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nasturtium 发音

英:[nəˈstɜːrʃəm]  美:[nəˈstɜːʃəm]

英:  美:

nasturtium 中文意思翻译



nasturtium 词性/词形变化,nasturtium变形


nasturtium 反义词


nasturtium 同义词

malevolence | unpleasantness | obnoxiousness | bitchiness |spite | wickedness | malice | filthiness | foulness | cruelty | viciousness | cattiness | filth | unkindness | spitefulness | meanness

nasturtium 短语词组

1、bush nasturtium ─── [网络] 灌木菜

2、Nasturtium officinale Br. ─── [医] 水田芥

3、garden nasturtium ─── 旱金莲

4、Nasturtium amphibium ─── [网络] 金丝雀两栖

5、nasturtium family un. ─── 旱金莲科

6、Nasturtium R. Br. ─── [医] 水田芥属

7、Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum ─── [网络] 豆瓣菜

8、Nasturtium palustre Dc. ─── [医] 风花菜

9、genus Nasturtium ─── [网络] 金丝菜属

10、Nasturtium officinale ─── [网络] 西洋菜;豆瓣菜;水田芥

nasturtium 相似词语短语

1、pasturing ─── v.放牧(牲畜);(动物)吃草(pasture的现在分词)

2、mastigium ─── n.套迭鞭

3、pastorium ─── n.牧师宅邸

4、fastigium ─── n.高峰期;屋脊;尖顶;[医]极度

5、sestertium ─── n.塞斯特蒂厄姆(古代罗马的货币单位)

6、tertium ─── 第三物

7、nasturtiums ─── n.旱金莲,旱金莲属植物

8、darmstadtium ─── n.鐽(一种人工合成的放射性元素)

9、sestertius ─── n.古代罗马的货币单位

nasturtium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、content of 15 trace elements of stems and leaves in Nasturtium offcinale have been detected respectively by ICP-AES. ─── 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法( ICP - AES)测定了西洋菜茎与叶中1 5种无机元素的含量。

2、Keywords eutrophication;copper pollution;Nasturtium officinale R.Br.;antioxidase;waterbody restoration; ─── 富营养化;铜污染;西洋菜;保护酶;水体修复;

3、Nasturtium mosaic carlavirus ─── 蔊菜花叶香石竹潜伏病毒

4、Vomit a white the nasturtium cut, Qin Dynasty oneself's eyes, ear drum, also all emulate to all over blood in nose. ─── 吐出一道白金莲花斩,秦朝自己的眼睛,耳膜,鼻孔里也都跟着淌出血来。

5、common nasturtium herb ─── 旱莲花

6、Nasturtium officinale ─── 水田芥菜, 豆瓣菜

7、Nasturtium flowers: The leaves and flowers of nasturtium have a bitter and briny flavor; both are edible. ─── 金莲花:旱金莲的叶子和花有一种苦味和咸味,都可以食用。

8、I wouldn't know a nasturtium if I saw one. ─── 即使我看到了一株旱金莲也不认得。

9、The content of 15 trace elements of stems and leaves in Nasturtium offcinale have been detected respectively by ICP-AES. ─── 应用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定了西洋菜茎与叶中15种无机元素的含量。

10、Experimental Study of Depigmenting Effects of Nasturtium Extract ─── 旱金莲提取物祛斑作用的实验研究

11、Nasturtium officinale R.Br. ─── 西洋菜

12、Effects on immunosupperession of nasturtium ─── 墨旱莲的免疫抑制作用

13、of a leaf shape;round,with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin,as a nasturtium leaf e.g.. ─── 一种叶子形状;圆形,其茎依附在较低表面的中心附近而非边缘,比如旱金莲花叶等等。

14、wreath nasturtium ─── 多叶旱金莲

15、a leaf shape; round with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin as a nasturtium leaf e. g... ─── 一种叶子形状;圆形,其茎依附在较低表面的中心附近而非边缘,比如旱金莲花叶等等。

16、Cabbage white butterfly and its host plant nasturtium ─── 菜粉蝶与其寄主植物金莲花

17、Of a leaf shape,round,with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin,as a nasturtium leaf e.g.. ─── 一种叶子形状,圆形,其茎依附在较低表面的中心附近而非边缘,比如旱金莲花叶等等。

18、Nasturtium palustre Dc. ─── [医] 风花菜

19、Nasturtium ring spot virus ─── 蔊菜环斑病毒

20、Peak width Tanzania, such as Tobe, grass-yan faint, nasturtium, mountain lily flowers and other bits and pieces. ─── 峰顶宽坦如砥,草茵幽幽,金莲花、山卷丹花等星星点点。

21、Nasturtium mosaic virus ─── 蔊菜花叶病毒

22、Nasturtium officinale R. Br ─── 豆瓣菜

23、Experimental Study of Depigmenting Effects of Nasturtium Extract ─── 旱金莲提取物祛斑作用的实验研究

24、Nasturtium officinale Br. ─── [医] 水田芥

25、The results showed that Nasturtium officinale contained abundant elements of Ca,Mg,Fe,Zn and Mn,and there was difference of the content of trace elements in stems and leaves. ─── 结果表明,西洋菜中钙、镁、铁、锌、锰含量丰富,茎与叶微量元素含量存差异,这些为研究西洋菜药用及食用价值提供新的科学依据。

26、he developed a recipe for vegetable soup that is 894 words long and includes the stems of nasturtium flowers as one of the ingredients. ─── 美国第40任总统罗纳德-里根打破了“总统20年周期死亡诅咒”,即凡在以0结尾的年份当选的总统必丧生于任上。

27、Nasturtium flowers: The leaves and flowers of nasturtium have a bitter and briny flavor; both are edible. ─── 旱金莲花:旱金莲的叶子和花有一种苦味和咸味,都可以食用。

28、The little dressmaker bought an envelope of nasturtium seeds at the florists ─── 那个个子矮小的女裁缝在花铺里买了一包金莲花种子。

29、Study on Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from Nasturtium Officinale R. Br. ─── 西洋菜挥发油化学成分的研究。

30、Stewed Fish with Nasturtium Montanum Wall ─── 塘葛菜生鱼汤

31、Venezuela nasturtium ─── 委内瑞拉旱金莲

32、of a leaf shape; round, with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin, as a nasturtium leaf e.g.. ─── 一种叶子形状;圆形,其茎依附在较低表面的中心附近而非边缘,比如旱金莲花叶等等。

33、Keywords Eutrophication;Heavy metals;Nasturtium officinale;Antioxidase;Waterbody restoration; ─── 富营养化;重金属;西洋菜;保护酶;水体修复;

34、slender nasturtium ─── 细旱金莲

35、I wouldn't know a nasturtium if I saw one. ─── 即使我看到了一株旱金莲也不认得。

36、Nasturtium R. Br. ─── [医] 水田芥属

37、Nasturtium of ficinale ─── 水田芥(豆瓣菜)

38、Once Qin Dynasty atmosphere move and rob in front of the Ma and open mouth and vomited out a white the nasturtium cut. ─── 秦朝神色一动,抢在玛门之前,张开嘴巴,喷出了一道白金莲花斩。

39、Nasturtium virus 1 ─── 水田芥花叶病毒

40、Determination and Analysis on Trace Elements in Nasturtium officinale ─── 西洋菜微量元素的测定分析

41、Nasturtium flowers at the Conservatory of Flowers. ─── 标题: Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California.

42、the peltate leaf of the nasturtium. ─── 旱金莲的盾形叶子

43、of a leaf shape; round, with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin, as a nasturtium leaf e. g. ─── 一种叶子形状;圆形,其茎依附在较低表面的中心附近而非边缘,比如旱金莲花叶等等。

44、Watercress( Nasturtium officinale R. Br. ) ─── 豆瓣莱

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