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redoubled 发音

英:[ˌriːˈdʌbld]  美:[ˌriːˈdʌbld]

英:  美:

redoubled 中文意思翻译




redoubled 词性/词形变化,redoubled变形

动词过去分词: redoubled |动词第三人称单数: redoubles |动词过去式: redoubled |动词现在分词: redoubling |

redoubled 短语词组

1、redoubled efforts ─── 加倍努力

2、redoubled my efforts ─── 加倍努力

redoubled 相似词语短语

1、doubled ─── v.两倍;加倍努力;快步走(double的过去式和过去分词)

2、bedabbled ─── vt.泼湿

3、undoubled ─── adj.不再对折的;展开的;不再握紧的;vt.使不再成双(undouble的过去分词)

4、redoubler ─── 加倍

5、redouble ─── vt.再加倍;把…再折叠;循著…折回;vi.加倍;回响;急速折回;n.再加倍

6、redounded ─── v.有助于,提高,改进(印象,声誉);产生反作用,报应;增添,累积,上升

7、redoubling ─── v.使成四倍;再折叠(redouble的ing形式);n.再加倍;再折叠

8、redoubles ─── vt.再加倍;把…再折叠;循著…折回;vi.加倍;回响;急速折回;n.再加倍

9、redoublers ─── 加倍者

redoubled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hurstwood thought he saw a shade of compliance in this. He redoubled his ardour. ─── 这时,赫斯渥觉得自己看见了一线希望,她可能会同意这个建议,便加倍地表现他的热忱。

2、Once they returned to their bases, the training intensity was redoubled. ─── 一旦他们返回基地,就要做双倍的训练。

3、redoubled strength/enthusiasm ─── 倍增的力量/激情

4、The campaign has redoubled its efforts to win the backing of women. ─── 该活动已经加大努力,以赢取女性选民支持。

5、She redoubled her efforts again and soon overtook him. ─── 她加把劲儿,一下子又超过他。

6、In the new millennium, the issue of development has caught redoubled attention from various countries in the world. ─── 在新的千年,发展问题备受世界各国的重视。

7、The enemy redoubled their screaming on the radio. ─── 敌人在收音机上加倍地狂嚣。

8、We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two. ─── 我们加倍努力,每一个人就像干两个人的活。

9、The army redoubled its attack. ─── 军队进一步加强了攻势。

10、He redoubled his footsteps and found his lost book. ─── 他循着自己的脚印往回走,终于找到了遗失的书。

11、The Destroids had redoubled their efforts to hold out and, in a few places, had even retaken a little ground. ─── 歼击机器人部队付出了双份努力坚守阵地,有些地方它们还重新夺回了一点地方。

12、we faced redoubled attacks from the enemy; despite our redoubled efforts. ─── 我们面对着敌人加强的攻势;尽管我们做出了加倍的努力。

13、The noise redoubled, and sleep was out of the question. ─── 吵闹声更大了,睡觉是不可能的了。

14、Since he came to office last September, Mr Abe has redoubled Mr Koizumi's commitment to Japan's alliance with the United States, but wants to do more than just shelter under America's wing. ─── 自去年九月上任以来,安倍继续加倍投入小泉所投身日美同盟,然而他所追求的不仅仅是受到美国的保护。

15、Sum up achievement with redoubled confidence, look forward to the future and the target is clear and definite ─── 总结成绩信心倍增展望未来目标明确

16、While price factors in the sale of products still play a very important role, but the performance of the health of the consumer products concern has begun doubled and redoubled. ─── 虽然产品的价格因素在销售中仍能起到非常重要的作用,但关注产品健康性能的消费者已经开始成倍地增长。

17、He planned with redoubled care. ─── 他非常认真地做出了计划。

18、hence a redoubled anxiety around that silence whence a catastrophe was on the point of emerging. ─── 因此,在这即将出现一场灾难的沉寂中,存在着一种有增无已的焦急情绪。

19、I accepted his apology instead of lopping off his head, and he redoubled his efforts at perfecting our service, going above and beyond. ─── 我没有拧下他的脑袋,而是接受了他的道歉。而他则加倍努力超标准地、出色地完成了任务。

20、But as soon as it was finished, the buzz was redoubled through all the drawing-rooms; ─── 但婚约一读完,那几间客厅里便更加喧闹起来;

21、The police redoubled their efforts to find the missing child. ─── 警察加倍努力去寻找失踪的孩子。

22、The agitation for adjusted compensation redoubled ─── 争取适应补助金的骚动成倍增长。

23、They redoubled their efforts. ─── 他们更加努力。

24、Mr Kim merely redoubled his nuclear efforts, exploding a device inside a mountain in October 2006, despite a 2005 agreement to denuclearise. ─── 作为回应,金正日加倍推进核武器项目,不顾2005年去核化的协定,于2006年10月进行了地下核试验。

25、When stepping into the gate of our hotel, you will be greeted by refined environments, warm lights and will be feeling redoubled relaxed and comfortable. ─── 一进酒家的大门,高雅的环境,温馨的灯光,让人倍感轻松和舒适。

26、make unremitting efforts; make sustained and redoubled efforts ─── 再接再厉

27、Let us remember especially those churches that are in the process of seeking building permits and expansion.We pray for their redoubled effort in outreach and winning favor of local officials. ─── 我们为中国教会急需加倍力气传扬福音及切切仰望神施恩使教会能赢得地方官员的信赖来代祷。

28、with redoubled confidence ─── 信心倍增

29、Dogs can give us plentiful pleasure and great enjoyment in spirit. Therefore, please treat every dog well. Because every effort you make will be redoubled by dogs. ─── 狗能带给人乐趣,带给人精神上的享受。所以请善待身边的每一条狗,因为你所有的付出,狗狗都会加倍的偿还给你。

30、Beyond Iraq, a redoubled effort to build a viable Palestinian government that can eventually reach a settlement with Israel would undercut another source of anti-Americanism and Islamic radicalism. ─── 在伊拉克以外,我们要加倍努力地去建立一个能站得住脚跟的巴勒斯坦政府。

31、As the government has claimed, there is unusual public support for the army's redoubled efforts against the Taliban. ─── 正如巴基斯坦政府所言,公众对于巴军加倍打击塔利班武装分子表示出很大的支持。

32、The mirth redoubled. ─── 大家听了更是乐不可支。

33、Their zeal redoubled. ─── 他们的热情更高了。

34、and my happiness at your escape from the danger that threatened you is redoubled by the consciousness that I have been the unwilling and the unintentional cause of all the peril you have incurred. ─── 我认识的,现在对于您能脱险我的确更觉得高兴了,我想不到您这次遭险竟是我无意中造成的。

35、Efforts have been redoubled to make the People's Liberation Army more revolutionary, modernized and regularized. Our national defense capabilities and the army's defense and combat effectiveness have further improved. ─── 人民解放军的革命化现代化正规化建设继续加强,国防实力和军队防卫作战能力进一步提高。

36、Reforms of the science, technology and education systems were deepened, and efforts were redoubled to promote their integration with economic and social development. ─── 全面深化科技、教育体制改革,积极推进科技教育与经济社会发展紧密结合。

37、Since 2002, City of Hangzhou has redoubled vigorous efforts to protect the integrity of the West Lake in a bid “to preserve the West Lake, to declare it a World Heritage site”. ─── 2002年以来,杭州市围绕“保护西湖、申报世遗”的目标,连续实施西湖综合保护工程。

38、The fox redoubled on its trail to escape the hunters. ─── 为了逃避猎人的追捕,狐狸循原路折回。

39、The doctor redoubled his vigilance, as the calm might hide a snare. ─── 博士加倍警惕,因为很可能在这静寂当中暗藏着什么埋伏

40、Each shattering report he receives with redoubled life-zest. ─── 每一震惊的消息,他都是以双倍的生命热情聆

41、Keeping an eye out for novel diseases is sensible even when such diseases are natural. Monitoring needs to be redoubled and co-ordinated. ─── 留心新疾病的产生,即便这种疾病出于自然,也要加强和协调对此的监控。

42、Cosette, who only understood in a very confused manner, redoubled her caresses, as though she desired to pay Marius' debt. ─── 珂赛特模糊地懂得了一点,她加倍亲热,好象要替马吕斯赎罪。

43、When Napoleon came out of the tent the shouts of the Guards before his son's portrait were redoubled. ─── 当拿破仑走出帐篷时,近卫军人在他儿子画像前的喊声更起劲了,拿破仑皱起了眉头。

44、The new kind of mosquitocide with redoubled effect is available at the previous price. ─── 新一代驱蚊剂,价格不变,功效倍增。

45、He redoubled his efforts and swam as hard as he could toward the white rock. ─── 他用加倍出力用劲儿,拼命朝白色的礁石游去。

46、Only you redoubled your effort that you can catch up with the top student in your class. ─── 你要加倍努力才能赶上你们班里的尖子生。

47、redouBled soft fragrance ─── 温馨倍至

48、He redoubled his pace. ─── 他加快脚步走了。

49、The State Council called for redoubled efforts to protect water sources and renovate outdated water facilities in the cities. ─── 国家委员会呼吁要加倍努力来保护水资源和更新过旧的水利设备。

50、1.The meeting issued a call for redoubled efforts to push production to a new high. ─── 会议发出号召,要加倍努力,把生产提到新水平。

51、Spurred by the cheers of the crowd, I redoubled my efforts and squinted intensely at the billowing figure in the refracted air. ─── 受到人群的欢呼、鼓励,我更加努力,紧张地斜视着折射气流中那个波浪形的人影。

52、redoubled comfort ─── 倍感舒适

53、I accepted his apology instead of lopping off his head, and he redoubled his efforts at perfecting our service, going above and beyond. ─── 我没有拧下他的脑袋,而是接受了他的道歉。而他则加倍努力超标准地、出色地完成了任务。

54、Each shattering report he receives with redoubled life-zest ─── 每一震惊的消息,他都是以双倍的生命热情聆取。

55、If it survives, the market's misplaced faith is redoubled. ─── 如果经济真的繁荣起来,对整个市场已经扭曲的信心就会倍增。

56、The most perfect tranquillity was restored, and the vigilance of the custom-house officers was redoubled, and their strictness was increased at this time, in consequence of the fair at Beaucaire. ─── 社会秩序已完全重新建立起来了,海关关员的警戒已加强了好几倍,布揆耳的集市又刚刚开始,所以他们这时看管得极为严格。

57、redoubled effect ─── 功效倍增

58、The output of the factory has doubled and redoubled. ─── 该厂产量成倍增长。

59、Redoubled caution became necessary. ─── 必须格外谨慎。

60、They have redoubled their efforts to smoke out the President on the issues. ─── 他们已经作了加倍努力,想让总统谈出对这些问题的看法。

61、In Chongqing,on repeated occasions when united front endangered by the GMD Right,zhou Enlai worked with redoubled energy. ─── 在重庆,当抗日统一战线屡次遭到国民党右派的严重破坏时,周恩来常常夜以继日地工作。

62、We redoubled our efforts to improve the Party's work style, build a clean government and fight corruption and achieved success by stages ─── 党风廉政建设和反腐斗争的力度加大,取得阶段性成果

63、Compulsory stainless or decomposable meal boxes on passenger trains, along with redoubled recycling efforts in past years, have produced substantial change. ─── 他表示,塑料袋收费之后,商家应鼓励市民多次重复使用塑料袋,而不是试图回收塑料袋。

64、9 They were all trying to frighten us, thinking,"Their hands will slacken in the work, and it will never be completed." But instead, I now redoubled my efforts. ─── 其实,他们是企图恐吓我们,心想:“如此他们必放弃那工程,不在工作下去。”但我的力量更坚强了。

65、Efforts have been redoubled to make the People's Liberation Army more revolutionary,modernized and regularized. Our national defense capabilities and the army's defense and combat effectiveness have further improved. ─── 人民解放军的革命化现代化正规化建设继续加强,国防实力和军队防卫作战能力进一步提高。

66、Villefort's astonishment redoubled at this second thrust so forcibly made by his strange adversary. ─── 这个陌生的敌手所作的第二次进攻如此猛烈,以致维尔福不禁又增加了一份惊异。

67、The applause redoubled. ─── 喝彩声越发震耳。

68、But again, with an unwillingness to surrender to my circumstances, I redoubled my efforts and before long made several good friends. ─── 再一次,为了不向困难妥协,我加倍努力的练习并在不久后交到了几个好朋友。

69、In recent years in particular, China has redoubled its efforts to expand domestic demand and imports,and it has managed to maintain the momentum of a sustained, rapid and sound economic development. ─── 近年来,中国积极扩大内需,增加进口,保持了经济持续快速健康发展的势头。

70、When we have redoubled the GNP in real terms, thepeople will see that our country and our socialist cause are flourishing. ─── 如果再翻一番,没有水分的翻一番,那时候人民就 会看 到我们的国家、我们的社会主义事业是兴旺发达的。

71、Cosette, who only understood in a very confused manner, redoubled her caresses, as though she desired to pay Marius' debt. ─── 珂赛特模糊地懂得了一点,她加倍亲热,好象要替马吕斯赎罪。

72、When we have redoubled the GNP in real terms, the people will see that our country and our socialist cause are flourishing. ─── 如果再翻一番,没有水分的翻一番,那时候人民就会看到我们的国家、我们的社会主义事业是兴旺发达的。

73、First, we redoubled our efforts to protect and improve the ecological environment. ─── 一是加大生态环境保护和建设力度。

74、However, he redoubled his severity, and had never been more exemplary. ─── 然而,他变得加倍严肃起来,再没有比他更可以作为典范的了。

75、Churchill now redoubled his pleading, but his voice was no longer heard in Washington. ─── 邱吉尔再次提出要求,但华盛顿不再听取他的意见。

76、Achievement can only show the past .we will make redoubled effort .Global Mining will join hands with friends worldwide in making a bright future in higherspirits! ─── 成绩只代表过去,我们将再接再励,以更好的精神面貌与五大州的朋友共创更好的明天!

77、Matched has been good, might the redoubled effect; Matching mistakenly, will then reduce the nutrition the absorption, serious will also cause the toxicant response. ─── 搭配好了,可以功效倍增;搭配错了,则会降低营养的吸收,严重的还会引起中毒反应。

78、2. Her zeal redoubled. ─── 她的热情倍增。

79、Hearing the director rs speech, the workers rs drive redoubled. ─── 听了厂长的讲话,职工的精神倍增。

80、We redoubled our efforts. ─── 我们加倍努力。

81、Over the weekend, however, two developing country camps then redoubled their opposition. ─── 然而就在周末,两个发展中国家放大了他们的反对呼声。

82、When Napoleon came out of the tent the shouts of the Guards before his son's portrait were redoubled. ─── 当拿破仑走出帐篷时,近卫军人在他儿子画像前的喊声更起劲了,拿破仑皱起了眉头。

83、" But Eponine did not release her hold, and redoubled her caresses. ─── 但是爱潘妮不松手,反而抱得更紧。

84、The output value of pefrochemicals of our province is 150 billion yuan in 2002 and will be redoubled in the year of 2010. ─── 我省石油和化学工业2002年产值1500亿元,至2010年发展显著,产值将成倍增长。

85、But as soon as it was finished, the buzz was redoubled through all the drawing-rooms ─── 但婚约一读完,那几间客厅里便更加喧闹起来

86、Output has doubled and redoubled. ─── 产量成倍增长。

87、An enrolment has doubled and redoubled year by year.The school has established the reliable net of employment in the whole country.The rate of employment is 100% in recently years. ─── 招生人数逐年增长,在全国建立了切实可靠的就业安置网络,毕业生安置率近年来始终保持100% 。

88、He fancied that every wave behind him was a pursuing boat, and he redoubled his exertions, increasing rapidly his distance from the Chateau, but exhausting his strength. ─── 每一个较高的浪头都象是一只来追赶他的小船,于是他就使足了劲拉开了他和小船之间的距离,但这样反复做了几次以后,他的体力便消耗得很厉害。

89、We redoubled our efforts [zeal]. ─── 我们加倍努力[倍增热忱]。


如虎添翼 rú hǔ tiān yì 注释 好象老虎长上了翅膀。

比喻强有力的人得到帮助变得更加强有力。出处 三国·蜀·诸葛亮《心书·兵机》:“将能执兵之权,操兵之势,而临群下,臂如猛虎加之羽翼,而翱翔四海。” 举例 因为匪徒们深知,这两件东西一掌握在姜青山手里,就~,再多的人也奈何不了他。(曲波《林海雪原》二七) 近义词 锦上添花 反义词 雪上加霜 谜语 彪 用法 动宾式;作谓语、宾语、分句;含褒义 英文翻译 with might redoubled



rú hǔ tiān yì















with might redoubled

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