injudicious 发音
英:[ˌɪndʒuˈdɪʃəs] 美:[ˌɪndʒuˈdɪʃəs]
英: 美:
injudicious 中文意思翻译
injudicious 网络释义
adj. 不明智的;不慎重的;浅薄的;不聪明的
injudicious 词性/词形变化,injudicious变形
名词: injudiciousness |副词: injudiciously |
injudicious 相似词语短语
1、injudiciously ─── 不公正地
2、judicious ─── adj.明智的;头脑精明的;判断正确的
3、inofficious ─── adj.没有用的;无职务的;不尽道德上义务的
4、injurious ─── adj.有害的;诽谤的
5、injudicial ─── adj.欠思考的;不照法律形式的(等于injudicious)
6、injudiciousness ─── 不公正
7、inauspicious ─── adj.不祥的;不吉的,恶运的
8、injudicially ─── 不公正地
9、unauspicious ─── 不吉利的
injudicious 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、That is all I have to say on the assignments.In Light of you heavy workload, it will be injudicious to engage too much of your precious time.Thank you for your attention on the report. ─── 我深信:赚钱最快、最好的方法就是让人们清楚地看到,帮你增加财富对他们也有好处。
2、an injudicious measure; the result of an injudicious decision ─── 不明智的措施;不明智的决定带来的后果
3、Atropine is a specific antidote for the cardiovascular collapse that may result from the injudicious administration of a choline ester ─── 阿托品是治疗由于用胆碱酯类不慎而引起的心血管性虚脱的特效解毒剂。
4、5.This might be caused by injudicious fluid administration after trying to correct intraoperative hypotension due to neurogenic shock. ─── 推断原因可能是因术中矫正神经性休克造成之低血压而给予过量之输液所造成。
5、injudicious a. ─── 不明智的;
6、an injudicious act/remark ─── 不明智的行为/言语
7、She had not the habit of taking injudicious risks in any market ─── 她没有在任何市场上傻头傻脑地采取冒险行动的习惯。
8、she had not the habit of taking injudicious risks in any market, worldly or other. ─── 别管是在人世还是去阴间,她的习惯是在所有场合都不轻举妄动。
9、lacking discretion; injudicious. ─── 缺少判断力;不明智。
10、No matter you are knowledgeable, or self-glorification, you boss is possibly more vulgar and injudicious than you think.But you have to listen to him everyday. ─── 不管你知识渊博,还是自命不凡,你的上司有可能比你想象的更粗俗、浅薄,但你每天都要听他的喝五吆六。
11、she had not the habit of taking injudicious risks in any market, worldly or other. ─── 别管是在人世还是去阴间,她的习惯是在所有场合都不轻举妄动。
12、He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week's devaluation. ─── 他将上周的货币贬值归咎于银行家所作的不当评论。
13、If cut the tree over there,sell timber, is that extremely big injudicious? ─── 如果把那里的树都砍了卖木材,那不是天大的失算吗?
14、miscalculate; misjudge; be injudicious ─── 失算
15、injudicious decisions ─── 不明智的决定
16、If they are injudicious, they will fail by successful trend. ─── 假如他们失算,他们将由成功走向失败。
17、Now would be an injudicious moment to ask for a rise ─── 现在要求加薪不是时候
18、1.an injudicious measure; the result of an injudicious decision. ─── 不明智的措施;不明智的决定带来的后果。
19、Unfortunately, injudicious management of session state can cause serious performance problems. ─── 不幸的是,会话状态管理不当会带来严重的性能问题。
20、injudiciously, injudicious, inconsiderately, rash, rashly, unthinkingly, reckless, recklessly ─── 轻率的。匆忙的。欠考虑的。不经考虑的。不假思索的。
21、Now would be an injudicious moment to ask for a rise. ─── 现在要求加薪不是时候。
22、injudicious remarks ─── 欠考虑的言语
23、This might be caused by injudicious fluid administration after trying to correct intraoperative hypotension due to neurogenic shock. ─── 推断原因可能是因术中矫正神经性休克造成之低血压而给予过量之输液所造成。
24、3.the trait of being injudicious. ─── 不能正确判断就采取行动。
25、Sometimes both parties write sloppy contracts. And some companies undermine their overall strategies with injudicious outsourcing. ─── 有时候,双方都签署草率的合同,而且有些公司因为不明智的外包而破坏了整体的战略。
26、Now will be an injudicious moment to ask for a rise. ─── 现在要求加薪不是时候。
27、She had not the habit of taking injudicious risks in any market. ─── 她没有在任何市场上傻头傻脑地采取冒险行动的习惯。
28、If cut the tree over there, sell timber, is that extremely big injudicious? ─── 如果把那里的树都砍了卖木材,那不是天大的失算吗?
29、Now would be an injudicious moment to ask for a rise. ─── 现在要求加薪不是时候.
30、Atropine is a specific antidote for the cardiovascular collapse that may result from the injudicious administration of a choline ester. ─── 阿托品是治疗由于用胆碱酯类不慎而引起的心血管性虚脱的特效解毒剂。
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