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09-14 投稿



perfidy 发音

英:['pɜːfɪdɪ]  美:['pɝfədi]

英:  美:

perfidy 中文意思翻译



perfidy 反义词


perfidy 同义词

unadulterated | consummate | perfective | pure | achieve | staring |faultless | gross | sodding | everlasting | improve | tighten up | better | finish | refine | intact | excellent | accurate | stark | precise | expert | unconditional | thoroughgoing | finished | ideal | right | hone | double-dyed | mint | fulfil | absolute | finalize | exact | definitive | correct | flawless | faithful | proper | strict | utter | arrant | complete | perfect tense

perfidy 短语词组

1、perfidy defined ─── 背信弃义

2、perfidy antonym ─── 背信弃义反义词

3、perfidy definition ─── 背信定义

4、perfidy 2014 ─── 背信弃义2014

5、perfidy poe ─── 背信弃义

6、perfidy pdf ─── 背信弃义pdf

7、perfidy loac ─── 回路性能

perfidy 词性/词形变化,perfidy变形

名词复数: perfidies |

perfidy 相似词语短语

1、perfidious ─── adj.背信弃义的;不忠的

2、perdy ─── 损失

3、perfumy ─── 香味,香气

4、perfervidly ─── 非常热心地

5、perfin ─── 打有公司名称首字母孔眼的邮票

6、perfins ─── 打有公司名称首字母孔眼的邮票

7、perfing ─── 表演。

8、perfidies ─── n.不诚实;背信弃义

9、perfay ─── perfay公司

perfidy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perfidy crime is originally a notion in German and Japanese crimina laws. ─── 背信犯罪原是德日刑法中的一个概念。

2、act of perfidy ─── 背信弃义行为

3、I suoi profeti son millantatori, perfidi, i suoi sacerdoti profanano le cose sante, fanno violenza alla legge. ─── 城中的先知都是轻浮诡诈的人;城中的祭司亵渎圣物,违犯律法。

4、He was quite certain now that she knew he was married and was angered at his perfidy. ─── 他现在已可以断定,她已经得知他是有妇之夫,对于他的欺瞒行为非常生气。

5、Breach of faith; perfidy; treachery; perfidious ─── 背信弃义

6、Of,relating to,or marked by perfidy;treacherous. ─── 背信弃义的属于、关于或被认为背信弃义的;背信弃义的

7、The knowledge of Hurstwood's perfidy wounded her like a knife. ─── 赫斯渥欺骗她的消息像一把刀捅到了她的心里。

8、"She paused at the sound of the last two words and wrung her hands.The knowledge of Hurstwood's perfidy wounded her like a knife. ─── 隔着打开的门,他看到厨房里柴火在炉子里噼啪燃烧,晚饭已经快烧好了。

9、Willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust; perfidy. ─── 背叛对忠诚、信任或信赖的有意背叛;背信弃义

10、5. As devotion unites lovers, so perfidy estranges friends. ─── 奉献使爱人团结,背信弃义疏离朋友。

11、La giustizia degli uomini retti li libera, ma i perfidi restan presi nella loro propria malizia. ─── 正直人的公义必拯救自己,但奸诈人必陷溺于自己的恶欲中。

12、China 's foreign policy has always been an often bizarre mix of pragmatism and perfidy. ─── 中国的外交政策一直是一个常常奇怪的组合实用主义和背信弃义。

13、Perfidy will break friendship quickly and painfully. ─── 2背信弃义会迅速而痛苦地断送友谊。

14、As devotion unites lovers, so perfidy estranges friends. ─── 投入使得爱人更亲密,背信能疏远朋友。

15、10 Having stirred up their courage, he gave his orders and pointed out at the same time the perfidy of the Gentiles and their violation of oaths. ─── 激起他们作战的精神以后,又宣示外邦人如何失信,违犯誓言,遂发出攻击的命令。

16、Never mind now about Hurstwood's perfidy--why had he done this? ─── 现在先别管赫斯渥的背理悖行--他为什么要这样做?

17、such perfidy and pride, envy and ambition, homicide and murder, cruelty and savagery, lawlessness and lust; ─── 这般背叛与骄傲、忌妒与野心、屠戮与谋杀、残忍与野蛮、违法与贪婪;

18、Willful betrayal of fidelity,confidence,or trust;perfidy. ─── 背叛对忠诚、信任或信赖的有意背叛;背信弃义

19、1.a breach of faith; treachery; infidelity; disloyalty; unfaithfulness; perfidy; 2.to renege ─── 背信

20、The crime of perfidy injure the listed company benefit ─── 背信损害上市公司利益罪

21、Her little brain had been surging with contradictory feelings-- shame at exposure, shame at Hurstwood's perfidy , anger at Drouet's deception, the mockery he had made at her. ─── 各种矛盾的情感在她的小脑袋瓜里汹涌起伏--为事情的暴露而羞愧,为赫斯渥的背信弃义感到耻辱,又为杜洛埃的欺瞒和他现在对她的嘲笑感到气恼。

22、As devotion unites lovers,so perfidy estranges friends. ─── 忠诚是爱情的桥梁,欺诈是友谊的敌人。

23、suspicions of British perfidy were bad enough. ─── 怀疑英国人背信弃义,这已经足够糟糕了。

24、China's foreign policy has always been an often bizarre mix of pragmatism and perfidy. ─── 中国的外交政策一直是一个实用主义和背信弃义组合的怪胎政策。

25、Oh, the perfidy of men! ─── 啊,男人的奸诈!

26、the man's perfidy never reach a limit? ─── 这个人的背信弃义难道永远没有止境吗?

27、Then the hero Hou boarded Kunlun Peak, at a stretch of nine solar radio, esteemed and loved by the people, many person of integrity who Toushi, perfidy caused by the top Mongolia also mixed in. ─── 这时英雄后羿登上昆仑山顶,一气射下了九个太阳,受到百姓的尊敬和爱戴,不少志士前来投师,奸诈刁钻的蓬蒙也混了进来。

28、He was quite certain now that she knew he was married and was angered at his perfidy. ─── 他现在已可以断定,她已经得知他是有妇之夫,对于他的欺瞒行为非常生气。

29、Would the man's perfidy never reach a limit? ─── 这个人的背信弃义难道永远没有止境吗?

30、Since votes were bought, no one paid much attention to economic policy: today's situation makes clear the perfidy of this oversight. ─── 既然选票是买来的,没人会太在乎经济政策:很明显,正是这种忽略造成了如今的局面。

31、Study of Perfidy Crime in Chinese and Foreign Criminal Laws ─── 中外刑法上的背信犯罪研究

32、Perfidy and fraud are the vices of civilized nations, credulity and violence those of the inhabitants of the desert. ─── 背信和欺诈是文明国家的丑行,荒蛮之地的居民则是轻信和暴力。

33、“France, by the perfidy of her leaders, has utterly disgraced the tone of lenient council in the cabinets of princes, and disarmed it of its most potent topics. ─── 法国,因其领导人的背信弃义,彻底让其仁慈的君主内阁议会制丧失了信誉,名声扫地。

34、The hard-boiled military observers declared the reason lay in the refusal of Chinese armies to obey American advice, in the stupidity of Chiang Kai-shek, in the perfidy of local leaders and so on. ─── 顽固的军事观察家宣称,这是由于中国军队不听美国指导、蒋介石的愚蠢、地方领导人的背信弃义,等等。

35、Nine months ago commentators at China's official Xinhua news agency were rueing Rio Tinto's "perfidy" in "kicking down the ladder" . ─── 九个月前,中国官方新闻机构新华社的评论员悲叹说,力拓的“过河拆桥”行为是“背信弃义”。

36、Of, relating to, or marked by perfidy; treacherous. ─── 背信弃义的属于、关于或被认为背信弃义的;背信弃义的

37、361 As devotion unites lovers so perfidy estranges friends. ─── 忠诚是爱情的桥梁,欺诈是友谊的敌人.

38、All his usual formalities of perfidy were observed with scrupulous technique. ─── 他所有形式的狡诈与不忠都被极其审慎地记录下来。

39、She paused at the sound of the last two words and wrung her hands. The knowledge of Hurstwood's perfidy wounded her like a knife. ─── 她说到“有妇之夫”就说不下去了,痛苦地扭曲着双手。赫斯渥欺骗她的消息像一把刀捅到了她的心里。

40、Perfidy will rapidly ruin your friendship, and make you in pain. ─── 背信弃义会迅速而痛苦地断送友谊.

41、In Act 2 he learns of Giovanni's perfidy and swears revenge. ─── 在第2幕,他得知吉奥瓦尼背叛,于是发誓报复。

42、As devotion unites lovers, so perfidy estranges friends. ─── 投入使得爱人更亲密,背信能疏远朋友。

43、such perfidy and pride, envy and ambition, homicide and murder, cruelty and savagery, lawlessness and lust ─── 这般背叛与骄傲、忌妒与野心、屠戮与谋杀、残忍与野蛮、违法与贪婪

44、a breach of faith; perfidy ─── 背信弃义的行为

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