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09-14 投稿



indoctrinated 发音

英:[ɪnˈdɒktrɪneɪtɪd]  美:[ɪnˈdɑːktrɪneɪtɪd]

英:  美:

indoctrinated 中文意思翻译



indoctrinated 词性/词形变化,indoctrinated变形

动词现在分词: indoctrinating |名词: indoctrina-tion |动词过去式: indoctrinated |动词过去分词: indoctrinated |动词第三人称单数: indoctrinates |

indoctrinated 相似词语短语

1、undoctrinaires ─── 十一碳三烯

2、to indoctrinate ─── 灌输

3、indoctrinating ─── vt.灌输;教导

4、incardinated ─── vt.隶属于同一主教管区

5、incarnated ─── adj.人体化的,化身的;拟人化的;极典型的;以极端形式体现的;v.体现,化身为,使具体化;使人格化,拟人化;(人)体现(某种品质)

6、indoctrinates ─── vt.灌输;教导

7、indoctrinate ─── vt.灌输;教导

8、indoctrination ─── n.教化;教导

9、indoctrinator ─── 灌输者;教导者

indoctrinated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A generation of children who had been indoctrinated against the values of their parents. ─── 这一代的孩子们被灌输了与他们家长的价值观相左的思想。

2、Muslims farther south, across the largely ungoverned Sahara desert, might be indoctrinated, trained and sent back to Europe. ─── 更远的南方,穿过大片无人控制的撒哈拉大沙漠,伊斯兰教徒可能被教导、训练并被送回欧洲。

3、"Its time to start trying some things instead of just throwing our hands in the air and dismissing the other side as brainwashed, indoctrinated or oppressed. ─── "是时候来采取一些行动了,而不是仅仅将我们的帮助空投在天上,却对受到洗脑,灌输或者压迫的另一边无能为力.外面的生活切实而坦率,尝试进行一些交流吧.

4、But Lunce performed his tasks without a single word of discontent as the church and his superiors had indoctrinated not the sympathy for an innocent life but the simple ethic of law and obedience. ─── 他没有抱怨,一如既往地执行着他的任务:父母和教会只教会了他服从的艺术,却没有告诉他珍惜别人生命的道理。

5、The Quality Policy is communicated , advertised , and indoctrinated in order to enable all personnel throughout the organizations understood. ─── 为了整个组织的所有人理解,对他们传达、宣传和灌输质量方针。

6、I’ve indoctrinated myself with the idea that my job is a two-part process. ─── 我为自己灌输关于我的工作是双边进程的思维。

7、Indoctrinated by Wang Xiao-Ye, everyone comes to share a single view on the development of China's securities market: The potential of China's stock market is huge and urgently needs to be exploited. ─── 在王晓野的教育下,大家对中国证券市场的发展已经有了一致的看法:中国股票市场潜力巨大,急需开发。

8、Its time to start trying some things instead of just throwing our hands in the air and dismissing the other side as brainwashed, indoctrinated or oppressed. ─── "是时候来采取一些行动了,而不是仅仅将我们的帮助空投在天上,却把另外一方称之为洗脑,被灌输或者被压迫.外面的生活切实而坦率,尝试进行一些交流吧.

9、They have been completely indoctrinated. ─── 他们完全被洗脑了。

10、Thus a girl who is reared by a dominant mother or possibly, a harsh stepmother, would be completely indoctrinated to the principal of submission. ─── 因此,可能对于一个被暴君母亲或无情的继母养大的女孩来说,顺从在她的头脑中已经根深蒂固。

11、That's something I've been doing for several years and it's interesting to see Kevin get indoctrinated with it. ─── 那是我几年来一直做的事情,看到Kevin开始用Q1让我觉得很有趣。

12、They had been indoctrinated from an early age with their parents' beliefs. ─── 他们从小就被满脑子灌入了他们父母的信仰。

13、The author indoctrinated the readers with the idea of universal fraternity ─── 作者向读者灌输博爱的思想。

14、" you ask, as you most likely have been indoctrinated for years in the metaphysical belief systems that if we all meditate on love and light it will change everything! ─── ”你会问,你很可能最多只是被灌输了数年的冥想信仰体系,如果你们都在爱和光里面冥想,它将会改变一切!

15、Moreover, safty should be attention.Consciousness of environment and sustaining development should be indoctrinated to students.After practice, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the effect. ─── 此外,在实习过程中还应注意实习的安全,向学生灌输环境意识和可持续发展理念,实习结束后要对实习效果做出分析和评价。

16、They have those political opinions because they've been indoctrinated all their lives. ─── "他们具有那种政治主张,因为他们一生都在被灌输那种观点。"

17、You also need to be ready to challenge the way ofthinking indoctrinated by traditions and the education system. ─── 然后是突破传统思维模式和教育模式强加给我们的思维定式,打开探索欲望的突破口。

18、I've indoctrinated myself with the idea that my job is a two-part process. ─── 我有了自己的想法-我的工作是两部分。

19、" you ask, as you most likely have been indoctrinated for years in the metaphysical belief systems that if we all meditate on love and light it will change everything!! ─── 你会问,你很可能最多只是被灌输了数年的冥想信仰体系,如果你们都在爱和光里面冥想,它将会改变一切!!

20、I am the indoctrinated child of two lapsed Irish Catholics.Which is to say: I am not religious. ─── 我的父母是已经退教的前爱尔兰天主教徒,而我从小受到他们的灌输,就是说:我并不信教。

21、artificially indoctrinated ─── 强行灌输的

22、We've allowed ourselves to be completely indoctrinated into another way of thinking about food in this country. ─── 而在这个国家,我们已经让自己完全接受了另一种看待食物的方式。

23、He picked a 15-year old, thinking that she might be less indoctrinated by the Japanese than an older girl.Her name was Li Yuqin. ─── 1997年6月9日李淑贤女士去世,由于种种客观原因,合葬的愿望一直没有实现。

24、We have been indoctrinated in political courses, and in just the same way was fostered the idea to live comfortably, and all will be well for the rest of our lives. ─── 我们一直在各种政治学习中被洗脑,一直被教导要活得顺从,你想要好好活着就要听话。

25、a generation of children who had been indoctrinated against the values of their parents. ─── 这一代的孩子们被灌输了与他们家长的价值观相左的思想

26、5.He will behave thereafter as he has been trained or indoctrinated to behave. ─── 人们训练或教导他怎样待人接物,他以后也就会怎样待人接物。

27、If that is what you want, break out of the mindset that has resulted from being indoctrinated by the dark Ones. ─── 如果这就是你期待的,那么就摆脱那些一直被黑暗势力灌输的精神状态吧。

28、If they object to their children being indoctrinated in kindergarten class with information about homosexuality, they are hateful people. ─── 假如他们反对孩子在幼稚园被灌输同性恋的知识,他们便是可憎的。

29、Politically he had been thoroughly indoctrinated, but once taken prisoner that indoctrination would tend to crack. ─── 他们曾经接受过十分彻底的政治灌输,但是一旦被俘之后这种教化的效果将不再坚定。

30、2.People have been indoctrinated. ─── 人们被毒化了。

31、They had been indoctrinated from an early age with their parents' beliefs. ─── 他们从小就被满脑子灌入了他们父母的信仰。

32、In those days the ruling classes indoctrinated students with Confucian teachings and compelled the people to venerate all the trappings of Confucianism as religious dogma, and all writers used the classical language. ─── 那时的统治阶级都拿孔夫子的道理教学生,把孔夫子的一套当作宗教教条一样强迫人民信奉,做文章的人都用文言文。

33、Muslims farther south, across the largely ungoverned Sahara desert, might be indoctrinated, trained and sent back to Europe. ─── 更远的南方,穿过大片无人控制的撒哈拉大沙漠,伊斯兰教徒可能被教导、训练并被送回欧洲。

34、It fascinates me how well we have all become indoctrinated by the culture of individualism. ─── 这个观点激发了我的兴趣:我们已经在多大程度上受到了个人主义的洗礼呢?

35、Now that I think about it, these were just the values of right and wrong that I'd long been indoctrinated with. ─── 想想这也就是长期以来被灌输的是非观造成的吧。

36、All supervisors, assigned to the project or promoted from the field work force must be indoctrinated to their responsibilities by the Subcontractor HSE manager. Information to be covered includes ─── 分包商HSE经理应将各项职责与义务灌输给每一位主管,无论他是派驻项目工作或者从基层晋升上来。其中包括以下内容

37、It was customary, regarded as vitally necessary, for girls to be indoctrinated to the most severe and restrictive of corsets, which they referred to as stays. ─── 这种习惯被认为是绝对必须的,女孩们被灌输这样的信念:最严厉、最具限制性的束衣是一种支撑。

38、You are being indoctrinated and have been fed untruths, unknowingly since you take your first breath on your planet. ─── 你可能已被灌输喂养了不真实,不知情的这个状况从你们在地球上的第一个呼吸就已经开始。

39、In our overcrowded world there is neither, and we are so effectively indoctrinated by modern propaganda that we can't imagine another way to live than the only life we know. ─── 在现今这个拥挤的环境下,我们没有时间,也缺乏空间。被现代社会的各种宣传攻势所俘虏,我们无法逃脱现有的条条框框去构想另外一种生活。

40、Colony life works for most because children are indoctrinated at a young age to believe that every member must submit to the rules of the church. ─── 社区生活得以维继的主要原因是孩子们从小就被灌输,使他们相信每个成员都必须服从于教会的规则。

41、The Nazis were indoctrinated largely by the speeches they heard and the books they read. ─── 网友解答:向纳粹分子灌输思想在很大程度上是靠让他们听演讲和读书来完成的.

42、He will behave thereafter as he has been trained or indoctrinated to behave. ─── 人们训练或教导他怎样待人接物,他以后也就会怎样待人接物。

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