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09-14 投稿



instructress 发音

英:[ɪnˈstrʌktrɪs]  美:[ɪnˈstrʌktrɪs]

英:  美:

instructress 中文意思翻译



instructress 词性/词形变化,instructress变形

名词: instructorship |

instructress 相似词语短语

1、instructively ─── adv.有益地;教育地

2、instructresses ─── n.女教师;女指导

3、instructions ─── n.指令;说明(instruction的复数形式)

4、constructures ─── 结构

5、instructors ─── n.教练;讲师;指导书(instructor的复数)

6、constructers ─── n.建设者;设计者;营造商

7、instructed ─── adj.受教育的;得到指示的;v.指示;教育(instruct的过去分词形式)

8、instructs ─── 命令

9、instructiveness ─── 有益;启发性,指导性

instructress 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Investigation on healthy conditions of psychology of 50 instructress in Zhejiang university ─── 浙江大学50名女教师心理健康状况调查

2、"Stand easy!" barked the instructress a little more genially. ─── “稍息!”女教练喊道,口气稍为温和了一些。

3、a foreign instructress in liaoning university ─── 辽宁大学外国语学院的一位外籍女教师

4、4 For she is instructress in the understanding of God, the selector of his works. ─── 她实在透彻天主的奥秘,自行决择天主的工程。

5、The refreshing meal, the brilliant fire, the presence and kindness of her beloved instructress, or, perhaps, more than all these, something in her own unique mind, had roused her powers within her. ─── 振奋了精神,炉火在熊熊燃烧,因为亲爱的导师在场并待她很好,也许不止这一切,而是她独一无二的头脑中的某种东西,激发了她内在的种种力量。

6、"Stand easy! " barked the instructress a little more genially. ─── “稍息!”女教练喊道,口气稍为温和了一些。

7、We will endeavour to do our duty by her, and she will, at least, have the advantage of companions of her own age, and of a regular instructress. ─── 咱们将尽力履行咱们对她的任务。她在这里至少有两个有利前提:一是可能跟她同年纪的孩子做伴;二是有个正规的老师教她。

8、The first meetings went off with a certain humiliating clumsiness. Neither Winifred not her instructress had any social grace ─── 初次见面在令人尴尬受辱的气氛中结束了,威尼弗雷德和她的女教师的社交礼节都尚欠温雅。

9、Investigation on healthy conditions of psychology of 50 instructress in Zhejiang university ─── 浙江大学50名女教师心理健康状况调查

10、Topsy had an uncommon verbal memory, and committed with a fluency that greatly encouraged her instructress. ─── 托普西对文字的记忆力非常强,上课时对答如流,使她的教师感到十分鼓舞。

11、Nursemaid duenna instructress nanny nurse tutoress ─── 家庭女教师,保姆

12、Nursemaid duenna instructress nanny nurse tutoress ─── 家庭女教师,保姆

13、The refreshing meal, the brilliant fire, the presence and kindness of her beloved instructress, or, perhaps, more than all these, something in her own unique mind, had roused her powers within her. ─── 因为茶点振奋了精神,炉火在熊熊燃烧,因为亲爱的导师在场并待她很好,也许不止这一切,而是她独一无二的头脑中的某种东西,激发了她内在的种种力量。

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