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09-14 投稿



hyetograph 发音

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hyetograph 中文意思翻译



hyetograph 相似词语短语

1、hyetographs ─── n.雨量分布图;雨量计

2、hectograph ─── n.胶版;胶版印刷;vt.胶版印刷

3、hygrograph ─── n.自动湿度计

4、hypnograph ─── n.睡眠生理测定仪

5、hyalograph ─── n.玻璃书写器

6、hyetographic ─── 水文图

7、hyetography ─── n.雨量图法;[气象]雨量学,雨量分布学

8、hierograph ─── n.神符;圣符

9、hydrograph ─── n.水位图,水位曲线;自记水位计

hyetograph 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Based on the results of flood estimation, the different basin is suitable for different hyetograph with hydrological and physiographical characteristics. ─── 由48小时暴雨迳流演算推估洪水量结果,显示同一流域内不同集水区可能因地文因素与水文特性,以致不同集水区适用于不同设计雨型。

2、Keywords: design hyetograph, principal components analysis, cluster analysis. ─── 关键词:设计雨型、主成分分析、群集分析。

3、Based on error analyses, the modified ranking method showed a good result for solving the design hyetograph of different durations. ─── 经误差分析证实福山地区设计雨型历线推求,以修正位序法较佳,因而采用修正位序法建立不同降雨延时之设计雨型历线。

4、Design storm hyetograph is the essential element for hydrologic modeling analysis and storm water drainage design. ─── 摘要设计暴雨雨型对水文模式分析与暴雨排水设计是不可或缺的基本要素。

5、C.Hsu, 2002.A Scale-Invariant Hyetograph Model for Stormwater Drainage Design. ─── 应用指标克利金于二维非等向性特徵空间分类之探讨。

6、hyetograph; pluviograph; rain chart; rain map; rainfall map; raingraph; pluviogram ─── 金山在线-意见反馈-合作伙伴-广告服务-关于爱词霸-网站地图

7、A storm hyetograph constructed by annual maximum rainfall series can distribute the design rainfall depth for specific duration and return period. ─── 在水工设计上,针对年最大降雨序列演算的暴雨雨型,可将频率分析所求得的降雨深度做时间上的分配,以便进行各种水文分析。

8、It is not suitable to use one hyetograph represent a river basin completely. ─── 如以一特定设计雨型代表该流域集水区,此方式有待进一步商确。

9、Design storm hyetograph is the essential element for hydrologic modeling analysis and storm water drainage design. ─── 设计暴雨雨型对水文模式分析与暴雨排水设计是不可或缺的基本要素。

10、In order to reasonably use design storm hyetograph in uniform area, we need to select a regionalized representative hyetograph from alternatives in uniform area. ─── 但限于雨量测站为点的分布,因此必须将雨型设计结果分类及区域化,并求得区域代表雨型,如此方能为未设站区域使用,亦能合理的应用于降雨迳流模式中。

11、cumulative probability hyetograph product of typhoon into the "typhoon Rainfall Decision Support System". ─── 累积机率降雨推估产品。

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