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09-14 投稿



indecipherable 发音

英:[,ɪndɪ'saɪf(ə)rəb(ə)l]  美:['ɪndɪ'saɪfrəbl]

英:  美:

indecipherable 中文意思翻译



indecipherable 网络释义

adj. 无法解释的;破译不出的;难辨认的

indecipherable 词性/词形变化,indecipherable变形

名词: indecipherability |副词: indecipherably |

indecipherable 短语词组

1、indecipherable off ─── 无法辨认的关闭

indecipherable 相似词语短语

1、decipherable ─── adj.可判读的;可解释的

2、indecipherability ─── n.无法辨读;无法破解

3、indecipherableness ─── 未知

4、deliverable ─── adj.可以传送的;可交付使用的

5、indecipherably ─── 莫名其妙

6、interoperable ─── adj.(计算机系统或软件、不同机器)可共同操作的,可互换利用信息的,可配合动作的

7、indisciplinable ─── adj.无法控制的;难驾驭的

8、undecipherable ─── adj.难辨认的;破译不出的

9、undeliverable ─── adj.无法投递的;无法送达的

indecipherable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That had faded, too, was practically indecipherable . ─── 这行字迹也已漫漶不清,实际上难以辩认了。

2、If a picture is worth a thousand words, a digital camera is worth10,000 pages of jargon, double-talk and indecipherable optical gobbledygook, as you'll quickly discover when you start shopping for one. ─── 如果一张照片抵得上一千字,那么当你开始选购一架数码相机时,你很快会发现:一架数码相机简直就相当于一万页行话连篇、涩难懂的光学官样文章。

3、That is so indecipherable that Bryant was thrilled while competing in the Olympics that Mbenga chose to offer motivational support to him via text message instead of phone. ─── 之所以如此,是漶,科比非常激动,而在奥运会上竞争的-姆鹏加选择提供激励支持他通过短信而不是手机。

4、Pareto of the " in traditional and microcosmic economics is best the tie condition of " is diseased, the life economy in indecipherable reality. ─── 传统微观经济学中"帕累托最优"的约束条件不健全,无法解释现实中的生活经济。

5、His signature is indecipherable. ─── 他的签字无法辨认。

6、The coded message was indecipherable. ─── 这份用密码写的消息译不出来。

7、This transcribed description is not quite right, due to our indecipherable BlizzCon notes. ─── 由于我们手头资料无法辨认,所以愤怒耗费无法准确知道。

8、Whitespace can be used to make your programs more readable and easier to maintain, or it can be used to create horrific and indecipherable code. ─── 空白符可用来使你的程序更易读、更容易维护或者可能使你的程序更难于辨认。

9、Majid's writing was virtually indecipherable. ─── 玛吉的笔迹几乎无法辨认。

10、If everyone in your class ?including the teacher ?knows the spelling and meaning of a word but is mispronouncing something as simple as a vowel sound it could make you all indecipherable. ─── 如果在你课堂的每一个人-包括你的老师-知道拼音及字汇的意思但是错误的发音就像是母音那会让你完全难以理解。

11、Their evolved brains are indeed highly intelligent, but with a life cycle so abstract and alien, their musings are often indecipherable. ─── 沃尔卡巴什人的大脑其实相当发达,但他们一生却过得极其抽象和迥异,他们的思维往往很深奥。

12、He uttered little indecipherable sounds. ─── 他声音很小,听不清楚。

13、Those who do father and mother, ought to discover the child in timeMorpheusThe unusual situation that appears in, when oneself are indecipherable, go consulting a doctor. ─── 做父母的,应当及时地发现孩子睡眠中出现的异常情况,自己无法解释时,就去请教医生。

14、Unfortunately, much like the handwriting of physicians, his code is practically indecipherable. ─── 不幸的是,实际上他的编程犹如内科医生的笔迹一般,让人难以辨识。

15、Whether the place is real or imaginary is both indecipherable and irrelevant.It is a place where Ballen’s subconscious and the viewer’s inhibitions can occupy its own universe. ─── 这种光芒,像极了罗杰拜伦不经意间的闪光灯,将一切暴露无遗,我们在错愕而惊讶中,就像听到了那几声由弱渐强的春雷。

16、Abstract: Archaeologist discovered a lot of up to now indecipherable ancient time is civilized.Like archaeologist of the Russia before 1968 Dr. ─── 正文:趼古学家发觉了非常多讫今都没法阐述的古时侯文明。

17、For years, heavy users of Internet games and chat groups have conversed in their own written language, often indecipherable to outsiders. ─── 多年来,网络游戏迷和聊客们相互间用自己独有的语言进行交流,他们的辞汇一般令外人感到费解。

18、Dongbi severely damaged, some images have been indecipherable diffuse unclear, in part through generations have been drawn up, are are ready to use form of the comic story of the Buddha Chuan. ─── 东壁残损严重,部分画面已经漫漶不清,部分经过后人补绘过,是用连环画形式绘成的佛传故事。

19、Burroughs, it’s positively cutesy.) It has many admirers, perhaps because they are unable even to understand its title, let alone the fashionably indecipherable argot of the dialogue. ─── 有许多人喜欢它,也许正因为他们连它的名字也搞不懂,更不用说那些满是时 髦难懂的切口的对话了。

20、Farmer: Hey, a few things, you forever indecipherable. ─── 农民:哎,一些事情,你永远无法解释。

21、For years, heavy users of Internet games and chat groups have conversed in their own written language, often indecipherable to outsiders. ─── 多年来,网络游戏迷和聊客们相互间用自己独有的语言进行交流,他们的辞汇一般令外人感到费解。

22、The chanting stilled as the leader, face shadowed by a heavily gilded hood, stepped forward and began to intone a ritual in some indecipherable tongue. ─── 这时,祷告停了下来。一位似乎是头领的人站了出来,他戴着镶金的斗篷,遮住了自己的面孔。这人向前走了两步,开始用一种我没有听过的语言高声吟唱起来。

23、indecipherable handwriting; an indecipherable message. ─── 难辨认的字迹;难以破译的电文

24、Traditional economy theory is indecipherable to this. ─── 传统经济理论对此无法解释。

25、He opened the suitcase crammed with indecipherable objects and from among then he took out a little case with many flasks. ─── 他打开那只塞满了不知什么东西的箱子,从中掏出一个放着许多小瓶子的小盒子。

26、Notion of popular civilian battalion economy is equal at privately owned economy, have its reasonable one side admittedly, but why cannot indecipherable SOHO call civilian battalion company. ─── 流行的民营经济概念等同于私营经济,固然有其合理的一面,但无法解释个体户为何不能称为民营企业。

27、As a rule, computer languages are indecipherable to the average person. ─── 通常电脑语言是一般人无法解读的。

28、but the professor said my essay was "puzzling and pretty much indecipherable." ─── 我是啊!我拼命在背历史考试的东西。)

29、Alice and Edward came in the back doors. Alice hurried to my side, but Edward hung back, his face indecipherable. ─── 艾丽丝和爱德华从后门走进来。艾丽丝快速走到我身边,但爱德华踌躇不前,他的表情复杂难懂。

30、It sounds like it has many middle eastern and middle ages influences.But there is no wailing female vocals, no chants, no indecipherable tongues. ─── 音乐听上去受到很多来自中东和中世纪的影响,但是没有哭泣的女声,没有圣歌,没有晦涩的弯弯绕绕。

31、Investigating how representations of "the other" are not fixed or anchored in any single meaning, but invented and re-contextualized across a diverse signifying field that is indecipherable. ─── 本展深究“对方”的概念,不受任何意念的拘束,透过语意游戏,参展艺术家探讨边界、中间、以及空间的概念。

32、In recent years, the works of Au Hoi-lam have become a sort of pictorial journal that record her thoughts and personal life experiences.Yet her paintings are often like indecipherable codes. ─── 过去几年,区凯琳的作品正如图画手记,一向喜爱记录个人生活经验所交织的思绪,画面呈现的意象仿似不能拆解的私人密码。

33、Two types of images substantiate this theory: the strange, indecipherable geometric shapes that appear near some animals, and the few drawings of men. ─── 两种类型的图形证实了这种看法:在某些动物图形和极少数的人类图像附近存在着一些奇怪而难以辨认的几何图形。

34、Alice and Edward came in the back doors. Alice hurried to my side, but Edward hung back, his face indecipherable. ─── 艾丽丝和爱德华从后门走进来。艾丽丝快速走到我身边,但爱德华踌躇不前,他的表情复杂难懂。

35、an indecipherable code, signature, scribble, etc ─── 不可破译的密码﹑ 难以辨识的签字﹑ 潦草莫辨的字迹.

36、Systems will be isolated;data indecipherable;health-care quality unimproved. ─── 系统成“孤岛”,数据不能识别,医疗质量无从改进。

37、Tom was sleeping most of the day, and when he did wake up he was agitated--fidgeting and yelling in indecipherable spurts. ─── 那时,汤姆整天大部分的时间都在睡觉,醒来时又烦躁不安--坐立不安及不断无缘无故地叫喊着。

38、Otherwise we are indecipherable why the favor that she can get so much destiny. ─── 否则我们无法解释为什么她会得到那么多命运的眷顾。

39、The dude with the little head takes you into a pokey room with a bunch of weird looking gadgets and a plethora of indecipherable charts and tables on the wall. ─── 那个脑袋很小的健身教练把你带进一间小房子,里面有很多看上去很奇怪的小玩意儿,很多不知道是什么的图和长在墙上的桌子。

40、The pictures show four likely planets that appear as specks of white, nearly indecipherable except to the most eagle-eyed experts. ─── 四颗行星在照片上看起来像四个白色的污点,不是眼力最好的专家几乎辨认不出来。

41、Tom was sleeping most of the day, and when he did wake up he was agitated--fidgeting and yelling in indecipherable spurts ─── 那时,汤姆整天大部分的时间都在睡觉,醒来时又烦躁不安--坐立不安及不断无缘无故地叫喊着。

42、17 century, people still does not know report and magnetism have what concern, be opposite so some phenomena are indecipherable, can reason end at deities. ─── 17世纪 ,人们还不知道电和磁有什么关系 ,所以对有些现象无法解释 ,只能将原因归结于神灵。

43、indecipherable signature ─── 难以辨认的签名

44、Keyloggers can only record the encrypted keys, which are completely indecipherable. ─── 键盘记录器只能够记录下完全不可理解的加密键。

45、His solid form towered over the pair of them, and the expression on his face was still indecipherable ─── 他的魁梧的身材在他们两人面前居高临下,他脸上的表情仍旧使人捉摸不透。

46、He opened the suitcase crammed with indecipherable objects and from among then he took out a little case with many flasks. ─── 他打开那只塞满了不知什么东西的箱子,从中掏出一个放着许多小瓶子的小盒子。

47、Farmer replies: Hey, a few things, you forever indecipherable. ─── 农民回答:哎,一些事情,你永远无法解释。

48、indecipherable handwriting;an indecipherable message. ─── 难辨认的字迹;难以破译的电文

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