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09-14 投稿



ejectment 发音

英:[[ɪ'dʒektmənt]]  美:[[ɪ'dʒektmənt]]

英:  美:

ejectment 中文意思翻译



ejectment 短语词组

1、writ of ejectment ─── [法] 恢复土地占有令状

2、action of ejectment ─── [法] 收回不动产的诉讼

ejectment 词性/词形变化,ejectment变形


ejectment 相似词语短语

1、exactments ─── 苛求

2、enactments ─── n.制定,颁布;通过;法令

3、relentment ─── 缓和

4、rejectamenta ─── n.废弃物;排泄物;漂浮物

5、exactment ─── 苛求

6、ejectamenta ─── n.喷出物;渣滓(等于ejecta)

7、projectment ─── 投影

8、enactment ─── n.制定,颁布;通过;法令

9、ejectments ─── n.放逐;剥夺;喷出;收回不动产之诉讼

ejectment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If we electrify the electronic device, the electric current will cause the electrons to eject quickly... ─── 他将胳膊肘从桌上移开,向老板展示设计。

2、Cannot delete '%1': only media that are off-line can be deleted from the Removable Storage Service database. Eject the medium from the library before deleting it. ─── 不能删除'%1':只有脱机的媒体可以从可移动存储服务数据库删除。在删除前,请将媒体从库中弹出。

3、It introduce an injection mold structure to eject the plastics part with compressed air, and points out several problems to pay attention to during the designing and manufacturing. ─── 介绍一种利用压缩空气顶出塑料件的注射模结构.并指出设计、制造过程中应注意的几个问题。

4、expelled the student from college for cheating.See Synonyms at eject ─── 因为作弊而开除那个学生的大学学籍参见

5、For example: When the gold price is low, with buys up massively, settles on the opportunity to eject changes into the money. ─── 例如:当金子价低时,用大量买入,看准机会就抛出换成银子。

6、Plastic injection mould, coolant passages, eject pin and electrical heating holes. ─── 塑胶射出模具?冷却水孔、射梢孔及电热孔.

7、To eject or discharge abruptly, especially to discharge(semen)in orgasm. ─── 射出,射(精)突然射出或排泄,尤指在性高潮中射(精)

8、A second before I decided to eject, I pushed the throttle and lit the afterburner. ─── 在我决定弹射的前一秒钟,我推了油门杆并点燃了加力。

9、To eject from the mouth; spit. ─── 吐从嘴里吐出;吐出

10、Most Apple keyboards have an Eject key at the top-right corner of the keyboard. ─── 大多数Apple键盘的右上角有一个弹出键。

11、Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark, inky fluid when in danger. ─── 乌贼任一种乌贼属的乌贼状的海洋软体头足动物,生有十个腕以及一个钙质内壳,并且在危险时能排出黑色墨水状液体

12、A primitive tribe of Talz already called Orto Plutonia home, and they wanted to be left alone and wished to eject the Pantoran presence. ─── 一个塔兹的原始部落早就把奥托普鲁托尼亚当成家,他们希望不受打扰,试图排斥潘托拉人的存在。

13、Cormorants look very much like crows. They line up on the prow of the boat with a cord round one foot, and dive into the water to catch fish. When they come up, the boatman squeezes their necks gently to make them eject their catch. ─── 和乌鸦很相象的那种怪样子的墨鸭,整排地停在船上,它们的脚是用绳子吊住了的,下水捕鱼,起水的时候船户就在它的颈于上轻轻地一挤,吐了再捕,捕了再吐。

14、To eject or discharge abruptly,especially to discharge(semen)in orgasm. ─── 射出,射(精)突然射出或排泄,尤指在性高潮中射(精)

15、First you should pull the pin at the end of the handle, then hold the bottom of the extinguisher with one hand and with the other, press hard the handle to eject extinguishing agent from the can to suppress fire. ─── 使用灭火器应当首先拔出位于压把根部的保险销,之后一手托住灭火器底座,一手用力按下压把,使灭火器从罐内喷射出来扑灭火灾。

16、If the voters go further and eject Mr Harper, that, sadly, will not be because they have been convinced by the cerebral Mr Dion's worthy carbon tax. ─── 如果选民进一步驱逐哈珀,遗憾的是,这不会发生,因为他们在脑海里确信狄恩应得烟尘排放税。

17、Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark,inky fluid when in danger. ─── 乌贼,任一种乌贼属的乌贼状的海洋软体头足动物,生有十个腕以及一个钙质内壳,并且在危险时能排出黑色墨水状液体。

18、If you can't eject a blank CD, click the Eject Disc (in the bottom-right corner of the iTunes window). ─── 如果您不能推出空白CD,请点按“推出光盘”(在iTunes窗口的右下角)。

20、The Eject key on Apple keyboards works in Windows only after you have installed the Boot Camp drivers. ─── 只有在安装Boot Camp驱动程序之后,Apple键盘上的弹出键才能在Windows使用。

21、Due to the release of pressure when removing the cover, the relief valve spring may eject quickly. ─── 因为在拆卸阀盖时松开压力,安全阀弹簧可能会快速弹出来。

22、As the plane fell rapidly towards the grind, the pilot had to eject ─── 在飞机迅速落向地面时,驾驶员只得弹射出来

23、Contract and eject the air of the insole , accelerate the air currency , keep the shoes clean and comfortable. ─── 压缩排出鞋垫气体,加速空气流通,保持鞋子清爽。

24、A lot of dynamic head/neck models have been established in order to simulate the dynamic responses of eject lifeasaving and paratrooper's lifesaving. ─── 为了模拟弹射救生及伞兵跳伞时头颈部的动力响应,提出了脊柱动力 学问题,学术界已建立了多种头颈部动力学模型。

25、Near the horizon, active regions around a sunspot eject hot plasma along the magnetic field lines that connect the sunspot to surrounding regions in the solar atmosphere. ─── 在水平线附近,位于黑子周围的活跃区域沿着磁场线喷射出炽热的高速带电粒子,这些磁场线连接着黑子到太阳大气层内的周围区域。

26、The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex happens to be. ─── 它愿意的话可以把任何生物从它身体里推出去,让他们沉入水中。

27、To eject(contents of the stomach) through the mouth. ─── 呕吐通过嘴喷出(胃里的东西)

28、How to eject and close CD-Drive tray? ─── 如何弹出和关闭光驱?

29、to eject from a disabled plane ─── 从一架失控的飞机弹射出来

30、After checking, press and hold the EJECT button for a few seconds to reset this unit. ─── 在检查之后,按EJECT键几秒重新复位这台机器。

31、If her eject does you damply, give her hope, cannot get angry. ─── 如果她的喷射将你弄得湿漉漉的,给她信心,不能生气。

32、You're ejected! -Ejected? You can't eject me! Where am I supposed to go? ─── 你被驱逐了!-驱逐?你不能驱逐我!我应该去哪里?

33、It's annoying that the chimneys of those plants in the city eject a lot of smoke every day. ─── 城里工厂的烟囱每天都吐出大量的烟尘,很是讨厌。

34、Eject tapes (if any) after restoring each backup ─── 在恢复每个备份后均弹出磁带(如果有)

35、Fling eject derive originate avert. ─── 嘲笑放逐缘于发明了避免.

36、Unless otherwise instructed, insert the cleaning tape into the tape drive, it will eject upon completion. ─── 如果没有其他提示,请将清洗带插入磁带驱动器,它将在完成后自动弹出。

37、Research of the Testing Device About Eject Based on GPS ─── 基于GPS的弹射试验测试装置的研究

38、If your computer is in standby or hibernate mode, you may need to turn on the computer and choose Eject PC before removing the computer. ─── 如果您的计算机处于待机或休眠模式,在移动计算机前,您可能需要启动计算机然后选择弹出PC。

39、Blind him, deafen him and cut his tongue off!Then, Give him 500g of gold and eject him! ─── 刺瞎他双眼,刺聋他双耳,割下他舌头,赏他十两金,逐他离开!

40、To eject from a military aircraft. ─── 从军用飞机上排出

41、He says Pyongyang's recent moves to eject international inspectors and resume activity at its main nuclear reactor have dealt a serious blow to the process. ─── 他说,平壤最近驱逐国际核查人员以及恢复其主要核反应堆的作法都对和谈进程造成了严重的打击。

42、Professionally design plastic mold: 3Dsplit mold and core, split assembly parts, design whole mold base, as concept layout, cooling layout, eject pin layout, etc. ─── 3D分模分拆模仁, 分拆组装零件,模胚完整设计,如结构策划,运水设计,顶针设计等。

43、The coating materials under highpressure will eject to file work pieces through special hole on file prayerand it will expand rapidly to from fog during the spraying. ─── 受高压,涂料通过喷嘴的特殊小孔射向工件,高压涂料在喷射过程中剧烈膨胀成雾。

44、If your computer has an optical drive with a tray, use the Eject key to open or close the tray. ─── 如果您的电脑的光盘驱动器带有托盘,请使用弹出键来打开或关闭托盘。

45、A character introduced to use up time or space while a function( usually me chanical) is being accomplished, for example, carriage return, form eject. ─── 在完成一个(常是机械的)作时,为了时间补齐或空间补齐而引入的一种字符,例如回车、页等字符。

46、On some systems, you ll have to run a command to eject the floppy from the drive. ─── 在某些系统上,您可能需要运行一条命令来弹出软盘。

47、As the plane fell rapidly towards the ground, the pilot had to eject . ─── 在飞机迅速落向地面时,驾驶员只得弹射出来.

48、Study on left ventricular eject function of coronary heart disease ─── 冠心病左室射血功能研究

49、When firing appatatus or material, if there is water ejection, the furnace should have holes to eject water vapor or other waste gases in order to protect the elements service life. ─── 如果烧制器件或材料时,在加热过程中有水分排出,炉子要留有排气孔,以排除炉内的水分或其它有害废气,以免影响元件的使用寿命。

50、Cent water filter:When water cup accumulate water excessive hour should eject in time, bottom crest needle upward crest water then run off. ─── 分水过滤调压阀器:当水杯积水过多时应及时排出,将底部顶针向上顶起水便流出。

51、He was asked to eject the video cassette from the vcr. ─── 他被要求从录像机里把录像带拿出来。

52、If besmirch still is in, can use besmirch of eject of agent of appropriative carpet sparge, let it become farinaceous, can suck besmirch according to common aspiration next. ─── 假如污渍仍在,可用专用的地毯喷雾剂喷射污渍,让它变成粉状,然后可按照普通吸尘将污渍吸去。

53、A character introduced to use up time or space while a function(usually me chanical)is being accomplished, for example, carriage return, form eject. ─── 在完成一个(通常是机械的)操作时,为了时间补齐或空间补齐而引入的一种字符,例如回车、换页等字符。

54、TPEs have high latent heats, if you eject earlier you抣l not have the geometry you抎 like unless this extra heat has somewhere to go. ─── TPE的产品具有较高的内部热量,如果过早的顶出(产品周期过短的话),产品的尺寸会发生变化,除非将内部的这些热量去除。

55、Technology of Three-steps Mixing Eject Transportation ─── 三级喷射混合输送技术

56、She worried that university counselors would eject her from school if they knew of the procedure. Girlfriends would have disowned her. ─── 她担心学校辅导员会开除她,女友也会从此断绝与她的来往。

57、 双语使用场景

58、In order to harden and eject thermoplastic parts from the mold, cooling would be necessary. ─── 为了硬化在铸型的热塑性塑料工件,并使它顺利出炉,进行冷却是必需的。

59、A character introduced to use up time or space while a function(usually me chanical) is being accomplished, for example, carriage return, form eject. ─── 在完成一个(通常是机械的)操作时,为了时间补齐或空间补齐而引入的一种字符,例如回车、换页等字符。

60、Unable to eject the medium because it is in a drive. ─── 因为媒体在驱动器中,无法将其弹出。

61、Eject media from the drive. ─── 从驱动器弹出媒体。

62、To eject part or all of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, usually in a series of involuntary spasmic movements. ─── 呕吐通过嘴喷出胃里部分或全部东西,常常是一系列不自觉的阵发性运动

63、Chemically Active Material Eject in Orbit ─── 卡梅欧卫星(轨道放射化学激活物质卫星)

64、It' s annoying that the chimneys of those plants in the city eject a lot of smoke every day. ─── 城里工厂的烟囱每天都吐出大量的烟尘,很是讨厌。

65、He did hint that he may eject some Soli- darity leaders from Poland, exiling them to the West. ─── 他的确暗示过:有可能把某些团结工会领导人驱逐出波兰,流放到西方去。

66、As the plane fall rapidly towards the grind, the pilot have to eject. ─── 在飞机迅速落向地面时,驾驶员只得弹射出来。

67、That's ostensibly a good thing, because the large amounts of ash and sulfur dioxide volcanoes eject reduce Earth's absorption of sunlight, resulting in a cooling effect. ─── 从表面上来看,这是一件好事,因为火山爆发喷射出的大量灰烬和二氧化硫会减少地球对阳光的吸收,导致降温的效果。

68、To parachute from an aircraft; eject. ─── 从飞机上用降落伞降落;弹射出。

69、Squirt: to eject liquid in a jet ─── 喷射液体

70、Tray Controller, a small tool that is used to eject or close tray of your DVD-Rom drives. ─── 光驱托盘控制器,可控制光驱进出仓,运行在系统托盘上。

71、To eject from the mouth;spit. ─── 吐从嘴里吐出;吐出

72、Cannot delete '%1': only media that are off-line can be deleted from the Removable Storage Service database. Eject the medium from the library before deleting it. ─── 不能删除 '%1': 只有脱机的媒体可以从可移动存储服务数据库删除。在删除前,请将媒体从库中弹出。

73、Rays from the point light eject uniformly in all directions from its origin. ─── 其光线一致地在从它的起源位置向所有方向均匀的逐出。

74、She was roused by a chuckle which Mr. Dorset seemed to eject from the depths of his lean throat. ─── 多森先生从他那瘦弱的喉咙深处迸出一阵笑声,把她吓了一跳。

75、Sit implement divide again from working principle fall to rush type and siphon type, and siphon type fractionize falls to rush siphon type, eject siphon type and vortical siphon type. ─── 坐便器从工作原理上又分为冲落式和虹吸式,而虹吸式又细分为冲落虹吸式、喷射虹吸式和旋涡虹吸式。

76、HH 32 is an excellent example of a "Herbig-Haro object," which is formed when young stars eject jets of material back into interstellar space. ─── HH 32是恒星形成时向星际空间喷射喷流一类恒星的典型代表。

77、expel or eject from the mouth. ─── 从口里吐出或喷出东西。


79、To eject (liquid) forcibly in a thin stream from a narrow opening. ─── 喷射,注射:从一个窄口使以一道强有力的细细的(流体)形式射出。


81、After some confusion between the instructor who said eject, and the student who outranked his instructor and said no, the F-15 was landed at it's desert base. ─── 在经历了说弹射的教官和说不的学员之间的意见冲突后,F-15在它的沙漠基地着陆了。

82、Compared with other products, a car installed with V-Kool can eject less 130kg carbon dioxide than other vehicles per year. ─── 威固拥有优秀的节能效果,与同类产品相比,使用威固,一辆汽车每年可以减少130公斤的二氧化碳排放量。

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