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09-14 投稿



immensely 发音

英:[ɪˈmensli]  美:[ɪˈmensli]

英:  美:

immensely 中文意思翻译



immensely 网络释义

adv. 极大地;无限地;广大地;庞大地

immensely 反义词

finite |limited

immensely 词性/词形变化,immensely变形

名词: immenseness |副词: immensely |

immensely 同义词

huge | giant | gigantic | big | towering | massive | monumental | vast |enormous | incalculable | large | great | colossal | mammoth | tremendous | jumbo | stupendous | bulky | Brobdingnagian | prodigious | immeasurable

immensely 短语词组

1、immensely rewarding ─── 丰厚的回报

2、enjoyed immensely ─── 非常享受

3、immensely stirring ─── 剧烈搅拌

4、immensely inventive ─── 极具创造力

5、immensely popular ─── 非常受欢迎

6、enjoyed immensely crossword ─── 非常喜欢填字游戏

immensely 相似词语短语

1、immerses ─── v.浸;沉湎于

2、densely ─── adv.浓密地;密集地

3、immerse ─── vt.沉浸;使陷入

4、immersers ─── 潜水员

5、immense ─── adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的

6、immersed ─── adj.浸入的;专注的;v.浸(immerse的过去式和过去分词);沉湎于

7、intensely ─── adv.强烈地;紧张地;热情地

8、immensity ─── n.巨大;无限;广大

9、immerser ─── 浸渍器

immensely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Vocals (Norah Jones, Sade, etc) and movie dialogue in particular are immensely clear -- I don't even need a centre channel speaker. ─── 主唱(诺拉琼斯,萨德等)和电影,尤其是极其明确的对话-我什至都不需要中心声道。

2、Their knowledge and experience contributed immensely to the progress of the work. ─── 他们的知识和经验对这项工作的进展有很大帮助。

3、But Muslims are immensely cheered by the fact that Israelis are plainly rattled by Mr Obama's pressure over the issue of Jewish settlement on occupied land. ─── 但是穆斯林还是大受鼓舞,因为以色列人明显地被在犹太人在被占领土地上定居的问题上被奥巴马施加压力而感到恼火。

4、Kanter says soccer is amnesty immensely popular in Eastern Europe and Asia, in fact nearly everywhere except the United States. ─── K说足球在东欧和亚洲很受欢迎,其实除了美国,各地都很喜欢足球。

5、Electronically, that's immensely easy to do. ─── 好吧,电子地,那无限地是容易做的。

6、He had vastly overestimated his resources; was immensely more important to the project as a scientist than as an administrator. ─── 他太高估自己的智慧了;对这个计划而言,科学家比管理者要重要得多。

7、But during that short time, Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, became immensely popular both at home and abroad. ─── 但是,在那短暂的总统生涯里,肯尼迪和他的妻子贾桂琳.鲍维.肯尼迪(JacquelineBouvierKennedy)却已经成为国内外最受欢迎的人物。

8、In the 1880s the United States was a land sharply divided between the immensely wealthy and the very poor. ─── 19世纪80年代的美国是一个贫富分化十分严重的国家。

9、We also know that the global climate system is immensely complicated and that everything is in some way connected, and so the system is capable of fluctuating in unexpected ways. ─── 我们还知道,全球气候系统极其复杂,一切都以某种方式联系在一起,因此,这个系统能够以意想不到的方式波动。

10、They enjoyed the film very immensely. ─── 他们非常喜欢这部电影。

11、Though he holds in his arms the earthbride, the sky is ever immensely away. ─── 天空虽然想把大地新娘抱在怀里,却总是无限遥远。

12、If you are going there, you will enjoy it immensely. ─── 你到了那里,会玩得很痛快的。

13、Veterinary virology has grown immensely during the past decade. ─── 兽医病毒学在过去十年内发展非常迅速。

14、Using bike can make people keep fit, and immensely ease the traffic jam. ─── 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。

15、In the midst of such madness, it can help immensely to know that there's a name for your pain. ─── 在这种疯狂的深处,了解对你的痛苦来说有一个名字(叫法)是具有巨大帮助的。

16、Evidently, he is immensely charmed with Miss Millar. ─── 他对米勒小姐显然很钟情。

17、It helps immensely to narrow your own target market as a designer. ─── 作为一名设计师它有助于缩小你的市场定位。

18、He had vastly overestimated his resources; it was immensely more important to the project as a scientist than as an administrator. ─── 他太高估自己的智慧了,对这个计划而言,科学家比管理者要重要得多。

19、Authur was immensely pleased by the girl's solicitude about him. ─── 女孩子对他的关怀使亚瑟心花怒放。

20、Our people are the bedrock of our company and we are immensely proud of them. ─── 在文华东方,我们深信我们的员工是我们酒店的栋梁,我们亦为我们的员工引以为荣。

21、He is immensely strong, but also shyly gentle and has great sense of humour. ─── 他很强壮,但也很腼腆、和蔼可亲,具有幽默感。

22、To me, that was immensely more preferable than the grandiloquent visions and missions one often came across in similar `sales talks’. ─── ) 但他较有优势的是有很多旧校的同学在一起,且他对自己学习的能力和表现较有信心。

23、"I've found him immensely straightforward to deal with, someone always true to his word and someone who's a very strong leader, " he said. ─── 他说:“布什总统是个很坦率的人,他是一位信守诺言、十分坚决果断的领导人。”

24、Sino-US investment cooperation has a solid foundation and broad prospects, which will benefit both countries immensely. ─── 中美在投资方面的合作有一个对两国极为有利的坚实基础和广阔前景。

25、He was promoted and his salary has been raised, so he is immensely proud of himself now. ─── 公司给他加薪升职,他很是洋洋得意。

26、That spectacle pleased Carrie immensely. ─── 嘉莉很喜欢这出戏。

27、The World of Warcraft is an immensely entertaining, massively-multiplayer online (MMO) game that has become a pop culture phenomenon. ─── 二十世纪七十年代,攀岩脱离了登山运动,成为一项独立运动,并迅速发展起来。

28、When she heard the good news, she was immensely pleased. ─── 听到这好消息,她心里喜滋滋的。

29、He appeared immensely grateful to her. ─── 他似乎对她怀有无限的感激。

30、Just praised by the teacher, Mark is immensely proud of himself. ─── 刚被老师表扬,马克洋洋得意。

31、He was an immensely talented man, determined to a degree unusual even in the ranks of Hollywood stars. ─── 他是一个极其有才能的人,他的决心之大甚至在好莱坞明星中也是十分少见的。

32、Then, about ten thousand years ago, when this immensely long formative period of hunting for food, they became farmers. ─── 后来,大约一万年前,经过漫长的为获取食物而狩猎的初始阶段之后,他们成了农民。

33、So it has been immensely sad, and grotesquely unfair, to watch protesters in London and Paris accusing Israel of behaving as the Nazis did. ─── 因此,看到伦敦和巴黎的抗议者指控以色列的行径犹如纳粹当年所为,真是巨大的悲哀,也有失公允乃至荒诞离奇。

34、Then, in 1997, the Spurs got the top pick in the NBA draft and landed the immensely gifted seven-footer, Tim Duncan of Wake Forest University. ─── 1997年,马刺队在NBA选秀中拔得头筹,从而招进了来自威克福里斯特大学的高手蒂姆·邓肯,他高达7英尺,很有天分。

35、Players like Rasual Butler and Peja Stojakovic need to step up immensely if the Hornets want a shot at making it past the first round of the playoffs. ─── 如果黄蜂想在季后赛首轮获胜,那么象巴特勒和佩贾这样的球员就得有更多的贡献。

36、In addition, family, social, and academic stresses are so immensely exerted on intellectuals that they are forced to work diligently and ceaselessly. ─── 另一方面,知识分子们承担着巨大的家庭、社会和学术压力,导致他们被迫非常勤奋地不停地工作。

37、Immanuel Kant (1724-1804 ) was an immensely innovative and influential philosopher. ─── 伊曼纽尔·康德(1724-1804)是一位很有革新精神而且具有影响力的哲学家。

38、I found it immensely rewarding working with the less able children. ─── 为能力差的孩子工作我觉得是非常值得的。

39、"Neurohumoral processes of the brain are immensely intriguing to present-day research men, who expect to find in them the key to the most complex phenomena. ─── “大脑的神经元介质过程激起了目前研究人员极大的兴趣,他们期望在这些过程中找到解决最复杂现象的答案。

40、It amused them immensely to sit in the old coffee-room and be waited on by a black waiter, who extolled absurdly the various dishes. ─── 坐在那古老的咖啡厅里,只由一名瞎吹各种菜肴的黑人侍者侍应,使他们感到趣味无穷。

41、I am immensely proud of my heritage as a Filipino-Chinese. ─── 作为一个菲律宾华人我感到很骄傲。

42、In their charges, Chinese authorities allege that the star players in Australia's immensely profitable iron-ore trade engaged in illegal activities. ─── 中国有关部门指控说,力拓的这几名员工在澳大利亚有厚利可图的铁矿石贸易中从事了非法活动。

43、The former Soviet Union's economy was wired in this logical but immensely impractical way. ─── 前苏联的经济就是按这种合乎逻辑却又无比昧于实际的方式运作的。

44、Like many people, Diana was immensely disappointed by the failure of her marriage. ─── 如同许多人一般,黛安娜对自己婚姻的失败感到极度失望。

45、Being hard up, she and Yuan Zhen were immensely pleased to see me, guessing I must have brought some money with me to share with them. ─── 她和元真正穷得没法过日子,见我去时很高兴,猜想我一定拿到了钱,连忙向我瓜分。

46、On the other hand, the flora and gardens of Barbados are exceptional, even for this immensely fertile part of the world. ─── 中国移动通信市场巨大,市场集中度高;

47、In the past years, Chinese people made unremitting efforts toward the nation's immensely rejuvenation. ─── 一百年以来,中国人民为了实现民族复兴的目标做出了不懈的努力。

48、The prospect of playing with him excites me. You know he is going to get you goals and he will help the team immensely. ─── 能与他共同比赛令我十分兴奋。你要知道,他能够一直进球,并且能够给予球队很大的帮助。

49、Well, electronically, that's immensely easy to do. ─── 好吧,电子地,那无限地是容易做的。

50、They enjoyed the film immensely. ─── 他们非常喜欢这部影片.

51、She loved clothes, and was always immensely keen to show off any new purchase. ─── 她喜欢各式衣服,而且常常希望显示自己新买的衣服。

52、His greatest power, though, is the ability to create an immensely strong magnetic field, sucking in helpless foes to meet their end. ─── 但他最超然的力量,乃是能凭空造出极大的磁场,吸附来无助的敌军迫使他们面对其眼前的终极末日。

53、In modern times, the Chinese people suffered immensely from the scourge of war and aggression, so now they feel all the more strongly the value of freedom and peace. ─── 中国人民在近代饱受战争和被侵略的痛苦,更深感自由与和平的珍贵。

54、It quite took their breath away, and they stared first at the table and then at their mother, who looked as if she enjoyed it immensely. ─── 如此丰盛的餐点着实让她们吃惊不少,她们先是盯着餐桌,然后又把目光转向了妈妈,她看起来满意极了。

55、They use forcible means to exclude or restrict competition, and wreck competitive relations in socialist market economy or immensely endanger market competition. ─── 因此我国经济生活中对竞争的限制主要不是体现为经济性垄断,而是体现为行政性垄断。

56、The possibility is usually overshadowed by his immense and immensely elastic appeal. ─── 这种可能性通常被他巨大的和极具变化的号召力所掩盖。

57、There are immensely long, knot-free beams in the Imperial Palace in Beijing, China, cut from Burrard Inlet lumber by famed Jerry Rogers and his men. ─── 号称北京故宫也使用了温哥华的木材。

58、TV stations in most area of our China initialed immensely specialization regulations in the year of 2001, and turned into the phase of specialization operation. ─── 2001年全国各地电视台对频道进行大规模的专业化调整,并进入专业化运作阶段。

59、They had to shoot the scene 16 times to get it just right, and Billy Boyd says he believes Mortensen enjoyed himself immensely. ─── 可是这个镜头拍了16遍才拍好,比利·鲍伊德也就被砸了十几回。

60、She rejects him immediately,displeasing her mother but immensely satisfying her father who is fonder of her than of his other daughters Unabashed by his rejection, Mr. ─── 他使伊丽莎白对达西产生恶感,说他是个邪恶、冷酷的人,拒不执行他父亲的遗嘱,骗取了留给韦翰的遗产。

61、So it has been immensely sad, and grotesquely unfair, to watch protesters in London and Paris accusing Israel of behaving as the Nazis did. ─── 因此,看到伦敦和巴黎的抗议者指控以色列的行径犹如纳粹当年所为,真是巨大的悲哀,也有失公允乃至荒诞离奇。

62、All you have to do is focus on the Divine energy of The Creator and you will be helped immensely in evolving your soul's experience. ─── 只要你专注在造物主的神圣能量,你就会在进化灵魂的经验上得到极大的帮助。

63、From the back room he brought an immensely old young man. ─── 他从里屋领出一个非常老成的年轻人。

64、But I know my family looks at me like a whole different person, and I know my crew respects me immensely. ─── 但是我的家人把我看成一个完全不同的人,而且我知道我的我剧组的成员们还是非常尊重我。

65、In the 1880s the United States was a land sharply divided between the immensely wealthythe very poor. ─── 十九世纪八十年代的美国是一个贫富分化极为分明的国家。

66、"Our research has revealed evidence that lots of women benefit from their partners being there and find them immensely supportive. ─── “我们的研究已提供了证明,许多妇女因其丈夫在场而获益,发觉她们得到极大的支持。

67、She's an immensely talented writer, but her baroque prose style is too grandiose for my taste. ─── 她是个非常有天赋的作家,但是她新奇怪异的散文风格对我来说太浮夸了。

68、Thus, professional document management and retrieval is immensely easier for XML documents. ─── 因此,对XML文档而言,专业的文档管理和检索极其容易。

69、"The car is immensely important for Saab, in Europe even more than in the U. ─── "赛车是极其重要的萨博,在欧洲甚至超过在美国,“霍尔说。

70、Author of the immensely successful novel Gone With the Wind Margaret Mitchell died at 48 on August 16. ─── 1948年8月16日,名著《飘》的作者玛格丽特·米切尔逝世,享年48岁。

71、Tending a vineyard in the midst of a stunning alpine landscape is both immensely rewarding and a constant challenge. ─── 在优越的的高山地形中管理这葡萄园是极具意义和不断挑战性。

72、The two Chou elders asserted that they admire Patty immensely, and Chou Mama also revealed that she has already dined with Patty twice, and she has a good impression of her. ─── 周傢二老表示很欣赏侯佩岑,周妈妈透露,已先后和侯佩岑吃过两次饭,对她的印象很好。

73、At the heart of the modern Formula One car lies the immensely strong 'monocoque' structure, often referred to as the 'tub'. ─── 处于核心地位的现代一级方程式赛车,是极其强烈的单体的结构,往往称为'澡' 。

74、We enjoyed ourselves immensely. ─── 我们快活极了。

75、He was, in a way, immensely accessible. ─── 在某种程度上说,他还是极其容易接近的。

76、He is immensely popular with his classmates. ─── 他深受同学的欢迎。

77、But demanding though she was, she was always equitable, fair, and, above all, immensely appreciative of the work she paid people to do. ─── 她虽然对别人严格要求,但也很公正,平等,对付钱请别人做的事,也总要表示感激。

78、Daniel Agger, an immensely talented centre-back I love to watch, has struggled to dislodge the Slovakian, even in his few periods of full fitness after two bad injuries. ─── 丹尼尔.阿格,另一个充满天赋的中后卫,尽管他遭受了几次伤病,但他复出后的表现几乎生生地把斯科特尔给挤到板凳上去。

79、We feel profoundly proud of the past and immensely confident about the future. ─── 回顾过去,我们无比自豪;展望未来,我们信心百倍。

80、Analysts said the package announced yesterday would help the two pillars of the national economy immensely. ─── 分析人士认为,本周三出台的刺激方案将非常有助于两大国民经济支柱产业发展。

81、His only experience of gardening so far proved immensely satisfying. ─── 他仅有的园艺经历到目前为止非常令人满意。

82、Fambaas are technically amphibians, but have the dry, scaly skin of a reptile.They are immensely powerful swimmers.They travel in herds of up to 12. ─── 凡霸兽严格说起来算是两栖类,却有著爬虫类乾燥有鳞的皮肤,牠们是极强壮的泳者,以至少12只以上的群体活动。

83、He was not only talented but immensely popular with/among his colleagues. ─── 他不仅才华横溢,也大受同事欢迎。

84、She rejects him immediately, displeasing her mother but immensely satisfying her father who is fonder of her than of his other daughters. ─── 伊丽莎白当即加以拒绝,这使得她母亲很不高兴,却让喜欢她甚于其余女儿的父亲感到十分满意。

85、If the merger can immensely decrease the insiders' cost, i. e. c-c' > t/4, market price will fall down, insiders' gain more profit, but outsiders gain less. ─── 但是当成本降低时价格的影响超过市场势力增加对价格的影响,市场价格会下降,并购参与者的利润会增加,而未参与者的利润会降低。

86、She seemed to him immensely sophisticated. ─── 在他眼里,她显得十分世故。

87、For example, the sizes of black holes can vary immensely from a few to a few billions of solar masses! ─── 不同类型的黑洞,其大小竟然可以由几个太阳质量至几十亿个太阳质量不等!

88、The working people in China practice Wushu for physical trainingself-defenseWushu is still immensely popular today. ─── 中国的劳动人民练习武术以强身健体和自我保护,武术至今仍大受欢迎。

89、Limited liability partnerships are immensely popular with professional and consultancy firms in common law countries, such as legal and auditing firms. ─── 在普通法系国家,有限责任合伙备受专业机构和咨询公司的青睐,律师事务所和会计师事务所的组织形式便是例证。

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