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illustrator 发音

英:['ɪləstreɪtə]  美:['ɪləstretɚ]

英:  美:

illustrator 中文意思翻译



illustrator 网络释义

n. 插图画家;说明者;图解者

illustrator 短语词组

1、illustrator cc illustrator cc ─── 公司

2、illustrator cs ─── 图形处理基础教程

3、illustrator ipad illustrator ipad

4、illustrator for ipad illustrator for ipad

5、illustrator csp illustrator csp

illustrator 词性/词形变化,illustrator变形

副词: illustratively |

illustrator 相似词语短语

1、illustrates ─── v.阐明;举例说明(illustrate的三单形式);给…加插图

2、illustrators ─── n.插图画家(illustrator的复数形式)

3、illustrating ─── 图解

4、illustration ─── n.说明;插图;例证;图解

5、illustratory ─── 插图

6、illustrations ─── n.[印刷]插图;插画(illustration的复数)

7、illustrated ─── v.加插图于……;(用示例、图画等)说明;表明……的真实(或存在);为……例证(illustrate的过去式及过去分词);adj.有插图的

8、illustrate ─── vt.阐明,举例说明;图解;vi.举例

9、illustrative ─── adj.说明的;作例证的;解说的

illustrator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the most common implementations (such as in Adobe Illustrator), they are special lines that a user may place as references to be used when positioning objects. ─── 其中的准向是一些特殊的线,使用者可以作为参考在放置对象时调整位置。

2、There is illustrator underneath the pictures. ─── 图片下边附有说明。

3、commercial illustrator ─── 商业插图者

4、Laura Laine is a freelance illustrator based in Helsinki,Finland,ocused on fashion. ─── 她来自芬兰,是一名自由插画师,擅长时尚插画,风格类似蜡笔画和炭笔画。

5、Technical illustrator ─── 技术插图员

6、Working with an illustrator , he designed his books with colorful cartoon-like illustrations that capture the young reader's imagination. ─── 他同一名插画家一同工作,他在书中加入了多彩的卡通画,这会让小读者们充满想象。

7、In the following Illustrator tutorial, I'll teach you how to create a Green type treatment. ─── 我已做了很多项目,最近需要一个绿色的风格设计中的应用。

8、For many years, illustrator Ismael Roldan created witty and original drawings of people in the news, from politicians to pop stars.Mr. ─── 多年来,插图画家罗尔丹创作的新闻人物插图妙趣横生,从政客到流行歌星,各色人等,无所不包。

9、Frankel ;Dawn Leger, developmental editor ;Kajsa Forssen, illustrator ;Angela Lis, editorial assistant. ─── 书名/作者 Basic biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system /[edited by] Margareta Nordin, Victor H.

10、Illustrator .Dreamweaver . ─── 使用软体:Phototshop .

11、giving shows of works that were obviously influenced by the illustrator. ─── 他们展示的作品明显受到这位插图画家的影响。

12、She models for an illustrator. ─── 她为一位插图画家当模特儿。

13、Advertising Agency: Liwa Advertising LLC, Dubai, UAECreative Directors: Vijay Kumar, Suhas RegeArt Director / Illustrator: Pradeep ChavanCopywriter: Vija... ─── 我们公司也在一款定位是:法国类型的内衣,就把这款之前见过稿也发一下.

14、His father is an illustrator. ─── 他的父亲是个插图画家。

15、At the same time I would like it to be able to take advantage of the existing tools like Blend or Illustrator for doing the layout. ─── 同时我希望它能利用现有工具(如Blend和Ilustrator)在布局上的优点。

16、Illustrator Que contributed on Goodie Bag stickers ─── 咕迪包贴纸

17、Submissions of illustrations to various newspapers could not be returned with gainful income to the illustrator; ─── 4.副刊插画无法给予插画家稳定收入的生活;

18、I had happen to see a small software which special for barcodecan used in illustrator , finnally I found it. ─── 但是条码下面的数字部份的间距无法自动生成,与预期的还是有差别。

19、Author Jerry Pallotta and illustrator Rob Bolster use a variety of different apples to teach kids all about fractions in this innovative and enjoyable book. ─── 在本书中作者利用苹果的分割及有趣的图片组合方式来告诉小朋友分数的概念,相当的有趣,让小朋友看到数学不会再紧张!

20、I'm looking for an illustrator to develop a book in a similar style to the attached. It's just a reference. ─── 我正在寻找一位插画发展中的一个类似风格的附书。这只是一个参考。

21、Even he is becoming an illustrator;I don't have to stay in adverting constantly.So I start to learn CG. ─── 我想他都变成了插画家,我又何必执着广告创作,于是成为CG的学生。

22、In this tutorial you'll be learning several Photoshop tools and techniques, as well as a couple of Illustrator techniques to create a trendy, retro/abstract style Hippy Van poster from scratch. ─── 在这个教学中你将学到几种ps工具和ps的使用小技巧,也有ai的使用技巧去创建流行元素,从涂画中得到一个嬉皮货车海报的抽象风格。

23、A children's book author and illustrator, Mrs Kessing campaigns to save wild-life from the depredations of cats and other introduced animals, including camels, donkeys and wild horses. ─── 凯欣女士是童书作者与插画家,她倡导解救野生动物,让牠们免受野猫和骆驼、驴子、野马等引进的外来动物蹂躏。

24、JOYCE, a successful children’s book author and illustrator whose works include. ─── 乔依斯是一个成功的儿童作家及插图画家。

25、Hendrik Willem van Loon (1882-1944), a Dutch-American author and illustrator, was the first winner of the Newbery Medal for The Story of Mankind. ─── 亨德里克?威廉?房龙(1822-1944),荷兰裔美国人,作家、插画家,因《人类的故事》一书获得纽伯瑞奖。

26、When you see the cover, you don't even find the name of the illustrator and you will just know it's one of Graeme Base's works. ─── 因为把这本书放上来分享,所以我又重读了一次这个悲伤的故事。

27、They photocopied the guts of it and I supplied thick stock, full colour covers that I got an outputting service to do from an Illustrator file. ─── 他们大量复印,我提供厚厚的纸页,全彩色封面,我从带插图文件中得到输出服务。

28、Love it like we do Photoshop or illustrator. ─── 小蜂子在这个地方是不会迷路的;

29、B. In that case I would use Adobe Illustrator instead of Smart Draw. It's easier to use. Just click onto the icon that says Adobe. ─── 我在为我们办公室圣诞聚会设计个东西。我要做一个有两张图像和十行文字组合的请柬。

30、In resent years, thinking graphically and increasing of graphic based books pronounced the importance of graphic design and illustrator. ─── 摘要:近几年来,图像思考与视觉系书籍时代的来临凸显了书的视觉设计与插画家的重要性。

31、You cannot view enhanced metafile format graphics files (or EMF image files) that were created in Adobe Illustrator ─── 无法查看在Adobe Illustrator中创建的增强型图元文件格式的图形文件(或EMF图像文件)

32、Don't get me wrong. You're a fine illustrator, but this isn't what I call art. ─── 别误会你是名很优秀的插图画家,但这并非我所谓的艺术

33、There is one other early Romantic, who was an illustrator as well. ─── 还有一位早期的浪漫主义者,也是一位插画家。

34、"I spent my time with the design and art universe." "Now, I'm Illustrator." ─── 为日本、美国、西班牙等国家的知名杂志绘制插图,并参与电视广告的制作。

35、The studio of American designer and illustrator Mark Simonson. ─── Mark Simonson是美国的一家设计工作室。

36、There is a small line between an illustrator and a fine artist. ─── 插画家和一个好的画家之间的差别是很小的。

37、Kenny Wong is the founder of "kennyswork" and a member of "Iron Brother" and Hong Kong professional illustrator association. ─── 创立人,“铁人兄弟”成员,香港专业插画师协会会员。

38、When you hear the words "street art" handmade graphics come to mind. Talented illustrators with street art backgrounds have artfully changed the wall painting spray with the Illustrator bezier tool. ─── 当你听到“街头艺术”这个词时,手绘就浮现在脑海中。具有街头艺术背景的天才画家使用特制的喷涂工具巧妙地改变了墙壁。

39、Be sure to watch the trailer above to hear how Loren Long was emotionally invested in this project as the book's illustrator. ─── 请一定观看上面的预告片,来了解罗兰·龙对身为此书的插图作家,做了哪些情感准备。

40、illustrator entry ─── 插图作者款目

41、To do that you can use Illustrator. ─── 为了做到这一点您可以使用插图。

42、I am always worry about the computer program, for example, Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop will replace the hand drawing skills. ─── 我是个钥匙儿童,回到家就一个人,我和我姐跟我哥感情不亲没什麽太大的交集。

43、photoimpact? photoshop? illustrator? corel draw? ─── 你是用哪个软体?

44、I am an industrial designer / technical illustrator . ─── 我是一名工业设计师/工艺插图者。

45、Lee Song-Hao, a 3D game producer, and Choi Mei-Lan, a freelance illustrator, both love their careers and want to reach the top of their own fields. ─── 三维游戏制作人李松浩及自由插图画家崔美兰十分热爱和委身于事业中。

46、Donna Hare,a NASA design illustrator with secret clearance,said UFOs were routinely airbrushed out of high altitude photos of the Earth before being released to the public. ─── 唐娜·黑尔(在国家航空和航天局负责有关设计插图工作,她是通过审查可以接触机密的人员)说,一些高空拍摄到的地球的照片在公布之前通常都修去了背景中的不明飞行物。

47、San Francisco-based painter and illustrator Hannah Stouffer takes you to her classic-modern attractions by her gorgeous Goodie Bag A2 PosterA ─── 2海报让你体验定居在旧金山的画家和插画家

48、How about the social status to be an illustrator like you in America? ─── 在美国,像你这样的插画家社会地位怎么样?

49、I prefer to be called an illustrator, because there is too much bullshit in fine art. ─── 不过我更喜欢被称作插画家,因为在美术界有太多乱七八糟的事情。

50、editor, William Lefkowitz ;illustrator, Mary Burkhardt. ─── 作者声明: Wing Jew, Robert Tong ;

51、Pursue a career as a commercial designer and illustrator ─── 到纽约后一直从事广告设计的职业

52、Graphic designer able to operate efficiently on CorelDraw, Photoshop, Maya, Illustrator and other related designing software. ─── com要求应聘者能熟练操作CorelDraw,Photoshop,Maya,Illustrator以及相关设计软件。

53、1987 Following Herge's desire that Tintin not be given to another illustrator, his wife Fanny decides to replace the still-extant Herge Studios with the Herge Foundation. ─── 1987年,根据埃尔热的遗愿,丁丁没有让别的漫画家接手.他的妻字决定用埃尔热基金来取代仍然存在的埃尔热工作室.

54、I use Photoshop Illustrator Painter. But I use hand-drawing more often. ─── 你擅长的绘图软体有哪些?

55、Begin pasting in the vector elements from Illustrator into Photoshop, position the shapes below the paper layer to give the impression that they're creeping from behind. ─── 将刚才的形状旋转缩放到合适大小和位置,并放在前面做的云状物上。全选,执行“与形状区域相减”命令。

56、Proficiency in various types of desktop publishing and graphics software such as InDesign, Pagemaker, PDF, Illustrator, Photoshop, CoreIDRAW, CAD as well as Office and other operating software. ─── 从事DTP排版工作已经有多年的时间。熟练操作各类排版及绘图软件,例如InDesign、Pagemaker、PDF、Illustrator、Photoshop、CoreIDRAW、CAD以及Office等操作软件。

57、Shortly afterwards, his twin brother and two other ancient Xenopus brother have also admitted to the Commercial Press.搞创作with them, illustrator. ─── 不久,他的孪生兄弟古蟾和另外两个弟弟也相继考入商务印书馆。他们一同搞创作,画插图。

58、illustrator of children rs books ─── 儿童书插图画家

59、An architect, artist and former NASA illustrator, american artist Kurt Wenner 's amazingly detailed street artworks conjure images of both Baroque religious murals and a Salvor Daliesque surrealism. ─── 一名建筑师,艺术家和美国宇航局前插画,美国艺术家科特温纳氏惊人的艺术品召唤详细的街道都巴洛克宗教壁画和救助人Daliesque超现实的图像。

60、- Know-how of software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and Flash. ─── - 熟练使用Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver及Flash等软件。

61、Talented illustrators with street art backgrounds have artfully changed the wall painting spray with the Illustrator bezier tool. ─── 具有街头艺术背景的天才画家使用特制的喷涂工具巧妙地改变了墙壁。

62、Excellent art print from designer, illustrator and artist Sam Wiley, done for Anheuser-Busch. (Want more? See NOTCOT.org and NOTCOT.com)... ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏#14274-查看全文前天02:36:19

63、By the illustrator of Millions of Cats. ─── 同样的,作者也是以铅笔画来诠释全文。

64、In ''On Thin Ice'', Richard Ellis, a writer and illustrator, paints a natural history of the icon of the north, the polar bear. ─── 在《薄冰之上》一书中,作家兼插画家理查·埃利斯描绘了北极图标,北极熊的自然史。

65、Denis Zilber is an illustrator with a great sense of humor and hisowncreative and unique style. ─── 丹尼斯.希尔普是一个极具幽默感,拥有独创力和独特方式的插图画家。

66、Said after the installment, may produce the bar code in word, then inducts the illustrator use. ─── 我安装之后发现生成的条码根本不对,很明显那个软件仅适用于英文系统的电脑。

67、Mr. Yamada is a top-notch illustrator. ─── 山田先生是位一流的漫画家。

68、2009 Copy Rights Sara Guindon, illustrator, Montreal, Qc, Canada./ Collaborated with Da Production House, Taipei, Taiwan. ─── 大制作房祝大家牛年行大运,新年快乐!

69、Art Illustrator for Children Camp Teaching Material Art Illustrator ─── 儿童营队教材美编

70、To bring his vision for the latest incarnation of TMNT to life, Munroe sought the talents of veteran art director/ concept illustrator Simon Murton. ─── 为了让自己想象中最新的忍者神龟栩栩如生,门罗利用了经验丰富的艺术导演/念插画家西蒙?顿的才华。

71、Vladimir Tomin is a designer illustrator and motion graphics creator from Khabarovsk Russia. ─── 弗拉基米尔Tomin是一个设计师,插画,动画创作者和来自哈巴罗夫斯克,俄罗斯。

72、What if you, the graphic designer, have a virtual partner who is an award winning copywriter and another partner who is a well-know illustrator? ─── 如果你的平面设计师,有一个虚拟的合作伙伴谁是获奖的文案和另一个合作伙伴谁是众所周知插画?

73、YUKO SHIMIZU is a freelance illustrator and fine artist lives and works in New York. ─── YUKO SHIMIZU是一位自由插画家和画家,现在住在并工作于纽约。

74、When downloading the vector Illustrator logo files, be sure the file extensions remain as listed. ─── 在下载vector Illustrator徽标文件时,请确保文件扩展名与所列出的一致。

75、A technique to improve the quality of illustrations of sci-tech periodicals by Adobe Illustrator is introduced,and the different effect after the improvement is compared. ─── 介绍运用Adobe Illustrator提高插图质量的技术方法,比较了经Illustrator处理后的插图效果。

76、Inkscape is an easy to use vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, or Xara X using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. ─── Inkscape是一个方便易用的矢量图形编辑器,功能和Illustrator,Freehand,CorelDraw或Xara X等软件很相似,它们都是使用W3C标准可扩展矢量图形(SVG)文件格式的。

77、Working with an illustrator, he designed his books with colorful cartoon-like illustrations that capture the young reader's imagination. ─── 他和一个插画家合作,将他的书设计成有五彩卡通插画的形式,以此来抓住年轻读者的想象力。

78、Good computer skills, such as Microsoft office, Autocad, 3D software, Photoshop,Illustrator etc.; ─── 5年以上工程施工,室内设计、结构设计经验,有现场工作经验优先;

79、He is well-known as an illustrator of children's books. ─── 他是个著名的儿童书籍插图画家。

80、The wallpaper are print by own and create by photoshop &illustrator. ─── 壁纸都自己编辑后打印出来的.

81、Since then she has been working as freelance illustrator and part time instructor at SVA. ─── 她开始做自由插画家,并在SVA兼职做指导教师。

82、She models for an illustrator. ─── 她为一位插图画家当模特儿。

83、Graphic designer able to operate efficiently on CorelDraw,Photoshop,Maya,Illustrator and other related designing software. ─── com 要求应聘者能熟练操作CorelDraw,Photoshop,Maya,Illustrator以及相关设计软件。

84、I have many dream projects.I'd like to create a graphic novel, work as independant illustrator, start a 3D model collection and work on an Artbook. ─── 我已经有很多概念了,我喜欢用插画草图的方式创造生动的故事,同时开始收集相关的3D模型和图片。

85、The illustrator is going to judge the entries in the children's painting competition. ─── 那位插画家将评审儿童绘画比赛的参赛作品。

86、My cousin is a freelance illustrator in L. A. ─── 我的表兄在洛杉矶做漫画自由撰告人。

87、3.Strong graphic design competence, mastery in 3D, Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, Coreldraw, etc.Good knowledge of latest trends in software and interactive applications. ─── 动手能力强,熟练使用 3D 、flash 、 photoshop 、 illustrator 、 coreldraw 等图文软件,了解互动行业相关技术。

88、Translation product services: Typing of documents in Chinese and foreign languages, typeset in a variety of popular formats including PDF, PAGEMAKER, FRAMEMAKER, FREEHAND, ILLUSTRATOR, etc, image scanning, bookbinding and printing. ─── 排版等多种文件排版格式、供相关的文件装订、印刷服务。

89、Another tool is the spray brush, borrowed from Illustrator , that enables you to “spray” graphic element in an arbitrary method. ─── 另一个工具是喷雾刷,借用插图,它可以让您将“喷雾”图形元素任意方法。





ai是指后期图片制作处理软件,是Adobe illustrator的简称,是Adobe旗下的一款应用于出版物,多媒体和在线图像的工业标准矢量插画的软件


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