contrive 发音
英:[kən'traɪv] 美:[kən'traɪv]
英: 美:
contrive 中文意思翻译
contrive 网络释义
vt. 设计;发明;图谋vi. 谋划;设法做到
contrive 词性/词形变化,contrive变形
动词第三人称单数: contrives |动词现在分词: contriving |名词: contriver |动词过去式: contrived |动词过去分词: contrived |
contrive 短语词组
1、contrive definition ─── 精心设计的定义
2、contrive solutions ─── 设计解决方案
3、contrive as ─── 设计为
4、contrive define ─── 精心定义
5、contrive defined ─── 精心设计的
6、contrive means ─── 设计方法
7、contrive sentence ─── 设计句
8、contrive synonym ─── 设计同义词
9、contrive samples ─── 设计样品
contrive 相似词语短语
1、contrib ─── n.普通发布版;abbr.贡献(contribution)
2、contrate ─── adj.横齿的;端面齿的
3、contortive ─── adj.扭歪的;曲解的
4、contrite ─── adj.悔悟了的;后悔的;悔罪的
5、contrived ─── adj.人为的;做作的;不自然的
6、contrib. ─── n.普通发布版;abbr.贡献(contribution)
7、contusive ─── 挫伤的
8、contrives ─── vt.设计;发明;图谋;vi.谋划;设法做到
9、contriver ─── n.发明者;创制者;筹划者
contrive 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"Don't alarm yourself, my little Benedetto, but just point out to me some means of gaining those thirty thousand francs without your assistance, and I will contrive it." ─── “你不要急,我的小贝尼代托,我并不要你帮我去弄那五万法郎,而只要你给我说明一些情形,我自能设法。”
2、He suddenly seemed capable, an official, a man to contrive to direct, to get things done. ─── 他突然显得精明能干,象是一名官员,一个运筹帷幄,发号施令,完成大业的人。
3、He suddenly seemed capable, and official, a man to contrive, to direct, to get things done. ─── 他突然显得精明能干,像是一个官员,一个运筹帷幄、发号施令、完成大业的人。
4、She finds it difficult to contrive now that prices are rising every month . ─── 因为物价每月上涨,所以使她觉得难以持家。
5、Contrive to do it well. ─── 企图抢劫。
6、I quite like the story , but I think the ending be rather contrive ─── 我挺喜欢这个故事,不过我觉得结尾颇有斧凿之嫌
7、The only gainer is History, which has constant opportunities of showing the various ways in which men can contrive to be fools and knaves. ─── 唯一胜利者是历史,它经常有机会展示人把自己变成白痴或流氓的各种途径。)
8、Can you contrive to be at the station by noon? ─── 你能设法在中午前赶到车站吗?
9、The nice dream could and would come true if we contrive for it. ─── 只要我们共同努力,一切美好的未来将很快到来!
10、Their sudden outburst was obviously genuine; it couldn't have been contrive d. ─── 他们突如其来的发作显然是真的,这是装不出来的.
11、Contrive ways to amuse the children. ─── 想出逗孩子们玩的办法
12、Synchronously,we contrive a grammar which can produce a concrete DNA encoding.Finally,we get two properties of the DNA encoding grammar. ─── 同时设计出产生某个具体DNA编码的文法,最后得到了DNA编码文法的两个性质。
13、That would be a great thing, but how can you contrive it? ─── 那将是一件伟大的事情,但是你怎么能做到呢?
14、I found it difficult to contrive when prices of everything went up. ─── 在百物涨价的时候,我觉得料理家务真不容易。
15、He will contrive to argue every fault into a merit, and will frankly convict himself of being the honestest fellow in existence. ─── 他要费尽口舌把每一个缺点说成优点,公然自以为是世上最诚实的人。
16、It will beto assume that, whatever the difficulties presented by the newinvestment era, they will somehow contrive to turn in superiorresults for themselves. ─── 他们会认为无论新的投资时代带来何种困难,他们都能巧妙应对,为自己获得出色的结果。
17、Their perversity is overwhelming; they confuse and mix everything up and contrive pretexts just so that they can count the Creator among the creatures. ─── 他们的错误是无可推诿的;他们把一切(指基督的神、人二性)混乱并混合了,然后他们编造出理由好让他们能在被造之物中找到造物主。
18、"Well, here is an opportunity made to your hand, and it would be difficult to contrive a better ─── “好了,这是一个送上门来的机会,而且也很难再找到一个更好的时机了。
19、I would I could contrive an excuse to speak with him. ─── 我真想找个借口跟他谈谈。
20、to contrive an escape from the prison ─── 图谋越狱
21、I look upon opera as a magic scene contrive to please the eyes and the ear at the expense of the understanding. ─── 我把歌剧看成是以知性为牺牲、设法造成娱人耳目的魔术场面。
22、But this bristles with difficulties.To begin with, how did Jesus contrive to get Himself born in Bethlehem? ─── 但是这种情况太难以办到了:首先,耶稣怎样才能设法让自己出生在伯利恒?
23、"How can you contrive to write so even?" ─── “你怎么写得那么整齐来着?”
24、"And with what did you contrive to make that?" ─── “你是怎么做成的?”
25、They, having first persuaded themselves, contrive to influence their neighBors. ─── 他们首先自己信服了之后,便设法诱使邻居
26、While it seems contrive that Mathieu should reach out for his boyfriend's ex, it is not hard to understand what draws him to Pierre. ─── 并不难理解是什么让马修去找皮埃尔的——马修似乎被导演设计成想要与塞德里克的前任发展。
27、contrive a way to help ─── 想出一个帮助的方法
28、" Such ideas, allowed to go unchecked, can lead to the belief that anything we contrive in the flights of our imagination can qualify as true Dhamma. ─── 听任那些想法自由发展,可以引向但凡想象力驰骋所及皆可作为真法的地步。
29、For such loops if you were able to contrive a node set of exactly the length you want. ─── 如果您能够设计正好是您想要的长度的节点集,那么可以将。
30、I will contrive to be there by ten o'clock . ─── 我会设法在10点前赶到那儿。
31、How could you contrive to make such a mess of things? ─── 你怎么把事情弄得一团糟呢?
32、they confuse and mix everything up and contrive pretexts just so that they can count the Creator among the creatures. ─── 他们把一切(指基督的神、人二性)混乱并混合了,然后他们编造出理由好让他们能在被造之物中找到造物主。
33、We have to contrive to live on our own income. ─── 我们的生活必需设法量入为出。
34、When the King issued his proclamation, every man in the kingdom who was not already a knight, straightway tried to contrive ways and means to kill the Pumpkin Giant. ─── 国王这一纸诏书发下,举国上下,只要是还没当上爵士的,都立马开始挖空心思想办法、出主意,考虑怎么干掉南瓜巨人。
35、To contrive ways to amuse the children. ─── 想出逗孩子们玩的办法。
36、2. His point that no serious harm is done in such cases has led him to contrive a subplot. ─── 他认为这样做并无大碍。实际上,这是画蛇添足。
37、How can you contrive to write so even? ─── 你怎么写得那么整齐来着?
38、did Thenardier contrive to find him amid the smoke and the grape-shot, ─── 他,德纳第,知道从硝烟弹雨中去找到他,把他扛在肩上救走,
39、Their naughty children always contrive to make such a mess of things. ─── 他们家那些淘气的孩子们老是把家里弄得一团糟。
40、To produce or contrive (something previously unknown) by the use of ingenuity or imagination. ─── 发明:运用智谋或想象生产或设计(以前未知的东西)
41、So I contriv'd to burn some wood here, as I had seen done in England, under turf, till it became chark, or dry coal; and then putting the fire out, I preserv'd the coal to carry home; ─── 因此,我计划按照我在英国看到的办法,拿一些木头放在草皮泥层下烧,把木头烧成木炭,熄火后再把木炭带回家。
42、She finds it difficult to contrive now that prices are rising every month. ─── 因为物价每月上涨,所以使她觉得难以持家。
43、Natght, when she invent, manufactured, and patented her author, contrive to make critic out of the chip that is leave. ─── 大自然,当她把她的作家们发明、制造出来并赐予专利权之后,才设法用剩下的零碎木屑把批评家造出来的。
44、Can you contrive to be here early? ─── 你能不能设法早到点?
45、At this he was alarmed, and, full of grief and anxiety, said, now I shall have to contrive to escape. ─── 这时,他警觉起来,满脸忧愁地说:“看来我不得不设法逃跑了。”
46、They always contrive to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; ─── 他们总是弄到后来距离越来越远,彼此烦恼。
47、I can contrive without meat ─── 我没有肉也能凑合。
48、For such loops if you were able to contrive a node set of exactly the length you want. ─── 如果您能够设计正好是您想要的长度的节点集,那么可以将。
49、I decided to contrive a meeting between the two of them. ─── 我决定设法让他们双方见上一面。
50、They can plan and contrive and see ahead. ─── 他们能出谋划策,预测未来。
51、"Ah, see here, comrade, how did you contrive to get out of that slough yonder? I haven't dared to risk myself in it. Phew! You don't smell good." ─── “喂,伙伴,你怎么搞的竟能摆脱那儿的洼地!我没敢冒险去那儿。呸!你好难闻。”
52、A contrive would in our country will be honour honored now by he from temporary his contemporaries, by his pears and peers, in the near future. ─── 但是我认为他最杰出的地方是总能帮助那些需要帮助的人。他为那些美国的穷人做事。不仅为他们工作还影响到了法律工作。”
53、So, how to reduce knowledge worker turnover and the loss of knowledge worker turnover becomes the issue that enterprises" administrators in our country should pay attention to and contrive to resolve. ─── 如何减少我国企业知识型员工的流失,降低流失风险,成为我国企业管理者所需关注和解决的重要问题。
54、We shall contrive some way to get me there by the end of the week. ─── 我们得想个办法在周末之前把我送到那里去。
55、To shift and contrive ─── 千方百计
56、He could not contrive to explain it to himself. ─── 他仍茫然不知如何解答。
57、I decided to contrive a meeting between the two of them. ─── 我决定设法让他们双方见上一面。
58、"She hath good skill at her needle, that's certain," remarked one of her female spectators; "but did ever a woman, before this brazen hussy, contrive such a way of showing it? ─── “她倒做得一手好针线,这是不用说的,”一个旁观的女人说,“这个厚脸皮的荡妇居然想到用这一手来显白自己,可真是从来没见过。
59、To produce or contrive(something previously unknown) by the use of ingenuity or imagination. ─── 发明运用智谋或想象生产或设计(以前未知的东西)
60、Thenardier snapped his fingers as though an idea had suddenly occurred to him."Ah, see here, comrade, how did you contrive to get out of that slough yonder? ─── 德纳第弹了一个响指,好象忽然想起了一件事:“喂,伙伴,你怎么搞的竟能摆脱那儿的洼地!
61、Can you contrive to be there by six ? ─── 你能设法在六点钟赶到那儿吗?
62、Order to asure the undate of design, Some famous systlists from home and aboard join in us to contrive new style. ─── 为保证鞋款日渐更新,公司特聘请了国内外著名设计师。
63、By their wit, sense, and eloquence together, they generally contrive to govern their husbands. ─── 借助其机敏、见识以及“舌吐莲花”这三件利器,她们大都会图谋主宰她们的丈夫。
64、All my thoughts were bent to contrive means for their safety ─── 我一心都在替他们的安全想办法。
65、"Ah, see here, comrade, how did you contrive to get out of that slough yonder? ─── “喂,伙伴,你怎么搞的竟能摆脱那儿的洼地!
66、Contrive ways to amuse the children ─── 想办法使孩子们快乐
67、The man replied that if the Horse would receive a bit in his mouth and agree to carry him, he would contrive effective weapons against the Stag. ─── 人回答说,如果愿意把一块马口铁含在嘴里,并答应让人骑在马背上,他就拿出最有效的武器为马去驱逐鹿。
68、Efficiency contrive on induced spawning drugs and techniques of Megalobrama amblyocephala Yih ─── 团头鲂催产中不同催产剂和方法的效果比较
69、Don't mind Mrs Dean's cruel cautions; but be generous, and contrive to see him. ─── 别管丁太太那些残酷的警告,宽宏大量些,想法去看看他吧。
70、To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect ─── 为了某个特定的目的或效果进行创造或构想.
71、You contrive to finish the report as soon as possible. ─── 你设法尽可能早点完成这个报告。
72、I can never understand how a man can contrive to look neat and spruce and do anything else. ─── 我一辈子就不可能明白一个人穿成整整齐齐、漂漂亮亮还能做成什么事。
73、The markets generally contrive to arrange one near the beginning of the tenure of each Fed chairman. ─── 在每位美联储主席上任之初,市场通常都会设法安排一个事件。
74、I must contrive a new career. ─── 我必须给自己的前途想出个新的办法来。
75、To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit. ─── 伪造作为真的设计和介绍; 伪造
76、contrive treachery ─── 图谋不轨
77、Can I contrive to keep this show on the road? ─── 我是否还能将这样的表演继续下去?
78、And he could not understand how a man could contrive to look neat and spruce and do anything else. ─── 他弄不明白有人是如何做到既穿得整洁漂亮法国留学在线,又能做事的。
79、'You will be good enough, my dear Marguerite, to allow me to share the profits of only those enterprises which I myself contrive and execute.' ─── 亲爱的玛格丽特,请允许我只分享我自己想出的办法的好处,而且是由我自己参加的事情中所得到的好处。”
80、it is highly improper . you must contrive to send somebody . i have the greatest dislike in the world to that sort of thing. ─── 这太不象话了,我最看不惯的就是这种事,你千万得派一个人送送她们。
81、I can contrive without meat. ─── 我没有肉也能凑合吃这顿饭。
82、"Neither do thou imagine that I shall contrive aught against his life; no, nor against his fame, if, as I judge, he be a man of fair repute. Let him live! Let him hide himself in outward honour, if he may! Not the less he shall be mine!" ─── 你也不要猜想我会设法勾消他的生命;不,我也不会诋毁他的名誉的,要是我判断得对,他是一个颇有名望的人。让他活着吧!反正他逃不出我的手心!"
83、I am proud of the fact that apart from when she was on public display meeting President Mandela, we managed to contrive to stop the ever-present paparazzi from getting a single picture of her. ─── 我感到骄傲的是,那次她除了同曼德拉总统见面是在公众面前外,我们设法没让那些无休止纠缠的游民之类的记者拍一张照片。
84、Neither do thou imagine that I shall contrive aught against his life; ─── 你也不要猜想我会设法勾消他的生命;
85、I think there might be one or two scraps still just about fit for human consumption if I can contrive to locate them. ─── 我想要是想法子的话,总会找得出一点可吃的东西来。
86、Can you contrive to be here a little earlier? ─── 你能不能早一点来?
87、devise: think out; plan or contrive; invent (动) 设计, ─── 他设计出一种教导盲人的新方法。
88、Can you contrive to be here early ─── 你能不能设法早到点?
89、"Right now you and I must contrive some way to prevent her from hogging all the credit. ─── 在欣赏艺术作品或艺术形式的过程中,观赏者的因素从未带给人什么收获。
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