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09-15 投稿



heirdom 发音

英:[ˈerdəm]  美:[ˈeədəm]

英:  美:

heirdom 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 继承权


heirdom 相似词语短语

1、heirloom ─── n.传家宝;祖传遗物

2、hairdo ─── n.发型;发式

3、heirlooms ─── n.传家宝;祖传遗物

4、weirdo ─── n.古怪的人,奇怪的人

5、sheikhdom ─── n.酋长国;酋长统辖之领土

6、weirdos ─── 古怪的人;奇怪的人(weirdo的复数)

7、hairdos ─── n.发型(hairdo的复数形式)

8、sheikdoms ─── n.酋长管辖的领土;酋长国

9、sheikdom ─── n.酋长管辖的领土;酋长国

heirdom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、be one of the crucial causes of virtue polluting and even destroying if the heirdom to property is destroyed. ─── 财产继承权如果被破坏,是美德被亵渎甚至被破坏的重要原因之一。

2、To abandon the heirdom, the inheritor should do it within a certain period, only which can have judicial effect. ─── 我国继承法重视限定继承制度,但同时对接受继承、放弃继承规定甚少。

3、It would be one of the crucial causes of virtue polluting and even destroying if the heirdom to property is destroyed. ─── 财产继承权如果被破坏,是美德被亵渎甚至被破坏的重要原因之一。

4、To abandon the heirdom, the inheritor should do it within a certain period, only which can have judicial effect. ─── 放弃继承权,必须由适当的主体在必要的期限内以适当的方式行使,才能产生限定继承的法律效力。

5、The Limitation of Succession System in "Trueborn Eldest Son" from Zhao Dun's "Reback Heirdom to Trueborn Eldest Son" ─── 从赵盾"还嫡"之举看"嫡长子"继承制的局限性

6、It is one of the essential ways of virtue cultivating to start with institutions including heirdom to property. ─── 从财产继承权等制度入手,是美德培育乃至道德建设的基本途径之一。

7、As a right based on the nature and trueness of ethical relations, heirdom to property has great effects on virtue cultivating. ─── 摘要财产继承权作为在伦理之最自然最本真的基础上形成的权利,对美德的培育有重要作用;

8、How to decide the heirdom of the legacy of the house? ─── 如何定夺房屋遗产的继承权?

9、Remarks on Women's Heirdom in the 20th Century--On the Dialectical Interaction Between Legal Awareness and Law ─── 20世纪我国女子继承权发展述评--兼论法律意识与法律之辩证关系

10、This articlecompares the jurisprudence and the regulations in the law of inheritance,and provides with the author s project on reconstructing the system of abandonment of heirdom. ─── 而放弃继承的诸多问题,对于继承权的选择乃至整个继承法制度,都有重要意义。

11、Right to inheritance; heirdom. ─── 继承权;继承物

12、6.Abandonment of heirdom is to abandon the acquired right,which has the characters of both status act and property act. ─── 放弃继承权是对继承既得权予以放弃的意思表示,兼具身份行为和财产行为的性质。

13、It is one of the essential ways of virtue cultivating to start with institutions including heirdom to property. ─── 从财产继承权等制度入手,是美德培育乃至道德建设的基本途径之一。

14、How to decide the heirdom of the legacy of the house? ─── 如何定夺房屋遗产的继承权?

15、In the end,I will sum up the standpoint of WuCheng about the heirdom Confucianism. ─── 第四章,笔者希望通过材料分析,总结出吴澄的道统观点,并对吴澄合会朱陆的问题进行初步的研究。

16、On the Notarization of the Citizen Deposits Heirdom ─── 浅议公民存款继承的公证取得

17、certain heirdom ─── 必留份

18、On the Notarization of the Citizen Deposits Heirdom ─── 浅议公民存款继承的公证取得

19、Remarks on Women's Heirdom in the 20th Century--On the Dialectical Interaction Between Legal Awareness and Law ─── 20世纪我国女子继承权发展述评--兼论法律意识与法律之辩证关系

20、As a right based on the nature and trueness of ethical relations, heirdom to property has great effects on virtue cultivating. ─── 财产继承权作为在伦理之最自然最本真的基础上形成的权利,对美德的培育有重要作用;

21、1.To reasonably abolish the right of heirdom worldwide. ─── 1. 在世界范围内合理地废除继承权。

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