bonfire 发音
英:[ˈbɑːnfaɪər] 美:[ˈbɒnfaɪə(r)]
英: 美:
bonfire 中文意思翻译
bonfire 词性/词形变化,bonfire变形
bonfire 短语词组
1、Bonfire Night ( ─── 英)篝火之夜(11月5日)
2、bonfire lit ─── 篝火点燃
3、bonfire etymology ─── 篝火词源
4、bonfire of destiny ─── 命运之火
5、make a bonfire of... ─── 烧掉...
6、bonfire heart ─── 篝火之心
7、bonfire forsaken lands ─── 篝火荒芜之地
8、bonfire childish gambino ─── 篝火童趣甘比诺
9、bonfire lyrics ─── 篝火歌词
10、bonfire night uk ─── 篝火之夜英国
bonfire 相似词语短语
1、bonfires ─── n.篝火;营火(bonfire的复数)
2、enfire ─── 地狱
3、confirm ─── vt.确认;确定;证实;批准;使巩固
4、bonxie ─── n.大贼鸥
5、gunfire ─── n.炮火;炮火声
6、on fire ─── adv.着火;起火;在兴头上;非常激动
7、foxfire ─── n.狐火
8、bonnie ─── adj.漂亮的;(婴儿)胖乎乎的;相当大的(等于bonny);adv.愉快地(等于bonny);n.宝贝(等于bonny);n.(Bonnie)(英、匈)伯尼(人名)
9、pinfire ─── 针发式子弹
bonfire 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Bonfire of awe in which my thirst was burning ─── 敬畏的篝火,我的渴望在燃烧
2、make a bonfire of ─── vt. 烧掉(烧毁)
3、At night, you can sit in yurtsFree tours of the Matou Qin singing, you can also visit the Mongolian traditional bonfire evening entertainment. ─── 在夜晚,还可以坐在蒙古包里欣赏悠扬的马头琴歌声,还可以亲临蒙古族传统娱乐篝火晚会。
4、"Guozhuang" (Tibetan Bonfire Dance) ─── “锅庄”舞
5、The sock bonfire, he said, is a way of remembering Annapolis' bygone days of working-class watermen who brought in crabs in the summer and scraped the paint off wooden vessels in the winter. ─── 他说,袜子篝火是纪念安纳波利斯船工们旧日生活的一种方式。过去,船工们夏天出海打回螃蟹,冬天就在木船上把船体上的漆一点点的刮下来。
6、Absence ex rxem tinguishes small passions and increases great ones, as the wind blows out a ca 955177 le,and fans a bonfire. ─── 匮乏压抑了人的一些小欲望而强化了重大的欲望,就如风吹灭蜡烛而煽旺篝火。
7、A bright bonfire was built at camp. ─── 宿营地上燃起熊熊的篝火。
8、Did you know about the background of the Bonfire Night celebrations? ─── 你知道焰火之夜的背景吗?
9、Each one had chosen his share of the entertainments -- some the bonfire,some the may-pole,others the Mystery. ─── 人人早已心中有个谱,有的去观看焰火,有的去观看种植五月树,有的去观看圣迹剧。
10、Capping a week of fireworks and festivities in honor of Saint Joseph, a bonfire engulfs satirical sculptures in this city in eastern Spain. ─── 在这个位于西班牙东部的城市里有超过一个星期为纪念圣约瑟夫的烟火和庆祝活动,一团篝火吞噬了这些具讽刺意味的雕塑。
11、The tripod burner originates from the shape of firewood in a bonfire, with the logs leaning against each other. ─── 三脚架式的火炉起源于篝火中交错而放的圆木形状。
12、They throw all kinds of old books, great old books, onto the bonfire. ─── 他们把各种各样的旧书,珍贵的古籍,扔到篝火上。
13、experience flagrant bonfire and lightly dance with exoticism; ─── 可以感受到篝火熊熊、舞姿翩翩的异域风情;
14、You can also lit a bonfire in the moonlight , set up an iron to make a barbecue buffet, knees and sit with your friends, give vent to your feelings to each other. ─── 你也可以在皎洁的月光下燃起一堆篝火,架起一根铁杆,来个自助烧烤,与好友屈膝而坐,互吐心声。
15、When you write, you light a bonfire in the spirit world. It is dark there. ─── 当你写作时,你点燃了一簇精神世界的篝火。那里很黑。
16、During the festival, there are many festive activities such as wrestling, tug-of-war, dancing around a bonfire, spear throwing and arrow-shooting on horseback. ─── 在节日期间有许多节日活动:如摔跤、拔河、围着火堆跳舞、扔长矛以及骑马射箭等。
17、All the bonfire and lights, one hand in order to frighten away the ghost, but also for the ghost light line, to guide their return. ─── 所有篝火及灯火,一来为了吓走鬼魂,同时也为鬼魂照亮路线,引导其回归。
18、them a great deal of money they'd make a bonfire of his house; so he gave them all he had and all he could raise, and off they went with it. ─── 他们大量的金钱,他们会想办法让他的房子篝火,所以他给了他们,他和所有他能提高,以及她们就用它去了。
19、We watched enviously as they gathered wood, old tires and cardboard boxes for a huge bonfire ─── 我们羡慕地看着他们收集木头,旧轮胎和硬纸箱,准备燃起巨大的篝火。
20、The natives were very cordial. They lit a big bonfire and took good care of us all, since it was raining and cold. ─── 土人待我们非常友善,因为当时正在下雨,天又寒冷,他们就生起一堆火来款待我们众人。
21、We could not join in: the bonfire, we knew, would be used to burn an effigy1 of the Pope. ─── 我们却不能参加。我们知道这篝火将用来烧掉教皇的模拟像。
22、Showers of sparks went up from the bonfire. ─── 从火上升起阵阵火花。
23、Fangyanwangqu, sandy beach was bright sun umbrella decorated in the colorful, yacht plow to spray, Zhankai parachute wind, waves Piers Island shore, a mass market bonfire barbecue red. ─── 放眼望去,海滨沙滩被鲜艳的太阳伞装点得五彩缤纷,游艇犁出浪花,降落伞迎风绽开,墩洲岛巨浪拍岸,千人烧烤场篝火通红。
24、Some sod has been removed to make a place for the bonfire. ─── 几块草皮已经移掉以便空出地方燃营火。
25、A downpour of rain put out the children's bonfire. ─── 一阵大雨把孩子们的营火都浇灭了。
26、The bonfire was still smouldering the next day. ─── 到了第二天,篝火还在闷燃。
27、These days, the bonfire revelers retire for crab cakes and oysters after burning their socks. ─── 如今,围着篝火狂欢的人们烧完袜子后,都会纷纷去吃蟹肉饼和牡蛎。
28、As night after the bonfire can also provide the venue to dance, sing, barbecue, Kaoquan Yang, while farmers hospital operates a small scale shops can provide you with various services. ─── 夜幕后还可以提供篝火,场地跳舞、唱歌、烧烤、烤全羊等,同时农家院经营着一个小有规模的商店可以为您提供各项服务。
29、Under several members effort, the bonfire has diligently burnt, 30personally sits in a circle around the bonfire, exchanges own experience. ─── 在几个会员的努力下,篝火燃了起来,30个人围坐在篝火周围,交流自己的体会。
30、The sentiment in beats in the bonfire sublimates, each people all can feel that kind of warmth, that relaxedness. ─── 感情在跳动的篝火中升华,每个人都能感受到那种温馨,那份轻松。
31、When I was a small child, I was never afraid of electricity failure or lack of tap water, as we could survive on river water and bonfire. ─── 我记得小时候,没有自来水,经常停电,但从来没有恐惧过,因为河水、篝火可以让我们生存无忧。
32、As a bonfire dispels chilliness, so our solidarity drives away the enemy. ─── 就像营火驱散了寒冷,我们的团结遣散了敌人。
33、We make a bonfire of dead leaves in the garden ─── 我们在花园里点燃火堆把枯叶烧掉
34、Okay, okay. Calm down. How big do you want the fire, Yang Chen? Do you want it as big as a bonfire? ─── 听这声音好象是一个个头很大的动物。我们在树林里,火又快灭了。都怪你非要到这里来作节目。你赶快想办法让火烧得旺一点好不好!
35、Edna Fodor was enjoying a lazy summer evening at her son's cottage in Canada when the bonfire she was tending flared suddenly, searing her body from the waist up. ─── 加拿大的埃特纳·福多尔正在儿子的一幢乡间别墅中懒洋洋地享受着夏日傍晚的悠闲,突然她正在摆弄的篝火冲起大火,火燃到身上烧伤延至腰部以上。
36、We carried armfuls of foliage to the bonfire. ─── 我们给篝火堆挟来几抱枝叶。
37、Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire. ─── 分离会减少渺小的爱,却会增加伟大的爱,正如风吹灭蜡烛,却吹旺了篝火。
38、We made a bonfire of dead leaves in the garden. ─── 我们在花园里点燃火堆把枯叶烧掉。
39、On the eleventh night, the eve of the big parade, the bonfire was lit ─── 11日晚,在盛大游行的前夕,篝火即被点燃。
40、With the help of his gun and a bonfire, the hunter fought off two hungry tigers. ─── 借助一把猎枪和一堆篝火, 猎人赶跑了两只饥饿的老虎。
41、At the beginning of ours national birth, the older generations in the coldest day, assemble the riverside which ices up to warm up depending on the weak bonfire. ─── 在我们的国家诞生之初,先辈们在最寒冷的日子里,围聚在结冰的河边靠微弱的篝火取暖。
42、They piled wood onto the bonfire until the flames roared ─── 他们不断往篝上加木柴,直到火光冲天。
43、"We'll make a bonfire to-night in the Champs-Gaillard with Matre Andry's books! ─── “今晚就用安德里老公的书,在加伊亚广场放焰火吧!”
44、Boy, you are just never happy. Here let's have a drink to a bonfire! ─── 各位听众我们下次节目再见!
45、Round the bonfire , at the beach, the moment only you and me. ─── 在篝火旁,在海滩上。只有你我,别无他人。
46、we can't have you sliding down the primrose path to the everlasting bonfire. ─── 我们不能让你沿着追求享受的堕落之路滑到永劫之火中去。
47、Gilly remembers what a close-knit farming community this once was. She especially recalls the annual acorn roast with a bonfire every year on Diamond Hill behind the house. ─── 她记得这个牧场的人们曾经是怎样的亲密无间。她特别回忆起这座房子背后的钻石山每年举办的橡树果烧烤篝火晚会。
48、We ignited the bonfire ─── 我们点燃了篝火。
49、There's a may-pole and a bonfire in the town, a Fools' Pope and Flemish ambassadors in the city, but at the University, nothing! ─── 别的姑且不说,你们看看,新城有五月树和焰火,旧城有圣迹剧、狂人教皇和弗朗德勒的使君,而我们大学城,什么也没有
50、We should go watch the bonfire together. ─── 我们就可以一起去看篝火了。
51、Don't you think it's a little weird that neither one of us remember what happened the night of the bonfire? ─── [我们中没人一个记得篝火那天晚上发生的事情你不觉得很奇怪吗?
52、It appears one of the California wildfires was accidently sparked by a bonfire lit by a group of college students. ─── 加州的一处野火似乎是由大学生点燃的篝火意外所致。
53、made a bonfire of ─── v. 烧掉(烧毁)
54、The heavy rain put out the children's bonfire. ─── 大雨扑灭了孩子们的篝火。
55、They build their own Guy - a dummy of stuffed clothes that resembles a person - and put it on top of a bonfire. ─── 他们自己制作“盖伊”用旧衣服填充做成的假人,再把它放到篝火上焚烧。
56、On Christmas day another bonfire is lit in the churchyard. ─── 在圣诞节时,另外一个篝火燃烧在教堂里。
57、It was early and cold as I had to stay by the bonfire to keep myself warm. ─── 凌晨的空气十分寒冷,不得不围着篝火取暖。
58、Scene: Monica and Rachel's, firemen are there to handle the bonfire that got out of control. ─── 场景:莫妮卡和瑞秋住处,消防员在处理失控的点火的容器。
59、They piled wood onto the bonfire until the flames roared . ─── 他们不断往篝上加木柴,直到火光冲天。
60、Then we will join in the bonfire party and dance and sing with them. or you can join in the bonfire party in manting park by paying yourself(160RMB/person,folk song and dangce、barbecue、fruit). ─── 参加傣家举办的篝火晚会与傣家小卜少、傣家波涛、咪涛一起唱歌跳舞,自娱自乐。
61、Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones,as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire. ─── 分离会减少渺小的爱,却会增加伟大的爱,正如风吹灭蜡烛,却吹旺了篝火。
62、Absence extinguishes small passions and increases great ones, as the wind blows out a candle, and fans a bonfire. ─── 匮乏压抑了人的小欲望而强化了重大的欲望,就如风吹灭蜡烛而煽旺篝火一样。
63、The word "kitchen" is derived from "fireplace", where people sat chatting around a bonfire. ─── “厨房”此词来源于“壁炉”,人们经常围坐在篝火边聊天的地方。
64、By the beginning of July the bonfire was a pyramid, maybe 10 metres high, filling the local carpark. The graffiti on the walls was freshened up and the kerbs painted red, white and blue. ─── 到七月初时,那堆篝火已有如一座金字塔,大概有十米高,占满了本地停车场,墙上原来乱写乱画的已面貌全新,人行道路沿漆成红白蓝三色。
65、We built a huge bonfire, and collected all the people around it. ─── 我们堆了一大堆木头,烧着烟火,把老乡们都叫了来,围着烟火。
66、e.g. bleeding bonfire, bell tinkles like wild roses, weightles waist. ─── 中文看着没问题,英文的搭配有些地方怪怪的。
67、Dinner being arranged at Liu San Jie Theme Park when bonfire partying with local minority group is on the programme. ─── 它的线条行云流水,潇洒柔畅;它的规模磅礴壮观,气势恢宏,所以人称“梯田世界之冠”。
68、It is shocking to think that many of then even throw their review books and notes into a bonfire and experience the joy of slipping those damn facts out of their heads. ─── 一想到他们许多人甚至点起火把复习的书和笔记全烧了,为把那些该死的知识忘掉而兴高采烈时不禁为之震惊。
69、The next day my friends told me that they had seen him at the bonfire celebration. ─── 第二天,我的朋友告诉我,他们曾看见他在篝火庆祝。
70、I need some charcoal to light the bonfire. ─── 我需要一些柴炭点燃篝火。
71、Absence extinguishes small passions and increases great ones, as the wind blows out a candle,and fans a bonfire. ─── 我给你的忠告是:结婚吧!如果你找到一个好妻子,你是幸福的;如果妻子不贤,你则会成为哲学家。
72、I decided to invite a few friends to my garden for a bonfire. ─── 我决定邀请一些朋友到我家花园搞一次篝火晚会。
73、Try and stem the tideThen you'll raise a bannerSend a flare up in the sky, Try to burn a torchAnd try to build a bonfire. ─── 努力,泛起潮汐,然后,你会升起,一面旗,在空中,闪耀不尽,试一试,点一把火炬,努力的,燃一团篝火。
74、It is called Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night and is held on November 5. ─── 人们把每年11月5日的夜晚称为“盖伊·福克斯之夜”或者“篝火之夜”。
75、We went to dinner, and then we walked by the bonfire. ─── 我们去吃晚饭,然后走过篝火。
76、But you said you want to see the bonfire. ─── 但是你说过你想去看篝火。
77、A woman throws an object into a bonfire on a beach in Malaga, southern Spain. ─── 在西班牙南部马拉加的海滩上,一个女人正把一个东西扔进篝火里。
78、We light a bonfire with language,comforting each other over mountains and seas,warming up each other's heart. ─── 我们用语言点燃起一堆堆的篝火,在远隔千山万水的地方彼此慰籍彼此温暖。
79、The camp bonfire flamed away all the evening ─── 整个晚上野营的篝火都在燃烧。
80、As night fell, grasslands waft with the wonderful feelings of the matouqin sound, bonfire next to young men and women alike, people were immersed in a festive and cheerful among. ─── 夜幕降临,草原上飘荡着悠扬激昂的马头琴声,篝火旁男女青年轻歌曼舞,人们沉浸在节日的欢快之中。
81、Then one evening, while they were all gathered around the bonfire as usual, Masino returned. ─── 一天晚上,当村民们像往常一样聚集在场院的篝火旁边时,马西诺回来了。
82、People are circling around the bonfire and dancing happily. ─── 人们正围绕着篝火快乐地跳着舞。
83、The children toasted marshmallows over the bonfire. ─── 孩子们在篝火上烘烤果汁软糖。
84、Some sod have been removed to make a place for the bonfire ─── 几块草皮已经移掉以便空出地方燃营火
85、There's a may-pole and a bonfire in the town,a Fools'Pope and Flemish ambassadors in the city,but at the University,nothing! ─── 别的姑且不说,你们看看,新城有五月树和焰火,旧城有圣迹剧、狂人教皇和弗朗德勒的使君,而我们大学城,什么也没有!
86、A bonfire in the wilderness can help you keep beasts away. ─── 在野外生一个火堆就不会有野兽来攻击你了。
87、If the bonfire is burning big and hot, it has no trouble consuming the additional wood that you put on it. ─── 如果篝火燃烧的大而热,那么消耗掉您加入的额外木头是没有问题的。
88、They lit a bonfire under the tree and sat down to warm themselves and roast a couple of bats for dinner. ─── 她们在树下点起了一堆篝火,坐在旁边取暖,一边烤着几只蝙蝠当晚餐。
89、There is going to be a bonfire party on the playground at 7:30 this evening. Please be there on time. ─── 今天晚上7:30在操场上有一个篝火晚会,请准时参加。
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