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09-14 投稿



inculcation 发音

英:[ˌɪnkʌlˈkeɪʃn]  美:[ˌɪnkʌlˈkeɪʃn]

英:  美:

inculcation 中文意思翻译



inculcation 词性/词形变化,inculcation变形

动词过去式: inculcated |动词过去分词: inculcated |名词: inculcation |动词现在分词: inculcating |动词第三人称单数: inculcates |

inculcation 相似词语短语

1、inculpation ─── n.连累;归罪;责难

2、inculcating ─── vt.教育;谆谆教诲;教授;反复灌输

3、incrustation ─── n.(形成)硬壳;镶嵌物;痂

4、incantation ─── n.咒语

5、incurvation ─── n.内曲;弯曲

6、inculcative ─── 灌输的

7、incubation ─── n.孵化;[病毒][医]潜伏;抱蛋

8、inculcator ─── n.教诲者

9、incarnation ─── n.化身;道成肉身;典型

inculcation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The traditional foreign language teaching approach in China attaches great importance to knowledge inculcation while neglecting oral communicative ability development. ─── 我国传统外语教学法一直偏重知识性灌输,忽略口头交际能力的培养。

2、Forming "affinity" makes inculcation more effective and the work objects genuinely feel completely convinced. ─── 通过形成“亲和力”,使说理产生更好的效果,使工作的对象真正感到心悦诚服。

3、The responsibilities of a teacher lie not only in the inculcation of knowledge, but also in the setting of good examples and cultivating of virtues. ─── 老师的责任不单是传授知识,更要树立良好榜样,培养学生的品德。

4、For the employee's mistake, if it is pardonable we mainly give him inculcation and help; if it is unpardonable we should give him a punishment according to the company's stipulation. ─── 对于员工错误,如果是可原谅的缺失,主要以教育帮助为主,对于不可原谅的错误,应当按照公司规定坚决予以处罚.

5、of inculcation is delivering, and it is a neutral concept. ─── 灌输的本义是“输送”,它是个中性的概念。

6、Getting Armed with Scientific Theories Demands Application of Inculcation Principle ─── 以科学的理论武装人必须坚持灌输原则

7、The inculcation of fear and conformity are its cornerstones, and arbitrariness is too often at the root of its implementation. ─── 向学生灌输恐惧与顺从的意识,是该恶法的基础;而更在执行时被任意用来打压学生。

8、This thesis being based on the research of the Inculcation Theory and the Reception Theory, makes much more argumentation about the enlightenment of Reception Theory. ─── 第四部分为接受理论对思想政治工作的启示。全文在对灌输与接受理论进行深入探讨的基础上,尤其对接受理论及其启示作了较大篇幅的论述。

9、Regarding health, Virgos have the inculcation of good hygiene and healthy foods in their daily lives. ─── 说到健康方面,处女座有着良好的卫生常识和饮食习惯。

10、Introspection about the nature of the moral inculcation, regression from " scientific ethics" to "substantial ethics" ─── “科学道德”回归“生活道德”:对道德教育本质的反思

11、On inculcation of creative consciousness in mathematics instruction ─── 略谈数学教学中创新意识的培养

12、What drives them astray is devotion to an unattainable object (mother or mother-substitute) together with the inculcation, in early years, of a ridiculous ethical code. ─── 把他诱入迷途的,是对于一个无法到手的对象的崇拜(母亲或母亲的代替物),加上早年所受的可笑的伦理教训。

13、The inculcation of fear and conformity are its cornerstones, and arbitrariness is too often at the root of its implementation. ─── 向学生灌输恐惧与顺从的意识,是该恶法的基础;而更在执行时被任意用来打压学生。

14、The reform of the education of politics and ideology should follow the right direction and the principles of inculcation and putting theories into practice. ─── 思想政治理论课教育教学改革必须坚持方向性原则、“灌输”的原则和理论联系实际的原则。

15、Therefore, China's jurisprudence education should achieve the transformation from knowledge-inculcation model to issue-oriented model. ─── 所以,我国的法学教育必须实现从“知识灌输模式”向“问题引导模式”的转变。

16、the transcendence of ideological and political education determines scientific construction of inculcation. ─── 思想政治教育的超越性决定了灌输的科学指导性。

17、Keywords comprehensive quality;the methods of inculcation;the methods of elicitation; ─── 综合素质;灌输式;启发式;分析计论式训练;

18、The connotation of health is expounded.The current healthy situation of our people is analyzed.It is pointed that health inculcation should be important contents of college physical training. ─── 阐述了健康的内涵,分析了国民健康素质的现状,指出健康教育应当是大学体育教学的重要内容。

19、The nineteenth century is derided for its supposed inculcation of the doctrine that mankind through saving should go on baking itself a larger and larger cake without ever eating the cake. ─── 他们嘲讽19世纪人们被反复灌输着储蓄的观念,说结果是,蛋糕越做越大,却没人去吃。

20、History Observation on the Person Who First Brought forward the Idea of Inculcation--On Several Wrong views that "Inculcation" was Put forward First by Kosky ─── 思想教育领域灌输概念首先提出者的历史考察--评"灌输"是考茨基首先提出的几种错误说法

21、Inculcation Education and Infiltration Education in Ideological and Political Education ─── 论思想政治教育中的灌输教育和渗透教育

22、inculcation theory ─── 灌输理论

23、The course "Molecular Biological Technology" is tried to cultivate practaical ability of graduate students to overcome the traditional inculcation model. ─── 本课程力求打破传统的灌输式教学模式,以培养研究生的实际能力为重。

24、The author masters those melodies with deep foundation, and has done much more research during his inculcation recent years. ─── 本文作者对京剧锣鼓乾牌子的运用基础深厚,近年来在教授学生时又作了进一步的研究。

25、Many states still see history teaching, and the inculcation of foundation myths, as a strategic imperative; others see it as an exercise in teaching children to think for themselves. ─── 很多政府仍视历史教学还有建国神话为战略必须的;其他一些认为这个是教导孩子们如何看待他们自己的练习。

26、Little Bush also deeply remember a father of inculcation. ─── 小布什也深深记得父亲的谆谆教诲。

27、Many states still see history teaching, and the inculcation of foundation myths, as a strategic imperative; ─── 很多政府仍视历史教学还有建国神话为战略必须的;

28、Abstract : Objective To evaluate the effect of delayed ligature of the umbilical cord on he blood inculcation of neonates via caesarean section in early time. ─── 摘要 : 目的 探讨延迟钳夹脐带对剖宫产新生儿早期血液灌输的影响。

29、Six years of inculcation you, I will bear in mind that your words will have an impact on my life, I will always remember you. ─── 对您六年的谆谆教诲,我会铭记在心,您的言行将影响我的一生,我会永远记得你。

30、demands of community health service in file:the old health care, health inculcation, regular health examination. ─── 社区卫生需求 :老年健康保健、健康教育、定期健康检查。

31、inculcation education ─── 灌输式教育

32、Appropriate Role of Inculcation and Speculation on Inculcation Principle in Ideological and Political Teaching ─── 灌输在思想政治课中的定位及思考

33、Thank you for the inculcation, I will not forget you! ─── 谢谢您对我的谆谆教诲,我不会忘记你的!

34、Lin pointed out that one of the authors of the book believed that a simple and pure mind should be rebuilt from cultural inculcation and start from education. ─── 报告人表示,本书作者之一认为心灵之简朴须透过文化改造,并由教育做起。

35、The principle of theory inculcation should be insisted in the moral belief education for college students. ─── 大学生的道德信仰教育要坚持科学理论灌输原则。

36、The historical evolution and realistic significance of the inculcation theory ─── 灌输理论的历史沿革及其现实意义

37、The Inculcation Theory: The Train of Development of Thought and the Practical Significance ─── 灌输论:思想发展脉络及现实意义

38、Both inculcation education and infiltration education turn out to be two important forms in modern ideological and political education. ─── 灌输式教育和渗透式教育都是现代思想政治教育的重要形式。

39、The traditional way of political education can not meet the needs of human social development.Moral education must be shifted from inculcation to dialogue. ─── 传统的灌输式的思想政治教育已经不能适应人类社会发展的要求,道德教育必须由灌输走向对话。

40、There are clear social mechanisms that promote altruism: for example, fear of punishment, reputation building, ideas of fairness and inculcation by religious or authority figures. ─── 社会上存在着明确的社会机制来促进利他主义,例如:对处罚的恐惧,对声誉的建立,公平的概念,和来自由宗教或权威人物的谆谆教诲等等。

41、Inculcation teaching ─── 灌输教育

42、Never forget your inculcation! ─── 也忘不了您的谆谆教诲!

43、Any one, who refuses to a ist a representative in the performance of functio , shall be given criticism, inculcation or administrative sanction by the related unit. ─── 拒绝协助代表执行代表职务的,有关单位应当予以批评教育,直至给予行政处分。

44、Fourth, it overemphasizes technical education. The inculcation of medical concept about "human-oriented" is not enough. ─── 四是偏重技能教育,“以人为本”的医护理念灌输不够;

45、Integrating Inculcation with Choice: On the Fundamental Principles of Moral Education and the Orientation of Methods ─── 灌输与选择的整合:道德教育的基本原则与方法取向

46、health, Virgos have the inculcation of good hygiene and healthy foods in their daily lives. ─── 健康方面,处女座有着良好的卫生常识和饮食习惯。

47、on the other hand, their respective features of the context of culture and the propagandistic value of news as a vehicle of ideology inculcation. ─── 另一方面又能够实现它们各自的文化语境特征以及新闻作为意识形态灌输工具的宣传价值。

48、During the wars in Kwangtung and during the Northern Expedition, they reformed China's armed forces by the inculcation of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal ideas. ─── 在广东战争和北伐战争中,曾经在中国军队中灌输了反帝反封建的思想,改造了中国的军队。

49、teacher-centered inculcation ─── 灌输

50、Thought about Educational Method of Inculcation Under New Situation ─── 对新时期灌输教育的思考

51、Nevertheless, through analyzing those mistaken concepts, we'll have a better understanding of the essence of inculcation theory. ─── 而通过对几种认识误区的剖析,可以加深对灌输论本质的认识。

52、(5) the relation between inculcation and self choice. ─── (5)灌输与选择关系。

53、Both inculcation education and infiltration education turn out to be two important forms in modern ideological and political education. ─── 灌输式教育和渗透式教育都是现代思想政治教育的重要形式。

54、The thesis regards the Inculcation Theory and Reception Theory as the object of research, and makes some preliminary research under the new condition and practice. ─── 本文以思想政治教育中的灌输与接受理论为研究对象,结合新的形势与新的实践,对这一对范畴进行了初步的探索。

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