侵害。

85、In the case of a copyright infringement or of violation of other related interests,the party whose rights have been infringed may also directly bring suit in a people's court. ─── 对于侵犯著作权以及与著作权有关的权益的行为,当事人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。

86、When patent right is infringed, you can consign our office to proceed against tortious person to court. ─── 专利权受到侵犯时,可以委托本所向人民法院起诉侵权者,或向管理专利工作部门请求处理侵权者。

87、Public security and judicial organs crack down on crimes according to law, and protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests from being infringed. ─── 公安、司法机关依法打击犯罪,保护公民的合法权利不受侵犯。

88、She refused to answer questions that infringed on her private affairs. ─── 她拒绝回答侵犯她隐私的问题。







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