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09-14 投稿



indissoluble 发音

英:[,ɪndɪ'sɒljʊb(ə)l]  美:[,ɪndɪ'sɑljəbl]

英:  美:

indissoluble 中文意思翻译



indissoluble 网络释义

adj. 不能分解的;不能溶解的;坚固的;牢固持久的

indissoluble 短语词组

1、indissoluble contract ─── 不可分割的合同

indissoluble 词性/词形变化,indissoluble变形

副词: indissolubly |名词: indissolubility |

indissoluble 相似词语短语

1、indissociably ─── 不合群的

2、indissolubly ─── adv.不能溶解地;不可分解地

3、indissociable ─── adj.不可分割的

4、indissuadable ─── 无可争辩的

5、dissoluble ─── adj.可分解的;可溶解的;可解除的

6、indissolubility ─── n.不溶解性;无法解除;永续性

7、insoluble ─── adj.不能解决的;[化学]不能溶解的;难以解释的

8、indissolubleness ─── 难溶解

9、indissolvable ─── adj.不溶解的;难溶

indissoluble 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His weather-beaten face was markedly engraved with his indissoluble bond with the sea latent with an extraordinary past. ─── 他那饱经风霜的脸,明显地刻着与海洋有着不解之缘的痕迹,蕴含着种种不平凡的经历。

2、In acid and alkali soil, there are mainly indissoluble bivalent or trivalent phosphates, which cannot be utilized by plants. ─── 在酸碱性土壤中,磷主要以植物难以吸收利用的难溶性二价或三价阳离子的形式存在。

3、3. DARBY: who has been constituted not according to law of fleshly commandment, but according to power of indissoluble life. ─── 他成为祭司,并不是照属肉体的条例,乃是照无穷(原文作不能毁坏)之生命的大能。收藏指正

4、But the veteran who will not stay away from people's attention, the generation of gold will not say goodbye, they will use in its own way volleyball continue their indissoluble bond. ─── 但是老将们并不会远离人们的视线,黄金一代不会轻易说再见,他们会用自己的方式延续她们排球的不解之缘。

5、He is right believe as before " click economy " believer people express to indissoluble. ─── 他对依旧相信“点击经济”的信徒们表示不解。

6、A Way to Test Indissoluble Working of Press and Kiln ─── 一种检验压机和窑炉工作稳定性的简易方法

7、an indissoluble compound. ─── 不溶解的化合物

8、Indissoluble is the husband of amorous feelings romantic also rose? ─── 不解风情的老公也浪漫起来了?

9、Owing to their subject matter are similar to myths, they use mythical images, ideas, plots consciously often, supernatural evil-spirit novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties have been destined with the mythical indissoluble bound. ─── 摘要明清神魔小说因其题材形态上与神话的同一,经常而自觉地借用神话形象、观念、情节等母题,注定了与神话的不解之缘。

10、Jack-tar people indissoluble ask: "Why should you always wear red shirt to fight? ─── 水手们不解的问:“您为什么总要穿红衬衫打仗?”

11、Our short-lies connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourseles,is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness,jar,nor separation. ─── 我们一厢情愿,痴心妄想,竟把自己在世上的暂时栖身,当作千古不变、万事长存的结合,好像没有冷淡、争执、离别的密月。

12、Study on Indissoluble Particles in 20 Small Volume of Venous Injection by Light Block Mothod ─── 光阻法考察20种小容量静脉注射液不溶性微粒

13、Predeterminate indissoluble bound--Wang Anyi and literature of educated youth ─── 注定的不解之缘--王安忆与知青文学

14、Everybody very indissoluble, before a team member walks up, go asking old man: "What is your grandchildren doing? ─── 大家十分不解,一个队员走上前去问老汉:“你孙子在干什么啊?”

15、Regrettablly husband does scientific research work, indissoluble amorous feelings, do not have an eye for even basic sex environment. ─── 可惜老公是做科研工作的,不解风情,就连基本的做爱环境都不懂得欣赏。

16、For the waste material, we bury those dissoluble ones and burn those indissoluble ones. ─── 废气材料的处理:我们将难溶难分解的材料进行燃烧。

17、Indissoluble Bond Between Sports and Chinese Ancient Dance ─── 试论中国古代舞蹈与体育的不解之缘

18、Our short-lived connexion with being, we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union. ─── 我们像婴儿躺在幻想编成的摇篮里,一厢情愿;

19、France pulls Kesite crocodilian company pursues bully of of Chinese market " we are having the reason that indissoluble with tennis sports all the time. ─── 法国拉科斯特鳄鱼公司图霸中国市场 “我们一直与网球运动有着不解之缘。

20、Indissoluble again then ask: "Father, what are you then? ─── 于是又不解的问:“爸爸,你那是什么呀?”

21、Now, the idea which is the basis of all desires and passions in a man is the conviction of his indissoluble association with a male body. ─── 现在,这种想法是以人的所有激情和欲望为基础,让人确信他与一个男性身体有不能分解的连结。

22、" bearer some indissoluble, a bit one halt, the answer says: "Skirt and without Jian (the pleat that hits on the dress) , cannot be used. ─── 来人有些不解,稍一停顿,回答说:“裙而无裥(衣服上打的褶子),使不得。”

23、The scientist of France took the lead in drawing the iodine from the alga in the sea since 1812, the iodine forges the indissoluble bound with the mankind. ─── 自从1812年法国的科学家率先从大海的藻类中提取了碘,碘就和人类结下了不解之缘。

24、Our short-lives connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. ─── 由于年轻人天真单纯,可以说是茫然无知,因而将自己跟大自然划上等号;并且,由于经验少而感情盛,误以为自己也能和大自然一样永世长存。

25、Our short-lives connation with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. ─── 我们一厢情愿,痴心妄想,竟把自己在世上的暂时栖身,当作千古不变、万事长存的结合,好像没有冷淡、争执、离别的蜜月。

26、Did not know how to do, I have fallen in love with English, had the indissoluble bond with English. Mentions English, but also has an origin!... ─── 不知怎样搞的,我爱上了英语,与英语结下了不解之缘。说起英语,还有一番来历呢!...

27、Measuring indissoluble medical nanoparticles with atomic force microscope ─── 难溶性药用纳米微粒的原子力显微检测

28、Movie, from the very beginning of its origin, has an indissoluble bond with painiing. ─── 摘要电影从一开始就与绘画结下了不解之缘。

29、The tie between these two nations seemed indissoluble for a time, but it broke easily after the dispute. ─── 这两个国家之间的关系一度看来是牢不可破的,但由于这一争端轻易就破裂了。

30、Went up license plate leaves come home all the way, seen person always is pointing to plate snicker. 2 people indissoluble, consult a friend. ─── 上了牌照开回家的一路上,见到的人总是指着车牌窃笑。二人不解,请教一位朋友。

31、His bride to whom he has united himself in an everlasting, indissoluble bond. ─── 这已经与他联合的新妇将与他有着永远、不可分割的连接。

32、Modern Olympic Movement forges the indissoluble bound with masses' media from its emerging and its development relies on the operation of masses' media. ─── 摘要现代奥林匹克运动从诞生的第一天起,便与大众传媒结下了不解之缘,其发展倚重于大众传媒的运作。

33、an indissoluble contract; an indissoluble union. ─── 一份不能撤消的合同;一个牢不可破的联盟

34、The indissoluble calcium sulfite can be removed from the circulating water after precipitation separation and dissolvable sodium hydroxide can be recycled. ─── 含亚硫酸钠的脱硫循环水与投加的氢氧化钙反应生成氢氧化钠和亚硫酸钙。

35、Our short-lived connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. ─── 我们在世界上只是暂时栖身,却一厢情愿、痴心妄想地竟把它当作长久不变的结合,好像没有冷漠、争吵、离别的蜜月。

36、The indissoluble calcium sulfite can be removed from the circulating water by the way of precipitated separation and dissolvable sodium hydroxide can be recycled. ─── 通过沉淀分离可将难溶的亚硫酸钙从循环水中清除,氢氧化钠易溶于水可循环使用,脱硫过程只消耗氢氧化钙。

37、an indissoluble agreement ─── 长久有效的协定

38、It can pre-treat water, there is filter net which has been magnetized in water entrance (Patent No.: 20042000913030), it can purify water by absorbing indissoluble and scrap iron in water. ─── 对入水进行预处理,在入水口处安装磁化过滤网(专利号:2004200913030)将水中不溶物及铁沫吸出净化了水质。

39、After getting goods, foliaceous gentleman goes up to hard disk label an apple brand feels black-and-white very indissoluble. ─── 收到货物后,叶先生对硬盘标签上印刷的一个苹果商标感到十分不解。

40、The practice of Intel is fresh and let us indissoluble. ─── 英特尔的做法是新鲜而又让我们不解的。

41、The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble. ─── 天主教会认为婚姻关系是不容解除的。

42、From then on human beings have developed an indissoluble bond with this material. ─── 从然后在人类身上已经用这材料发展一个不能溶解的束缚。

43、Later, Using modified Pallo method to separate HM involves Humin linked to iron (HMi), Humin linked to clay(HMc), Humin indissoluble (HMr). ─── 采用Pallo修改法对所得的HM分组,组分包括铁结合胡敏素(HMi)、粘粒结合胡敏素(HMc)和不溶性胡敏素(HMr)。

44、Masson pine pollen is a kind of nourishing food resource,in which there are more than 3O% indissoluble component of fibre and lignin . ─── 松花粉是一种营养十分丰富的天然资源,但其中也含有总量达30%以上的纤维素、木质素等不溶性成分。

45、3. Relied on this piece, Liu Xiaoqing has won the hundred flowers movie queen 's title, but she and Xie Jin also had the indissoluble bond. ─── 凭借该片,刘晓庆赢得了百花影后的头衔,而她和谢晋也结下了不解之缘。

46、Basic Indissoluble Information ─── 基本不可分解信息

47、”88 Murray notes that this principle establishes an “indissoluble connection between the moral and the juridical orders. ─── [88]默里认为,这一原则构成了“道德和法律秩序之间的不可分离的联系”。

48、Oxide phase and indissoluble phase does not easily react after they deposited, and has little effect to environment. ─── 不论地壳来源还是人为来源的元素,只是其中一部分对生态环境产生影响。

49、His weather-beaten face was markedly engraved with his indissoluble bond with the sea latent with an extraordinary past. ─── 他朝鸟群开了一枪,鸟儿全飞跑了。

50、The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble. ─── 天主教会认为婚姻关系是不容解除的.

51、The reason that the knot left the matutinal network that is born at the same time with course of study of new China negotiable securities and negotiable securities informatization to indissoluble. ─── 和新中国证券业同时诞生的黎明网络与证券信息化结下了不解之缘。

52、DARBY: who has been constituted not according to law of fleshly commandment, but according to power of indissoluble life. ─── 他成为祭司,并不是照属肉体的条例,乃是照无穷(原文作不能毁坏)之生命的大能。

53、An indissoluble contract;an indissoluble union. ─── 一份不能撤消的合同;一个牢不可破的联盟

54、He is very angry indissoluble, postscript hill ford comes to happy emissary before, complain emissary cheats him, happy emissary smiles, let him look there another youth only. ─── 他十分生气不解,又跋山涉水来到幸福使者面前,抱怨使者骗他,幸福使者笑而不答,只让他到另一青年那里看看。

55、Refreshing acidity and pleasing scent make the sparking wine comparatively balanceable. It tastes abundant, the alveoli is indissoluble and delicate. ─── 特色:爽口的酸度、怡人的果香构成了本款气泡酒相当平衡的酒体,口感圆润丰美,气泡持久细腻。

56、Chancing upon Yehliu in the early fall of 1982, he was deeply moved by its myriad forms, forging an indissoluble link with rock that would last at least a decade. ─── 一九八二年初秋,在一次机缘下,他深受野柳平台万千变化形貌所感动,从此与岩石结下十年不解之缘。

57、A lot of people are in only idea is clear just go toilet, have even indissoluble, aux would rather hold back is worn, such is opposite health is very adverse. ─── 平时不喝水,口渴时才饮水的人相当多,尤其是青少年和大忙人。他们不了解口渴是体内缺水的反应,这时再补充水分为时已晚。

58、indissoluble contract ─── 不能撤销的合同

59、indissoluble friendship ─── 永恒的友谊

60、In Wales a marriage only became indissoluble, or rather it only ceased to be terminable by notification, after seven years had elapsed. ─── 在威尔士,婚姻只有满了七年之后才不能解除,或者更确切些说,才不能取消。

61、Not understand of is why human life, total indissoluble your appearance; ─── 不明白的是为何人世间,总不能溶解你的样子;

62、indissoluble bonds of friendship between the two men ─── 这两个人之间牢不可破的友谊

63、Now, the idea which is the basis of all desires and passions in a man is the conviction of his indissoluble association with a male body. ─── 现在,这种想法是以人的所有激情和欲望为基础,让人确信他与一个男性身体有不能分解的连结。

64、But, these controller express to not be willing to disclose a full name external however when accepting a reporter to interview, this makes a reporter special indissoluble. ─── 但是,这些负责人在接受记者采访时却都表示不愿意对外透露姓名,这让记者非常不解。

65、Keywords glauberite;alkali liquor;indissoluble salt; ─── 钙芒硝;碱性溶液;难溶性盐;

66、This meaning consists in the indissoluble tension between the human finitude and his idea of Perfection and All (the Transcendence). ─── 这一意义体现于人的有限性和其完美与大全的理念(超越性)之间无法消解的张力。

67、Abstract: This paper introduces a simple way to test indissoluble working of the press machine and kiln, and gives examples to test the way. ─── 摘要: 本文设计了一检验压机、窑炉工作稳定性的简易方法,并通过实例论证了这种方法的可实施性。

68、Moreover, the paper also probed the “artificialness” and “double-side” of her works by combining the indissoluble bond with classic literature since her childhood and the art world introduced by it. ─── 另外,从圆地从小与古典结下的不解之缘及由其引入的古典的艺术世界来看圆地文学的“人工性”和“两面性”。

69、while Calligraphy, deep and indissoluble bound with music, best manifests the aesthetic spirit of Chinese Nation. ─── 书法是最能体现中华民族审美精神的艺术,它与音乐也有着不解之缘。

70、Our short-lives connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union—a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. ─── 我们一厢情愿,痴心妄想,竟把自己在世上的暂时栖身,当作千古不变、万事长存的结合,好像没有冷淡、争执、离别的蜜月。

71、Indissoluble as a result of consider carefully among them, fatigue tired is excessive, scathing heart is lienal and those who come on is more. ─── 其中由于思虑不解,劳倦过度,损伤心脾而发病的较多。

72、His bride to whom he has united himself in an everlasting, indissoluble bond. ─── 这已经与他联合的新妇将与他有着永远、不可分割的连接。

73、The highest glory of the American Revolution was this; it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. ─── 最高的荣耀,美洲革命是这样;它连接,在其中一个不解之缘,原则的文官政府的原则基督教。

74、since there is no truth more thoroughly established than that there exists in the economy and course of nature an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; ─── 因为根据自然界的构成和发展趋势,在美德与幸福之间,有着密不可分的统一;

75、Accordingly, to the prosecution of orange hotel Gelinhaotai expresses special indissoluble and astonish. ─── 因此,对于桔子酒店的起诉格林豪泰表示非常不解以及震惊。

76、After his arrival in Shanghai in 1927, he entered an indissoluble bond with the labouring masses. ─── 他1927年抵达上海后,就与劳苦大众结下了不解之缘,六十苍黄,与中国人民风雨同舟、祸福与共。

77、"Since its inception, NASDAQ has formed an indissoluble Bond with high-tech companies like Intel" ─── 纳斯达克,从建立之初就同英特尔等高技术公司结下了不解之缘。

78、The Experimental Research on the Dissolution Characteristics of Indissoluble Glauberite in Alkali Liquor ─── 难溶性盐钙芒硝在碱液中溶解特性的实验研究

79、"The beautiful plant has forged an indissoluble bond with man's cultural life. ─── 竹子与人类的文化生活结下了不解之缘。

80、Since shortly after the election of the accounting and control of the indissoluble bond one of the accounting functions of the control. ─── 会计自从产生后不久就和制约结下了不解之缘。会计职能之一就是制约。

81、an indissoluble friendship ─── 稳固持久的友谊

82、Our short-lives connection with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting uniona honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar. nor separation. ─── 这在当时大多数计算机的体积还和冰箱一样庞大的时代,或许是有点过于乐观了。

83、It and " oneself itch feeling " differs, former scratch forcibly catch also indissoluble urticant, latter chafes gently or scratch catch can stop urticant. ─── 它和"自家痒感"不同,前者用力搔抓也不解痒,后者轻轻摩擦或搔抓就可以止痒。

84、Yu Qingcheng had a frustrated childhood and youth time,which offered him an indissoluble bond with clay. ─── 坎坷辛酸的童年和青年时代使他与泥土结下了不解之缘。

85、From then on, through the entire 20th century, gender female-hero assignment had indissoluble bond with the Chinese females. ─── 自此以后,直至整个20世纪,社会性别女性英雄指认都与中国女性有着不解之缘。

86、Edgar Snow-the world famous reporter writer, not only has the indissoluble bond with the revolutionized China, but also has the close relationship with the modern Chinese literature. ─── 世界著名记者、家埃德加.斯诺不仅与中国革命结下了不解之缘,而且也与中国现代文学有着密切的关系。

87、The chemical reaction happens when the solution of water soluble resin is filled into formation and generates water indissoluble material. The material will shut off the water channel. ─── 将水溶性树脂脂溶液注入到油层中,溶液发生反应,生成不溶于水的物质,堵塞水流通道,从而达到堵水的目的。

88、Mathematics is an organism for whose vital strength the indissoluble union of the parts is a necessary condition ─── 数学是一个有机体,它的生命力的一个必要条件是所有各部分的不可分离的结合。

89、But, I right now spend very long period of time to crouch in the doorway to wear shoe, because I take off shoe,indissoluble bootlace, the nature when the result is put on wants floriferous a time. ─── 可是,此时的我却要花很长一段时间蹲在门口穿鞋子,因为我脱鞋子从来都不解鞋带,结果穿上时自然要多花一番工夫。

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