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09-14 投稿



impassivity 发音


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impassivity 中文意思翻译



impassivity 网络释义

n. 平静;无神经;泰然自若

impassivity 词性/词形变化,impassivity变形

名词: impassiveness |副词: impassively |

impassivity 相似词语短语

1、impassibly ─── 不可理喻地

2、impassive ─── adj.冷漠的;无感觉的

3、impassively ─── adv.无感情地;缺乏热情;冷淡,冷漠

4、impassability ─── n.不通,不能通行

5、impassibility ─── n.不觉痛苦;无感情

6、expansivity ─── n.扩大性;膨胀系数;可膨胀性

7、impulsivity ─── n.冲动;冲动性;易冲动

8、emissivity ─── n.[物]发射率;辐射系数

9、passivity ─── n.被动性;被动结构;无抵抗

impassivity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The alchemic looked over to the dark- robed figure, whose impassivity carried nonetheless a hint of impatience. ─── 炼金术士抬头看着穿着黑袍的身影,后者不声不响地站着,很有一些不耐烦。

2、Like impassivity, the stern approach requires a poker face but unlike its sister style, motives and technique are made plain from the start. ─── 同冷漠型相似,这种严肃谈判方法要求使用者是面无表情的人,但是所不同的是,从谈判一开始就明确了动机和技巧。

3、And he would be left glaring ,wild-eyed ,at the impassive panels longing to drive a fist into them to reduce the impassivity to splinters ; ─── 而他会留下来,瞪着眼睛,怒目而视那冷漠的门板,就想出拳把它们的冷漠击成碎片;

4、dreams and in love there is no impassivity. ─── 有梦想和爱,没有什么不可能。

5、As this exposure of his plot to escape, Paul was startled out of impassivity. ─── 保罗听到他的逃避计划给挑明了,从冷漠状态中猛地惊醒过来。

6、The goddess's air of aloofness, the harmony of her face and her impassivity are stamped with the aesthetics of the 5th century BC; ─── 维纳斯女神那略显冷漠的气质,以及平和的脸庞与神态,再再符合西元前五世纪的审美情趣;

7、But the dad answered with his impassivity: "the man talking about these words must have nothing in his pocket. " ─── 父亲则轻描淡写地回答:「说这种话的人,口袋里一定没有钱!」

8、Impassivity by sellers is a highly effective style for both trade and investment, but it requires counterparts who are short on research. ─── 对于贸易和投资,卖方所持的这种泰然自若的冷漠使用种非常有效率的谈判方式;但是所需的条件是对方缺少足够的调研。

9、The impassivity of these monumental structures contrasts sharply with the swarming human life that surges in the streets below ─── 这些伟大的建筑物的宁静与下面街道上熙熙攘攘的人群形成了一个鲜明的对照。

10、At this point a meeting is the only way to go in order to resolve the impass. ─── 现在唯一的方法就是通过会议解决这个争论。

11、Halcyon, quietude, calmness equability equanimity equilibrium impassivity, placidity ─── 平静相关的词

12、Fawning indulgence may be called for in one situation while weeks later, the grim austerity that's part of impassivity is the requisite persona. ─── 在某种情况下,可能被称为奉承的宽容,几周以后,态度转变了,那么作为冷漠谈判风格一部分的那种冷酷无情的严厉也是一种必不可少的角色。

13、Federal Service Impass Panel ─── 联邦服务未通过面板

14、" The alchemii looked over to the dark-robed figure, whose impassivity carried nonetheless a hint of impatience. ─── 炼金术士抬头看着穿着黑袍的身影,后者不声不响地站着,很有一些不耐烦。

15、As this exposure of his plot to escape, Paul was startled out of impassivity ─── 保罗听到他的逃避计划给挑明了,从冷漠状态中猛地惊醒过来。

16、The impassivity of these monumental structures contrasts sharply with the swarming human life that surges in the streets below. ─── 这些伟大的建筑物的宁静与下面街道上熙熙攘攘的人群形成了一个鲜明的对照。

17、Impassivity by sellers is a highly effective style for both trade and investment, but it requires counterparts who are short on research. ─── 对于贸易和投资,卖方所持的这种泰然自若的冷漠使用种非常有效率的谈判方式;但是所需的条件是对方缺少足够的调研。

18、Though the audience didn't like his speech and spoke ill of him , Senator Tomson was still in impassivity. ─── 尽管观众不喜欢他的讲演,对他进行漫骂,汤姆森参议员仍然泰然自若。

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