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09-14 投稿


propped 发音

英:[prɒpt]  美:[prɑːpt]

英:  美:

propped 中文意思翻译



propped 词性/词形变化,propped变形

动词现在分词: propping |动词第三人称单数: props |动词过去式: propped |动词过去分词: propped |

propped 短语词组

1、propped art ─── 支撑艺术

2、propped up soles in tv shows ─── 电视节目中的支撑鞋底

3、propped means ─── 支撑方式

4、propped up v. ─── 支撑; ─── 支持

5、propped define ─── 支撑定义

6、propped definition ─── 支持定义

propped 相似词语短语

1、cropped ─── adj.裁切不正的

2、unpropped ─── 未映射

3、uppropped ─── 支持

4、dropped ─── adj.抛踢球得分的;v.下降,减少;掉下,滴下(drop的过去式和过去分词形式)

5、-cropped ─── adj.裁切不正的

6、-propped ─── 支撑

7、plopped ─── n.(物体落入水的)扑通声;掉下的声音;v.扑通落下;扑通一声把……放入(尤指液体);重重地坐下,躺下;adv.扑通一声地;n.(Plop)(罗马尼亚、摩尔多瓦、俄)普洛普(人名)

8、popped ─── adj.被警察局拘押的;被逮捕的;v.突然爆开;突然地出现;取出(pop的过去分词)

9、-dropped ─── adj.抛踢球得分的;v.下降,减少;掉下,滴下(drop的过去式和过去分词形式)

propped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Punctuation, then, is a civic prop, a pillar that holds society upright. ─── 如此说来,标点乃是百姓的支柱,是支撑社会不至于垮掉的栋梁。

2、The gardener propped up the apple tree with a stout. ─── 园丁用一块坚固的木板支撑住苹果树。

3、Munitions, business most prosperous stage prop. ─── 军火,生意最兴隆的道具了。

4、If say your spiritual prop fell? ─── 假如说你的精神支柱倒了?

5、She uses a clothes prop to prevent the washing on her clothes line from touching the ground. ─── 她用一根撑棍把晾衣绳子撑起来,使衣服不致触及地面。

6、He propped himself against the gatepost. ─── 他倚著门柱。

7、He found a brick and propped the gate open with it . ─── 他捡到一块砖头,然后用它把大门撑开。

8、It's just a prop to piss you off. ─── 它只是一个让你们失望的道具.

9、He is our cinema world spiritual prop. ─── 他是我们电影圈的精神支柱。

10、A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the breastwork of his satchel . ─── 一个面色黧黑的少年打开书本,麻利地将它支在书包这座胸墙底下。

11、He propped his bicycle against the fence. ─── 他把自行车靠着篱笆放好。

12、He can not always expect his colleagues to prop him up . ─── 他不能老期望他的同事们支持他。

13、Be like when finish have difficulty, usable ancon joint is propped up go up at the ground. ─── 在完成时若有困难,可用肘关节支撑于地上。

14、The pit - prop fell on his head and knocked him out. ─── 坑木掉在他头上,把他打昏过去。

15、Her flat cloth slippers were propped up on a footwarmer, and a cat reposed on her lap. ─── 她脚上的平底布鞋蹬在一个脚炉上,大腿上躺着一只猫。

16、He propped the drunk man up on a chair to recover. ─── 他把醉酒男子扶到椅子上,以便他恢复精神。

17、Extend left foot to prop up the body, right leg still genuflect is in place. ─── 伸出左脚支撑身体,右脚仍跪在原地。

18、She propped the clothesline with a stick . ─── 她用一根棍子将晒衣绳撑起来

19、Is the person to rely on what will mental mood prop up? ─── 人是靠精神情绪来支撑的吗?

20、He propped his stick against the wall. ─── 他把手杖靠墙立着。

21、He propped his bicycle against the ferry. ─── 他把白行车靠在栅栏上。

22、A worker put a prop against the wall of the tunnel to keep it from falling. ─── 一名工人用东西支撑住隧道壁好使它不会倒塌。

23、He had propped open the slit that dishes passed through into the kitchen with a catsup bottle. ─── 他把通厨房的那个小窗口用手撑开,盘子和番茄汁的瓶子从那里送进厨房里去。

24、They prop up the gate open with a brick. ─── 他们用砖挡住门,防止门被关上。

25、Her daughter was the only prop to the old lady during her illness. ─── 她女儿是老太太病中唯一的依靠。

26、Propped up on pillows in a big double bed was our teacher, but she changed. ─── 只见一个人斜倚在一张大双人床的一堆枕头上,她便是我们的老师,可是样子全变了。

27、David's shot gun was propped in a corner of the kitchen. ─── 大卫的猎枪倚在厨房的一个角落里。

28、She propped up her mysteriously wounded husband, searching for the front door through her one good eye. ─── 她扶着莫名其妙受伤的丈夫,用自己那只没伤的眼睛寻找着餐馆的正门。

29、He is the only prop of mine. ─── 他是我的唯一的支柱。

30、She propped herself up on one elbow. ─── 她单肘撑起身子。

31、You can't always expect your colleagues to prop you up. ─── 你总不能老是指望你的同事们支持你。

32、Primitive people propped up their own lives, not prosthetic hand on you. ─── 原始人撑起自己的一生,不会假手于人。

33、He lay propped against the pillows. ─── 他靠着枕头躺着。

34、She was reading the card, propped on her elbow. ─── 她用手托腮,正读着明信片。

35、They had to prop up the tree with long poles under the branches. ─── 他们得用长杆支着大树枝把树撑住。

36、The front door of Leonard's building was propped open with a brick, so she went up to his apartment and knocked. ─── 伦纳德的公寓楼大门被人用砖头撑开了,因此她直接走了进去,来到他的单元门前,敲了敲门。

37、He can't always expect his colleagues to prop him up. ─── 他不能总是指望他的同事来支持他。

38、Be propped up with the trigonometry type wood that sets solid to go up in metope and it is become. ─── 它是用嵌固在墙面上的三角式木支撑和一层层的搁板组合而成的。

39、His chin was propped on his hands, and he was deep in thought. ─── 他两手撑着下巴在深思。

40、He propped his cane against the wall. ─── 他把自己的手杖靠墙立着。

41、Equally, fiscal policy will be a prop. ─── 同样的,财政政策也是一种工具。

42、The changed tigar’s prop appears in the past story. ─── 化虎道具,在以往故事中即有。

43、He propped himself against the wall. ─── 他倚靠着墙。

44、In the bed, propped up reading a hefty book, was an attractive elderly woman. ─── 在床上,一个迷人的老妇正支撑着在看一个大部头。

45、The little girl stood the doll on the boxes that represented the chair, propped up against the wall behind. ─── 小女孩让布娃娃站在充当椅子的盒子上,靠在后面的墙上。

46、What lies behind Israel's determination to prop up Abbas' quisling leadership? ─── 在以色列极力扶持阿巴斯傀儡政权的决心背后,隐藏的是什么?

47、On the third night the countess was quiet for a few minutes, and Natasha closed her eyes, her head propped on the arm of the chair. ─── 第三天夜里伯爵夫人安静了几分钟,娜塔莎把头靠在安乐椅的扶手上,合了一会儿眼睛。

48、There were several bicycles propped outside of the shop. ─── 几辆自行车停靠在商店外。

49、She propped herself against the cold, damp wall with the baby in one hand and a bottle of gin in the other. ─── 她靠在冰冷潮湿的墙上,一手抱着小孩,一手拿着一瓶杜松子酒。

50、To prop(something)from below. ─── 从下面支撑(某物)

51、The doctor propped his patient up on the pillows. ─── 医生把病人扶起,让他靠在枕头上。

52、Carmen Elcira narrowed her eyes and studied his face. He was wearing the plainest of clothes, with sunglasses propped on his head. ─── 卡门埃里西亚俩眼眯成一条逢,打量着他的脸,他穿着特朴素的衣服,头顶架一副太阳镜。

53、The door was propped open. ─── 门被支开着。

54、But nationwide house-price inflation was propped up by a 40% surge in Perth last year, thanks to the minerals boom. ─── 但是去年在佩思,由于矿物增长热潮的原因全国性的房价通货膨胀直接激增了40%。

55、He was for several years the main prop and animator of Roosevelt himself. ─── 他有几年是罗斯福本人的主要支持者和鼓舞者。

56、Its mixed bag of business units have propped up the company at different times since the recession. ─── 而其品种繁多的各项投资业务,也使得该企业顺利度过了经济衰退的各个时期。

57、It propped up life insurers and money-market funds. ─── 同时,它支撑起了人寿保险和货币市场基金。

58、He propped his bicycle up against the fence. ─── 他把脚踏车靠在篱笆上。

59、He propped the book against his knees. ─── 他把书放在膝上。

60、A prop placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright. ─── 书档放在一排书的末端以使书本直立的支撑物

61、Visible land resource is propped up to what national economy grows degree will still maintain in a higher level. ─── 可见国土资源对国民经济发展的支撑度仍将维持在一个较高水平。

62、He stuck the bits together and propped the ruin in its old place for a memorial. ─── 他把碎片粘合起来,仍旧把它放在原来的地方,作为纪念。

63、He propped the ladder against the wall. ─── 他支起了梯子,把它靠在墙上。

64、They propped the old tunnel up with new timbers. ─── 他们用新的木梁支撑旧坑道。

65、He was lying propped up on two pillows, his solid head with its growth of once dark brown hair slightly greyed. ─── 他用两个枕头支着躺在那儿,他那向来盖着深褐色头发的脑袋,现在已经微微有点灰白了。

66、Investments in the U.S. money market have propped up the American dollar. ─── 美国货币市场的投资一直在支撑着美元。

67、To prop(something) from below. ─── 从下面支撑(某物)

68、He used a box to prop the door open. ─── 他用盒子顶住门,让门开著。

69、Several rich families have propped up the regime . ─── 几个富豪家族为那个政权撑腰。

70、He lay propped against the pillows. ─── 他靠着枕头躺着。

71、He gets on your bestride personally, face his leg, palmar touchdown is propped up with making. ─── 你跨坐他身上,面向他的腿,手掌着地以作支撑。

72、A window is propped open so the evening chill can keep them awake. ─── 一扇窗子开著,让夜晚的寒风可以帮他们保持清醒。

73、Somehow I propped myself up on my arms, dizzy and weak. ─── 也不知道我是怎么支撑着手臂起来的,我感到昏天黑地虚弱极了。

74、No longer will your prop be just a bedspring with fur. ─── 反而, 您将学会怎麽做这个热闹的支柱似乎承担它自己的生活。

75、Great period needs and produce great mind, great mind is propped up and driving great period. ─── 伟大的时代需要并产生崇高的精神,崇高的精神支撑和推动着伟大的时代。

76、We gave him water from his canteen. We gave him oxygen. We propped him up and gave him time to try to relax and get calm. ─── 我们从给养车里给他拿来了水,给他输氧,扶他起来,给他时间,让他试着休息放松。

77、She propped her bicycle against the wall. ─── 她把自行车靠墙放好。

78、He sat propped up in the bed by pillows. ─── 他靠着枕头坐在床上。

79、Presently, they met Firmware, who was dressed in tattered rags, and hobbled along propped on a thorny stick. ─── 不久冒险岛魔法师加点,它们遇到了固件,固件衣衫褴褛,拄着一根拐棍步履蹒跚。

80、All day long the battle raged, and the king of Israel propped himself up in his chariot facing the Arameans until evening. ─── 那日阵势越战越猛,以色列王勉强站在车上抵挡亚兰人,直到晚上。

81、He found a brick and propped the gate open with it. ─── 他见到一块砖头,然后用它把大门撑开。

82、Her spectacles were propped up on her gray head for safety. ─── 为了不打碎眼镜,她把它架在灰白的头顶上。

83、He propped his bike against the wall. ─── 他把自行车靠在墙边。

84、He was wearing the plainest of clothes, with sunglasses propped on his head. ─── 他衣着极其普通,墨镜架在头顶上。

85、Reaching for pillows, she propped them behind, so that he could lean back. ─── 她拿起枕头垫在他背后,使他能往后靠着。

86、Great cause needs this kind of great mind, only great mental gift is propped up and promote great enterprise. ─── 伟大的事业需要这种崇高的精神,只有崇高的精神才能支撑和推动伟大的事业。

87、She is not propped up really, asked able mom to come on the stage again. ─── 她实在支撑不住了,又请能干的妈妈出场了。

88、Her daughter was a prop to her during her illness. ─── 她生病时全靠他女儿当支柱。

89、Some carriers are being propped up by state aid, in particular in parts of Asia and the Middle East. ─── 一些运营商获得了政府援助的支撑,特别是中东及亚洲部分地区的运营商。

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