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09-14 投稿



impedimental 中文意思翻译



impedimental 相似词语短语

1、impediments ─── n.障碍(impediment的复数);妨碍,困难

2、impedimentary ─── adj.阻碍的,妨碍的(等于impedimental)

3、impediment ─── n.口吃;妨碍;阻止

4、pedimental ─── 山花(饰)的,三角墙(上)的;山墙的,山前侵蚀平原的

5、impedimentaLaw ─── 障碍法

6、impedimenta ─── n.累赘,包袱

7、sedimental ─── adj.沉积物的,沉降的

8、experimental ─── adj.实验的;根据实验的;试验性的

9、implemental ─── adj.器具的;有帮助的;可作为工具的

impedimental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Impedimental Factors to JiLing Province's Township Enterprise Development ─── 吉林省乡镇企业发展的障碍因素分析

2、Study on experiments of adjusting and controlling the impedimental factors of black soil in the north region of Northeast, China ─── 东北北部农田黑土障碍因子调控措施试验

3、In any navigation channel, the following activities are prohibited: abandoning sunken vessels, laying fishing implements impedimental to navigation, and cultivating aquatic plants. ─── 在航道内不得弃置沉船,不得设置碍航渔具,不得种植水生植物。

4、Causes Impedimental to Labour Flux and Countermeasures ─── 浅探我国劳动力滞流的原因及对策

5、Impedimental factors related to the repair of spinal cord injury ─── 脊髓损伤修复的相关阻碍因素

6、Analysis of the Impedimental Factors Affecting Agrotechnical Diffusion ─── 我国农业技术扩散的障碍因素分析

7、The Impedimental Factors to JiLing Province's Township Enterprise Development ─── 吉林省乡镇企业发展的障碍因素分析

8、Non -point sources pollution(NPS),mainly agricultural runoff of nutr ients and sediment,is a major impedi ment to further water quality improvement i n many regions of China. ─── 应用概率约束的方法,在非点源治理规划中将预期的治理效果在一定的置信水平下描述。

9、Impedimental factors related to the repair of spinal cord injury ─── 脊髓损伤修复的相关阻碍因素

10、Causes Impedimental to Labour Flux and Countermeasures ─── 浅探我国劳动力滞流的原因及对策

11、impedimental elements ─── 障碍因素

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