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09-14 投稿



ib 发音

英:[ˌaɪ ˈbiː]  美:[ˌaɪ ˈbiː]

英:  美:

ib 中文意思翻译




ib 词性/词形变化,ib变形

名词复数形式:ibs 第三人称单数:ibs

ib 短语词组

1、Indigosol Green IB ─── [化] 溶蒽素绿IB

2、ib math sl ib ─── 数学sl

3、ib self taught ib ─── 自学

4、christy ib ─── 克里斯蒂伊布

5、n ib n. ─── 钢笔尖;嘴;鹅管笔的尖端vt.装尖头;削尖;插入

6、h ib abbr. ─── 重离子束(HeavyIonBeam);流感嗜血杆菌疫苗(Haemophilusinfluenzaetypeb)

7、Anthrasol Green IB ─── [化] 溶蒽素绿IB

8、ib. adv. ─── 出处同上 [医] 磅, 天平

9、b ib vt. ─── 不断地饮,大量喝酒n.(Bib)人名;(阿尔巴、法)比布n.围嘴,围涎;围裙的上部vi.饮酒, ─── 不断地饮酒

ib 相似词语短语

1、ib. ─── abbr.国际学士(InternaitonalBaccalaureate);关栈中交货(InBond);包涵体(InclusionBody)

2、jib ─── n.船首三角帆;(起重机的)悬臂;v.踌躇不前,停止不动;不愿做,不愿接受;转帆

3、dib ─── v.(把钓饵轻轻放在水中沉浮弹跳着)垂钓(等于dap);n.(Dib)(美、法、巴)迪卜(人名)

4、Hib ─── abbr.重离子束(HeavyIonBeam);流感嗜血杆菌疫苗(Haemophilusinfluenzaetypeb)

5、bi ─── symb.元素铋(bismuth)的符号

6、fib ─── n.无伤大雅的谎言,小谎;一击;vi.撒小谎

7、lib ─── n.(用于组织名)解放,解放运动组织(liberation的非正式简写);abbr.图书馆(library);图书馆员(librarian);自由主义者(liberal)

8、gib ─── n.拉销;凹形楔;雄猫;vt.用扁栓固定

9、bib ─── n.围嘴,围涎;围裙的上部;vi.饮酒,不断地饮酒;vt.不断地饮,大量喝酒;n.(Bib)人名;(阿尔巴、法)比布

ib 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Are you an IB alumnus? ─── 你是平和IB校友吗?

2、The morphogenesis and develop-ment of MCV tcok place in the IB,not in the cytoplasm area. ─── MCV的发生发育均在银染区内而不在胞质区内。

3、“Is there in this nut a carriage, with a pair of horses?”asked Ib. ─── 不过另外还有一件惊人可怕的事情发生了。

4、The effects of thickness were exceedingly significant on MOR and MOE,and significant on IB. ─── 厚度对刨花板的静曲强度和弹性模量影响极显著,而对内结合强度影响显著。

5、Catalytic reduction of NO with CO by sepiolite loaded with IB group metals ─── CO还原NO海泡石铜族金属催化剂的研究

6、Debiting from Customer's account any commissions or fees owed to IB or other third party. ─── 从客户帐户中扣除客户欠推介商或其他第三方的任何佣金或手续费。

7、If your account has been introduced toBNZby an Introducing Broker (“IB”), the IB is an independent company and is not an agent ofBNZ. ─── 如果您的帐户是由介绍中介人(“IB”)介绍给BNZ的,IB是一个独立的公司,不是BNZ的代理人。

8、In the event of receipt of written notice of termination pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, IB shall be given a reasonable time to present a response to the notice. ─── 在收到根据本协议条款终止协议的书面通知时,应给予代理适当的时间以对通知做出回应。

9、Trinity Grammar Senior School commences in Year 10 And concludes after the boys complete their HSC or IB. ─── 凡国内成绩优异的适龄高中在读男生,可申请前往崔尼提文法学校学习。

10、7 Effect of catalytic particle size and time on stream on the IB conversion ─── 7颗粒度和进料时间对IB转化率的影响

11、Class Ib antiarrhythmic drug ─── Ⅰb级抗心律失常药

12、The change of platelet membrane glycoprotein Ib of blood in cardiac cavity during cardiopulmonary bypass ─── 体外循环期间心腔血血小板膜糖蛋白Ib含量的变化

13、What are AP or IB courses? How do colleges consider these courses in the admission process? ─── 什么是AP和IB课程?这些课程在申请过程中有哪些作用?

14、SNC will always look to support the tightest, most consistent spreads for the IB and their clients so as to promote trade. ─── SNC将全力为代理及其客户提供最小、最稳定的点差支持,以促进交易。

15、Regional offices and representatives work with schools interested in applying for authorization.They provide services to schools implementing the PYP and MYP, and to authorize IB world schools. ─── 地区办公室和地区代表为感兴趣学校进行申请提供帮助,为实施中学项目、小学项目提供服务,并且对成员学校进行授权。

16、The rights granted hereunder to IB are not assignable, and shall not be assigned, to any other party. ─── 以下授予代理的权力是不可转让的,不应转让给任何其它方。

17、Compared with the conventional building, IB has the advantage of more efficient working flow, lower running cost, more efficient in building management and more pov/erful. ─── 它与传统的建筑相比,具有作业流程更为有效,综合运行成本更低,物业管理效率更高以及综合服务功能更强等优点。

18、The IB Diploma Programme and Its Globally Recognized Educational Philosophy ─── 从IB文凭课程的设计看国际教育的教育理念

19、Sizlopedia ib the creation of Saad Hamid, a tech enthusiast from Pakistan who started this blog in 2007. ─── Sizlopedia是建立萨阿德哈米德,一个科技爱好者从开始巴基斯坦谁本博客于2007年。

20、At expiration in order to properly manage the expiration process IB restates the expiration date to reflect the actual Last Trade Date (Aug. 27 in the above example). ─── 关于某些商品和期权,行业标准是将此商品的实际到期或交割日期的下一个月作为该商品的到期月。

21、3)The puppy,(which was)too excited to be calmed ,barked furiously.(ib. ─── )那条小狗激动不已,难以平静,狂叫个不停。

22、No.880 zhongshan Bei Yi road, shanghai QuYang IB Racing Club(QuYang Park) ─── 中山北一路880号上海曲阳赛车俱乐部(曲阳公园内)

23、The progress has been made for the study on subgroup VIII and IB metals. ─── 其中VIII族和IB族金属的研究已取得一定进展。

24、The curriculum design of the IB Diploma Program (IBDP) has been highly praised by the educational experts to be of the daffodil structure. ─── IB文凭的课程设置被教育专家盛赞为具有水仙花型的结构。

25、The IB works closely with universities around the world to gain recognition for IB programmes. ─── IB组织与世界各大学的紧密联系使得项目被广泛地认可。

26、In the event that these minimum targets are not met for a period of 3 months, they will be reclassified into Classic IB. ─── 如果上述最低指标均未能在三个月中完成,IB将会重新划分至标准级介绍经纪。

27、Are you, or any associated person of you as an IB, registered, or ever been registered, with any agency (i.e., NFA, CFTC, SEC, FSA, SFA) or other authority, US or foreign? ─── _Yes 是 _ No否 作为IB的您或您的助理,是否曾经与美国或其他国家的任何行销处或权威部门(NFA, CFTC, SEC, FSA, SFA)注册?


29、Spatial distribution and spectral characteristics of the global Inverted Barometer (IB) response of sea level to variations of atmospheric pressure are studied by using TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) data. ─── 利用TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星测高数据来确定海平面对大气压变化全球响应(反变气压计响应 )的空间分布和频率特征 .

30、Performance with IB was usually better than TCP over 1GB ethernet, but not always; there were even times when IB seemed worse. ─── IB的性能通常会比1GB以太网的TCP好很多,但并非总是如此,有时IB的性能会更糟。

31、The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers high quality programmes of international education to a worldwide community of schools. ─── 国际文凭组织为世界范围内的成员学校提供高质量的国际教育项目。

32、At all times teachers will be selected, if possible, according to relevant IB training and in-school experience in PYP. ─── 如果可能的话,根据相关IB培训和在校经验,我们会一直对教师进行筛选。

33、SNC may electronically record all customer spot Forex orders, and authorizations to remit or transmit customer funds, by IB and any other communications with IB. ─── SNC可采用电子方式对所有客户的即期外汇订单、代理对汇出或传递客户资金的授权以及与代理的任何其它通信进行记录。

34、Posts: 1282 WTF. IB is down??? TWS crashed and no market data. ─── 今天的市场简直让人昏昏欲睡。到目前为止+4800。还有一单没平掉。

35、Regional offices and representatives work with schools interested in applying for authorization. They provide services to schools implementing the PYP and MYP, and to authorize IB world schools. ─── 地区办公室和地区代表为感兴趣学校进行申请提供帮助,为实施中学项目、小学项目提供服务,并且对成员学校进行授权。

36、Complying with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to any arrangement or understanding that IB and Customer may have. ─── 遵守所有适用于经纪商和客户之间任何安排和默契的法律、法规及规则。

37、The director general appoints the IB's professional staff of approximately 300 people who manage the organization and provide services and support to IB World Schools. ─── IB的总部主任遴选大约300名资深人员来管理运作IB组织以及为IB世界学校提供服务和帮助。

38、NSFZ was authorized by the IBO to be an IB world school on July 18th, 2007. ─── 南师附中于2007年7月18日正式获国际文凭组织授权,成为国际文凭学校。

39、In this study, we successfully isolated and characterized an infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain (named SC isolate) from a chicken flock with typical clinical symptom of infectious bronchitis (IB) in Sichuan Province in China. ─── 从我国四川省一疑似鸡传染性支气管炎(Avian infectious bronchitis virus, IB)的雏鸡病料中成功分离并鉴定了一株鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(Infectious Bronchitis Virus,IBV),暂命名为SC。

40、Changes of Platelet Glycoprotein Ib during Cardiopulmonary Bypass ─── 体外循环期间血小板膜糖蛋白Ib的变化

41、Other duties include supervising Biology extended essays, completing the Biology internal assessment, G4 Project, and supervising mock exams to prepare students for the IB Final Exam. ─── 其它的主要职责包括审查生物学论文,完成测评报告,G4工程,并督促学生完成并通过IB课程的最终考试。

42、Location: Scattered on the ecological pond area and residential area behind the IB. ─── 分布:生态池旁;植物所后宿舍区(即兴建中的基因蛋白质体中心)的草皮零星可见。

43、The IB is governed by an elected council that is representative of the main regions and stakeholder groups who make up the organization. ─── IB由一个被选出的理事会管辖,下辖世界各地四个地区办公室。

44、The Pre IB course in Biology is a preparation course for those considering Biology as one of their courses when they enter into IB1. ─── IB生物课程的预备课程是一种为准备进入IB1生物课程的学习得学生而专门设置的较为简单的课程。

45、Networks of 1GB ethernet and DDR IB connect these nodes. ─── 1GB 以太网和 DDR IB 网络连接这些节点。

46、By talking to them, I found my background, it is not hard for me to land a job in IB. ─── 周六早上跑到,体育馆宽敞明亮,听着熟悉的音乐,在落地窗边,剧烈的跳这健身操。

47、The Virology Study on IB and Immunology Study on ARDS of Jiawei Shengjiangsan ─── 加味升降散对IB病毒学及ARDS免疫学影响的实验研究

48、All commissions due IB as of the cessation of business shall be paid immediately upon clearance and settlement of all pending customer transactions. ─── 业务终止前代理应得的所有佣金应在所有未结客户交易被结算和解决后立即支付。

49、IB: Brian McClair once asked me if I'd give his hair a quick trim but I couldn't get the trimmer to work properly, so Brian tried himself. ─── IB:布莱恩。麦克莱尔有一次问我能不能给他赶快剪个头,但我可不太会。所以布莱恩自己做了。

50、Location: Backyard of IB; cultivated beside the Ecological Pond. ─── 分布:种植于生态池畔。

51、AFA is a spe-cific serological marker. The detection of AFA using IIF and IB technique has a similar diagnostic value,the specificity is high and sensitivity is low. ─── AFA是RA的特异性血清学标记,IIF法和IB法检测AFA有相似的诊断价值,特异性高而敏感性低;

52、Huaidan never die, he just fade away,until next pay check come and being deposited into IB. ─── 刚才终于玩弄了一把传说中的麦子,果真刺激。就跟振动棒一样,以后搞不好对二奶没兴趣了。

53、Q: 1. What is an IB world school? And how is it different from the generic international schools? ─── 什么是“IB国际学校”,它与一般国际学校有什么不同?

54、Over several decades Professor Oveges's charm, dialect and sense of humor made him a favorite IB personality for millions of Hungarians. ─── 几十年来,奥弗格斯教授的魅力、口音和幽默感使他成为成千上万匈牙利人喜爱的电视名人。

55、Bulk polymerization of isobutene(IB) initiated by TiCl 4/t butyl tricholoroacetate (tBTCA) was investigated. ─── Ti Cl4 / 三氯乙酸叔丁酯(t B T C A) 引发体系可以用于异丁烯的本体聚合。

56、Voiced obstruent tone II merged into IB: Lishui. ─── 全浊上归阳平:丽水。

57、A separate addendum is required by the IB indicating fees and signed by the customer. ─── 介绍经纪人需要说明费用的独立附录,并经客户签署。

58、SNC will follow instructions of IB regarding the spot forex trading accounts of IB's customers upon receipt of a duly completed and executed customer application and agreement. ─── SNC在收到一份适时完成的客户申请和协议时,将遵从代理关于其客户的即期外汇交易帐户的指导对客户的帐户执行管理。

59、We develop and offer three programmes of international education for students aged 3 to 19, working in close cooperation with IB World Schools. ─── IB组织和世界各地的IB学校紧密合作,为3至19岁的学生开发并提供3个国际教育项目。

60、We have rich experience in financial investment as well as in IB.We have corporations with many foreign exchange companies to develop the IB business, which achievd very well. ─── 公司人员有着丰富的投资理财经验和经纪商经验,本公司曾经与多家外汇公司合作开展市场合作业务,并取得良好业绩。

61、Ib dol bos, uat ib yal laos. ─── 一个老太太,做一锅汤圆。

62、This paper dealt with the relationship between hot pressing parameters and mechanical properties (MOR MOE and IB )of bamboo particle board by the orthogonal design method. ─── 利用正交试验法研究了竹材刨花板热压曲线中各因素与板材的静曲强度、弹性模量及平面抗拉强度间的关系。

63、Tissue specificity of Chinese uroplakin Ib and cloning and identification of its promoter ─── 中国人尿路斑块蛋白Ib组织特异性及其启动子的克隆与鉴定

64、EF International Academy in Brisbane is a candidate school for the Diploma Programme, pursuing authorization as IB World School. ─── 因大多数的大学均因优异的学术成就而获得世界各国的认可。

65、If you have not activated your card by that time, you will no longer be able to trade or access any password controlled services from IB. ─── 几分钟的语音等待可能让你失去交易机会。有人反映IB的中文网页最近几天打不开,其他英文网页等则正常显示。

66、One IB cable is connected to the IB switch. ─── 一条IB电缆连接到IB交换机。

67、The IB does not own or manage any schools. Instead, we work with schools around the world (both state and privately funded) that share our commitment to international education. ─── IB组织并不拥有或管理任何学校,而是同世界各地参与IB国际教育的学校(包括公立的和私立的)进行合作。

68、What does the IB offer? ─── IB组织提供什么?

69、Therefore analysing ib ultrasonic cardiogram of obsolete myocardial in-farction would get high orecusuib abd great speed to have a certain value in forming the diagnasisand the limit of infarction and the prediction for the patients. ─── 因此,使用超声心动图微机分析陈旧性心肌梗塞,精度高、速度快,对于确立诊断,判断梗塞范围以及估计患者预后等方面有一定的诊断价值。

70、The effect of 7 + 8 on sedimentation value was more important than that of 7 + 9 and 22 in IB locus with same subunit in 1A locus and ID locus. ─── 在1A和1D位点上亚基相同时,含有7+8的亚基组合,其沉降值高于含有7+9和22的亚基组合.

71、The rights granted hereunder to IB are not assignable , and shall not be assigned, to any other party. ─── 以下授予代理的权力是不可转让的,不应转让给任何其它方。

72、The O2, otherwise known as the 2nd assistant adjutant to the Ib. The O2 was basically in charge of the back-line services, and aided the Ib in his duties. ─── O2后勤参谋,正式职称为第二助理副官,基本上负责后方部队的任务遂行以及协助补给后勤官。

73、This academic year he became a Pre IB homeroom teacher, with one of his most important duties being to keep parents informed as to the progress of their son/daughter. ─── 今年他成为了IB预科班的班主任,他最重要任务是及时地和家长联系并且对学生的学习给予及时的鼓励。

74、IB has advised me that spot bullion, foreign currency trading is highly speculative and carries serious financial risk. ─── 己向本人作出劝告,贵金属、外币交易是高度投机和可能带来严重财政风险。

75、Two IB cables are connected to the IB switch. ─── 两条 IB 电缆连接到 IB 交换机。

76、List all website addresses associated with your IB Business. ─── 列出您在经营IB生意中所使用的所有网址。

77、System Engineering Research and Development of EIBIB ─── EIB智能建筑及调光系统的研究

78、Kab: Koj nyiam, hmo no kuv pab koj ua ib zaj. ─── 刚刚:你要喜欢,今晚我在替你做一个。

79、As part of his duties he is teaching the Biology curriculum to satisfy the IB Syllabus guidelines to both standard and higher level students in IB1 and IB2. ─── 他的主要的教学任务就是依照IB的教学大纲来同时向IB1和IB2的学生传授生物课程知识。

80、However, some IB schools especially in the non-English speaking region will provide a pre-IB course for the students to help them improve their language. ─── 但在一些非英语为母语地区IB学校会在正式课程之前开设一年预备课程以帮助学生打好语言基础。

81、However, actual experience using IB through InfoSphere Streams did not provide such results. ─── 但是,实际上通过InfoSphereStreams使用IB并不能提供这样的结果。

82、OK.I understand .You could take bus No.5 get there. The bus stop ib just across the street ,see? ─── 好的,我明白了。您可以搭乘5路公共汽车去那里,车站就在马路对面,您看到了吗?

83、And i am about to go to my 2nd year now, trying to pursue a career in IB. ─── 作为一个单独的个人,我觉得选择就业还是深造应该从自身考虑,而不应过多地考虑大环境。

84、Information Bottleneck (IB) Theory ─── 信息瓶颈理论

85、The artificial infection of Infectious Bronchitis (IB) in SPF chicken was studied using Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) M-41 as experimental material. ─── 以鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)M-41株为材料,人工诱发SPF鸡的IB(传染性支气管炎)。

86、Final syllable tone change primarily appears on tone I when it is the final syllable, and secondarily appears on tone III as final syllable.It also occurs on IVB when after IA, IB and IIIA. ─── 后字变调最主要地出现在平声作后字时,其次出现在去声作后字时,阳入位于阴平、阳平、阴去后面时也发生变调。

87、IB agrees that, aside from the authorized commission referred to in this Agreement, there will be no other fees or charges assessed by IB to its customers on transactions with SNC. ─── 代理同意,除了本协议中提到的授权佣金外,代理对其客户与SNC的交易不收取其它收费。

88、Producing isooctane by MTBE decomposition, dimerization of isobutene(IB) and hydrogenation of diisobutene became the main way for the exiting MTBE units abroad to produce other products. ─── MTBE经裂解、二聚和加氢生产异辛烷成为国外现有MTBE装置转产的主要途径。

89、Prediction of properties of microalloy steel based ib artificial neural network model ─── 基于人工神经网络的微合金钢力学性能预报


外汇交易行业里所谓的IB,英文叫IntroducingBroker,中文翻译就是介绍经纪人。就是相当于外汇交易商的经纪人,帮忙介绍客户来交易商开户,然后从交易商那里得到一定的返佣作为销售的佣金。 外汇交易行业里所谓的IB,英文叫Introducing Broker,中文翻译就是介绍经纪人。就是相当于外汇交易商的经纪人,帮忙介绍客户来交易商开户,然后从交易商那里得到一定的返佣作为销售的佣金。


IB(introducingbroker介绍经纪商)指的是证券公司将投资者介绍给期货公司,并为投资者开展期货交易提供一定的服务,期货公司因此向证券公司支付佣金的制度。  介绍经纪商(IB)既可以是机构也可以是个人,但一般都以机构的形式存在。它可以开发客户或接受期货期权指令,但不能接受客户的资金,且必须通过FCM(期货佣金商,类似于期货经纪公司)进行结算。IB又分为独立执业的IB(IIB)和由FCM担保的IB(GIB)。IIB必须维持最低的资本要求,并保存账簿和交易记录。GIB则与FCM签订担保协议,借以免除对IB的资本和记录的法定要求。而期货经纪公司在异地的分支机构、营业网点则与GIB颇为相似。在FCM的业务结构中,许多IB的客户量和交易量都远比FCM直接开发的要大,IB的引入极大地促进了美国期货业的发展。

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