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09-14 投稿



improver 发音

英:[ɪmˈprʊvər]  美:[ɪmˈpruːvə(r)]

英:  美:

improver 中文意思翻译



improver 短语词组

1、color improver ─── [建] 颜色改良剂

2、cetane improver ─── [化] 十六烷值增进剂

3、combustion improver ─── [化] 助燃剂

4、cetane number improver ─── [建] 十六烷值增进剂

5、self-improver n. ─── 自我改善; ─── 自我修养 (self-improvement的变形)

6、ignition improver ─── 点火促进剂;着火改进剂

7、improver wall ─── 改良剂墙

8、distillate oil improver ─── 馏出油改进剂

9、improver gbb ─── 改良剂gbb

improver 反义词

decline |deterioration

improver 词性/词形变化,improver变形

动词第三人称单数: improves |动词现在分词: improving |动词过去分词: improved |动词过去式: improved |

improver 同义词

progress | culture |correction | step-up | recovery | advancement | betterment | expansion | recuperation | upturn | promotion | development | amendment | refinement | enhancement | headway | advance | melioration | upgrade | enrichment | convalescence

improver 常用词组

viscosity index improver ─── 改善粘度添加剂;粘指剂;(机油的) 粘度指数改善剂

improver 相似词语短语

1、improviser ─── n.即兴诗人;即席演奏者;即兴创作者

2、improv ─── n.即兴表演;adj.即兴的(等于impro)

3、approver ─── n.批准者;承认者,赞成者

4、improved ─── adj.改良的;改进过的;v.改进;增加(improve的过去式和过去分词);变得更好

5、improper ─── adj.不正确的,错误的;不适当的;不合礼仪的

6、improve ─── vt.改善,增进;提高……的价值;vi.增加;变得更好

7、improvers ─── n.改进者;改善者;改良物

8、improves ─── 改善

9、disprover ─── 反证

improver 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A solvent extraction method for determinating ethylene/propylene copolymer content in OCP type viscosity index improver was introduced. The analytical results indicated that the method was simple, convenient, rapid and accurate. ─── 介绍一种用溶剂抽提法对T611等OCP型粘度指数改进剂中乙丙共聚物含量的测定方法,结果表明该方法操作简便、快速准确

2、the fuel nozzle is connected with a fuel supply device; the combustion improver nozzle is connected with a compressed oxygen supply device. ─── 燃料喷入嘴连接燃料供应装置,助燃剂喷入嘴连接一个压缩氧气提供装置。

3、The effects of this improver on diesel fuel-cetane number and combustion charateristics as well as on fuel consumption and smoke are also inverstigated in the engine. ─── 实机研究了这种改进剂对柴油十六烷值和燃烧特性的改善效果,以及对柴油机燃油消耗量和烟度的影响。

4、Thus,this evokes a great fervour of study in academic circles.which make considerable achievements in academic research on the theories,the practice and the measures of our CPC improv... ─── 学术界对新时期我党改进党政关系的理论、实践及其措施的研究都取得了丰厚的成果。对依法治国问题的研究则是一个新趋向。

5、The study of new combustion improver additive for diesel oil ─── 新型柴油节能降污添加剂的研制

6、The artistic brother began a career as an actor and improv comic. ─── 有艺术天份的兄弟开始了演员生涯,并参与即兴表演。

7、Pseudo emulsion is a new flow phenomenon formed in the process of oil production and accumulation when flow improver is added into water cut oil. ─── 含水原油中加入流动改进剂后形成拟乳状液,拟乳状液流动是石油开采和油气集输过程中新的流动现象。

8、Diesel engine operators all over the world benefit from the cold flow improver capabilities of Bell's DEE-ZOL PLUS with Anti-Gel. ─── 同时确保了燃料的流动,并有效防止燃油滤清器堵塞。全球柴油机的操作员都得益于带有抗凝胶功能的贝尔DEE-ZOL PLUS的冷流改进剂。

9、Ductility and elastic recovery improver ─── 延展性及弹性恢复增强剂

10、The previous methods to improv the servce life of the plug were described, and it was pointed out to carry on the research on RE-aluminium alloying to increase the plug life. ─── 对过去提高顶头寿命的工作作了简介,提出开展稀土铝合金化提高顶头使用寿命的研究。

11、Reports to (Job Title) Operation DirectorJob SummaryThis position entails working on deposits with local teams to improv...... ... ─── 公司名称:赛力特公司工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2009-7-2

12、Keywords Wheat germ powder quality improver viscoelasticity; ─── 小麦胚芽粉;品质改良剂;粘弹性;

13、This article summarizes the development history of low temperature flow improver for diesel fuel. ─── 对柴油低温流动性改进剂的发展进行了系统的调研。

14、He had been visiting a friend in a neighbouring country, and that friend having recently had his grounds laid out by an improver. ─── 他刚去邻居看望过一个朋友,他的这位朋友最近请了一位改建专家改建了庭园。

15、It takes a leading role in the baking business in America, Latin American and Asia and well known as an ingredients supplier in the world, with its leading technology in baking yeast, baking ingredients, dough improver and bread mixer. ─── 在烘焙领域居美洲、拉丁美洲及亚洲领导地位,是世界著名的食品添加剂供应商;在面包酵母、面包改良剂、面团整理剂以及面包混合剂方面的技术全球领先。

16、After going through the journey,which domain(s) of your life that you want to improver. ─── 在完成这个课程后,您想在以下生活上上哪个范畴有所改善?

17、The present invention provides a heat resistant improver and a reversible thermosensitive recording medium. ─── 本发明的名称是耐热性改进剂和可逆热敏记录介质。

18、Isolation and Identification of Combustion Improver in Cigarette Paper ─── 卷烟纸中助燃剂的分离与鉴定

19、We should capitalize on very chance we get to improver our English. ─── 我们应该充分利用一切机会提高英语水平。

20、Improv is a theatre format without scripts and rehearsals.The actors go on the stage without any idea what they are going to perform.It sounds scary. ─── 即兴剧是一种冒险性十足的戏剧形式,没有剧本、未经排练,挑战演员的勇气、合作度、临场反应。


22、The baking soybean flour mixed with vitamin C can be a good complex improver to promote the quality of steamed bread remarkably. ─── 低温脱脂豆粉与维生素C对改善馒头品质具有显著的协同改良作用,可作为良好的馒头品质复合改良剂。

23、low- temperature flow improver ─── 低温流动性改进剂

24、Using 30% ethanol blend with 3% additive and 1% ignition improver produced a decrease of some pollutants, eg. 42% in Bosch Smoke Number, 15% in NOx emission at the highest load. ─── 在最大负荷时,E30+3%助溶剂+1%着火改进剂混合燃料排放的碳烟和NOx分别比纯柴油低42%和15%。

25、The reasonable distribution,bath shape change and optimal operation methods in different stages are essential for improv... ─── 对方镁石在电熔镁砂熔体中的结晶过程的研究表明,在电熔镁炉外部增加温控手段是获取优质电熔镁砂的关键。

26、The result of the treatment of chlorine fastness improver also varies with the dye structure. ─── 以盐素牢度提升剂处理,染料结构不同,其处理效果也大不一样。

27、Keywords cetane improver;diesel fuel;additive; ─── 十六烷值改进剂;柴油;添加剂;性能;应用;

28、Azodicarbonamide is of interest as a flour improver, since it improves not only the dough properties of weak gluten flour, but also lowers the energy input in dough mixing. Details of the reactions involved are unknown. ─── 偶氮甲酰胺是一种令人很感兴趣的面粉改良剂。它不仅仅改善了含有微弱面筋含量的面粉的面团特性,而且降低了面团混合过程中的能量输入。但其反应的细节还不甚清楚。

29、MMT is of great value to improver in the refinery. ─── MMT是炼油厂极有价值的辛烷值改进剂。

30、On the other hand, the morphology characteristics of the composites showed that the esterification treatment of the wood surface could improv... ─── 木粉表面的酯化处理可以改善木塑界面之间的相容性和复合材料的均匀性。

31、It calls for improv and I just trustly followed. ─── 是不加掩饰修饰的实时,真得象真实一样。

32、In order to improver the surface decorative property and enlarge phenolic FRP application, after many years effort, we successfully developed color gelcoat for phenolic FRP in 2006. ─── 为了提高酚醛FRP的表面装饰性,拓宽酚醛FRP应用领域,经过多年努力,我公司于2006年开发出了与酚醛FRP配套使用的彩色胶衣。

33、We should capitalize on every chance we get to improver our English. ─── 我们应该充分利用一切机会来提高英语水平。

34、New Progress of Cetane Number Improver ─── 十六烷值改进剂的新进展

35、practiced improv with my acting class. ─── 与我的表演课同学一同练习即兴表演

36、Influence of Molecular Structure on the Rheological Behav iors of OCP Viscosity Index Improver at High Shear Rate ─── 分子结构对高剪切率下乙烯丙烯共聚物粘度指数改进剂流变性能的影响


38、Keywords OCP;viscosity index improver;shear stability; ─── 乙丙共聚物;粘度指数改进剂;剪切稳定性;

39、Your improv play and the accompanying obbligato have deterred us from taking not a single nap at noon, disturbed the tempo of our regular supper, and vanquished our slightest hope of sleeping at 11pm. ─── 你家的乐器音响的伴奏和演奏声音让我们家中午不能午休、晚上吃不进去晚饭、到了23点钟以后还不能入睡!

40、Inaddition,foam and air release properties are controlled by foam inhiitors and low temperature capability impurved by a flow improver . ─── 另外,消泡剂可控制泡沫及空气的释放,而迴圈促进剂可提升维持低温的特性。

41、He had been visiting a friend in a neighbouring country, and that friend having recently had his grounds laid out by an improver. ─── 他刚去邻居看望过一个朋友,他的这位朋友最近请了一位改建专家改建了庭园。

42、The paper mainly summarized the small alloying additions added to the gold alloy for jewellery as the strengthener,deoxidizer,grain refiner and castability improver. ─── 从提高强度、防止氧化、提高铸造性能以及细化晶粒几个方面综述了饰品金合金中微量添加元素的一些研究现状。

43、Improv: A System for Scripting Interactive Actors in Virtual Worlds ─── 一个用于虚拟世界中创作交互式人物的脚本的系统

44、Keywords water cut oil;ultimate temperature;flow improver;pressure drop; ─── 含水原油;极限温度;流动改进剂;压降;

45、Influence of Lanlian MAZ fuel oil clean combustion improver on oil quality ─── 兰炼MAZ燃油清净助燃剂对油品质量的影响

46、Presents industrial application of new generation W-3 heavy fuel oil combustion improver. It has good performances. ─── 介绍新一代W-3型重质燃油助燃剂的工业应用情况。


48、The ideal additives for industrial gear oil in cold area should be comprised of improver of viscosity index, pour point depressant, S-P extreme pressure wear inhibitor and benzo-triazole fatty amine. ─── 寒区工业齿轮油理想添加剂应由粘度指数改进剂、降凝剂、S-P型极压抗磨剂、酚型抗氧剂及苯三唑脂肪胺盐等组成。

49、Meanwhile, an orthogonal test was used to find the optimal condition to improver the wettablity.The effect significance of every element was also studied. ─── 另外还对试验结果进行了统计分析,对最佳试验条件的选择进行了初探,并讨论了各个因素对试验结果影响的显著性大小。

50、It is helpful to have some background in acting, and certainly taking an acting or improv class as an animator is a good idea. ─── 如果有表演经验对做动画是非常有帮助的,在条件允许的情况下参加表演的提高培训课程对动画师来说也是很必要的。

51、combustion improver additive ─── 助燃剂

52、Research on A New Kind of Diesel Flow Improver ─── 新型柴油低温流动改进剂的研究


54、low temperature diesel flowing improver ─── 低温流动改进剂

55、Responsibility 1. Provide support to the ongoing implementation of world class manufacturing (Lean) improv...... ... ─── 公司名称:英资莱尔德无线通信技术(北京)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-5-16

56、compound meat quality improver ─── 复合肉质改进荆

57、The field experiment in ZhongLuo Pipeline to transport different crude oils show that the flowability improver can prevent and reduce repeat heating and pump shear. ─── 对不同物性混合原油的凝点回升情况进行了分析。

58、Cerebral Blood Flow Improver ─── Cinnarizine

59、As for flour, cake, pastries, baked products, bulk agents, complex type of bread to quality, fried food improver. ─── 如作面粉、蛋糕、糕点、烘焙制品的膨松剂;复配型面包改质剂;油炸食品改良剂。

60、KEY RESPONSIBILITYIES 1.Analyze process failure, take action to eliminate the failure. 2.Take action to improv...... ... ─── 公司名称:东芝信息机器(杭州)有限公司工作地点:浙江省杭州市发布时间:2009-7-16

61、I've seen other people move into these and other roles, and the effect on groups is astonishing, perhaps for the same reason that self-deprecation is so powerful in Improv comedy sessions. ─── 我也看到过其他人扮演这些和那些角色,对于小组的作用是惊人的,也许出于一些相同的原因,在即兴戏剧表演中自我贬低是非常有效的。

62、Flow improver H89 2 used in crude oil is a terpolymer. ─── 原油流动性改进剂h 89 - 2系三元共聚物。

63、The significance, properties and characteristics, action mechanism and classification of cetane number improver are introduced systematically in this paper. ─── 就柴油十六烷值改进剂的种类、作用机理及其研制的重要意义做了综述,介绍了部分十六烷值改进剂的性能特点。

64、Compared with the result before binder blended, both metallurgical coke cold strength and thermal index are substantially improv... ─── 与配粘结剂前相比,冶金焦冷强度、热性能指标得到大幅改善,取得了提高焦炭质量、大幅度降低成本的效果。

65、Finally, selection methods of viscosity index improver through diesel jet nozzleand long time FZG experiments has been suggested. ─── 提出筛选粘度指数改进剂要经过柴油喷嘴和长时间FZG测试的建议。

66、Keywords high quality wheat;bread flour quality;improver of flour quality.; ─── 优质小麦;面包专用粉;面包粉质量;面粉品质改良剂;

67、A paving asphalt penetration ratio improver was introduced. ─── 介绍了一种提高道路沥青针入度比的改进剂。


69、lead susceptibility improver ─── 加铅效果改善剂

70、Two kinds of product standards of OCP viscosity index improver constituted separately by SINOPEC and PetroChina in different ages are compared. ─── 对中国石化和中国石油两大集团公司在不同时代所制定的两个乙丙共聚物粘度指数改进剂产品标准做了比较说明。

71、Abstract: Some cold flow improvers with excellent performance for diesel fuel were selected by evaluating the cold flow improvers and investigating the receptivity of CFPP of diesel fuel to cold flow improver. ─── 文摘:通过对柴油降凝剂的筛选评价和对不同降凝剂冷滤点感受性的考察,选择出性能优良的柴油降凝剂。


73、Deep-shade velvets were treated with author-made wet crock fastness improver MM-P. ─── 摘要用自制的湿摩擦牢度提升剂MM-P处理活性染料染深色绒布类织物。

74、Students participate in numerous curricular and extracurricular ensembles ranging from the curricular Dramashop to the extracurricular improv comedy troupe, Roadkill Buffet. ─── 学生可以参加许多课内和课外的戏剧社团,其中包括课内戏剧班和课外即兴喜剧团,如“撞车动物自助餐”。

75、NO08>I was just thinking about that slow blues improv. ─── 我只是在想那段慢板蓝调的即兴演奏。

76、The use of a little crosslinker could improver high-temperature furrow resistance of asphalt and reduced its viscosity. ─── 使用少量交联剂可提高沥青的高温抗车辙性能,降低其黏度。

77、The improver effect of ascofbic acid (Asc)was recognized by Jorgensen as early as 1935. ─── 抗坏血酸(Asc)的改良剂作用早在1935年就被Jorgensen提出。

78、We should capitalize on every chance we get to improver our English. ─── 我们应该充分利用一切机会来提高英语水平。

79、CO and HC emissions decrease because the ignition performance of diesohol is improved by using ignition improver, but NOx emission increase. ─── 应用着火促进剂有助于柴油醇燃料的着火,从而降低CO 和HC排放,但NOx排放有所增加;

80、The effects of crosslinking, plasticizing and improver on mechanical strength of edible starch films, which were fabricated with corn starch and pea starch, were evaluated. ─── 对提高淀粉可食包装膜的机械强度研究表明,以三氯氧磷交联后的淀粉膜,其断裂伸长率随交联剂用量的增大而递减,抗拉强度和直解撕裂强度先增后减。

81、The e xperiment results demonstrate that chaotic frequency modulation (CFM) can improv e the EMC of SMPS, and the EMC of SMPS modulated by the different discrete chaot ic sequences are not obviously different. ─── 实验结果表明混沌频率调制可以改善开关电源的EMC性能,同时可以看出不同的离散混沌序列调制后的开关电源EMC性能相差不大。

82、Effects of Cetane Number Improver on Emissions of Swirl Chamber Diesel Engine ─── 十六烷值改进剂对涡流室柴油机排放特性的影响

83、Keywords ethylene propylene copolymer;viscosity index improver;trade standard; ─── 乙丙共聚物;粘度指数改进剂;行业标准;

84、Projects can be web sites, computer games, live action role-playing games, videos or improv performances. ─── 专题可以是网站、计算机游戏、实况角色扮演游戏、影片或即兴表演。

85、Development of EVA Low Temperature Flow Improver for Diesel Fuel ─── EVA型柴油低温流动性能改进剂的研制

86、The Research Development on the Cetane Improver for Diesel Fuel ─── 十六烷值改进剂研究进展

87、and the dropping of the cold filter plugging point was more obvious with stronger adsorption of the fluidity improver over the wax. ─── 流动性改进剂在蜡晶表面的吸附越强,降低冷滤点的效果越明显;

88、did a funny improv about looking for a job. ─── 即兴演出一场有趣的找工作过程

89、bread improver is not suitable for their production method. ─── 面包添加剂不适合它现有的生产方法。

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