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09-14 投稿



sumach 发音


英:  美:

sumach 中文意思翻译



sumach 反义词


sumach 短语词组

1、sumach meaning ─── 总和意义

2、sumach wa ─── 西澳州苏马奇

3、Stag Horn Sumach ─── 斯塔格·霍恩·苏马奇

4、sumach press ─── 苏马赫出版社

5、sumach ga ga ─── 之和

6、sumach chicken ─── 苏门答腊鸡

7、sumach lake ─── 他的苏门答腊

8、sumach tree ─── 苏木

9、sumach extract ─── 漆叶栲胶

10、poion-sumach ─── [医] ─── [美洲]毒盐肤木

sumach 同义词

quantity | sum total | nitty-gritty | sum up | center | nub | tot | whole | join | lot | summarize | entirety | computation | tally | gist | sum of money | number | add up | kernel | tot up | summarise | summation | add together | add | aggregate | essence |amount | summate | pith | substance | amount of money | addition | figure | core | all | payment | meat | totality | total | heart and soul | heart | inwardness | calculation | centre | marrow

sumach 词性/词形变化,sumach变形

动词现在分词: summing |动词过去分词: summed |动词过去式: summed |动词第三人称单数: sums |

sumach 相似词语短语

1、sumacs ─── n.漆树;漆树木料

2、luach ─── n.犹太历

3、stomach ─── n.胃;腹部;胃口;vt.忍受;吃下;vi.忍受

4、sumac ─── n.漆树;漆树木料

5、sumph ─── 闷气鬼

6、naumachy ─── 令人作呕的

7、sumachs ─── 苏马奇

8、queach ─── 奎奇

9、stomachs ─── 胃(stomach的复数形式)

sumach 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sumach seed oil ─── 漆籽油

2、Huck searched all the place about, and found nothing. Tom proudly marched into a thick clump of sumach bushes and said. ─── 37哈克到处找了找,没找到什么。汤姆很神气地迈着大步走到一大堆绿树丛旁说。

3、Japanese sumach ─── 漆树

4、Three minutes later the old man and his sons, well armed, were up the hill, and just entering the sumach path on tiptoe, their weapons in their hands. ─── 三分钟后,老人和他的儿子带好武器上了山。 他们手里拿着武器,踮着脚进入了绿树成荫的那条小路。

5、The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association points out that using ashing sumach ash in cement is not a new idea. ─── 国际预拌混凝土协会指出,在水泥中使用灰烬并不是新的方法。

6、"The Spanish oaks were hung with patches of wine red, the sumach was brilliant in the darkening underbrush." ─── 西班牙栎树显出斑驳的葡萄酒红色,漆树在逐渐暗淡下去的矮树丛中闪闪发亮。

7、tanner rs sumach ─── 鞣革漆树

8、They passed on, up the summit. They plunged into the narrow path between the tall sumach bushes, and were at once hidden in the gloom. ─── 可那两个人却经过老石坑,爬上了山顶他们一头钻进了茂密的漆树之间的一条小路,一下子就消失在黑暗中。

9、The sumach is stripped of everything but its cone of red berries. ─── 漆树全被剥光了,只剩下白色的浆果。

10、Tom proudly marched into a thick clump of sumach bushes and said: "Here you are!Look at it, Huck; ─── 汤姆很神气地迈着大步走到一大堆绿树丛旁说:“找到了!

11、sumach extract ─── 漆叶栲胶

12、Tom proudly marched into a thick clump of sumach bushes and said, "Here you are!" ─── 汤姆得意地大步走进一丛茂密的绿树中说:“给你!”

13、Plants used in dyeing - Woad, Weld, Madder, Sumach. ─── 染色植物-沃德,焊接,茜草,萨马奇。

14、poison sumach ─── 毒肤杨

15、Stag Horn Sumach ─── 鹿角漆树(漆树科)

16、They presently emerged into the clump of sumach bushes, looked warily out, found the coast clear, and were soon lunching and smoking in the skiff. ─── 不久他俩出来后钻进了绿树林,警惕地观察四周,发现岸边没人,就开始上船吃起饭,抽起烟来。

17、They plunged into the narrow path between the tall sumach bushes, and were at once hidden in the gloom. ─── 他们钻进了高大的漆树丛中那条狭窄的小路,立刻就消失在黑暗中。

18、But they never stopped at the quarry. They passed on, up the summit. They plunged into the narrow path between the tall sumach bushes, and were at once hidden in the gloom. ─── 可那两个人却经过老石坑,爬上了山顶他们一头钻进了茂密的漆树之间的一条小路,一下子就消失在黑暗中。

19、The Spanish oaks were hung with patches of wine red, the sumach was brilliant in the darkening underbrush . ─── 西班牙栎树显出斑驳的葡萄酒红色,漆树在逐渐暗淡下去的矮树丛中闪闪发亮。

20、The Spanish oaks were hung with patches of wine red, the sumach was brilliant in the darkening underbrush. ─── 西班牙栎树显出斑驳的葡萄酒红色,漆树在逐渐暗淡下去的矮树丛中闪闪发亮。

21、Dwarf Sumach ─── 亮叶漆树(槭树科)

22、Tom proudly marched into a thick clump of sumach bushes and said: ─── 汤姆很神气地迈着大步走到一大堆绿树丛旁说:

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