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09-14 投稿



intoxicates 发音

英:[ɪnˈtɒksɪkeɪts]  美:[ɪnˈtɑːksɪkeɪts]

英:  美:

intoxicates 中文意思翻译



intoxicates 同义词

tight | tipsy | touched | tiddly | affected | wrecked |drunk | merry | under the influence | impassioned | woozy | legless | squiffy | excited | befuddled | inebriated

intoxicates 词性/词形变化,intoxicates变形

副词: intoxicatingly |动词第三人称单数: intoxicates |动词过去分词: intoxicated |动词现在分词: intoxicating |名词: intoxication |形容词: intoxicative |动词过去式: intoxicated |

intoxicates 反义词


intoxicates 相似词语短语

1、intoxicants ─── n.致醉物;adj.可致醉的

2、intoxicator ─── 醉人的

3、intoxications ─── n.[内科]中毒;陶醉;喝醉

4、disintoxicates ─── v.为…解酒;解毒

5、intoxicate ─── v.(酒或毒品)(使)麻醉;(使)中毒;(使)兴奋;adj.喝醉的;陶醉的

6、intoxicatedly ─── 陶醉

7、detoxicates ─── v.为(病人)解毒

8、intoxicated ─── adj.喝醉的;极度兴奋的;v.沉醉;中毒(intoxicate的过去分词)

9、intexticated ─── adj.开车时专注于收发短信的,开车时因收发短信而分心的

intoxicates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、prospect of success intoxicates me. ─── 成功的前景令我陶醉。

2、This typical local dish which has a special strong taste intoxicates people. ─── 这个风味菜有一种强烈的特殊口味,令人陶醉。

3、8. assorted flower perfume with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance intoxicates you. ─── 百花香水,香气淡雅清郁,令您陶醉。

4、The dream excites, even intoxicates us. ─── 这种梦想使我们兴奋甚至陶醉。

5、Jiuzhai is the heaven in everyone's eyes. But what intoxicates me most is its amazing blue. ─── 人人说九寨是天堂,而我却沉醉于它的那一片蓝。

6、It's not the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who himself gets drunk. ─── 如果有一天.我们相见了.不管是谁.都让那一天过得美美的.哈哈.

7、We're wired to experience euphoria when we belong to a band of people championing common values. It literally intoxicates us. ─── 当属于拥护共同价值的一群人时注定要体验到安乐,毫不夸张地说他们被灌醉。

8、The dream excites, even intoxicates us. ─── 这种梦想使我们兴奋甚至陶醉。

9、The yoke of censure is an irksome one, but it prepares a man for future honor.He is not fit to be a leader who has not run the gauntlet of contempt.Praise intoxicates if it be not preceded by abuse. ─── 遭人攻讦是很受伤的感觉,但这是预备承受将来的荣耀,因为一个人若备受关怀与宠爱,未曾听过一句重话,他怎能当领袖?因为在上位者难免会被人指责挨骂!

10、so intoxicates my mind that people take me to be drunk! ─── 头脑变得如此醉人,人们也沉溺于陶醉!

11、Lonely - together We've forgotten how to search each other Habit blurs the vision Lethargy suffocates the senses Pride intoxicates the mind And the nearness drives apart ─── 寂寞的两个人我们已遗忘了如何寻找到彼此习惯模糊了视线缺乏生气让感觉窒息心智沈迷在自傲之中愈是靠近就让彼此分得愈远

12、It is not wine that intoxicates people, they intoxicate themselves, neither do women Beguile men, men Beguile themselves ─── 酒不醉人人自醉;色不迷人人自迷

13、Something that intoxicates or exhilarates. ─── 使人陶醉或兴奋的东西

14、Intox focus on brand design &communications. it's one of the most creative and reputably design company in Shenzhen. ─── 作为一个为品牌而建的平台,英途联盟以市场为核心,为企业提供品牌设计与品牌传播服务,协助并伴随企业品牌的可持续性发展。

15、2.It is surrounded by verdant trees on the lakeside and intoxicates tens of thousands of people in its arms with their wonderful charm and its radiant and enchanting scenery in lake water. ─── 它四周树木茂盛,苍翠欲滴,以奇妙幽绝的风韵,秀丽明媚的湖光水色,使众多游人沉醉。

16、An agent that intoxicates, especially an alcoholic beverage. ─── 致醉药物使人麻醉的药剂,特指酒类饮料

17、You are stream of water,the stream in the clear brook,flowing cheerfully and laughingly into my heart, where it turns into wine and intoxicates me. ─── 你是水,你是清溪里的水,乐悠悠地流,笑盈盈地流,流到我的心田成了酒。我的心顿时醉了!

18、26/12/2009 - [Info ou Intox] Un exploit disponible dans le firmware 6.20 ? ─── 26/12/2009 - [信息或恶作剧]一个利用可在固件6.20?

19、With his pineal eye he sees his silhouette projected on a screen of incommensurable size.His voice, synchronized to the shadow of a pinhead, intoxicates him. ─── 透过松球状的眼睛,他看到本人的侧面轮廓投影在一幅无法计量的幕布上,他的声音使他陶醉,因该它尖细得如间唯一针头一般。

20、You're like a glass of sweet wine which intoxicates both the sun and the moon; ─── 丁:你像一杯甘甜的美酒,醉了太阳罪了月亮。

21、We're wired to experience euphoria when we belong to a band of people championing common values.It literally intoxicates us. ─── 当属于拥护共同价值的一群人时注定要体验到安乐,毫不夸张地说他们被灌醉。

22、Too much wine intoxicates people. ─── 饮酒过量使人醉。

23、It is not the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who gets himself drunk. ─── 酒不醉人人自醉。

24、assorted flower perfume with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance intoxicates you. ─── 百花香水,香气淡雅清郁,令您陶醉。

25、D intox digitalis intoxication ─── 洋地黄中毒

26、It is no the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who gets himself drunk. ─── 例2:人到醉时方觉醒,醒时难得醉时清。

27、The prospect of success intoxicates me. ─── 成功的前景令我陶醉。

28、Latin dance arouses your enthusiasm, makes you full of vitality,releases your pressure, intoxicates. ─── 拉丁舞燃情-点燃你的激情、燃烧你的活力、释放你的压力、陶醉你的心情。

29、D intox ─── (=digitalis intoxication) 洋地黄中毒

30、Liquor does not intoxicate;one intoxicates oneself.Lust does not blind;one blinds oneself.This morning we met by fate.Tomorrow you go east and I head west. ─── 酒不醉人人自醉色不迷人人自迷今朝有缘来相会明日你东我向西。

31、22/12/2009 - [Info ou Intox] DATEL annonce un action replay compatible ... ─── 22/12/2009 - [信息或恶作剧]达特尔宣布动作回放兼容...

32、The poem is: “a drinking family intoxicates a thousand ones, an altar of liquor opened scents in a thousand miles. ─── 被誉为“一家饮酒千家醉,一户开坛千里香”的好酒。

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