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09-14 投稿



innative 发音


英:  美:

innative 中文意思翻译



innative 相似词语短语

1、unnatives ─── 不定式

2、inflative ─── 膨胀的

3、unnative ─── 不定式

4、unnatived ─── Unatived

5、innovative ─── adj.革新的,创新的;新颖的;有创新精神的

6、ideative ─── 理想的

7、conative ─── adj.意动的;意欲的;努力企求的

8、donative ─── adj.捐赠的;n.捐赠物

9、nonnative ─── adj.非本地的;非本地人的

innative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The children are blowing off steam inn the garden. ─── 孩子们在花园里释放精力。

2、Town had a nice inn, if I recollect. ─── 如果让我回想的话,镇上有个很棒的旅馆。

3、One of the four inn of court in london. ─── 在伦敦的四大律师学院之一。

4、They shall lodge at the inn for three nights. ─── 他们要在这个旅馆住3宿。

5、We spent the night at the village inn. ─── 我们在村里的小客栈过夜。

6、He tied up the horse and go into the inn. ─── 他系住马,走进了小酒店。

7、She found a decent, comfortable inn at a village. ─── 她在一个村子里找到了一家挺不错的舒适的旅店。

8、The landlord of the inn seemed flattered to have a titled guest, and his wife made a bed for the guest with her own fair hands. ─── 小客栈老板对贵族客人来店好像不胜荣幸,他妻子还为这位客人亲手铺了床。

9、Yeah, she works at the Independence Inn. ─── 嗯,她在独立旅馆工作。

10、A tavernor an inn providing such a meal. ─── 小酒菜馆供应套饭的酒菜馆或小酒馆。

11、Darkness of evening was crowding in when we arrived at the inn. ─── 我们到达小旅馆时天色正在暗下来。

12、They are searching every inn in the country. ─── 他们对这个郡的每家旅店都在进行搜查。

13、On our trip to new England,we stay in an old inn. ─── 去新英格兰旅行的路上,我们住在一个古老的小客栈里。

14、It was raining; they had to stay in the inn the whole day. ─── 下雨了,他们不得不在旅馆里待了一整天。

15、Can buy to Xin Huashu inn only, did not download. ─── 只能到新华书店购买,没有下载的.

16、I hung up my horse and walked into the inn. ─── 我们把马拴在桩上,走进了客栈。

17、I heard a clatter in the passage of the inn. ─── 我听到旅馆走廊里一阵嘈杂。

18、We found excellent quarters at a small inn. ─── 我们在一家小旅馆找到了一个非常好的住处。

19、A boy or man who works in an inn or a public house serving customers and doing chores. ─── (酒馆的)侍者,跑堂的在酒馆里或旅店中为客人服务及干杂活的男性

20、The world's an inn and death the journey's end. ─── 天地者,万物之逆旅。

21、He plead for the retention of the inn . ─── 他请求保留这座小旅店。

22、Can you direct me to the Holiday Inn? ─── 您指给我去九州饭店的路好吗?

23、Watermill Inn, but let's get a look at the view. ─── 但让我们来瞧一瞧景色。

24、I intend to strike my staff at that small inn. ─── 我打算在那家客栈暂住下来。

25、Hello. Is this the Old Country Inn? ─── 喂 ,是old Country Inn吗?

26、He took up his quarters in the inn. ─── 他就在旅馆里住下来。

27、They put up at an inn for the night. ─── 他们在一家小客栈里过夜。

28、They got into Dolon and settled in at an out-of-the-way inn. ─── 他们进入多伦,在一家偏僻的小店里住了下来。

29、I enjoy travelling through the country hailing up at the nearest inn. ─── 我喜欢沿乡间旅行,夜宿就近的小旅舍。

30、The desk clerk at the Watemill suggested your inn. ─── Watemill Inn柜台职员推荐你们旅馆。

31、Comfort Inn Cleburne: Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在世界100,000多的旅馆都得到优惠!

32、We spent the night in a wayside inn. ─── 我们在一家路边的旅店过夜。

33、She took no little pains over her inn. ─── 她为这个小客栈费了很多劲。

34、It's been an inn since the days of Henry VIII. ─── 从亨利八世时代起它就是一家酒馆。

35、All tired out, they reached the Red Crawfish Inn. ─── 总算来到红虾旅店,大家都快累死了。

36、A small lounge or sitting room affording limited privacy, as at an inn or a tavern. ─── 单间,雅座如在小酒店或小旅馆里提供一定限度隐秘的小雅间或客厅

37、On our trip to New England, we stayed in an old inn. ─── 去新英格兰旅行的路上,我们住在一个古老的小客栈里。

38、I'll be staying at the Holiday Inn in Seattle. ─── 我会住在西雅图的假期旅馆。

39、I happened on an country inn, and stopped to have a meal. ─── 我偶然发现一家乡村小酒店,便停下来进去吃饭。

40、When he got inn front of the audience, he froze up. ─── 他一出现在观众面前就呆住了。

41、Found bed and board at an inn. ─── 在一个小旅店找到了床铺和膳食

42、Do drop in at the Dewdrop Inn. ─── 到露珠旅馆要进内一坐。

43、Often a valley boasted no inn at all. ─── 常常是一个山谷连一家客栈也没有。

44、We accommodate you in Holiday Inn. ─── 我们安排您在假日酒店下榻。

45、A woman who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper. ─── 女房东经营房屋出租或客栈的女店主; 客栈店主

46、He entered a lawyer's office in Lincoln's Inn. ─── 他进入林肯法律协会的一个律师事务所工作。

47、He put up at the inn for the night . ─── 他在客栈过夜。

48、We settled down for the night at an inn. ─── 我们在一家小客栈里歇夜。

49、The inn keeper smiled and immediately went out. ─── 客栈老板微微一笑便出去了。

50、We're staying at the Holiday Inn. ─── 我们在假日饭店逗留。

51、In an inn quarrel,a friend will say,forget it. ─── 在小酒店的争吵中,有朋友会说:“算了罢。”

52、He had no choice but to kip in that small inn. ─── 他别无选择,只有在那个小旅店中住一宿了。

53、Go to the Inn at East Wire Forest. ─── 去这客栈在东方电线森林.

54、He came plodding to the inn door. ─── 他拖着沉重的步伐来到旅店门口。

55、Days Inn - Perris: Official Site. Click Here. ─── 在世界70,000多的旅馆都得到优惠!

56、Business Inn Hotel Management Co. ─── 广东省东莞市商务之星酒店管理有限公司。

57、He slept the night in a roadside inn. ─── 他在一家路边小店过的夜。

58、He causes a disturbance at your inn. ─── 他在你的客店里招惹是非。

60、 双语使用场景

61、He walked away to the inn to order a fly. ─── 他走到客店那儿去,叫好一辆轻便马车。

62、We bedded down for the night in a small inn . ─── 我们在一家小客店过了夜。

63、The awful food at the inn disgusted us. ─── 小饭馆的劣质菜使我们作呕。

64、Have you ever stayed in a traditional inn ? ─── 你在传统的客栈里住过么?

65、One day, in dim and distant times many travelers assembled at a traditional English inn to go on an outing to the Cathedral of Canterbury. ─── 很久以前的一天,许多旅客聚集在一个老式的英格兰客栈里,准备去坎特伯雷教堂观光。

66、Making inquiries at the local inn, she discovers that Mrs. Rochester one night succeeded in setting the house on fire. ─── 她在当地的旅馆询问打听,得知罗切斯特太太在一天夜间点火烧着了房子。

67、An inn built around a large court for accommodating caravans at night in the Near or Far East. ─── 客店,旅舍近东或远东地区为旅行队提供夜间住宿场所的小旅店,常环绕大院修建

68、A carriage rolled up to the inn. ─── 一辆马车驶到旅馆前停下。

69、She is the landlady of this inn. ─── 她是这家客栈的女主人。

70、One that owns or manages an inn or hotel. ─── 客栈老板,小旅馆老板拥有或经营一客栈或旅馆的人

71、They saw a horse hooked up to the post of the inn. ─── 他们看见一匹马套在客栈里的一根桩子上。

72、Tarry awhile at this charming country inn. ─── 在这个可爱的乡村小酒馆里呆一会儿吧。

73、Of course, it is a little far from the Inn. ─── 当然了,就是离旅馆有点远。

74、You might try the Holiday Inn down the street. ─── 您可以试一试那一家沿街的假日旅馆。

75、I learnt that the house had formerly been an inn. ─── 我得知这座房子以前是家客栈。

76、My wife and I spent our honeymoon at the inn. ─── 我太太和我在你们旅馆度的蜜月。

77、A tavern or an inn providing such a meal. ─── 小酒菜馆供应套饭的酒菜馆或小酒馆

78、They stopped at a roadside inn for the night. ─── 他们在路边的小店停下来过夜。

79、Inn provides travellers accommodation and food. ─── 客栈是为旅客提供住处和食物的地方。

80、The ticket office is right near the Holiday Inn. ─── 售票处就在假日酒店附近。

81、A woman who manages an inn or a hotel. ─── 女老板经营客栈或旅馆的女性

82、An inn or hostel for pilgrims in Turkey. ─── 客栈,招待所土耳其用来招待朝圣者的客栈或招待所

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