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09-14 投稿



hellhound 发音

英:[ˈhelˌhaʊnd]  美:[ˈhelˌhaʊnd]

英:  美:

hellhound 中文意思翻译



hellhound 网络释义

n. 地狱之犬;恶鬼

hellhound 短语词组

1、hellhound gear ─── 地狱犬装备

2、hellhound metal inferno ─── 地狱犬金属 ─── 地狱

3、hellhound on his trail ─── 地狱犬在追踪他

hellhound 词性/词形变化,hellhound变形


hellhound 相似词语短语

1、hellhounds ─── n.地狱之犬;恶鬼

2、shellbound ─── 壳结的

3、well-found ─── 准备好了的;设备完善的

4、spellbound ─── adj.被咒语所镇住的;出神的;被迷住的;茫然不知所之的

5、elkhound ─── n.猎鹿犬

6、deerhound ─── n.猎鹿犬

7、hellhole ─── n.非常令人不舒服的场所;藏污纳垢之处

8、hell house ─── 地狱之家

9、cellhouse ─── 监狱

hellhound 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then he said:'You think it is too dangerous for any Baskerville to live at the Hall because of this supernatural hellhound. ─── 然后他说:“您认为由于那条神秘的恶犬因而巴斯克维尔家的人住在那个庄园里都不安全。

2、Then he said: 'You think it is too dangerous for any Baskerville to live at the Hall because of this supernatural hellhound. ─── 然后他说:您认为由于那条神秘的恶犬因而巴斯克维尔家的人住在那个庄园里都不安全。

3、Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them(Martin Luther King, Jr.)See Usage Note at black ─── 歧视是地狱之犬,在黑人们醒来后的每时每刻它都在向他们狂吠,提醒他们在这个统治着他们的社会里,他们地位卑下的谎言却被当作真理来接受(小马丁 路德 金)参见

4、as you apporach the west exit here, a large hellhound appears, which cannot be defeated in the common manner. ─── 在这里当你接近西边出口时,一只巨大的地狱之犬出现了。

5、these were slaying the many-headed Hydra, retrieving the Golden Apples of the Hesperides and bringing the hellhound Cerberus up from the Underworld. Heracles was also an Argonaut. ─── 这些行动中,他杀了凶残的九头蛇怪兽,偷了赫斯帕里德斯(译者注:传说中守护金苹果树的仙女)的金苹果.活捉冥府看门狗地狱之犬并从地府带了上来.海格力斯也是亚尔古的船员(译者注:去海外寻找金羊毛的古船).

6、as you approach the west exit here, a large hellhound appears, which cannot be defeated in the common manner. ─── 在这里当你接近西边出口时,一只巨大的地狱之犬出现了。

7、Week of Hellhound: Double growth for Hell Hound and Cerberi. ─── 地域犬周:地域犬产量加倍。

8、The Hellhound of Wall Street: How Ferdinand Pecora's Investigation of the Great Crash Forever Changed American Finance ─── 华尔街恶犬:费迪南德•皮科拉的大崩盘调查怎样永远地改变了美国金融业

9、The hellhound is said to consume darkness. Has the power of darkness. ─── 描绘着靠吸收黑暗生存的黑色魔兽:地狱看门犬的卡片。拥有黑暗的力量。

10、I saw him as an apparition from the next world in his white hospital nightshirt, pale and bony and with those yellow hellhound's eyes that looked at me forever. ─── 他穿着医院里那种白色的长睡衣,脸色苍白,瘦骨嶙峋,在我看来活像另一个世界的幽灵,魔鬼似的黄眼睛好像永远在盯着我。

11、"Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them" (Martin Luther King, Jr.) ─── “歧视是地狱之犬,在黑人们醒来后的每时每刻它都在向他们狂吠,提醒他们在这个统治着他们的社会里,他们地位卑下的谎言却被当作真理来接受”(小马丁·路德·金)。

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